"lang" { "Language" "tchinese" "Tokens" { "SFUI_On" "開啟" "[english]SFUI_On" "On" "SFUI_Off" "關閉" "[english]SFUI_Off" "Off" "SFUI_FriendlyFireColon" "友方傷害:" "[english]SFUI_FriendlyFireColon" "Friendly Fire:" "SFUI_ScenarioColon" "場景:" "[english]SFUI_ScenarioColon" "Scenario:" "SFUI_CashColon" "起始金額:" "[english]SFUI_CashColon" "Starting Cash:" "SFUI_GameTimeColon" "遊戲時間:" "[english]SFUI_GameTimeColon" "Game Time:" "SFUI_TimePerRoundColon" "回合時間:" "[english]SFUI_TimePerRoundColon" "Time Per Round:" "SFUI_BuyTimeColon" "購買時間:" "[english]SFUI_BuyTimeColon" "Buy Time:" "SFUI_WinMatchColon" "遊戲回合:" "[english]SFUI_WinMatchColon" "Match Length:" "SFUI_SpectateColon" "觀戰:" "[english]SFUI_SpectateColon" "Spectate:" "SFUI_BotsColon" "電腦玩家:" "[english]SFUI_BotsColon" "Bots:" "SFUI_AutoBuyColon" "自動購買基本裝備:" "[english]SFUI_AutoBuyColon" "Auto Buy Basic Equipment:" "SFUI_Minutes" "分鐘" "[english]SFUI_Minutes" "minutes" "SFUI_Seconds" "秒" "[english]SFUI_Seconds" "seconds" "SFUI_Rounds" "回合" "[english]SFUI_Rounds" "rounds" "SFUI_Legend_Cancel" "${cancel} 取消" "[english]SFUI_Legend_Cancel" "${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_Legend_Ok" "${confirm} 確定" "[english]SFUI_Legend_Ok" "${confirm} OK" "SFUI_Legend_OkCancel" "${confirm} 確定 ${cancel} 取消" "[english]SFUI_Legend_OkCancel" "${confirm} OK ${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_Play" "進行遊戲" "[english]SFUI_Play" "PLAY" "SFUI_Back" "返回" "[english]SFUI_Back" "BACK" "SFUI_GameTypeClassic" "經典" "[english]SFUI_GameTypeClassic" "CLASSIC" "SFUI_GameTypeGungame" "軍械庫" "[english]SFUI_GameTypeGungame" "ARSENAL" "SFUI_GameTypeFreestyle" "練習" "[english]SFUI_GameTypeFreestyle" "PRACTICE" "SFUI_GameTypeTraining" "武器課程" "[english]SFUI_GameTypeTraining" "WEAPONS COURSE" "SFUI_GameMode" "模式" "[english]SFUI_GameMode" "MODE" "SFUI_GameModeCasual" "休閒" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCasual" "CASUAL" "SFUI_GameModeCompetitive" "競技" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCompetitive" "COMPETITIVE" "SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive" "軍備競賽" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive" "ARMS RACE" "SFUI_GameModeGGBomb" "爆破" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGBomb" "DEMOLITION" "SFUI_HalftimePrompt" "半場時間" "[english]SFUI_HalftimePrompt" "HALFTIME" "SFUI_GameModeCasualDesc" "每回合利用賺取的金錢購買新武器。\n\n殲滅敵隊或完成任務目標來贏得回合。\n\n· 關閉友方傷害\n· 關閉隊友碰撞\n· 50% 擊殺獎勵數\n· 10 回合內贏得最多的隊伍獲勝" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCasualDesc" "Buy new weapons each round with money earned.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the other team or completing the objective.\n\n· Friendly fire is off\n· Team collision is off\n· 50% kill reward amounts\n· Best out of 10 rounds" "SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc" "每回合利用賺取的金錢購買新武器。\n\n殲滅敵隊或是完成任務目標來贏得回合。\n\n· 開啟友方傷害\n· 開啟隊友碰撞\n· 護甲與拆彈包必須購買才能取得\n· 30 回合內贏得最多的隊伍獲勝" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc" "Buy new weapons each round with money earned.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the other team or completing the objective.\n\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is on\n· Armor and defuse kits are purchasable\n· Best out of 30 rounds" "SFUI_GameModeFreestyleDesc" "· 單人經典地圖\n· 自訂電腦玩家難度" "[english]SFUI_GameModeFreestyleDesc" "· Single player classic maps\n· Customizable bot difficulty" "SFUI_GameModeGGProgressiveDesc" "擊殺敵人來獲得新武器。\n\n最先輪替完所有武器的玩家獲勝。\n\n· 獎勵武器會立即獲得\n· 立即重生\n· 開啟友方傷害\n· 關閉隊友碰撞" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGProgressiveDesc" "New weapons are awarded by getting kills.\n\nWin the match by being the first player to get a kill with every weapon.\n\n· Weapons are awarded immediately\n· Instant Respawn\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is off" "SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc" "擊殺敵人來獲得新武器。\n\n殲滅敵隊或是完成任務目標來贏得回合\n\n· 獎勵武器會在下回合獲得\n· 開啟友方傷害\n· 關閉隊友碰撞\n· 20 回合內贏得最多的隊伍獲勝" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc" "New weapons are awarded by getting kills.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the other team or completing the objective.\n\n· Weapons awarded on round start\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is off\n· Best out of 20 rounds" "SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "不會記錄統計資料。" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "No stats tracking." "SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "不會記錄統計資料。" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "No stats tracking." "SFUI_TrialTimeRemaining" "測試模式(剩餘 %s1:%s2)" "[english]SFUI_TrialTimeRemaining" "Trial mode (%s1:%s2 remaining)" "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired" "測試模式結束" "[english]SFUI_TrialTimeExpired" "Trial mode expired" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeTitle" "測試模式" "[english]SFUI_TrialWelcomeTitle" "Trial Mode" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessage" "歡迎來到《絕對武力》遊戲測試。在測試期間所有遊戲功能均能使用。" "[english]SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessage" "Welcome to the Counter Strike game trial. All game features are unlocked for the duration of the trial period" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessageExpired" "《絕對武力》遊戲測試已結束" "[english]SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessageExpired" "The Counter Strike game trial period has expired" "SFUI_TrialHudTextMinutes" "測試活動(剩餘 %s1 分鐘)" "[english]SFUI_TrialHudTextMinutes" "Trial Active (%s1 minutes left)" "SFUI_TrialHudTextMinute" "測試活動(剩餘 1 分鐘)" "[english]SFUI_TrialHudTextMinute" "Trial Active (1 minute left)" "SFUI_TrialSignOutTitle" "測試模式已登入至個人檔案" "[english]SFUI_TrialSignOutTitle" "Trial Signed In Profile" "SFUI_TrialSignOutMsg" "進入測試模式需要已登入的帳號" "[english]SFUI_TrialSignOutMsg" "A signed in profile is required for trial mode" "SFUI_TrialMUPullTitle" "測試個人檔案庫" "[english]SFUI_TrialMUPullTitle" "Trial Profile Storage" "SFUI_TrialMUPullMsg" "進入測試模式需要可被覆寫的個人檔案。" "[english]SFUI_TrialMUPullMsg" "Trial mode requires a writable signed in profile" "SFUI_BotDifficulty" "電腦玩家難度" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty" "Bot Difficulty" "SFUI_BotDifficulty0" "無電腦玩家" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty0" "No Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty1" "猴子級電腦玩家" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty1" "Harmless Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty2" "簡單電腦玩家" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty2" "Easy Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty3" "普通電腦玩家" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty3" "Medium Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty4" "困難電腦玩家" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty4" "Hard Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty5" "專家電腦玩家" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty5" "Expert Bots" "SFUI_SpectateAnyone" "任何人" "[english]SFUI_SpectateAnyone" "Anyone" "SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" "僅限隊伍" "[english]SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" "Team only" "SFUI_HostageMap" "人質" "[english]SFUI_HostageMap" "Hostage" "SFUI_BombMap" "炸彈" "[english]SFUI_BombMap" "Bomb" "SFUI_GunGameProgressiveMap" "軍備競賽" "[english]SFUI_GunGameProgressiveMap" "Arms Race" "SFUI_GunGameTRMap" "爆破" "[english]SFUI_GunGameTRMap" "Demolition" "SFUI_Map_de_dust" "Dust" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_dust" "Dust" "SFUI_Map_de_dust2" "Dust II" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_dust2" "Dust II" "SFUI_Map_de_train" "Train" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_train" "Train" "SFUI_Map_de_inferno" "Inferno" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_inferno" "Inferno" "SFUI_Map_de_nuke" "Nuke" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_nuke" "Nuke" "SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain" "Shorttrain" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain" "Shorttrain" "SFUI_Map_random" "隨機" "[english]SFUI_Map_random" "Random" "SFUI_Map_ar_baggage" "Baggage" "[english]SFUI_Map_ar_baggage" "Baggage" "SFUI_Map_ar_shoots" "Shoots" "[english]SFUI_Map_ar_shoots" "Shoots" "SFUI_Map_de_bank" "Bank" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_bank" "Bank" "SFUI_Map_de_lake" "Lake" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_lake" "Lake" "SFUI_Map_de_safehouse" "Safehouse" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_safehouse" "Safehouse" "SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane" "Sugarcane" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane" "Sugarcane" "SFUI_Map_de_stmarc" "St. Marc" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_stmarc" "St. Marc" "SFUI_Map_training1" "武器課程" "[english]SFUI_Map_training1" "Weapons Course" "SFUI_CreateSinglePlayerTitle" "單人遊戲" "[english]SFUI_CreateSinglePlayerTitle" "SINGLE PLAYER" "SFUI_VariesByMap" "地圖循環" "[english]SFUI_VariesByMap" "Varies by map" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_ModeSelect" "${dpad} 瀏覽 ${cancel} 返回 ${confirm} 選擇" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_ModeSelect" "${dpad} Navigate ${cancel} Back ${confirm} Select" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_MapSelect" "${dpad} 瀏覽 ${cancel} 返回 ${confirm} Go" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_MapSelect" "${dpad} Navigate ${cancel} Back ${confirm} Go" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Bot_Difficulty" "電腦玩家難度" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Bot_Difficulty" "Bot Difficulty" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Number_Maps" "地圖數量:" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Number_Maps" "Number of maps: " "SFUI_CreateMultiplayerTitle" "遊戲配對" "[english]SFUI_CreateMultiplayerTitle" "MATCHMAKING" "SFUI_SessionVisibilityPublic" "${north} 私人遊戲" "[english]SFUI_SessionVisibilityPublic" "${north} MAKE PRIVATE" "SFUI_SessionVisibilityPrivate" "${north} 公開遊戲" "[english]SFUI_SessionVisibilityPrivate" "${north} MAKE PUBLIC" "SFUI_PublicMatch" "私人遊戲" "[english]SFUI_PublicMatch" "MAKE PRIVATE" "SFUI_PrivateMatch" "公開遊戲" "[english]SFUI_PrivateMatch" "MAKE PUBLIC" "SFUI_MMStatus_Title" "搜尋中" "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Title" "Searching" "SFUI_MMStatus_Searching" "搜尋中..." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Searching" "Searching..." "SFUI_MMStatus_Creating" "正在建立遊戲..." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Creating" "Creating game..." "SFUI_MMStatus_Joining" "加入遊戲..." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Joining" "Joining game..." "SFUI_MMStatus_Legend" "${cancel} 取消" "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Legend" "${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_MMStatus_JoinFailed" "加入遊戲失敗。" "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_JoinFailed" "Failed to join game." "SFUI_PressStartPrompt" "按下 ${start} 開始" "[english]SFUI_PressStartPrompt" "Press ${start} to Start" "SFUI_MAINMENU" "主選單" "[english]SFUI_MAINMENU" "MAIN MENU" "SFUI_MainMenu_PlayButton" "進行遊戲" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_PlayButton" "PLAY" "SFUI_MainMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "排行榜" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "LEADERBOARDS" "SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "成就" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "成就" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "成就" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "獎項" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "AWARDS" "SFUI_MainMenu_HelpButton" "選項與說明" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_HelpButton" "OPTIONS & HELP" "SFUI_MainMenu_DownloadButton" "下載內容" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_DownloadButton" "DOWNLOAD CONTENT" "SFUI_MainMenu_SplitscreenWithBots" "分割畫面並與電腦玩進行遊戲" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_SplitscreenWithBots" "SPLITSCREEN WITH BOTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_QuitGameButton" "離開遊戲" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_QuitGameButton" "EXIT GAME" "SFUI_MainMenu_Training" "武器課程" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Training" "WEAPONS COURSE" "SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_CT" "CT" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_CT" "CT" "SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_T" "T" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_T" "T" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "${confirm} 選擇" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "${confirm} SELECT" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "${confirm} 選擇 ${cancel} 返回" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "${confirm} SELECT ${cancel} BACK" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "" "SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "離開遊戲" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "EXIT GAME" "SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "您現在就要離開遊戲嗎?" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "Do you wish to exit the game now?" "SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} 取消 ${confirm} 確定" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Join" "玩家 2 請按下 ${start} 加入" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Join" "Player 2 press ${start} to join" "SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Leave" "%s1 請按下 ${start} 離開" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Leave" "%s1 press ${start} to leave" "SFUI_PlayMenuTitle" "進行遊戲" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenuTitle" "PLAY" "SFUI_PlayMenu_Online" "遊戲配對" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_Online" "MATCHMAKING" "SFUI_PlayMenu_Offline" "本地遊戲" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_Offline" "LOCAL PLAY" "SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "快速配對" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "QUICK MATCH" "SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "尋找遊戲" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "FIND A GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "尋找所有遊戲" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "FIND ANY GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "自訂遊戲" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "CUSTOM GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "加入 XBOX LIVE 派對遊戲" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "JOIN XBOX LIVE PARTY GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "建立您的隊伍" [$WIN32||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "BUILD YOUR TEAM" "SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "建立配對" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "CREATE MATCH" "SFUI_ProfileMenu_PlayerControlsButton" "玩家控制與設定" "[english]SFUI_ProfileMenu_PlayerControlsButton" "PLAYER CONTROLS & SETTINGS" "SFUI_ProfileMenu_StatsButton" "統計資料" "[english]SFUI_ProfileMenu_StatsButton" "STATS" "SFUI_HelpTitle" "選項與說明" "[english]SFUI_HelpTitle" "OPTIONS & HELP" "SFUI_HelpMenu_HowToPlayButton" "如何進行遊戲" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_HowToPlayButton" "HOW TO PLAY" "SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "控制" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "CONTROLS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "控制器" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "CONTROLLER" "SFUI_HelpMenu_MouseKeyboardButton" "鍵盤 / 滑鼠" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_MouseKeyboardButton" "KEYBOARD / MOUSE" "SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionController" "體感控制器" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionController" "MOTION CONTROLLER" "SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "設定" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "遊戲設定" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_VideoSettings" "視訊設定" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_VideoSettings" "VIDEO SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_AudioSettings" "音效設定" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_AudioSettings" "AUDIO SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_CreditsButton" "工作人員" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_CreditsButton" "CREDITS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "PC 控制 & 設定" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "PC CONTROLS & SETTINGS" "SFUI_PAUSE" "選單" "[english]SFUI_PAUSE" "MENU" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ResumeGameButton" "繼續遊戲" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ResumeGameButton" "RESUME GAME" "SFUI_PauseMenu_SwitchTeamsButton" "選擇隊伍" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_SwitchTeamsButton" "CHOOSE TEAM" "SFUI_PauseMenu_CallVoteButton" "投票表決..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_CallVoteButton" "CALL VOTE..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteButton" "邀請..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteButton" "INVITE..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "排行榜" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "LEADERBOARDS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "成就" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "成就" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "成就與統計資料" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS & STATS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "獎項與統計資料" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "AWARDS & STATS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpButton" "選項與說明..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpButton" "OPTIONS & HELP..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameButton" "離開至主選單" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameButton" "EXIT TO MAIN MENU" "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteSubmenuTitle" "邀請選項" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteSubmenuTitle" "INVITE OPTIONS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteXboxLiveButton" "邀請參加 XBOX LIVE 派對" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteXboxLiveButton" "INVITE XBOX LIVE PARTY" "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteFriendsButton" "邀請好友" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteFriendsButton" "INVITE FRIENDS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_MakeGamePublicButton" "變更遊戲為公開" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_MakeGamePublicButton" "MAKE GAME PUBLIC" "SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpAndOptionsTitle" "選項與說明" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpAndOptionsTitle" "OPTIONS & HELP" "SFUI_PauseMenu_HowToPlayButton" "如何進行遊戲" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_HowToPlayButton" "HOW TO PLAY" "SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "控制器" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "CONTROLLER" "SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "控制" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "CONTROLS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "設定" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "SETTINGS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "遊戲設定" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "PC 控制與設定" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "PC CONTROLS & SETTINGS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "離開遊戲" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "QUIT GAME" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "是否要現在停止遊戲?" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "Do you wish to stop playing now?" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} 取消 ${confirm} 確定" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_PauseMenu_VoteSubmenuTitle" "投票表決" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_VoteSubmenuTitle" "CALL VOTE" "SFUI_PauseMenu_KickPlayer" "踢出玩家..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_KickPlayer" "KICK PLAYER..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_TeamSwitch" "交換隊伍" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_TeamSwitch" "SWAP TEAMS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ScrambleTeams" "隨機組隊" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ScrambleTeams" "SCRAMBLE TEAMS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_Surrender" "投降" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_Surrender" "SURRENDER" "SFUI_PauseMenu_RestartMatch" "重新開始遊戲" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_RestartMatch" "RESTART MATCH" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ChangeMap" "變更地圖" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ChangeMap" "CHANGE MAP" "SFUI_HOW TO PLAY" "如何進行遊戲" "[english]SFUI_HOW TO PLAY" "HOW TO PLAY" "SFUI_HOW_TO_PLAY" "如何進行遊戲" "[english]SFUI_HOW_TO_PLAY" "How to Play" "SFUI_Medals_Title" "成就" "[english]SFUI_Medals_Title" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MedalsAndStatsTitle" "獎項與統計資料" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MedalsAndStatsTitle" "AWARDS & STATS" "SFUI_MedalsStats_OverallT" "總體統計資料" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_OverallT" "Overall Stats" "SFUI_MedalsStats_LastMatchT" "上一場遊戲統計資料" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_LastMatchT" "Last Match Stats" "SFUI_MedalsStats_MedalT" "獎項" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_MedalT" "Awards" "SFUI_MedalsStats_Help" "${cancel} 返回" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_Help" "${cancel} Back" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_Invalid" "-- 無效的獎項 --" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_Invalid" "-- Invalid Award --" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedName" "獎項鎖定" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedName" "Award Locked" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDate" "鎖定" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDate" "Locked" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDesc" "這是一項秘密獎項。您必須解鎖才能查看。" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDesc" "This is a secret award. You must unlock it before you can see it." "SFUI_MedalsInfo_Unlocked" "完成" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_Unlocked" "Completed" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Recent" "最近解鎖" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Recent" "Recently Unlocked" "SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective" "隊伍戰略" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective" "Team Tactics" "SFUI_MedalCategory_DominationAndRevenge" "壓制與復仇" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_DominationAndRevenge" "Domination & Revenge" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat" "戰鬥技巧" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat" "Combat Skills" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon" "武器專家" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon" "Weapon Specialist" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Special" "特殊" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Special" "Special" "SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame" "軍械庫模式" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame" "Arsenal Mode" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Map" "全球鑑定" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Map" "Global Expertise" "SFUI_MedalCategory_No_Medals" "無獎項解鎖" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_No_Medals" "No Awards Unlocked" "SFUI_TEAM" "隊伍" "[english]SFUI_TEAM" "Team" "SFUI_FAVORITEWEAPON" "最愛的武器" "[english]SFUI_FAVORITEWEAPON" "Favorite Weapon" "SFUI_PERFORMANCE" "表現" "[english]SFUI_PERFORMANCE" "Performance" "SFUI_MISCELLANEOUS" "其他統計資料" "[english]SFUI_MISCELLANEOUS" "Miscellaneous" "SFUI_FAVORITEMAP" "最愛的地圖" "[english]SFUI_FAVORITEMAP" "Favorite Map" "SFUI_LastMatch_TeamDesc" "恐怖份子獲勝 \n反恐部隊獲勝 \n您的隊伍獲勝 \n最多玩家人數" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_TeamDesc" "Terrorist Wins \nCounter-Terrorist Wins \nYour Team Wins \nMax Players" "SFUI_LastMatch_FaveWeapDesc" "擊中數 \n擊殺數 \n準確度" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_FaveWeapDesc" "Hits \nKills \nAccuracy" "SFUI_LastMatch_PerfDesc" "最佳玩家 \n擊殺數 \n死亡數 \n擊殺/死亡比例 \n平均隊伍分數" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_PerfDesc" "Stars \nKills \nDeaths \nKill Death Ratio\nAvg. Squad Score" "SFUI_LastMatch_MiscDesc" "造成傷害 \n花費/擊殺 \n壓制數 \n復仇數" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_MiscDesc" "Damage \nCost/Kill \nDominations \nRevenges" "SFUI_LastMatch_NoFaveWeapon" "沒有最愛的武器" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_NoFaveWeapon" "No favorite weapon" "SFUI_Overall_PlayerStats" "遊戲回合 \n獲勝回合 \n獲勝比例 \n射擊數 \n射擊擊中數 \n擊中比例 \n\n擊殺數 \n死亡數 \n擊殺/死亡比例" "[english]SFUI_Overall_PlayerStats" "Rounds Played \nRounds Won \nWin Ratio \nShots Fired \nShots Hit \nHit Ratio \n\nKills \nDeaths \nKill/Death Ratio" "SFUI_Overall_WeaponStats" "射擊數 \n擊中數 \n擊殺數 \n擊殺/射擊比例" "[english]SFUI_Overall_WeaponStats" "Shots \nHits \nKills \nKills/Shot" "SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%s \n遊戲:%d \n獲勝:%d \n獲勝比例:%.3f" "[english]SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%s \nPlayed: %d \nWins: %d \nWin Ratio: %.3f" "SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%ls \n遊戲:%d \n獲勝:%d \n獲勝比例:%.3f" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%ls \nPlayed: %d \nWins: %d \nWin Ratio: %.3f" "SFUI_Overall_Stars" "MVP 最佳玩家:%d" "[english]SFUI_Overall_Stars" "MVP Stars: %d" "SFUI_Overall_NoFavorite" "沒有最愛" "[english]SFUI_Overall_NoFavorite" "No favorite" "SFUI_MBox_OKButton" "確定" "[english]SFUI_MBox_OKButton" "OK" "SFUI_MBox_CancelButton" "取消" "[english]SFUI_MBox_CancelButton" "Cancel" "SFUI_LOADING" "讀取中..." "[english]SFUI_LOADING" "Loading..." "SFUI_StartCT" "CT 起始地點" "[english]SFUI_StartCT" "CT Start" "SFUI_StartT" "T 起始地點" "[english]SFUI_StartT" "T Start" "SFUI_BuyZoneCT" "CT 購買區域" "[english]SFUI_BuyZoneCT" "CT Buy Zone" "SFUI_BuyZoneT" "T 購買區域" "[english]SFUI_BuyZoneT" "T Buy Zone" "SFUI_HostageZone" "人質區域" "[english]SFUI_HostageZone" "Hostage Zone" "SFUI_HostageRescueZone" "人質救援區域" "[english]SFUI_HostageRescueZone" "Hostage Rescue Zone" "SFUI_BombZoneA" "炸彈安置地點 A" "[english]SFUI_BombZoneA" "Bomb Site A" "SFUI_BombZoneB" "炸彈安置地點 B" "[english]SFUI_BombZoneB" "Bomb Site B" "SFUI_ScoreboardTitle" "記分板" "[english]SFUI_ScoreboardTitle" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_Scoreboard_MapName" "地圖:%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_MapName" "Map: %s1" "SFUI_CT_Label" "反恐部隊" "[english]SFUI_CT_Label" "COUNTER-TERRORISTS" "SFUI_CT_Player_Text" "玩家" "[english]SFUI_CT_Player_Text" "PLAYER" "SFUI_CT_Clan_Text" "戰隊" "[english]SFUI_CT_Clan_Text" "CLAN" "SFUI_CT_Score_Text" "分數" "[english]SFUI_CT_Score_Text" "SCORE" "SFUI_CT_Death_Text" "死亡數" "[english]SFUI_CT_Death_Text" "DEATHS" "SFUI_CT_Kills_Text" "擊殺數" "[english]SFUI_CT_Kills_Text" "KILLS" "SFUI_CT_KillPoints_Text" "擊殺分數" "[english]SFUI_CT_KillPoints_Text" "KILL POINTS" "SFUI_CT_Money_Text" "金錢" "[english]SFUI_CT_Money_Text" "MONEY" "SFUI_CT_Status_Text" "狀態" "[english]SFUI_CT_Status_Text" "STATUS" "SFUI_CT_Vote_Text" "投票" "[english]SFUI_CT_Vote_Text" "VOTE" "SFUI_CT_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "[english]SFUI_CT_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "SFUI_T_Label" "恐怖份子" "[english]SFUI_T_Label" "TERRORISTS" "SFUI_T_Player_Text" "玩家" "[english]SFUI_T_Player_Text" "PLAYER" "SFUI_T_Clan_Text" "戰隊" "[english]SFUI_T_Clan_Text" "CLAN" "SFUI_T_Score_Text" "分數" "[english]SFUI_T_Score_Text" "SCORE" "SFUI_T_Death_Text" "死亡數" "[english]SFUI_T_Death_Text" "DEATHS" "SFUI_T_Kills_Text" "擊殺數" "[english]SFUI_T_Kills_Text" "KILLS" "SFUI_T_KillPoints_Text" "擊殺分數" "[english]SFUI_T_KillPoints_Text" "KILL POINTS" "SFUI_T_Money_Text" "金錢" "[english]SFUI_T_Money_Text" "MONEY" "SFUI_T_Status_Text" "狀態" "[english]SFUI_T_Status_Text" "STATUS" "SFUI_T_Vote_Text" "投票" "[english]SFUI_T_Vote_Text" "VOTE" "SFUI_T_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "[english]SFUI_T_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectator" "%s1 位觀察者" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectator" "%s1 SPECTATOR" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectators" "%s1 位觀察者" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectators" "%s1 SPECTATORS" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Player" "%s1 位玩家" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Player" "%s1 Player" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Players" "%s1 位玩家" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Players" "%s1 Players" "SFUI_Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "剩餘時間:%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Time Left: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_FightTime" "戰鬥時間:%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_FightTime" "Fight Time: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_RoundsLeft" "剩餘回合:%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_RoundsLeft" "Rounds Left: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${dpad} 瀏覽 ${altstart} 關閉 ${cancel} 返回" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${dpad} Navigate ${altstart} Close ${cancel} Back" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${dpad} 瀏覽 ${cancel} 返回" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${dpad} Navigate ${cancel} Back" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} 檢視玩家名片" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} View Gamer Card " "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Left" "${lshoulder} 是 " "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Left" "${lshoulder} Yes " "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Kick" "${lshoulder} 投票踢出玩家" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Kick" "${lshoulder} Vote to Kick " "SFUI_Player_Wants_Restart" "%s1 想要重新開始遊戲。" "[english]SFUI_Player_Wants_Restart" "%s1 wants to restart the match." "SFUI_bot_controlled_by" "電腦玩家(%s1)" "[english]SFUI_bot_controlled_by" "BOT (%s1)" "SFUI_bot_decorated_name" "電腦玩家 %s1" "[english]SFUI_bot_decorated_name" "BOT %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_1st" "1st" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_1st" "1st" "SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd" "2nd" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd" "2nd" "SFUI_Scoreboard_1st_Half" "1st 半場" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_1st_Half" "1st Half" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Halftime" "中場時間" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Halftime" "Halftime" "SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd_Half" "2nd 半場" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd_Half" "2nd Half" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Final" "最終分數" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Final" "Final" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_One" "隊伍一" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_One" "Team One" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_Two" "隊伍二" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_Two" "Team Two" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Switch_In" "隊伍交換時間:%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Switch_In" "Team Switch In: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Next_In" "下一場遊戲開始時間:%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Next_In" "Next Match Starts In: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_VoteStatus" "贊成票 %s1/%s2 : %s3" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_VoteStatus" "Yes Votes %s1/%s2 : %s3" "SFUI_Scoreboard_NormalPlayer" "%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_NormalPlayer" "%s1" "SFUI_Vote_None" " " "[english]SFUI_Vote_None" "" "SFUI_Vote_KickPlayer" "踢出玩家..." "[english]SFUI_Vote_KickPlayer" "Kick Player..." "SFUI_Vote_TeamSwitch" "交換隊伍" "[english]SFUI_Vote_TeamSwitch" "Swap Teams" "SFUI_Vote_ScrambleTeams" "隨機組隊" "[english]SFUI_Vote_ScrambleTeams" "Scramble Teams" "SFUI_Vote_Surrender" "投降" "[english]SFUI_Vote_Surrender" "Surrender" "SFUI_Vote_RestartMatch" "重新開始遊戲" "[english]SFUI_Vote_RestartMatch" "Restart Match" "SFUI_Vote_ChangeMap" "變更地圖..." "[english]SFUI_Vote_ChangeMap" "Change Map..." "SFUI_Vote_VoteStatus" "%s4 對 %s3 提出投票。同意票數: %s1/%s2" "[english]SFUI_Vote_VoteStatus" "%s4 votes to %s3. Yes votes: %s1/%s2" "SFUI_Vote_PressToVote" "開啟記分板來投票。" "[english]SFUI_Vote_PressToVote" "Open scoreboard to vote." "SFUI_Choose_Team" "選擇隊伍" "[english]SFUI_Choose_Team" "CHOOSE TEAM" "SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} 接受 ${cancel} 取消 ${dpad} 選擇 ${west} 自動選擇 ${altstart} 記分板" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${cancel} Cancel ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${altstart} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} 接受 ${cancel} 取消 ${dpad} 選擇 ${west} 自動選擇 ${lshoulder} 觀戰 ${altstart} 記分板" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${cancel} Cancel ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${lshoulder} Spectate ${altstart} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} 接受 ${cancel} 取消 ${dpad} 選擇 ${west} 自動選擇 ${north} 記分板" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${cancel} Cancel ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${north} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} 接受 ${cancel} 取消 ${dpad} 選擇 ${west} 自動選擇 ${lshoulder} 觀戰 ${north} 記分板" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${cancel} Cancel ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${lshoulder} Spectate ${north} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamButtonAuto" "自動選擇" "[english]SFUI_TeamButtonAuto" "Auto select" "SFUI_TeamButtonCancel" "取消" "[english]SFUI_TeamButtonCancel" "Cancel " "SFUI_TeamButtonSpectate" "觀戰" "[english]SFUI_TeamButtonSpectate" "Spectate" "SFUI_TeamConfirmTitle" "確定取消" "[english]SFUI_TeamConfirmTitle" "Confirm Cancel" "SFUI_TeamConfirmMsg" "現在取消的話您將會回到主選單。您確定想要取消嗎?" "[english]SFUI_TeamConfirmMsg" "Cancelling now will return you to the main menu. Are you sure you want to cancel?" "SFUI_TeamConfirmNav" "${cancel} 否 ${confirm} 是" "[english]SFUI_TeamConfirmNav" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_TeamHumans" "玩家:" "[english]SFUI_TeamHumans" "Humans: " "SFUI_TeamBots" "電腦玩家:" "[english]SFUI_TeamBots" "Bots: " "SFUI_TeamFull" "隊伍已滿" "[english]SFUI_TeamFull" "Team Full" "SFUI_TeamTimer" "自動選擇時間:" "[english]SFUI_TeamTimer" "Auto pick in:" "SFUIHUD_playerid_sameteam" "好友:%s1 生命值:%s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_sameteam" "Friend: %s1 Health: %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_diffteam" "敵人:%s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_diffteam" "Enemy: %s1" "SFUIHUD_playerid_specteam" "%s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_specteam" "%s1" "SFUIHUD_playerid_noteam" "%s1 生命值:%s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_noteam" "%s1 Health:%s2" "SFUIHUD_hostageid" "人質 %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid" "Hostage %s1" "SFUIHUD_weaponid_pickup" "${use} 更換武器為 %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_weaponid_pickup" "${use} swap for %s1" "SFUIHUD_weaponid_c4defuse" "${use} 拆除 C4" "[english]SFUIHUD_weaponid_c4defuse" "${use} defuse the C4" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_HelpTitle" " " "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_HelpTitle" "" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_PriorityMsgTitle" "警告" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_PriorityMsgTitle" "Alert" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseTitle" "拆除時間:" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseTitle" "Defuse Time:" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText" "您正在拆除炸彈。" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText" "You are defusing the bomb." "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} 顯示玩家名片" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Show Gamer Card " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Camera" "${confirm} 鏡頭" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Camera" "${confirm} Camera " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "${use} 控制電腦玩家" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "${use} Control Bot " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${altstart} 記分板" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${altstart} Scoreboard " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${dpaddown} 記分板" [$PS3] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${dpaddown} Scoreboard " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_You_Are_Dead" "觀看 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_You_Are_Dead" "Following %s2" "Choose_Class_Navigation" "${confirm} 選擇 ${cancel} 返回 ${dpad} 瀏覽 ${west} 自動選擇 ${north} 記分板" "[english]Choose_Class_Navigation" "${confirm} Select ${cancel} Back ${dpad} Navigation ${west} Auto-Select ${north} Scoreboard" "ChooseClassHeader" "選擇部隊" "[english]ChooseClassHeader" "Choose Unit" "SFUI_Urban_Name" "海豹部隊第 6 分隊" "[english]SFUI_Urban_Name" "SEAL TEAM 6" "SFUI_Urban_Label" "海豹部隊第六分隊(ST-6)現為美國海軍特戰開發小組(DEVGRU),由理查馬辛克中尉於 1980 年成立。海豹部隊第六分隊永遠保持警戒狀態隨時回應世界各地以美國為目標的恐怖攻擊行動。" "[english]SFUI_Urban_Label" "ST-6 (to be known later as DEVGRU) was founded in 1980 under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Richard Marcincko. ST-6 was placed on permanent alert to respond to terrorist attacks against American targets worldwide." "SFUI_ST6_Male_Name" "特種應變部隊" "[english]SFUI_ST6_Male_Name" "Special Response Team" "SFUI_ST6_Male_Label" "特種應變部隊(SRT)或稱作特種武器戰術部隊(SWAT),隸屬於美國國內警察執法機構的特種軍事作戰部隊專門執行危險任務。" "[english]SFUI_ST6_Male_Label" "SRT or SWAT is an American special operations paramilitary tactical unit operating within domestic law enforcement agencies." "SFUI_SAS_Male_Name" "英國空降特勤隊" "[english]SFUI_SAS_Male_Name" "British Special Air Service" "SFUI_SAS_Male_Label" "舉世聞名的英國空降特勤隊(SAS)是在第二次世界大戰期間,由一位名叫大衛史坦寧的人所創設的部隊。當時他們執行許多不同的任務,諸如滲透到敵方陣營偷取情報、破壞敵方建設、刺殺重要目標等。" "[english]SFUI_SAS_Male_Label" "The world-renowned British SAS was founded in the Second World War by a man named David Stirling. Their role during WW2 involved gathering intelligence behind enemy lines and executing sabotage strikes and assassinations against key targets." "SFUI_GSG9_Male_Name" "德國第 9 邊境防衛隊" "[english]SFUI_GSG9_Male_Name" "Grenzschutzgruppe-9" "SFUI_GSG9_Male_Label" "在 1972 年德國慕尼黑奧運中,不少以色列選手遭到無情殺害,這場慘劇促成了德國第 9 邊境防衛隊(GSG-9)的誕生。" "[english]SFUI_GSG9_Male_Label" "GSG-9 was born out of the tragic events that led to the death of several Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympic games in Munich, Germany." "SFUI_Phoenix_Name" "鳳凰恐怖組織" "[english]SFUI_Phoenix_Name" "The Phoenix Connexion" "SFUI_Phoenix_Label" "鳳凰恐怖組織是東歐最為惡名昭彰的恐怖份子組織之一,以擋我者死的作風而聞名,他們是蘇維埃社會主義共和國解體後出現的組織。" "[english]SFUI_Phoenix_Label" "Having established a reputation for killing anyone that gets in their way, the Phoenix Faction is one of the most feared terrorist groups in Eastern Europe. Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR." "SFUI_Separatist_Male_Name" "分離主義者" "[english]SFUI_Separatist_Male_Name" "Separatist" "SFUI_Separatist_Male_Label" "這支在歐洲由少數派份子構成的組織為達成其民族展望而強烈爭取自決權,甚至不惜向十惡不赦的恐怖主義低頭。" "[english]SFUI_Separatist_Male_Label" "Claiming an overwhelming desire for self determination, this European minority faction has stooped to heinous acts of terror in order to achieve their nationalistic vision." "SFUI_Pirate_Male_Name" "海盜" "[english]SFUI_Pirate_Male_Name" "PIRATE" "SFUI_Pirate_Male_Label" "非洲角的現代海盜宣稱他們的行為代表著「行使領海自衛」,雖說他們幹下的諸多擄人勒贖偷拐搶騙的事實不小心蓋過了他們自稱的高尚「海防」行為。" "[english]SFUI_Pirate_Male_Label" "The modern pirates of the Horn of Africa claim their actions denote self defense of their territorial waters although the extortion and murder committed by the self-proclaimed “coast guard” belie these claims." "SFUI_Professional_Male_Name" "專業人士" "[english]SFUI_Professional_Male_Name" "Professional" "SFUI_Professional_Male_Label" "這些「專業人士」是一群身著完善高科技裝備的竊賊。他們沒有任何政治或宗教意圖,但只要是有利可圖的差事,他們都來者不拒。" "[english]SFUI_Professional_Male_Label" "The Professionals are high tech, well equipped thieves with no political or religious agenda." "SFUI_WinPanel_CT_Win" "反恐部隊獲勝" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_CT_Win" "Counter-Terrorists Win" "SFUI_WinPanel_T_Win" "恐怖份子獲勝" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_T_Win" "Terrorists Win" "SFUI_WinPanel_Round_Draw" "平手" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Round_Draw" "Round Draw" "SFUI_WinPanel_Win" "勝利" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Win" "WIN" "SFUI_WinPanel_Draw" "平手" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Draw" "DRAW" "SFUI_WinPanel_Nav" "${confirm} 關閉" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Nav" "${confirm} Close" "SFUI_Notice_Got_Bomb" "您撿到了炸彈。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Got_Bomb" "You picked up the bomb." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "您必須站在地面上才能拆除炸彈。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be on the ground to defuse the bomb." "SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Already_Being_Defused" "炸彈已被拆除。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Already_Being_Defused" "The bomb is already being defused." "SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "正在拆除炸彈。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing the bomb." "SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "正在拆除炸彈(沒有使用拆彈包)。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing WITHOUT a defuse kit." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "炸彈必須安裝在炸彈安置地點上面。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be planted at a bomb site." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "您必須站在地面上才能安裝 C4。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be standing on the ground to plant the C4." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "安裝程序取消。C4 只能安裝在炸彈目標區內。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "Arming sequence canceled. C4 can only be placed at a bomb target." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 必須在炸彈目標區啟動" "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be activated at a bomb target" "SFUI_Notice_Killed_Teammate" "您擊殺了一位同伴!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Killed_Teammate" "You killed a teammate!" "SFUI_Notice_Game_teammate_kills" "擊殺隊友:%s1/3" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_teammate_kills" "Teammate kills: %s1 of 3" "SFUI_Notice_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "您因為錯殺太多隊友而被伺服器封鎖。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "You are being banned from the server for killing too many teammates." "SFUI_Notice_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "注意!射擊隊友會降低您的分數。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "Careful! Shooting at teammates will lower your score." "SFUI_Notice_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "因為你殺死了 VIP 而得到 $2500 賞金!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "You have been rewarded $2500 for killing the VIP!" "SFUI_Notice_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "您擊殺了一名敵人!保持團隊合作並殲滅所有敵人!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "You killed an enemy! Work with your team to eliminate them all!" "SFUI_Notice_Game_scoring" "計分動作不會開始,直到雙方隊伍均有玩家。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_scoring" "Scoring will not start until both teams have players." "SFUI_Notice_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "*** 下一回合將自動換隊 ***" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "*** Auto-Team Balance next round ***" "SFUI_Notice_Game_will_restart_in" "這場遊戲將會在%s1 %s2之後重新啟動" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_will_restart_in" "The game will restart in %s1 %s2" "SFUI_Notice_Player_Balanced" "為了兼顧遊戲實力平衡,您已被轉調至另一個隊伍。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Player_Balanced" "You have been moved to the other team for game balance." "SFUI_Notice_Teams_Balanced" "雙方隊伍實力已達平衡。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Teams_Balanced" "The teams have been balanced." "SFUI_Notice_Target_Bombed" "目標已成功炸毀!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Target_Bombed" "Target successfully bombed!" "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Assassinated" "VIP 被刺殺了!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_VIP_Assassinated" "VIP has been assassinated!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Escaped" "恐怖份子逃脫了!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Escaped" "The terrorists have escaped!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Win" "恐怖份子獲勝!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Win" "Terrorists Win!" "SFUI_Notice_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "人質並未被救出!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "Hostages have not been rescued!" "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Not_Escaped" "VIP 並未逃脫。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_VIP_Not_Escaped" "VIP has not escaped." "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Escaped" "VIP 成功的逃脫了!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_VIP_Escaped" "The VIP has escaped!" "SFUI_Notice_CTs_PreventEscape" "反恐部隊要盡可能地阻止恐怖份子逃脫。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_PreventEscape" "The CTs have prevented most of the terrorists from escaping." "SFUI_Notice_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "所有逃脫的恐怖分子都已被殲滅。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "Escaping terrorists have all been neutralized." "SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Defused" "炸彈已被拆除。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Defused" "The bomb has been defused." "SFUI_Notice_CTs_Win" "反恐部隊獲勝!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_Win" "Counter-Terrorists Win!" "SFUI_Notice_All_Hostages_Rescued" "所有人質均被救出!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_All_Hostages_Rescued" "All hostages have been rescued!" "SFUI_Notice_Target_Saved" "目標已經安全了!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Target_Saved" "Target has been saved!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "恐怖份子並未逃脫。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "Terrorists have not escaped." "SFUI_Notice_Game_Commencing" "遊戲連線中。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_Commencing" "Game Commencing." "SFUI_Notice_Round_Draw" "平手!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Round_Draw" "Round Draw!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Surrender" "恐怖份子投降" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Surrender" "Terrorists Surrender" "SFUI_Notice_CTs_Surrender" "反恐部隊投降" "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_Surrender" "CTs Surrender" "SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level" "%s1 已到達金刀等級。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level" "%s1 has reached gold knife level!" "SFUI_Notice_Gun_Game_Leader" "您目前處於領先狀態。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Gun_Game_Leader" "You are the new leader." "Hint_you_have_the_defuser" "您獲得了拆彈包。" "[english]Hint_you_have_the_defuser" "You have the defuse kit." "SFUI_Notice_Have_Bomb" "您獲得了炸彈。將它安裝在指定區域或是交給其他恐怖份子。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Have_Bomb" "You have the bomb. Find the target zone or DROP the bomb for another Terrorist." "SFUI_Voice_Dead_Location" "死亡" "[english]SFUI_Voice_Dead_Location" "DEAD" "SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "控制器" "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "CONTROLLER" "SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "控制" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "CONTROLS" "SFUI_CONTROLLS_MOUSE_KEYBOARD" "鍵盤 / 滑鼠" "[english]SFUI_CONTROLLS_MOUSE_KEYBOARD" "KEYBOARD / MOUSE" "SFUI_Controls_Nav" "${cancel} 清除 ${north} 修改 ${west} 關閉 ${confirm} 還原為預設值 ${dpad} 切換/修改" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Nav" "${west} Clear ${confirm} Modify ${cancel} Close ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Toggle/Modify" "SFUI_Controls_Nav_Limit" "${cancel} 關閉 ${north} 還原為預設值 ${dpad} 切換/修改" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Nav_Limit" "${cancel} Close ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Toggle/Modify" "SFUI_Controls_Cancel" "${start} 取消" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Cancel" "${start} Cancel" "SFUI_Controls_Cancel" " " [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Cancel" "" "SFUI_Controls_Title" "%s1" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Title" "%s1" "SFUI_Controls_Modify" "按一個按鈕..." "[english]SFUI_Controls_Modify" "Press a button..." "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Title" "還原為預設值" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Title" "RESTORE DEFAULTS" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "將所有 Xbox 360 控制器選項重設為預設值?" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all Xbox 360 controller options to their defaults?" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "將所有手把選項重設為預設值?" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all controller options to their defaults?" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "將所有無線控制器選項重設為預設值?" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all wireless controller options to their defaults?" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} 否 ${confirm} 是" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_Controls_Clear" "清除" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Clear" "CLEAR" "SFUI_Controls_Edit" "編輯" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Edit" "EDIT" "SFUI_ReverseMouse" "反轉滑鼠控制" "[english]SFUI_ReverseMouse" "Reverse Mouse" "SFUI_MouseSensitivity" "滑鼠靈敏度" "[english]SFUI_MouseSensitivity" "Mouse Sensitivity" "SFUI_RawInput" "原始輸入" "[english]SFUI_RawInput" "Raw Input" "SFUI_MouseAcceleration" "滑鼠加速" "[english]SFUI_MouseAcceleration" "Mouse Acceleration" "SFUI_AccelerationAmount" "加速量" "[english]SFUI_AccelerationAmount" "Acceleration Amount" "SFUI_Toggle_Always_Show_Inv" "切換物品欄畫面" "[english]SFUI_Toggle_Always_Show_Inv" "Toggle Inventory Display" "SFUI_Forward" "向前" "[english]SFUI_Forward" "Move Forward" "SFUI_Backward" "向後" "[english]SFUI_Backward" "Move Backward" "SFUI_MoveRight" "向右(橫移)" "[english]SFUI_MoveRight" "Move Right (strafe)" "SFUI_MoveLeft" "向左(橫移)" "[english]SFUI_MoveLeft" "Move Left (strafe)" "SFUI_Previous" "上次使用的武器" "[english]SFUI_Previous" "Last Weapon Used" "SFUI_Voice" "使用麥克風" "[english]SFUI_Voice" "Use Mic" "SFUI_Buy" "購買選單" "[english]SFUI_Buy" "Buy Menu" "SFUI_StandardRadio" "標準無線電訊息" "[english]SFUI_StandardRadio" "Standard Radio Message" "SFUI_GroupRadio" "團隊無線電訊息" "[english]SFUI_GroupRadio" "Group Radio Message" "SFUI_ReportRadio" "回報無線電訊息" "[english]SFUI_ReportRadio" "Report Radio Message" "SFUI_ChatMessage" "聊天訊息" "[english]SFUI_ChatMessage" "Chat Message" "SFUI_TeamMessage" "團隊訊息" "[english]SFUI_TeamMessage" "Team Message" "SFUI_PreviousWeapon" "前一項武器" "[english]SFUI_PreviousWeapon" "Previous Weapon" "SFUI_NextWeapon" "下一項武器" "[english]SFUI_NextWeapon" "Next Weapon" "SFUI_Autobuy" "自動購買" "[english]SFUI_Autobuy" "Autobuy" "SFUI_Rebuy" "重新購買" "[english]SFUI_Rebuy" "Rebuy" "SFUI_JoystickSpeedMode" "行走模式" "[english]SFUI_JoystickSpeedMode" "Walk Mode" "SFUI_MouseZoomSensitivity" "縮放靈敏度" "[english]SFUI_MouseZoomSensitivity" "Zoom Sensitivity" "SFUI_ControllerZoomSensitivity" "縮放靈敏度" "[english]SFUI_ControllerZoomSensitivity" "Zoom Sensitivity" "SFUI_TaserSlot" "Zeus x27" "[english]SFUI_TaserSlot" "Zeus x27" "SFUI_MolotovSlot" "莫洛托夫汽油彈" "[english]SFUI_MolotovSlot" "Molotov Cocktail" "SFUI_DecoySlot" "誘餌手榴彈" "[english]SFUI_DecoySlot" "Decoy Grenade" "SFUI_CycleWeapons" "選擇武器" "[english]SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Select Weapon" "SFUI_CycleGrenades" "切換手榴彈" "[english]SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Cycle Grenades" "SFUI_PrimaryWeapon" "主要武器" "[english]SFUI_PrimaryWeapon" "Primary Weapon" "SFUI_SecondaryWeapon" "次要武器" "[english]SFUI_SecondaryWeapon" "Secondary Weapon" "SFUI_WeaponSpecial" "武器特殊功能" "[english]SFUI_WeaponSpecial" "Weapon Special Function" "SFUI_Silencer_Burst" "消音器 / 點放射擊" "[english]SFUI_Silencer_Burst" "Silencer / Burst" "SFUI_Zoom_Slash" "縮放 / 刺殺" "[english]SFUI_Zoom_Slash" "Zoom / Slash" "SFUI_KnifeSlot" "軍刀" "[english]SFUI_KnifeSlot" "Knife" "SFUI_BombSlot" "炸彈" "[english]SFUI_BombSlot" "Bomb" "SFUI_Left_Handed" "左手持槍" "[english]SFUI_Left_Handed" "Left-Handed" "SFUI_Right_Handed" "右手持槍" "[english]SFUI_Right_Handed" "Right-Handed" "SFUI_JoystickLookType" "觀看類型" "[english]SFUI_JoystickLookType" "Look Type" "SFUI_JoystickNormal" "普通" "[english]SFUI_JoystickNormal" "Normal" "SFUI_JoystickInverted" "反向" "[english]SFUI_JoystickInverted" "Inverted" "SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "移動 / 觀看搖桿" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Move/Look Sticks" "SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "類比搖桿" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Sticks" "SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "左類比 / 右類比" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Left Stick / Right Stick" "SFUI_JoystickDuckMode" "蹲下模式" "[english]SFUI_JoystickDuckMode" "Duck Mode" "SFUI_Toggle" "切換" "[english]SFUI_Toggle" "Toggle" "SFUI_Hold" "按住" "[english]SFUI_Hold" "Hold" "SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedPitch" "垂直靈敏度" "[english]SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedPitch" "Vertical Sensitivity" "SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedYaw" "水平靈敏度" "[english]SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedYaw" "Horizontal Sensitivity" "SFUI_Rumble" "震動" "[english]SFUI_Rumble" "Rumble" "SFUI_Fire" "開火" "[english]SFUI_Fire" "Fire" "SFUI_Reload_Weapon" "換彈匣" "[english]SFUI_Reload_Weapon" "Reload" "SFUI_Jump" "跳躍" "[english]SFUI_Jump" "Jump" "SFUI_Duck" "蹲下" "[english]SFUI_Duck" "Duck" "SFUI_CycleWeapons" "切換武器" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Cycle Weapons" "SFUI_CycleGrenades" "切換手榴彈" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Cycle Grenades" "SFUI_Pickup_Use_Objects" "使用" "[english]SFUI_Pickup_Use_Objects" "Use" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Menu_Scoreboard" "記分板" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Menu_Scoreboard" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_Walk" "走動" "[english]SFUI_Walk" "Walk" "SFUI_Drop_Weapon" "丟棄武器" "[english]SFUI_Drop_Weapon" "Drop Weapon" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "高爆手榴彈" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "HE Grenade" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "閃光彈" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "Flashbang" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_Grenade" "煙霧彈" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_Grenade" "Smoke Grenade" "SFUI_Screenshot" "儲存遊戲畫面" "[english]SFUI_Screenshot" "Take Screenshot" "SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "設定" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "SETTINGS" "SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "遊戲設定" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_Settings_General_nav" "${cancel} 關閉 ${north} 還原為預設值" "[english]SFUI_Settings_General_nav" "${cancel} Close ${north} Restore Defaults" "SFUI_Settings_mic_nav" "${west} 設定麥克風" "[english]SFUI_Settings_mic_nav" "${west} Setup Microphone " "SFUI_Settings_push_to_talk_nav" "${confirm} 編輯隨按即說按鍵" "[english]SFUI_Settings_push_to_talk_nav" "${confirm} Edit Use Mic Key " "SFUI_Settings_Nav" "${cancel} 關閉 ${west} 螢幕大小 ${north} 還原為預設值 ${dpad} 修改" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Nav" "${cancel} Close ${west} Screen Size ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video" "${cancel} 關閉 ${west} 進階 ${north} 還原為預設值 ${dpad} 修改" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video" "${cancel} Close ${west} Advanced ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video_Advanced" "${cancel} 關閉 ${west} 螢幕大小 ${north} 還原為預設值 ${dpad} 修改" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video_Advanced" "${cancel} Close ${west} Screen Size ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Resize" "${cancel} 返回 ${dpad} 修改" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Resize" "${cancel} Back ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Screen_Resize" "螢幕大小" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Screen_Resize" "SCREEN SIZE" "SFUI_Settings_Title" "玩家:%s1 設定" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Title" "Player: %s1 Settings" "SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Title" "還原為預設值" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Title" "RESTORE DEFAULTS" "SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Msg" "將所有設定還原為您系統建議的預設值?" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all settings to your system's recommended defaults?" "SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} 否 ${confirm} 是" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_Weapon_Name_VO" "武器名稱公告" "[english]SFUI_Weapon_Name_VO" "Weapon Name Announcement" "SFUI_Settings_Advanced" "進階" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Advanced" "ADVANCED" "SFUI_Settings_Video_Advanced" "視訊 - 進階" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Video_Advanced" "VIDEO - ADVANCED" "SFUI_Settings_Model_Texture_Detail" "模型 / 材質細節" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Model_Texture_Detail" "Model / Texture Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Effect_Detail" "效果細節" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Effect_Detail" "Effect Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Shader_Detail" "Shader 細節" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Shader_Detail" "Shader Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Shadow_Detail" "陰影細節" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Shadow_Detail" "Shadow Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Multicore" "多核心渲染" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Multicore" "Multicore Rendering" "SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool" "可用的分頁記憶體" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool" "Paged Pool Memory Available" "SFUI_Settings_Water_Detail" "水面細節" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Water_Detail" "Water Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Color_Correction" "色彩修正" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Color_Correction" "Color Correction" "SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Mode" "反鋸齒模式" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Mode" "Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode" "SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Mode" "過濾模式" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Mode" "Texture Filtering Mode" "SFUI_Settings_Aspect_Ratio" "外觀比例" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Aspect_Ratio" "Aspect Ratio" "SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_10" "寬螢幕 16:10" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_10" "Widescreen 16:10" "SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_9" "寬螢幕 16:9" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_9" "Widescreen 16:9" "SFUI_Settings_Normal" "一般 4:3" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Normal" "Normal 4:3" "SFUI_Settings_Resolution" "解析度" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Resolution" "Resolution" "SFUI_Settings_Display_Mode" "顯示模式" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Display_Mode" "Display Mode" "SFUI_Settings_Fullscreen" "全螢幕" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Fullscreen" "Fullscreen" "SFUI_Settings_Windowed" "視窗化" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Windowed" "Windowed" "SFUI_Settings_Laptop_Power" "省電模式" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Laptop_Power" "Laptop Power Savings" "SFUI_Settings_Vertical_Sync" "等待垂直同步" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Vertical_Sync" "Wait for Vertical Sync" "SFUI_Settings_Motion_Blur" "動態模糊" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Motion_Blur" "Motion Blur" "SFUI_Settings_High_Dynamic_Range" "高動態範圍光映射" "[english]SFUI_Settings_High_Dynamic_Range" "High Dynamic Range" "SFUI_Settings_Very_High" "很高" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Very_High" "Very High" "SFUI_Settings_High" "高" "[english]SFUI_Settings_High" "High" "SFUI_Settings_Medium" "中" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Medium" "Medium" "SFUI_Settings_Low" "低" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Low" "Low" "SFUI_Settings_Master_Volume" "主音量" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Master_Volume" "Master Volume" "SFUI_Settings_Music_Volume" "音樂音量" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Music_Volume" "Music Volume" "SFUI_Settings_Speaker_Config" "喇叭設定" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Speaker_Config" "Speaker Configuration" "SFUI_Settings_Headphones" "耳機" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Headphones" "Headphones" "SFUI_Settings_2_Speakers" "2 聲道喇叭" "[english]SFUI_Settings_2_Speakers" "2 Speakers" "SFUI_Settings_4_Speakers" "4 聲道喇叭" "[english]SFUI_Settings_4_Speakers" "4 Speakers" "SFUI_Settings_51_Speakers" "5.1 聲道喇叭" "[english]SFUI_Settings_51_Speakers" "5.1 Speakers" "SFUI_Settings_Sound_Quality" "音效品質" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Sound_Quality" "Sound Quality" "SFUI_Settings_Enable_Voice" "啟動語音" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enable_Voice" "Enable Voice" "SFUI_Settings_Open_Mic" "開啟麥克風" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Open_Mic" "Open Microphone" "SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk" "隨按即說" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk" "Press to Use Mic" "SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk_Key" "編輯隨按即說按鍵" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk_Key" "EDIT USE MIC KEY" "SFUI_Settings_Setup_Microphone" "麥克風設定" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Setup_Microphone" "MIC SETUP" "SFUI_Settings_Simple_Refl" "簡單反射" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Simple_Refl" "Simple Reflections" "SFUI_Settings_Reflect_World" "反射遊戲世界" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Reflect_World" "Reflect World" "SFUI_Settings_Reflect_All" "全部反射" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Reflect_All" "Reflect All" "SFUI_Settings_Enabled" "已啟用" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enabled" "Enabled" "SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Double" "雙倍緩衝" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Double" "Double Buffered" "SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Triple" "三倍緩衝" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Triple" "Triple Buffered" "SFUI_Settings_Disabled" "已停用" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Disabled" "Disabled" "SFUI_Settings_None" "無" "[english]SFUI_Settings_None" "None" "SFUI_Settings_2X_MSAA" "2x MSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_2X_MSAA" "2x MSAA" "SFUI_Settings_4X_MSAA" "4x MSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_4X_MSAA" "4x MSAA" "SFUI_Settings_8X_MSAA" "8x MSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_8X_MSAA" "8x MSAA" "SFUI_Settings_8X_CSAA" "8x CSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_8X_CSAA" "8x CSAA" "SFUI_Settings_16X_CSAA" "16x CSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_16X_CSAA" "16x CSAA" "SFUI_Settings_16XQ_CSAA" "16xQ CSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_16XQ_CSAA" "16xQ CSAA" "SFUI_Settings_Bilinear" "雙線性" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Bilinear" "Bilinear" "SFUI_Settings_Trilinear" "三線性" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Trilinear" "Trilinear" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_2X" "異向 2X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_2X" "Anisotropic 2X" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_4X" "異向 4X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_4X" "Anisotropic 4X" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_8X" "異向 8X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_8X" "Anisotropic 8X" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_16X" "異向 16X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_16X" "Anisotropic 16X" "SFUI_Settings_Bloom" "光暈" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Bloom" "Bloom" "SFUI_Settings_Full" "完整" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Full" "Full" "SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart_Title" "注意" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart_Title" "Notice" "SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart" "變更將會在重新開始後啟用。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart" "Changes will be applied at restart." "SFUI_Settings_Changes_Notice_Nav" "${confirm} 確定" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changes_Notice_Nav" "${confirm} OK" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode" "分割畫面模式" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode" "Splitscreen Mode" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Auto" "自動" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Auto" "Auto" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Vert" "並排顯示" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Vert" "Side by Side" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Horz" "上下顯示" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Horz" "Over / Under" "SFUI_Settings_Always_Show_Inventory" "永遠顯示物品欄" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Always_Show_Inventory" "Always Show Inventory" "SFUI_Settings_Enable_Console" "啟用開發人員命令列(~)" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enable_Console" "Enable Developer Console (~)" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaling" "遊戲位置" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaling" "Play Distance" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleSmall" "桌面文字訊息" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleSmall" "Desktop Small Text" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleMed" "桌面" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleMed" "Desktop" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleLarge" "沙發" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleLarge" "Couch" "SFUI_Settings_Apply" "套用" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Apply" "APPLY" "SFUI_Settings_Changed_Discard" "設定已被變更,放棄目前的變更?" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changed_Discard" "Changes have been made. Discard current changes?" "SFUI_Settings_Video" "視訊" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Video" "Video" "SFUI_Settings_Discard_Nav" "${cancel} 取消 ${confirm} 放棄" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Discard_Nav" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Discard" "SFUI_Settings_PowerSavings_Info" "電源節能模式,遊戲刻意運行在較低的畫面播放速率以保存電池電源,延長的電池電源可以播放的時間。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_PowerSavings_Info" "In Power Savings Mode, the game intentionally runs at a low frame rate in order to preserve battery power, extending the amount of time that you can play on battery power." "SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Info" "反鋸齒可提供幾何形狀光滑的邊緣,消除鋸齒狀的邊緣。提高反鋸齒品質將導至降低圖形性能。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Info" "Anti-aliasing provides a smooth appearance at the edges of geometry, eliminating jagged edges. Increasing anti-aliasing quality can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Info" "提高材質過濾設定將改善遊戲中材質的外觀。提高過濾品質會降低圖形性能。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Info" "Increasing the texture filtering setting improves the appearance of textures in the game. Increasing filtering quality can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_WaitForVSync_Info" "垂直同步選項會影響視覺效果品質與滑鼠延遲的權衡。推薦使用三重緩衝以達最佳經驗。若不用此功能將可藉由減低滑鼠延遲減少玩家的動暈症, 但代價是視覺撕裂。雙緩衝是妥協的方法之一, 在具有一些延遲的同時減少撕裂。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_WaitForVSync_Info" "Vertical sync options affect the tradeoff between visual quality and mouse lag. Triple Buffering is recommended for the smoothest experience. The Disabled setting may minimize mouse lag at the cost of visual tearing." "SFUI_Settings_QueuedMode_Info" "多核心渲染可讓《CS:GO》善用您的系統中的多個中央處理器。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_QueuedMode_Info" "Multicore rendering allows CS:GO to utilize the multiple CPUs present in your system. The Disabled setting may provide a higher framerate but with lower visual quality." "SFUI_Settings_ShaderDetail_Info" "著色細節控制遊戲中的各式表面的照明複雜性和著色效果。較高的設置將增加視覺品質,但會降低圖形性能。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_ShaderDetail_Info" "Shader detail controls the sophistication of the lighting and shading effects applied to surfaces in the game. Higher settings increase visual quality but can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_CPUDetail_Info" "效果細節控制遊戲中某些視覺效果的複雜性及繪圖距離。降低此效果會改善性能但會造成遊戲中突然物件出現。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_CPUDetail_Info" "Effect detail controls the complexity of certain visual effects in the game as well as the draw-distance. Decreasing the effect detail may improve performance but will also increase model pop-in artifacts." "SFUI_Settings_ModelDetail_Info" "模型 / 材質細節的設定將控制材質解析度和遊戲中模型的幾何複雜性。降低此設定可提高低配備系統的性能,但會降低圖像品質。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_ModelDetail_Info" "The model / texture detail setting controls the resolution of textures and geometric complexity of models in the game. Decreasing this setting may improve performance on low-end systems, but will degrade image quality." "SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool_Mem_Info" "可用的 CPU 記憶體可能會受其他程式影響,例如在背景中執行的防毒軟體。" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool_Mem_Info" "Available CPU memory may be affected by other programs, such as anti-virus programs running in the background." "SFUI_Settings_Chat_ButtonLabel" "傳送" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Chat_ButtonLabel" "Send" "SFUI_Settings_Chat_Say" "全體訊息" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Chat_Say" "Say to all" "SFUI_Settings_Chat_SayTeam" "團隊訊息" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Chat_SayTeam" "Say to team" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Title" "選擇武器" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Title" "Select Weapon" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Autobuy" "自動購買" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Autobuy" "Auto Buy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Buyprev" "購買先前裝備" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Buyprev" "Re-Buy Previous" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Done" "關閉" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Done" "Close" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Pistols" "手槍" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Pistols" "PISTOLS" "SFUI_BuyMenu_HeavyWeapons" "重型武器" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_HeavyWeapons" "HEAVY" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Rifles" "步槍" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Rifles" "RIFLES" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Equipment" "裝備" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Equipment" "GEAR" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Loadouts" "裝備清單" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Loadouts" "LOADOUTS" "SFUI_BuyMenu_SMGs" "衝鋒槍" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_SMGs" "SMGs" "SFUI_BuyMenu_SelectWeapon" "選擇\n武器" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_SelectWeapon" "Select\nWeapon" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CurrentInventory" "目前物品欄" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CurrentInventory" "Current Inventory" "SFUI_BuyMenu_LoadoutNumber" "裝備清單 %s1" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_LoadoutNumber" "Loadout %s1" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Firepower" "火力" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Firepower" "FIREPOWER" "SFUI_BuyMenu_FireRate" "射速" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_FireRate" "FIRERATE" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Accuracy" "準確度" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Accuracy" "ACCURACY" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Movement" "移動速度" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Movement" "MOVEMENT RATE" "SFUI_BuyMenu_AmmoLabel" "彈藥:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_AmmoLabel" "AMMO:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_SpecialLabel" "特殊功能:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_SpecialLabel" "SPECIAL:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CountryLabel" "國家:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CountryLabel" "COUNTRY:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_TimerText" "剩餘購買時間:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_TimerText" "Buy Time Left :" "SFUI_BuyMenu_OutOfTime" "%s1 秒購買時間已過" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_OutOfTime" "The %s1 second buy period has expired" "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotInBuyZone" "您已離開購買區域" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotInBuyZone" "You have left the buy zone" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Select" "${lshoulder} 自動購買 ${rshoulder} 購買先前 ${cancel} 取消 ${confirm} 選擇" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Select" "${lshoulder} Autobuy ${rshoulder} Buy Previous ${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Select" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Buy" "${lshoulder} 自動購買 ${rshoulder} 購買先前 ${cancel} 取消 ${confirm} 購買" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Buy" "${lshoulder} Autobuy ${rshoulder} Buy Previous ${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Buy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_glock" "奧地利" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_glock" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_glock" "三連發點放射擊" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_glock" "3x Burst-Fire" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_usp" "德國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_usp" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_usp" "消音器" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_usp" "Silencer" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p228" "瑞士/德國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p228" "Switz/Ger" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p228" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p228" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_deagle" "以色列" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_deagle" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_deagle" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_deagle" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_fiveseven" "比利時" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_fiveseven" "Belgium" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_fiveseven" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_fiveseven" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_elite" "義大利" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_elite" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_elite" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_elite" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p250" "瑞士/德國/美國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p250" "Switzerland/Ger/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p250" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p250" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_hkp2000" "瑞士/德國/美國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_hkp2000" "Switzerland/Ger/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_hkp2000" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_hkp2000" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m3" "義大利" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m3" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m3" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m3" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_xm1014" "義大利" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_xm1014" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_xm1014" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_xm1014" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tmp" "奧地利" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tmp" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tmp" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tmp" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp5navy" "德國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp5navy" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp5navy" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp5navy" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mac10" "美國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mac10" "U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mac10" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mac10" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ump45" "德國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ump45" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ump45" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ump45" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p90" "比利時" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p90" "Belgium" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p90" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p90" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_famas" "法國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_famas" "France" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_famas" "三連發點放射擊" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_famas" "3x Burst-Fire" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scout" "奧地利" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scout" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scout" "兩倍縮放" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scout" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ak47" "俄羅斯" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ak47" "Russia" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ak47" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ak47" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galil" "以色列" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galil" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galil" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galil" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galilar" "以色列" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galilar" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galilar" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galilar" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m4a1" "美國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m4a1" "U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m4a1" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m4a1" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_aug" "奧地利" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_aug" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_aug" "縮放" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_aug" "Zoom" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg550" "瑞士" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg550" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSG550Special_sg550" "兩倍縮放" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSG550Special_sg550" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg552" "瑞士" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg552" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg552" "縮放" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg552" "Zoom" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg556" "瑞士" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg556" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg556" "縮放" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg556" "Zoom" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_awp" "英國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_awp" "U.K." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_awp" "兩倍縮放" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_awp" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_g3sg1" "德國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_g3sg1" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_g3sg1" "兩倍縮放" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_g3sg1" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m249" "比利時" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m249" "Belgium" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m249" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m249" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_negev" "以色列" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_negev" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_negev" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_negev" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_nova" "義大利" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_nova" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_nova" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_nova" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sawedoff" "美國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sawedoff" "U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sawedoff" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sawedoff" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mag7" "南非" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mag7" "South Africa" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mag7" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mag7" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tec9" "瑞典/美國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tec9" "Sweden/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tec9" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tec9" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar17" "比利時/美國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar17" "Belgium/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar17" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar17" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar20" "比利時/美國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar20" "Belgium/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar20" "兩倍縮放" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar20" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ssg08" "奧地利" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ssg08" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ssg08" "兩倍縮放" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ssg08" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp7" "德國" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp7" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp7" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp7" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_bizon" "俄羅斯" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_bizon" "Russia" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_bizon" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_bizon" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp9" "瑞士" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp9" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp9" "N/A" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp9" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_taser" "一把以致命電流電擊目標的近距離、單發武器。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_taser" "A close range, one shot weapon that delivers a lethal dose of electricity to the target." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_decoy" "一種模擬武器開火聲音的戰術干擾裝備。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_decoy" "A diversionary device that can be used to simulate weapons discharge." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_assaultsuit" "保護身體和頭部抵擋子彈和爆炸傷害的基本裝備。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_assaultsuit" "Body and head protection against projectiles and explosives." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_molotov" "一種能瞬間以火焰覆蓋一整片區域的爆炸性燃燒汽油彈。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_molotov" "An explosive, incendiary device that covers the point of impact in flames for a short time." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_smokegrenade" "一種製造暫時性煙霧以提供行動掩護的戰術干擾裝備。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_smokegrenade" "A diversionary device that can be used to provide temporary cover for moving from place to place." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_flashbang" "當擲向敵人時(先拉拉環)可產生極大的噪音以及令人暫時失明的閃光。在進入戰鬥區域進行干擾時非常有用。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_flashbang" "Makes a loud noise and blinding flash when thrown at enemy (pull pin first). Useful for causing distractions before entering an area." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_hegrenade" "一種高爆炸性裝備。拉掉拉環再揚起手臂投出。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_hegrenade" "A high-explosive device. Pull the pin, release the spoon and throw." "SFUI_Freeze_Skip" "${confirm}跳過" "[english]SFUI_Freeze_Skip" "${confirm}Skip" "SFUI_Freeze_Snapshot" "[%s1] 儲存這一刻" "[english]SFUI_Freeze_Snapshot" "[%s1] Save this moment" "SFUI_CONNWARNING_HEADER" "警告:連線問題" "[english]SFUI_CONNWARNING_HEADER" "WARNING: Connection problem" "SFUI_CONNWARNING_BODY" "自動斷線時間:" "[english]SFUI_CONNWARNING_BODY" "Auto-disconnect in: " "SFUI_LEADERBOARD" "排行榜" "[english]SFUI_LEADERBOARD" "LEADERBOARDS" "SFUI_LBoard_Mode" "模式" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Mode" "MODE" "SFUI_LBoard_Filter" "過濾器" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Filter" "FILTER" "SFUI_LBoard_Entries" "所有記錄:0" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Entries" "TOTAL ENTRIES: 0" "SFUI_LBoard_Updating" "從伺服器更新中..." "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Updating" "UPDATING FROM SERVER..." "SFUI_LBRank" "排名:" "[english]SFUI_LBRank" "RANK:" "SFUI_LBCat_Lt" "${ltrigger}" "[english]SFUI_LBCat_Lt" "${ltrigger}" "SFUI_LBCat_Rt" "${rtrigger}" "[english]SFUI_LBCat_Rt" "${rtrigger}" "SFUI_LBMode_X" "${west}" "[english]SFUI_LBMode_X" "${west}" "SFUI_LBFilter_Y" "${north}" "[english]SFUI_LBFilter_Y" "${north}" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} 關閉 ${confirm} 顯示玩家名片 ${dpad} 瀏覽列表" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Close ${confirm} Show Gamer Card ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation_PS3" "${cancel} 關閉 ${dpad} 瀏覽列表" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation_PS3" "${cancel} Close ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_LB_Status" "讀取排行榜資料..." "[english]SFUI_LB_Status" "Reading leaderboard data..." "SFUI_LB_NoResults" "找不到結果。" "[english]SFUI_LB_NoResults" "No results found." "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_KillDeath" "目前擊殺/死亡比例" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_KillDeath" "Current Kill / Death Ratio" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Wins" "總獲勝次數" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Wins" "Total Wins" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Stars" "總最佳玩家次數" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Stars" "Total Stars" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_GamesPlayed" "總遊戲時間" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_GamesPlayed" "Total Games Played" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Overall" "總體" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Overall" "Overall" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Friends" "好友" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Friends" "Friends" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Me" "我" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Me" "Me" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_All" "全部" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_All" "All" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCasual" "線上休閒" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCasual" "Online Casual" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCompetitive" "線上競技" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCompetitive" "Online Competitive" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePro" "線上專家" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePro" "Online Pro" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePrivate" "線上私人" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePrivate" "Online Private" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCasual" "本地休閒" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCasual" "Local Casual" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCompetitive" "本地競技" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCompetitive" "Local Competitive" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflinePro" "本地專家" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflinePro" "Local Pro" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameProgressive" "線上軍備競賽" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameProgressive" "Online Arms Race" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameBomb" "線上爆破" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameBomb" "Online Demolition" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameProgressive" "本地軍備競賽" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameProgressive" "Local Arms Race" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameBomb" "本地爆破" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameBomb" "Local Demolition" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Rank" "排名" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Rank" "Rank" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "玩家代號" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "Gamertag" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_KD" "K/D" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_KD" "K/D" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HeadShots" "爆頭數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HeadShots" "Head Shots" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Hits" "命中數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Hits" "Hits" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Kills" "擊殺數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Kills" "Kills" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WinPercent" "勝率 %" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WinPercent" "Win %" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Wins" "獲勝次數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Wins" "Wins" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Losses" "敗北次數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Losses" "Losses" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsCT" "反恐部隊獲勝次數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsCT" "Wins as CT" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsT" "恐怖份子獲勝次數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsT" "Wins as T" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Stars" "最佳玩家" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Stars" "Stars" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsSet" "炸彈設置次數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsSet" "Bomb Set" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDetonated" "炸彈引爆次數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDetonated" "Bombs Detonated" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDefused" "解除炸彈次數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDefused" "Bombs Defused" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HostagesRescued" "人質救援次數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HostagesRescued" "Hostages Rescued" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Total" "總計" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Total" "Total" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageScore" "分數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageScore" "Score" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageKillsRound" "每回合擊殺數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageKillsRound" "Kills Per Round" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDeathsRound" "每回合死亡數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDeathsRound" "Deaths Per Round" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDmgRound" "每回合造成傷害" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDmgRound" "Damage Per Round" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TotalMVP" "總計 MVP 次數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TotalMVP" "MVP Total" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamesTotal" "總計" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamesTotal" "Total" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TimePlayed" "遊戲時間" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TimePlayed" "Time Played" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsCT" "反恐部隊遊戲時間" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsCT" "Played as CT" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsT" "恐怖份子遊戲時間" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsT" "Played as T" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Medals" "獎項總數" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Medals" "Awards Total" "SFUI_GameUI_OnlineErrorMessageTitle" "多人連線錯誤" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_OnlineErrorMessageTitle" "Multiplayer Error" "SFUI_GameUI_ErrorDismiss" "${confirm} 離開" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ErrorDismiss" "${confirm} Dismiss" "SFUI_GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "您必須登入具有多人連線權限的玩家設定檔,才能進行線上遊戲。" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "You must be signed in to a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to play online." "SFUI_GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "您需要登入 Xbox LIVE 才能存取此功能。是否要現在登入?" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "You need to sign in to Xbox LIVE to access this feature. Would you like to sign in now?" "SFUI_GameUI_LostServerXLSP" "%s 伺服器現在無法使用。請稍候再試。" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_LostServerXLSP" "The %s server is not available at this time. Please try again later." "SFUI_GameUI_DedicatedSearchFailed" "尋找專屬伺服器失敗。" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_DedicatedSearchFailed" "Failed to find a dedicated server." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_Unknown" "您的連線發生錯誤。請稍後再試。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_Unknown" "An error occurred with your connection. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "Xbox LIVE 已失去連線。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "The connection to Xbox LIVE was lost." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession" "用戶端與主機連線的過程中已斷線。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession" "Client was removed from host session." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_Idle" "您因為掛網而遭踢出。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_Idle" "You have been kicked due to inactivity." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedFromServer" "您的連線至伺服器已逾時。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedFromServer" "Your connection to the server has timed out." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamKilling" "您因為擊殺太多隊友而遭踢出。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamKilling" "You have been kicked for killing too many teammates." "SFUI_Disconnect_Title" "已斷線" "[english]SFUI_Disconnect_Title" "Disconnected" "SFUI_SessionError_Unknown" "您的連線階段發生錯誤。請稍候再試。" "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Unknown" "An error occurred with your connection to session. Please try again in a few moments." "SFUI_SessionError_NotAvailable" "此工作階段已無法再使用。" "[english]SFUI_SessionError_NotAvailable" "The session is no longer available." "SFUI_SessionError_Create" "無法建立連線,請檢查您的網路連線後 再重試一次。" "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Create" "Failed to create session. Please check your connection and try again." "SFUI_SessionError_Connect" "無法連線到遊戲伺服器。" "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Connect" "Failed to connect to the game server." "SFUI_SessionError_Full" "無法加入連線遊戲,因為欲連線的伺服器目前沒有足夠的空位。" "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Full" "Failed to join session because the session did not have enough open slots." "SFUI_SessionError_Kicked" "您已從連線階段遭到踢出。" "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Kicked" "You have been kicked from the session." "SFUI_SessionError_Migrate" "大廳廳主已離開此遊戲。" "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Migrate" "Lobby leader has left the game." "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTitle" "玩家個人檔案讀取失敗" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTitle" "Gamer profile load fail" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedMsg" "讀取玩家個人檔案時發生錯誤。您打算重設玩家個人資料嗎?這麼做所有的遊戲進度和設定都將消失。" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedMsg" "There was an error loading the gamer profile. Would you like to attempt to reset the gamer profile losing all game progress and settings?" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTrialMsg" "讀取玩家個人檔案時發生錯誤。測試模式需要有效的玩家個人檔案" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTrialMsg" "There was an error loading the gamer profile. Trial mode requires valid gamer profile" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedTitle" "玩家個人檔案存取失敗" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedTitle" "Gamer profile write fail" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedMsg" "寫入玩家個人檔案時發生錯誤。沒有儲存任何遊戲進度。" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedMsg" "There was an error writing the gamer profile. No game progress has been saved" "SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlockedTitle" "購買完整遊戲!" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlockedTitle" "Purchase the Full Game!" "SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlocked" "您必須購買完整遊戲才能使用此功能!" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlocked" "You must purchase the full game in order to access this feature!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "要爆炸了!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "Fire in the hole!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Molotov_in_the_hole" "前方小心燃燒彈!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Molotov_in_the_hole" "FireBomb on the way!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang_in_the_hole" "注意閃光彈!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang_in_the_hole" "Flashbang Out!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_in_the_hole" "注意煙霧彈!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_in_the_hole" "Smoke Out!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Decoy_in_the_hole" "注意誘彈!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Decoy_in_the_hole" "Decoy Out!" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_NAME" "有人幫我們設定了炸彈" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_NAME" "Someone Set Up Us The Bomb" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_DESC" "設置炸彈贏得一回合" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_DESC" "Win a round by planting a bomb" "BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "爆炸!爆炸!" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "Boomala Boomala" "BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "設置 100 枚炸彈" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Plant 100 bombs" "BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "炸彈終結者" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "The Hurt Blocker" "BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "成功拆除 100 次炸彈" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Defuse 100 bombs successfully" "TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "快速拆除" "[english]TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "Quick Cut" "TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "在爆破模式中拆除 5 次炸彈" "[english]TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Defuse five bombs in Demolition mode" "TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "火爆性子" "[english]TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "Short Fuse" "TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "在爆破模式中設置 5 枚炸彈" "[english]TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Plant five bombs in Demolition Mode" "KILL_ENEMY_LOW_NAME" "裝屍袋" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LOW_NAME" "Body Bagger" "KILL_ENEMY_LOW_DESC" "擊殺 25 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LOW_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies" "KILL_ENEMY_MED_NAME" "收屍者" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MED_NAME" "Corpseman" "KILL_ENEMY_MED_DESC" "擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MED_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies" "KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_NAME" "戰神" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_NAME" "God of War" "KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_DESC" "擊殺 10,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_DESC" "Kill 10,000 enemies" "BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_NAME" "無人可比" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_NAME" "Second to None" "BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_DESC" "在剩下不到一秒的時間內成功拆除炸彈" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_DESC" "Successfully defuse a bomb with less than one second remaining" "BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_NAME" "備戰狀態" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_NAME" "Combat Ready" "BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_DESC" "在沒有炸彈拆解包就會來不及拆除炸彈的緊急狀況下,使用炸彈拆解包拆除炸彈" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_DESC" "Defuse a bomb with a kit when it would have failed without one" "KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_NAME" "反反恐部隊" "[english]KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_NAME" "Counter-Counter-Terrorist" "KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_DESC" "擊殺一名正在拆除炸彈的反恐部隊" "[english]KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_DESC" "Kill a Counter-Terrorist while he is defusing the bomb" "WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_NAME" "優先解除權" "[english]WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_NAME" "Rite of First Defusal" "WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_DESC" "拆除炸彈贏得一回合" "[english]WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_DESC" "Win a round by defusing a bomb" "BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_NAME" "暴躁性子" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_NAME" "Short Fuse" "BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_DESC" "在 25 秒內設置好炸彈(不包括爆破模式)" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_DESC" "Plant a bomb within 25 seconds (excluding Demolition mode)" "WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "菜鳥發威" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Newb World Order" "WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "贏得 10 回合" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Win ten rounds" "WIN_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "晉升專家" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Pro-moted" "WIN_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "贏得 200 回合" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Win 200 rounds" "WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "菁英中的菁英" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Leet-er of Men" "WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "贏得 5,000 回合" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 5,000 rounds" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "人為魚肉,我為刀俎" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Bring a Knife to a Gunfight" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "在軍備競賽或爆破模式中贏得一場遊戲" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Win one match in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "操刀至錦" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Keep on Stabbin" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "在軍備競賽或爆破模式中贏得 25 場遊戲" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Win 25 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "殺戮世紀" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Kill of the Century" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "在軍備競賽或爆破模式中贏得 100 場遊戲" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 100 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_NAME" "專業人士" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_NAME" "The Professional" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_DESC" "在軍備競賽或爆破模式中贏得 500 場遊戲" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_DESC" "Win 500 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_NAME" "冷盤饕客" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_NAME" "Cold Pizza Eater" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_DESC" "在軍備競賽或爆破模式中贏得 1,000 場遊戲" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_DESC" "Win 1,000 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "倒吃甘蔗" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Practice Practice Practice" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "在軍備競賽或爆破模式中進行 100 場遊戲" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Play 100 matches of Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "槍械收藏家" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Gun Collector" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "在軍備競賽或爆破模式中進行 500 場遊戲" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Play 500 matches of Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "殺戮之王" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "King of the Kill" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "在軍備競賽或爆破模式中進行 5,000 場遊戲" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Play 5,000 matches of Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_NAME" "憤怒的花梨貓大戰牙羽燎" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_NAME" "Points in Your Favor" "GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_DESC" "對敵人造成累計 2500 點傷害" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_DESC" "Inflict 2,500 total points of damage to enemies" "GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_NAME" "你講到重點了" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_NAME" "You've Made Your Points" "GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_DESC" "對敵人造成累計 50,000 點傷害" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_DESC" "Inflict 50,000 total points of damage to enemies" "GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_NAME" "破滅的百萬點" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_NAME" "A Million Points of Blight" "GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_DESC" "累計對敵人造成 1,000,000 點傷害" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_DESC" "Inflict 1,000,000 total points of damage to enemies" "KILLING_SPREE_NAME" "暴怒" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_NAME" "Ballistic" "KILLING_SPREE_DESC" "在 15 秒內擊殺 4 名敵人" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_DESC" "Kill four enemy players within fifteen seconds" "KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_NAME" "失而復得" "[english]KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_NAME" "Lost and F0wnd" "KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_DESC" "在當前回合中使用敵人掉落的武器擊殺一名敵人" "[english]KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a gun they dropped during the current round" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_NAME" "牛仔外交" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_NAME" "Cowboy Diplomacy" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_DESC" "解救 100 名人質" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_DESC" "Rescue 100 hostages" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_NAME" "沙皇特區" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_NAME" "SAR Czar" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_DESC" "解救 500 名人質" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_DESC" "Rescue 500 hostages" "RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_NAME" "稱職牧羊人" "[english]RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_NAME" "Good Shepherd" "RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_DESC" "在單一回合中解救所有人質" "[english]RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_DESC" "Rescue all hostages in a single round" "FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_NAME" "快速救援" "[english]FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_NAME" "Freed With Speed" "FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_DESC" "90 秒內解救所有人質" "[english]FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_DESC" "Rescue all hostages within 90 seconds" "KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_NAME" "一石二鳥" "[english]KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_NAME" "Ammo Conservation" "KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_DESC" "使用一發子彈擊殺兩名敵人" "[english]KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_DESC" "Kill two enemy players with a single bullet" "EARN_MONEY_LOW_NAME" "戰爭債券" "[english]EARN_MONEY_LOW_NAME" "War Bonds" "EARN_MONEY_LOW_DESC" "贏得 $125,000 總金額" "[english]EARN_MONEY_LOW_DESC" "Earn $125,000 total cash" "EARN_MONEY_MED_NAME" "戰爭戰掠物" "[english]EARN_MONEY_MED_NAME" "Spoils of War" "EARN_MONEY_MED_DESC" "贏得 $2,500,000 總金額" "[english]EARN_MONEY_MED_DESC" "Earn $2,500,000 total cash" "EARN_MONEY_HIGH_NAME" "血腥錢" "[english]EARN_MONEY_HIGH_NAME" "Blood Money" "EARN_MONEY_HIGH_DESC" "贏得 $50,000,000 總金額" "[english]EARN_MONEY_HIGH_DESC" "Earn $50,000,000 total cash" "DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_NAME" "活埋" "[english]DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_NAME" "Premature Burial" "DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_DESC" "在死亡後用手榴彈炸死一名敵人" "[english]DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a grenade after dying" "KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_NAME" "Desert Eagle 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_NAME" "Desert Eagle Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_DESC" "使用 Desert Eagle 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the Desert Eagle" "KILL_ENEMY_USP_NAME" "USP 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_USP_NAME" "USP Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_USP_DESC" "使用 USP 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_USP_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the USP" "KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_NAME" "Glock-18 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_NAME" "Glock-18 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_DESC" "使用 Glock-18 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the Glock-18" "KILL_ENEMY_P228_NAME" "P228 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P228_NAME" "P228 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_P228_DESC" "使用 P228 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P228_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the P228" "KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_NAME" "Dual Berettas 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_NAME" "Dual Berettas Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_DESC" "使用 Dual Berettas 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Dual Berettas" "KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_NAME" "Five-SeveN 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_NAME" "Five-SeveN Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_DESC" "使用 Five-SeveN 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Five-SeveN" "KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_NAME" "PP-Bizon 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_NAME" "PP-Bizon Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_DESC" "使用 PP-Bizon 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the PP-Bizon" "KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_NAME" "Tec-9 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_NAME" "Tec-9 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_DESC" "使用 Tec-9 擊殺 100 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Tec-9" "KILL_ENEMY_TASER_NAME" "Zeus x27 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TASER_NAME" "Zeus x27 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_TASER_DESC" "使用 Zeus x27 擊殺 100 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TASER_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Zeus x27" "KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_NAME" "P2000 Tactical 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_NAME" "P2000 Tactical Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_DESC" "使用 P2000 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the P2000" "KILL_ENEMY_P250_NAME" "P250 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P250_NAME" "P250 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_P250_DESC" "使用 P250 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P250_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the P250" "META_PISTOL_NAME" "手槍大師" "[english]META_PISTOL_NAME" "Pistol Master" "META_PISTOL_DESC" "解鎖所有手槍擊殺相關成就" "[english]META_PISTOL_DESC" "Unlock all Pistol kill achievements" "KILL_ENEMY_AWP_NAME" "AWP 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AWP_NAME" "AWP Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_AWP_DESC" "使用 AWP 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AWP_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the AWP" "KILL_ENEMY_AK47_NAME" "AK-47 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AK47_NAME" "AK-47 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_AK47_DESC" "使用 AK-47 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AK47_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the AK-47" "KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_NAME" "M4A4 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_NAME" "M4A4 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_DESC" "使用 M4A4 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the M4A4" "KILL_ENEMY_AUG_NAME" "AUG 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AUG_NAME" "AUG Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_AUG_DESC" "使用 AUG 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AUG_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the AUG" "KILL_ENEMY_SG552_NAME" "SG 552 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG552_NAME" "SG 552 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SG552_DESC" "使用 SG 552 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG552_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SG 552" "KILL_ENEMY_SG550_NAME" "SG 550 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG550_NAME" "SG 550 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SG550_DESC" "使用 SG 550 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG550_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SG 550" "KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_NAME" "Galil 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_NAME" "Galil Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_DESC" "使用 Galil 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the Galil" "KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_NAME" "Galil AR 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_NAME" "Galil AR Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_DESC" "使用 Galil AR 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the Galil AR" "KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_NAME" "FAMAS 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_NAME" "FAMAS Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_DESC" "使用 FAMAS 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the FAMAS" "KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_NAME" "Scout 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_NAME" "Scout Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_DESC" "使用 Scout 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the Scout" "KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_NAME" "G3SG1 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_NAME" "G3SG1 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_DESC" "使用 G3SG1 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the G3SG1" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_NAME" "SCAR-17 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_NAME" "SCAR-17 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_DESC" "使用 SCAR-17 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the SCAR-17" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_NAME" "SCAR-20 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_NAME" "SCAR-20 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_DESC" "使用 SCAR-20 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SCAR-20" "KILL_ENEMY_SG556_NAME" "SG553 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG556_NAME" "SG553 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SG556_DESC" "使用 SG553 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG556_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SG553" "KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_NAME" "SSG 08 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_NAME" "SSG 08 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_DESC" "使用 SSG 08 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the SSG 08" "META_RIFLE_NAME" "步槍大師" "[english]META_RIFLE_NAME" "Rifle Master" "META_RIFLE_DESC" "解鎖所有步槍擊殺相關成就" "[english]META_RIFLE_DESC" "Unlock all rifle kill achievements" "KILL_ENEMY_P90_NAME" "P90 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P90_NAME" "P90 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_P90_DESC" "使用 P90 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P90_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the P90" "KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_NAME" "MP5 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_NAME" "MP5 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_DESC" "使用 MP5 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the MP5" "KILL_ENEMY_TMP_NAME" "TMP 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TMP_NAME" "TMP Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_TMP_DESC" "使用 TMP 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TMP_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the TMP" "KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_NAME" "MAC-10 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_NAME" "MAC-10 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_DESC" "使用 MAC-10 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the MAC-10" "KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_NAME" "UMP-45 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_NAME" "UMP-45 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_DESC" "使用 UMP-45 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the UMP-45" "KILL_ENEMY_MP7_NAME" "MP7 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP7_NAME" "MP7 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MP7_DESC" "使用 MP7 擊殺 1,000 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP7_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the MP7" "KILL_ENEMY_MP9_NAME" "MP9 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP9_NAME" "MP9 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MP9_DESC" "使用 MP9 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP9_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the MP9" "META_SMG_NAME" "衝鋒槍大師" "[english]META_SMG_NAME" "Sub-Machine Gun Master" "META_SMG_DESC" "解鎖所有衝鋒槍擊殺相關成就" "[english]META_SMG_DESC" "Unlock all sub-machine gun kill achievements" "KILL_ENEMY_M3_NAME" "M3 Shotgun 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M3_NAME" "M3 Shotgun Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_M3_DESC" "使用 M3 Shotgun 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M3_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the M3 Shotgun" "KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_NAME" "XM1014 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_NAME" "XM1014 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_DESC" "使用 XM1014 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the XM1014" "KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_NAME" "MAG-7 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_NAME" "MAG-7 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_DESC" "使用 MAG-7 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the MAG-7" "KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_NAME" "Sawed-Off 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_NAME" "Sawed-Off Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_DESC" "使用 Sawed-Off 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the Sawed-Off" "KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_NAME" "Nova 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_NAME" "Nova Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_DESC" "使用 Nova 擊殺 200 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the Nova" "META_SHOTGUN_NAME" "散彈槍大師" "[english]META_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Shotgun Master" "META_SHOTGUN_DESC" "解鎖所有散彈槍擊殺相關成就" "[english]META_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Unlock all shotgun kill achievements" "KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_NAME" "高爆手榴彈專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_NAME" "HE Grenade Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_DESC" "使用高爆手榴彈擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the HE grenade" "KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_NAME" "燃燒專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_NAME" "Flame Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_DESC" "使用莫洛托夫汽油彈或燃燒手榴彈擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the Molotov or Incendiary grenade" "KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_NAME" "軍刀專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_NAME" "Knife Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_DESC" "使用軍刀擊殺 100 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the knife" "KILL_ENEMY_M249_NAME" "M249 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M249_NAME" "M249 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_M249_DESC" "使用 M249 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M249_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the M249" "KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_NAME" "Negev 專家" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_NAME" "Negev Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_DESC" "使用 Negev 擊殺 500 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the Negev" "META_WEAPONMASTER_NAME" "武器大師" "[english]META_WEAPONMASTER_NAME" "Master At Arms" "META_WEAPONMASTER_DESC" "解鎖所有武器擊殺相關成就" "[english]META_WEAPONMASTER_DESC" "Unlock every weapon kill achievement" "KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_NAME" "清道夫" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_NAME" "The Cleaner" "KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_DESC" "在一回合中殺死 5 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_DESC" "Kill five enemies in a single round" "KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_NAME" "武器秀" "[english]KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_NAME" "Variety Hour" "KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_DESC" "在一回合中使用 5 種不同的槍械擊殺敵人" "[english]KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_DESC" "Get kills with five different guns in a single round" "KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_NAME" "牧羊人之死" "[english]KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_NAME" "Dead Shepherd" "KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_DESC" "在不傷害人質的前提下殺死一名引領人質的敵人" "[english]KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is leading the hostages without injuring the hostages" "LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_NAME" "消耗戰" "[english]LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_NAME" "War of Attrition" "LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_DESC" "成為單一回合中僅存的玩家 (隊伍中至少有 5 名玩家)" "[english]LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_DESC" "Be the last player alive in a round with five players on your team" "KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_NAME" "仙彈妙藥" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_NAME" "Magic Bullet" "KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_DESC" "使用彈夾中最後一發子彈殺死一名敵人(狙擊槍和 Zeus x27 除外)" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_DESC" "Kill an enemy with the last bullet in your magazine (excluding sniper rifles and Zeus x27)" "KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_NAME" "放下屠刀" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_NAME" "Kill One, Get One Spree" "KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_DESC" "擊殺一名在 15 秒擊殺您四名隊友的敵人" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_DESC" "Kill an enemy player who has just killed four of your teammates within 15 seconds" "BREAK_WINDOWS_NAME" "玻璃窗世界" "[english]BREAK_WINDOWS_NAME" "A World of Pane" "BREAK_WINDOWS_DESC" "在 Office 地圖一個回合中射穿 14 扇窗戶" "[english]BREAK_WINDOWS_DESC" "Shoot out 14 windows in a single round on Office" "HEADSHOTS_NAME" "零誤差" "[english]HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Battle Sight Zero" "HEADSHOTS_DESC" "以爆頭方式擊殺 250 名敵人" "[english]HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Kill 250 enemies with headshots" "DAMAGE_NO_KILL_NAME" "臨門一腳" "[english]DAMAGE_NO_KILL_NAME" "Primer" "DAMAGE_NO_KILL_DESC" "對敵人造成至少 95% 的傷害,接著由另一名隊友擊殺該敵人" "[english]DAMAGE_NO_KILL_DESC" "Do at least 95% damage to an enemy who is then killed by a another player" "KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_NAME" "補刀至上" "[english]KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_NAME" "Finishing Schooled" "KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_DESC" "擊殺被其他玩家射傷,生命值不到 5% 的敵方玩家" "[english]KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has been reduced to less than 5% health by other players" "KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_NAME" "射下他們的褲子" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_NAME" "Shot With Their Pants Down" "KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_DESC" "當敵方更換彈匣時擊殺他" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_DESC" "Kill an enemy while they are reloading" "KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_NAME" "盲目的野心" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_NAME" "Blind Ambition" "KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_DESC" "在受到閃光彈失明的情況下擊殺 25 名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies blinded by flashbangs" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_NAME" "盲目的憤怒" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_NAME" "Blind Fury" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_DESC" "當您受到閃光彈失明時擊殺一名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_DESC" "Kill an enemy while you are blinded from a flashbang" "KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_NAME" "取之於敵" "[english]KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_NAME" "Friendly Firearms" "KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_DESC" "使用敵人的武器擊殺 100 名敵人" "[english]KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with enemy weapons" "KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_NAME" "神射手專家" "[english]KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_NAME" "Expert Marksman" "KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_DESC" "使用每種武器各擊殺一名敵人" "[english]KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_DESC" "Get a kill with every weapon" "WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "神射手" "[english]WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Marksman" "WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "在每張軍械庫模式的地圖中獲得勝利" "[english]WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Win a match on each Arsenal Mode map" "PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "遊客" "[english]PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Tourist" "PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "在每張軍械庫模式的地圖中完成一回合" "[english]PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Play a round on every Arsenal Mode map" "GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "拒絕!" "[english]GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Denied!" "GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "在軍備競賽或是爆破模式中擊殺一名達到金刀等級的敵人" "[english]GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Kill a player who is on gold knife level in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "高風險事業" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Living on the Edge" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "在清道夫模式中用軍刀擊殺一名敵人" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Get a knife kill in Scavenger Mode" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "切腹自盡" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Seppuku" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "在軍備競賽模式中達到金刀等級之後自殺" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill yourself while on gold knife level in Arms Race Mode" "GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "刀鋒相見" "[english]GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Knife on Knife" "GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "在軍備競賽或是爆破模式中用您自己的金刀擊殺一名也達到金刀等級的敵人" "[english]GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is on gold knife level with your own knife in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "公平競爭" "[english]GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Level Playing Field" "GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "在軍備競賽模式中用衝鋒槍擊殺一名達到金刀等級的玩家" "[english]GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is on gold knife level with a sub-machine gun in Arms Race Mode" "GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_NAME" "狂暴!" "[english]GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_NAME" "Rampage!" "GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_DESC" "在軍備競賽模式中獲勝並沒有死亡過任何一次" "[english]GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_DESC" "Win an Arms Race match without dying" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_NAME" "第一滴血!" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_NAME" "FIRST!" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_DESC" "在軍械庫模式中成為第一位擊殺敵人的玩家" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_DESC" "Be the first player to get a kill in an Arsenal Mode match" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_NAME" "優先處理" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_NAME" "First Thing First" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_DESC" "於爆破模式中在炸彈被安裝之前殲滅所有恐怖份子" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_DESC" "Defeat the entire Terrorist squad before the bomb is planted in Demolition Mode" "GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_NAME" "目標安全" "[english]GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_NAME" "Target Secured" "GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_DESC" "在整場爆破模式中在炸彈被安裝之前殲滅所有反恐部隊" "[english]GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_DESC" "Defeat the entire Counter-Terrorist squad before the bomb is planted in Demolition Mode" "IM_STILL_STANDING_NAME" "屹立不搖" "[english]IM_STILL_STANDING_NAME" "I'm Still Standing" "IM_STILL_STANDING_DESC" "在清道夫模式中贏得一回合並成為最後存活的人" "[english]IM_STILL_STANDING_DESC" "Win the round as the last man standing in Scavenger Mode" "ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_NAME" "百步穿楊" "[english]ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_NAME" "One Shot One Kill" "ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_DESC" "在軍備競賽模式中連續三次以您的槍械第一發子彈擊殺玩家" "[english]ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_DESC" "Kill three consecutive players using the first bullet of your gun in Arms Race mode" "GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_NAME" "環保主義者" "[english]GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_NAME" "Conservationist" "GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_DESC" "在軍備競賽模式中在沒有為任何武器更換彈匣的情況下獲得勝利" "[english]GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_DESC" "Win an Arms Race match without reloading any of your weapons" "BASE_SCAMPER_NAME" "守株待兔" "[english]BASE_SCAMPER_NAME" "Base Scamper" "BASE_SCAMPER_DESC" "在軍備競賽模式中擊殺一名重生保護時間剛好結束的敵人" "[english]BASE_SCAMPER_DESC" "Kill an enemy just as their respawn protection ends in Arms Race mode" "BORN_READY_NAME" "重生就緒" "[english]BORN_READY_NAME" "Born Ready" "BORN_READY_DESC" "在軍備競賽模式中當您的重生保護時間結束之後以第一發子彈擊殺敵人" "[english]BORN_READY_DESC" "Kill an enemy with the first bullet after your respawn protection ends in Arms Race mode" "STILL_ALIVE_NAME" "依然安在" "[english]STILL_ALIVE_NAME" "Still Alive" "STILL_ALIVE_DESC" "在軍備競賽或爆破模式中在低於十點生命值的情況下存活超過 30 秒" "[english]STILL_ALIVE_DESC" "Survive more than 30 seconds with less than ten health in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "SMORGASBOARD_NAME" "大雜燴" "[english]SMORGASBOARD_NAME" "Smorgasbord" "SMORGASBOARD_DESC" "在清道夫模式中在單一回合使用所有可用的武器類型" "[english]SMORGASBOARD_DESC" "Use every available weapon type in a single round in Scavenger Mode" "MEDALIST_NAME" "榮譽勳章" "[english]MEDALIST_NAME" "Awardist" "MEDALIST_DESC" "獲得所有獎項" "[english]MEDALIST_DESC" "Earn all other awards" "SURVIVE_GRENADE_NAME" "防爆專家" "[english]SURVIVE_GRENADE_NAME" "Shrapnelproof" "SURVIVE_GRENADE_DESC" "受到敵方手榴彈攻擊承受 80 點傷害,但仍在該回合中存活" "[english]SURVIVE_GRENADE_DESC" "Take 80 points of damage from enemy grenades and still survive the round" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_NAME" "幹掉你!" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_NAME" "Make the Cut" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_DESC" "在軍刀戰中獲勝" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_DESC" "Win a knife fight" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_NAME" "刀鋒戰士" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_NAME" "The Bleeding Edge" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_DESC" "贏得 100 場軍刀戰" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 100 knife fights" "KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "這顆給你拆!" "[english]KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Defuse This!" "KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "使用高爆手榴彈炸死拆除炸彈的人" "[english]KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Kill the defuser with an HE grenade" "SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_NAME" "安全第一" "[english]SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_NAME" "Safety First" "SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_DESC" "因為您很有警覺心而裝備頭盔,所以被擊中頭部依然能存活下來(僅限競技模式)" "[english]SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_DESC" "Survive a shot to the head because you had the good sense to wear a helmet (Competitive mode only)" "HIP_SHOT_NAME" "盲狙" "[english]HIP_SHOT_NAME" "Hip Shot" "HIP_SHOT_DESC" "在不使用狙擊鏡的狀況下以狙擊槍擊殺敵人" "[english]HIP_SHOT_DESC" "Kill an enemy with an un-zoomed sniper rifle" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_NAME" "諜對諜" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_NAME" "Eye to Eye" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_DESC" "使用自己的狙擊槍擊殺一名正在使用狙擊鏡的敵人" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_DESC" "Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a sniper rifle of your own" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "攻其不備" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Sknifed" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "使用軍刀刺殺正在使用狙擊鏡的敵人" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a knife" "KILL_SNIPERS_NAME" "狙擊手終結者" "[english]KILL_SNIPERS_NAME" "Snipe Hunter" "KILL_SNIPERS_DESC" "擊殺 100 名正在使用狙擊鏡的敵人" "[english]KILL_SNIPERS_DESC" "Kill 100 zoomed-in enemy snipers" "KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_NAME" "行屍走肉" "[english]KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_NAME" "Dead Man Stalking" "KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_DESC" "擊殺一名只剩 1 點生命值的敵人" "[english]KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_DESC" "Kill an enemy while at one health" "GRENADE_MULTIKILL_NAME" "一箭三雕" "[english]GRENADE_MULTIKILL_NAME" "Three the Hard Way" "GRENADE_MULTIKILL_DESC" "使用一顆高爆手榴彈炸死三名敵人" "[english]GRENADE_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Kill three enemies with a single HE grenade" "PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "快打旋風" "[english]PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Street Fighter" "PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "在競技模式的手槍回合中使用軍刀刺殺一名敵人" "[english]PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a knife during the Pistol Round in Competitive mode" "FAST_ROUND_WIN_NAME" "閃電戰" "[english]FAST_ROUND_WIN_NAME" "Blitzkrieg" "FAST_ROUND_WIN_DESC" "有五位敵方玩家的情況下在三十秒內贏得一回合" "[english]FAST_ROUND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round against five enemies in less than thirty seconds" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "片面協議" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Piece Initiative" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "在競技模式中贏得 5 次手槍回合" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Win 5 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_NAME" "打手槍" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Give Piece a Chance" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_DESC" "在競技模式中贏得 25 次手槍回合" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Win 25 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "片面條約" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Piece Treaty" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "在競技模式中贏得 250 次手槍回合" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 250 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode" "BOMB_MULTIKILL_NAME" "恐怖炸彈客" "[english]BOMB_MULTIKILL_NAME" "Clusterstruck" "BOMB_MULTIKILL_DESC" "使用您安置的炸彈炸死五名敵人" "[english]BOMB_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Kill five enemies with a bomb you have planted" "GOOSE_CHASE_NAME" "大逃殺" "[english]GOOSE_CHASE_NAME" "Wild Gooseman Chase" "GOOSE_CHASE_DESC" "身為最後一名存活的恐怖份子,吸引拆彈者的注意力,直到炸彈爆炸為止" "[english]GOOSE_CHASE_DESC" "As the last living Terrorist, distract a defuser long enough for the bomb to explode" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_NAME" "爆炸遺囑" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_NAME" "Blast Will and Testament" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_DESC" "撿起隊友掉落的炸彈,並成功設置炸彈贏得該回合" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_DESC" "Win a round by picking up the bomb from a fallen comrade and successfully planting it" "SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_NAME" "防彈高手" "[english]SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_NAME" "Target-Hardened" "SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_DESC" "在一回合中連續受到五位不同敵人的傷害並成功存活下來" "[english]SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_DESC" "Survive damage from five different enemies within a round" "LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_NAME" "慈悲為懷" "[english]LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_NAME" "Mercy Rule" "LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_DESC" "殲滅敵方隊伍所有人,而我方隊伍成員全數存活" "[english]LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_DESC" "Kill the entire opposing team without any members of your team dying" "FLAWLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "一網打盡" "[english]FLAWLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Clean Sweep" "FLAWLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "殲滅敵方隊伍所有人,而我方隊伍成員全都沒有受傷" "[english]FLAWLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Kill the entire opposing team without any members of your team taking any damage" "BREAK_PROPS_NAME" "瘋狂破壞" "[english]BREAK_PROPS_NAME" "Mad Props" "BREAK_PROPS_DESC" "單一回合摧毀 15 項物品" "[english]BREAK_PROPS_DESC" "Break 15 props in a single round" "WIN_DUAL_DUEL_NAME" "雙槍俠" "[english]WIN_DUAL_DUEL_NAME" "Akimbo King" "WIN_DUAL_DUEL_DESC" "使用 Dual Berettas 擊殺同樣裝備 Dual Berettas 的敵人" "[english]WIN_DUAL_DUEL_DESC" "Use Dual Berettas to kill an enemy player that is also wielding Dual Berettas" "DECAL_SPRAYS_NAME" "孫子兵法" "[english]DECAL_SPRAYS_NAME" "The Art of War" "DECAL_SPRAYS_DESC" "噴塗 100 個噴漆圖案" "[english]DECAL_SPRAYS_DESC" "Spray 100 decals" "NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_NAME" "死亡之夜" "[english]NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_NAME" "Dead of Night" "NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_DESC" "使用夜視鏡造成 5,000 傷害" "[english]NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_DESC" "Do 5,000 damage with nightvision active" "UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_NAME" "勢如破竹" "[english]UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_NAME" "The Unstoppable Force" "UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_DESC" "在單一回合中擊殺四名敵人" "[english]UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_DESC" "Kill four enemies within a single round" "IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_NAME" "鐵板人" "[english]IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_NAME" "The Immovable Object" "IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_DESC" "在目前回合中擊殺一名已經擊殺您四名隊友的敵人" "[english]IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has killed four of your teammates within the current round" "HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_NAME" "爆頭救贖" "[english]HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_NAME" "Head Shred Redemption" "HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_DESC" "在單一回合中以爆頭的方式擊殺五名敵人" "[english]HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_DESC" "Kill five enemy players with headshots in a single round" "WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Assault 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Assault Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_DESC" "在 Assault 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Assault" "WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_NAME" "Compound 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_NAME" "Compound Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_DESC" "在 Compound 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Compound" "WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_NAME" "Havana 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_NAME" "Havana Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_DESC" "在 Havana 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Havana" "WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_NAME" "Italy 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_NAME" "Italy Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_DESC" "在 Italy 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Italy" "WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_NAME" "Militia 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_NAME" "Militia Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_DESC" "在 Militia 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Militia" "WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_NAME" "Office 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_NAME" "Office Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_DESC" "在 Office 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Office" "WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_NAME" "Aztec 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_NAME" "Aztec Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_DESC" "在 Aztec 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Aztec" "WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_NAME" "Cobblestone 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_NAME" "Cobblestone Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_DESC" "在 Cobblestone 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Cobblestone" "WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_NAME" "Chateau 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_NAME" "Chateau Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_DESC" "在 Chateau 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Chateau" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_NAME" "Dust 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_NAME" "Dust Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_DESC" "在 Dust 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Dust" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_NAME" "Dust2 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_NAME" "Dust2 Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_DESC" "在 Dust2 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Dust2" "WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_NAME" "Inferno 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_NAME" "Inferno Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_DESC" "在 Inferno 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Inferno" "WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_NAME" "Nuke 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_NAME" "Nuke Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_DESC" "在 Nuke 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Nuke" "WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_NAME" "Piranesi 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_NAME" "Piranesi Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_DESC" "在 Piranesi 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Piranesi" "WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_NAME" "Port 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_NAME" "Port Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_DESC" "在 Port 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Port" "WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_NAME" "Prodigy 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_NAME" "Prodigy Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_DESC" "在 Prodigy 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Prodigy" "WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_NAME" "Tides 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_NAME" "Tides Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_DESC" "在 Tides 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Tides" "WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_NAME" "Train 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_NAME" "Train Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_DESC" "在 Train 地圖中贏得 100 回合" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Train" "WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_NAME" "度假" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_NAME" "Vacation" "WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_DESC" "在 Lake 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_DESC" "Win five matches on Lake" "WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_NAME" "這是我家" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_NAME" "My House" "WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_DESC" "在 Safehouse 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_DESC" "Win five matches on Safehouse" "WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_NAME" "紅磨坊" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_NAME" "Run of the Mill" "WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_DESC" "在 Sugarcane 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_DESC" "Win five matches on Sugarcane" "WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_NAME" "強襲聖馬克" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_NAME" "Shack Attack" "WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_DESC" "在 St. Marc 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_DESC" "Win five matches on St. Marc" "WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_NAME" "銀行搶劫" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_NAME" "Bank On It" "WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_DESC" "在 Bank 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_DESC" "Win five matches on Bank" "WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSYY_NAME" "城鎮戰" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSYY_NAME" "Urban Warfare" "WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSY_DESC" "在 Embassy 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSY_DESC" "Win five matches on Embassy" "WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_NAME" "倉儲暴君" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_NAME" "Depot Despot" "WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_DESC" "在 Depot 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_DESC" "Win five matches on Depot" "WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_NAME" "Shorttrain 地圖老兵" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_NAME" "Shorttrain Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_DESC" "在 Shorttrain 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_DESC" "Win five matches on Shorttrain" "WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_NAME" "Shoots 老鳥" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_NAME" "Shoots Vet" "WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_DESC" "在軍備競賽模式的 Shoots 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_DESC" "Win five matches in Arms Race mode on Shoots" "WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_NAME" "行李檢查員" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_NAME" "Baggage Claimer" "WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_DESC" "在軍備競賽模式的 Baggage 地圖中獲得五場勝利" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_DESC" "Win five matches in Arms Race mode on Baggage" "KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_NAME" "死神降臨" "[english]KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_NAME" "Death From Above" "KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_DESC" "當您在半空中時擊殺一名敵人" "[english]KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_DESC" "Kill an enemy while you are airborne" "KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "獵兔季節" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Bunny Hunt" "KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "殺死在半空中的敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Kill an airborne enemy" "KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "空中戰鬥" "[english]KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Aerial Necrobatics" "KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "當您在半空中時擊殺一名也在半空中的敵人" "[english]KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Kill an airborne enemy while you are also airborne" "SILENT_WIN_NAME" "黑箱作業" "[english]SILENT_WIN_NAME" "Black Bag Operation" "SILENT_WIN_DESC" "在沒有製造出腳步聲的情況下擊殺至少一名敵人並贏得一回合" "[english]SILENT_WIN_DESC" "Win a round without making any footstep noise, killing at least one enemy" "BLOODLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "冷戰" "[english]BLOODLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Cold War" "BLOODLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "在沒有任何敵方玩家死亡的情況下贏得一回合" "[english]BLOODLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Win a round in which no enemy players die" "DONATE_WEAPONS_NAME" "軍武慈善家" "[english]DONATE_WEAPONS_NAME" "Killanthropist" "DONATE_WEAPONS_DESC" "捐助 100 項武器給您的隊友" "[english]DONATE_WEAPONS_DESC" "Donate 100 weapons to your teammates" "WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_NAME" "儉樸的貝雷帽" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_NAME" "The Frugal Beret" "WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_DESC" "在沒有死亡或是花費任何金額的情況下贏得十回合" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_DESC" "Win ten rounds without dying or spending any cash" "DEFUSE_DEFENSE_NAME" "中斷拆彈" "[english]DEFUSE_DEFENSE_NAME" "Defusus Interruptus" "DEFUSE_DEFENSE_DESC" "停止拆除炸彈然後殺死一名恐怖份子,過一段時間後再成功拆除炸彈" "[english]DEFUSE_DEFENSE_DESC" "Stop defusing the bomb long enough to kill an enemy, then successfully finish defusing it" "KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_NAME" "參加獎" "[english]KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_NAME" "Participation Award" "KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_DESC" "在三秒內擊殺一名撿起炸彈的玩家" "[english]KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_DESC" "Kill an enemy within three seconds after they recover a dropped bomb" "DOMINATIONS_LOW_NAME" "累犯" "[english]DOMINATIONS_LOW_NAME" "Repeat Offender" "DOMINATIONS_LOW_DESC" "壓制一名敵人" "[english]DOMINATIONS_LOW_DESC" "Dominate an enemy" "DOMINATIONS_HIGH_NAME" "毀滅者" "[english]DOMINATIONS_HIGH_NAME" "Decimator" "DOMINATIONS_HIGH_DESC" "壓制十名敵人" "[english]DOMINATIONS_HIGH_DESC" "Dominate ten enemies" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_NAME" "一殺再殺" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_NAME" "Overkill" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_DESC" "擊殺一名您已經壓制他的敵人" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_DESC" "Kill an enemy whom you are already dominating" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_NAME" "殘暴軍閥" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_NAME" "Command and Control" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_DESC" "擊殺 100 名您已經壓制他們的敵人" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies whom you are already dominating" "REVENGES_LOW_NAME" "叛亂者" "[english]REVENGES_LOW_NAME" "Insurgent" "REVENGES_LOW_DESC" "擊殺一名壓制您的敵人" "[english]REVENGES_LOW_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is dominating you" "REVENGES_HIGH_NAME" "邪不勝正" "[english]REVENGES_HIGH_NAME" "Can't Keep a Good Man Down" "REVENGES_HIGH_DESC" "擊殺 20 名壓制您的敵人" "[english]REVENGES_HIGH_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies who are dominating you" "SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "穿著顯眼" "[english]SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Dressed to Kill" "SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "回合開始時,隊友全部都穿相同制服(至少 5 名玩家)" "[english]SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Start a round with all players on your team wearing the same uniform (at least 5 players)" "CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "帽子戲法" "[english]CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "Hat Trick" "CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "同時壓制三名敵人" "[english]CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "Dominate three enemies simultaneously" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_NAME" "十大怒漢" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_NAME" "Ten Angry Men" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_DESC" "在單一場比賽中擊殺十名您已壓制的敵人" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies you are already dominating during a single match" "EXTENDED_DOMINATION_NAME" "殘暴不仁" "[english]EXTENDED_DOMINATION_NAME" "Excessive Brutality" "EXTENDED_DOMINATION_DESC" "擊殺一名您壓制過四次的敵人" "[english]EXTENDED_DOMINATION_DESC" "Kill an enemy whom you are dominating four additional times" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_NAME" "亂槍打鳥" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_NAME" "Spray and Pray" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_DESC" "當您受到閃光彈失明時擊殺兩名敵人" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_DESC" "Kill two enemies while you are blinded from a flashbang" "FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "同盟精神" "[english]FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Friendly Attire" "FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "和 4 名朋友在同一回合加入同一隊伍,穿著相同制服" "[english]FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Start a round on the same team as 4 of your friends, with all of you wearing the same outfit" "CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_NAME" "地獄之路" "[english]CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_NAME" "The Road to Hell" "CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_DESC" "把敵人閃瞎,讓敵人誤殺自己的隊友" "[english]CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_DESC" "Blind an enemy player who then kills a teammate" "AVENGE_FRIEND_NAME" "復仇天使" "[english]AVENGE_FRIEND_NAME" "Avenging Angel" "AVENGE_FRIEND_DESC" "在同一回合中擊殺一名殺掉您好友名單中一位玩家的敵人" "[english]AVENGE_FRIEND_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has killed a player on your friends list in the same round" "KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "誘導炸彈" "[english]KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Bomboozled" "KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "以手榴彈擊殺正在設置炸彈的恐怖份子。" "[english]KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Kill a bomb-planting terrorist with a grenade." "SFUI_Rules_GunGame_Progressive" "擊殺敵人來\n獲得新武器。\n\n最先輪替完所有\n武器的玩家獲勝。\n\n· 獎勵武器會\n立即獲得\n· 立即重生\n· 開啟友方傷害\n· 關閉隊友碰撞" "[english]SFUI_Rules_GunGame_Progressive" "New weapons are awarded by \neliminating enemies.\n\nWin the match by being the first \nplayer to get a kill with every weapon.\n\n· Weapons are awarded \n immediately\n· Instant Respawn\n· Friendly fire is ON\n· Team collision is OFF" "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_T" "炸彈設置任務:\n小型地圖、回合時間短\n無法購買武器\n擊殺敵人或是完成任務目標來獲得新武器。\n在 20 個回合中表現最好的隊伍將獲得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_T" "Bomb Planting Mission: \nCompact map with short round times\nand no weapon buying.\nEarn a new weapon each round by killing enemies or completing objectives.\nWin the match by winning the best of twenty rounds." "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_CT" "炸彈拆除任務:\n小型地圖、回合時間短\n無法購買武器\n擊殺敵人或是完成任務目標來獲得新武器。\n在 20 個回合中表現最好的隊伍將獲得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_CT" "Bomb Defuse Mission: \nCompact map with short round times\nand no weapon buying.\nEarn a new weapon each round by killing enemies or completing objectives.\nWin the match by winning the best of twenty rounds." "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_T" "炸彈設置任務:\n您的隊伍必須在地圖中的其中一個安置地點引爆炸彈。引爆炸彈或是殲滅所有反恐部隊來獲得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_T" "Bomb Planting Mission:\nYour Team must detonate a bomb at one of the bomb sites on this map. To win, detonate the bomb or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_CT" "炸彈拆除任務:\n您的隊伍必須阻止恐怖份子在地圖中的其中一個安置地點引爆炸彈。拆除炸彈或是殲滅所有恐怖份子來獲得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_CT" "Bomb Defuse Mission:\nYour Team must prevent the Terrorists from detonating their bomb at one of the bomb sites. To win, defuse the bomb or eliminate all of the Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_T" "阻止人質救援任務:\n您的隊伍擁有數名人質。在整個回合中守住人質或是殲滅所有反恐部隊來獲得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_T" "Hostage Rescue Prevention Mission:\nYour Team has several hostages. To win, retain the hostages for the entire round or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_CT" "人質救援任務:\n解救人質並護送他們至人質救援地點。救援所有人質或是殲滅所有反恐部隊來獲得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_CT" "Hostage Rescue Mission:\nRescue hostages by leading them to a hostage rescue point. To win, rescue all of the hostages or eliminate all of the Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Header" "人質救援" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Header" "Hostage Rescue" "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Header" "炸彈拆除" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Header" "Bomb Defuse" "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Header" "爆破" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Header" "Demolition" "SFUI_Rules_General_Header" " " "[english]SFUI_Rules_General_Header" "" "SFUI_Rules_CTInstructions_Header" "反恐部隊目標" "[english]SFUI_Rules_CTInstructions_Header" "CT Goal" "SFUI_Rules_TInstructions_Header" "恐怖份子目標" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TInstructions_Header" "Terrorist Goal" "SFUI_RetrievingDataNotification" "取得資料中..." "[english]SFUI_RetrievingDataNotification" "Retrieving Data..." "SFUI_MainMenu_Message" "歡迎!\n\n這是一個限制的版本。\n\n並沒有包含完整的武器、物品、地圖、遊戲模式、功能設定以及遊戲體驗。\n\n欲了解更多資訊請前往\nhttp://counter-strike.net\n\n感謝各位能為《CS:GO》製作團隊\n 盡一份心力。" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Message" "Welcome!\n\nThis is a limited build.\n\nIt does not contain the full set of weapons, items, maps, game modes, functionality, or experience.\n\nFor more information visit\nhttp://counter-strike.net\n\nThanks for helping out,\n The CS:GO team." "SFUI_MapSelect" "選擇地圖" "[english]SFUI_MapSelect" "SELECT A MAP" "SFUI_Map_de_aztec" "Aztec" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_aztec" "Aztec" "SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Title" "主機遷移中" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Title" "Host Migrating" "SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Message" "伺服器中斷連接。請等待我們遷移至新伺服器。" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Message" "The server disconnected. Please wait while we migrate to a new server." "SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Navigation" "${cancel} 取消遷移" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancel Migration" "SFUI_PlayMenu_BrowseServersButton" "瀏覽伺服器" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_BrowseServersButton" "BROWSE SERVERS" "SFUI_PlayMenu_CreateLobbyButton" "建立隊伍" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CreateLobbyButton" "BUILD YOUR TEAM" "SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionLabel" "遊戲介紹" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionLabel" "Introduction" "SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "《絕對武力》


「軍械庫」包含「軍備競賽」以及「爆破」遊戲模式。在「軍械庫」遊戲類型中無法購買武器和裝備 – 您必須用其他方式來獲得。「軍備競賽」模式讓玩家能在單一長時間回合中無限重生。您只要每擊殺一位敵人都會獲得一項新武器。您最後一項會獲得的武器是軍刀。最先以軍刀刺殺敵人的玩家將獲得勝利。「爆破」模式將分為上下兩大半場,每一半場將持續數回合,而且沒有無限重生。在第一半場結束時,您將會互換隊伍。殲滅敵方隊伍或是設置/拆除炸彈將贏得回合勝利。每擊殺一名敵人會贏得一分來獲得一項新武器。如果您在同一回合贏得兩分,您會在下回合一開始就獲得新武器。如果您在單一回合獲得超過兩分,那您會在下回合獲得不同種類的手榴彈。贏得最多回合的隊伍獲得勝利。

" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "COUNTER-STRIKE
Counter-Strike is a first person shooter that pits a team of Counter-Terrorists against a team of Terrorists. Every mission takes place in an enclosed map with separate starting locations for each team. A variety of weapons is available, each with unique attributes. The game type you play determines your mission objectives and win conditions.

Classic games are played on hostage and bomb maps. In both types of maps, a single match is divided into timed rounds. Your team wins a round by eliminating all members of the opposing team or by completing map objectives. In hostage maps, Counter-Terrorists try to find four hostages and lead them to a rescue zone. Terrorists must prevent the hostages from being rescued. Killing hostages reduces the money available to you to purchase weapons and equipment in the next round and impacts your score negatively. In bomb maps, Terrorists try to plant and detonate a bomb at one of two bomb sites. The Counter-Terrorists must prevent the bomb from being planted or defuse it once it is planted at a bomb site.

Arsenal includes arms race and demolition game modes. Weapons and equipment aren’t purchasable in arsenal – you have to earn them by other means. Arms race mode is a single extended round with instant respawn. You receive a new weapon for every enemy you kill. The last weapon you get is the knife. The first player to get a knife kill wins the game. Demolition mode consists of two matches, each of which runs for several rounds. There is no instant respawn. At the end of the first match, you switch sides. Win rounds in demolition mode by eliminating the enemy team or by detonating / defusing the bomb. Earn a credit towards a new weapon by killing an enemy. If you earn two credits within a round, you receive a new weapon at the beginning of the next round. You get various types of grenades in the next round if you earn more than two credits in a single round. The team with the most rounds won wins the match.

Practice mode lets you explore the game at your own pace. Statistics, progress towards awards and achievements, and leaderboard posting are all disabled. Practice mode is played in classic maps using the standard Counter-Strike rule set. You may choose to have no bots in the game, or you may want ‘harmless bots’ that won’t shoot back. These options are good for getting to know the maps, trying out different gear, and doing a little target practice. If you prefer a challenge, you may also opt for easy, medium, or hard difficulty level bots.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "《絕對武力》


「軍械庫」包含「軍備競賽」以及「爆破」遊戲模式。在「軍械庫」遊戲類型中無法購買武器和裝備 – 您必須用其他方式來獲得。「軍備競賽」模式讓玩家能在單一長時間回合中無限重生。您只要每擊殺一位敵人都會獲得一項新武器。您最後一項會獲得的武器是軍刀。最先以軍刀刺殺敵人的玩家將獲得勝利。「爆破」模式將分為上下兩大半場,每一半場將持續數回合,而且沒有無限重生。在第一半場結束時,您將會互換隊伍。殲滅敵方隊伍或是設置/拆除炸彈將贏得回合勝利。每擊殺一名敵人會贏得一分來獲得一項新武器。如果您在同一回合贏得兩分,您會在下回合一開始就獲得新武器。如果您在單一回合獲得超過兩分,那您會在下回合獲得不同種類的手榴彈。贏得最多回合的隊伍獲得勝利。

" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "COUNTER-STRIKE
Counter-Strike is a first person shooter that pits a team of Counter-Terrorists against a team of Terrorists. Every mission takes place in an enclosed map with separate starting locations for each team. A variety of weapons is available, each with unique attributes. The game type you play determines your mission objectives and win conditions.

Classic games are played on hostage and bomb maps. In both types of maps, a single match is divided into timed rounds. Your team wins a round by eliminating all members of the opposing team or by completing map objectives. In hostage maps, Counter-Terrorists try to find four hostages and lead them to a rescue zone. Terrorists must prevent the hostages from being rescued. Killing hostages reduces the money available to you to purchase weapons and equipment in the next round and impacts your score negatively. In bomb maps, Terrorists try to plant and detonate a bomb at one of two bomb sites. The Counter-Terrorists must prevent the bomb from being planted or defuse it once it is planted at a bomb site.

Arsenal includes arms race and demolition game modes. Weapons and equipment aren’t purchasable in arsenal – you have to earn them by other means. Arms race mode is a single extended round with instant respawn. You receive a new weapon for every enemy you kill. The last weapon you get is the knife. The first player to get a knife kill wins the game. Demolition mode consists of two matches, each of which runs for several rounds. There is no instant respawn. At the end of the first match, you switch sides. Win rounds in demolition mode by eliminating the enemy team or by detonating / defusing the bomb. Earn a credit towards a new weapon by killing an enemy. If you earn two credits within a round, you receive a new weapon at the beginning of the next round. You get various types of grenades in the next round if you earn more than two credits in a single round. The team with the most rounds won wins the match.

Practice mode lets you explore the game at your own pace. Statistics, progress towards awards and trophies, and leaderboard posting are all disabled. Practice mode is played in classic maps using the standard Counter-Strike rule set. You may choose to have no bots in the game, or you may want ‘harmless bots’ that won’t shoot back. These options are good for getting to know the maps, trying out different gear, and doing a little target practice. If you prefer a challenge, you may also opt for easy, medium, or hard difficulty level bots.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedLabel" "新手上路" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedLabel" "Getting Started" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "選擇隊伍
在您進入遊戲之前,您必須選擇您的隊伍:反恐部隊或是恐怖份子。點擊自動選擇將會隨機加入其中一支隊伍。 遊戲結束時發現您自己在另一隊嗎?如果隊伍成員比另一隊多時,自動平衡功能將會在兩隊中平衡玩家,以保持遊戲競爭的公平性。

您可以在記分板裡追蹤您和隊友狀態。點擊 ${togglescores} 即可切換。雙方的玩家數量以及獲勝回合數會顯示在上方。玩家的名稱列於所屬的隊伍下面。在狀態欄中的骷顱頭圖示代表玩家已死亡。 您也可以在這裡追蹤分數、擊殺數及死亡數。


遊戲成就、統計資料、獎項以及排行榜排名幫助您了解自己的表現。您必須登入您的 Xbox LIVE 帳戶才能獲得成就、獎項、存取您的統計資料以及進入排行榜等等功能。
" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "CHOOSING A TEAM
Before you jump into the game, you must choose your team: Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist. Hitting auto-select places you randomly on one of the teams. Didn’t end up on the team you chose? If one team has more members than the other, the auto-balance feature will sometimes move players from team to team to keep the game competitive.

You can track your status and that of your team in the scoreboard. Toggle it on and off by pressing ${togglescores}. The number of players on each team and rounds won are displayed at the top. Player names are listed under their teams. A skull icon marks dead players in the status column. You can also track score, kills, and deaths here.

Your score is based on your individual and team-oriented skills. Staying with your team, providing cover fire, and aiding in the completion of mission objectives awards score. Shooting teammates or hostages deducts it.

Achievements, stats, awards and leaderboard rankings help you gauge your personal performance. You must be signed into your Xbox LIVE profile to earn achievements and awards, save your stats, or post to the leaderboards.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "選擇隊伍
在您進入遊戲之前,您必須選擇您的隊伍:反恐部隊或是恐怖份子。點擊自動選擇將會隨機加入其中一支隊伍。 遊戲結束時發現您自己在另一隊嗎?如果隊伍成員比另一隊多時,自動平衡功能將會在兩隊中平衡玩家,以保持遊戲競爭的公平性。

您可以在記分板裡追蹤您和隊友狀態。點擊 ${altstart} 即可切換。雙方的玩家數量以及獲勝回合數會顯示在上方。玩家的名稱列於所屬的隊伍下面。在狀態欄中的骷顱頭圖示代表玩家已死亡。 您也可以在這裡追蹤分數、擊殺數及死亡數。


Steam 成就、統計資料、獎勵以及排行榜排名幫助您了解自己的表現。
" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "CHOOSING A TEAM
Before you jump into the game, you must choose your team: Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist. Hitting auto-select places you randomly on one of the teams. Didn’t end up on the team you chose? If one team has more members than the other, the auto-balance feature will sometimes move players from team to team to keep the game competitive.

You can track your status and that of your team in the scoreboard. Toggle it on and off by pressing ${altstart}. The number of players on each team and rounds won are displayed at the top. Player names are listed under their teams. A skull icon marks dead players in the status column. You can also track score, kills, and deaths here.

Your score is based on your individual and team-oriented skills. Staying with your team, providing cover fire, and aiding in the completion of mission objectives awards score. Shooting teammates or hostages deducts it.

Steam achievements, stats, awards and leaderboard rankings help you gauge your personal performance.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "選擇隊伍
在您進入遊戲之前,您必須選擇您的隊伍:反恐部隊或是恐怖份子。點擊自動選擇將會隨機加入其中一支隊伍。 遊戲結束時發現您自己在另一隊嗎?如果隊伍成員比另一隊多時,自動平衡功能將會在兩隊中平衡玩家,以保持遊戲競爭的公平性。

您可以在記分板裡追蹤您和隊友狀態。點擊 ${dpadleft} 即可切換。雙方的玩家數量以及獲勝回合數會顯示在上方。玩家的名稱列於所屬的隊伍下面。在狀態欄中的骷顱頭圖示代表玩家已死亡。 您也可以在這裡追蹤分數、擊殺數及死亡數。


獎盃、統計資料、獎勵以及排行榜排名幫助您了解自己的表現。您必須登入您的 PSN 帳戶才能獲得獎盃、勳章、存取您的統計資料以及進入排行榜等等功能。
" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "CHOOSING A TEAM
Before you jump into the game, you must choose your team: Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist. Hitting auto-select places you randomly on one of the teams. Didn’t end up on the team you chose? If one team has more members than the other, the auto-balance feature will sometimes move players from team to team to keep the game competitive.

You can track your status and that of your team in the scoreboard. Toggle it on and off by pressing ${dpadleft}. The number of players on each team and rounds won are displayed at the top. Player names are listed under their teams. A skull icon marks dead players in the status column. You can also track score, kills, and deaths here.

Your score is based on your individual and team-oriented skills. Staying with your team, providing cover fire, and aiding in the completion of mission objectives awards score. Shooting teammates or hostages deducts it.

Trophies, stats, awards and leaderboard rankings help you gauge your personal performance. You must be signed into your Playstation Network player profile to earn trophies and medals, save your stats, or post to the leaderboards.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicLabel" "經典遊戲模式" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicLabel" "Rules for Classic Game" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicContents" "獲得勝利

在遊戲一開始時,您會獲得基本配備與一些金錢。每一回合都會從「購買區域」開始,您有約莫幾秒的時間可以待在這裡購買您的裝備。購買時間因遊戲模式而有所不同,不過基本上可以持續 45 秒;過了這段時間後,除非進行到下一回合,不然沒有人可以再購買物品。而在休閒模式中您可以在任何時候回到購買區域自動補充彈藥。



如果您是反恐部隊的一員,您在人質救援地圖的目標就是要救援四名人質。要帶領他們的話,只要面對著每一位人質按下 ${north} 就能讓他們跟隨您,接著在引領他們至救援區域。救援區域在小地圖中會以「H」符號來標識。而且當您位在救援區域時,抬頭顯示器(HUD)的左上角會出現人質救援區域的圖示 。當所有人質都被護送至救援區域,或當所有恐怖份子都死亡的話,就代表反恐部隊贏的回合勝利。雙方隊伍都可以靠殲滅所有敵人來贏得勝利。如果所有人質都死亡的話,該回合就只能靠殲滅敵隊來贏得勝利。雙方玩家傷害或擊殺人質的話都失去金錢以及扣分。

在炸彈拆除地圖中恐怖份子必須設置並引爆炸彈。而反恐部隊則需要拆除之。每回合會隨機選取一位反恐部隊玩家攜帶拆彈包。如果您擁有炸彈的話,您會在抬頭顯示器(HUD)和記分板上您的名稱旁邊看到炸彈攜帶圖示 。運送炸彈至兩處炸彈安置地點其中之一並設置之。炸彈安置地點分為 A 和 B 兩處。地圖上會有記號痕跡幫助您前往該處。而小地圖雷達上也有「A」和「B」符號做為標識。當您位於炸彈安置地點時,您的抬頭顯示器(HUD)會出現炸彈閃爍圖示 。按下使用鍵 ${north} 設置炸彈並竭力阻止反恐部隊拆除。反恐部隊可以在炸彈設置前殲滅所有恐怖份子或是直接拆除炸彈來贏得勝利。拆彈包可以加速拆除炸彈的時間。如果您擁有拆彈包,您會在抬頭顯示器(HUD)及記分板您的名稱旁邊看到拆彈包圖示 。要拆除炸彈的話,站在炸彈正上方並面向炸彈按住 ${north} 直到您看到炸彈已被拆除的訊息。不過拆彈包只是能節省時間,任何一位反恐部隊都可以嘗試拆除炸彈
" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicContents" "WINNING
A classic match is made up of timed rounds. There are two ways to win a round: complete your team’s map objective or eliminate all enemy players. Win the match by winning the most rounds.

At the beginning of the game, you get basic equipment and a set amount of money. Each round starts in a buy zone, where you’re frozen in place for a few seconds to give you time to buy gear. The buy time varies by game mode but typically lasts 45 seconds; after that time, no one may buy items until the next round. In casual mode you can return to the buy zone any time to replenish ammo automatically.

Players earn money by killing enemies, achieving mission objectives, and winning rounds. Shooting teammates and hostages reduces your payout. Spend your earnings on new gear at the beginning of the next round.

There is no way to gain additional health. Once your health indicator reaches zero, you die. When you die, you lose any gear you have purchased in the round. You don’t respawn until the start of the next round. While you are waiting for the next round to start, spectator mode lets you watch the game from the point of view of other players. If there are any bots left on your team, you can take control of them while in spectator mode. You don’t gain or lose any individual bonus money while playing as a bot.

If you’re a Counter-Terrorist, your goal in the hostage maps is to rescue the four hostages. To do this, move close to each hostage and press ${north} to make them follow you, then lead them to a rescue zone. Rescue zones are marked with an H on the Mini Map. They’re also identified by the hostage rescue zone icon that appears in the upper left corner of the HUD when you’re inside of the zone. When all hostages have been escorted to a rescue zone, or when all Terrorists are dead, the Counter-Terrorists win the round. Either team can win by eliminating all enemies. If all hostages have been killed, the round can only be won through team elimination. Players on either team lose money and score for injuring or killing hostages.

Bomb maps require the Terrorist team to plant and detonate a bomb. The Counter-Terrorist team must stop them. A randomly chosen Terrorist is assigned to carry the device. If you have the bomb, you will see the bomb carrier icon in your HUD and on the scoreboard next to your name. Deliver it to either of two bomb sites and plant it. Bomb sites are labeled A and B. Signs scattered throughout the map will help you find them. A and B markers also appear in the Mini Map Radar. A flashing bomb icon appears on the HUD when you’re in a bomb site. Press the Use ${north} button to plant the bomb, and then prevent the Counter-Terrorists from defusing it. Counter-Terrorists win by eliminating all Terrorists or by defusing the bomb. The defuse kit speeds up defusing time. If you have the kit, you’ll see the defuse kit icon in your HUD and in the scoreboard next to your name. To defuse a bomb, stand near it and hold ${north} until you see a message saying that the bomb has been defused. Although the defuse kit saves time, any Counter-Terrorist may defuse the bomb.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GunGameLabel" "軍械庫遊戲模式" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GunGameLabel" "Arsenal Game Type" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GunGameContents" "軍備競賽
在軍備競賽模式中,所以玩家一開始都拿到一把相同的武器,每一次及殺敵人就能獲得另一把新武器。而持續輪替最後會拿到的是軍刀。第一位以軍刀擊殺敵人的玩家將獲得最終勝利。 在此模式您可以無限重生。重生時,您會在五秒後或是您直接攻擊才會開始計算傷害。

" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GunGameContents" "ARMS RACE GAME MODE
In arms race mode, all players start with the same weapon and get a new one each time they kill an enemy. The cycle of weapons ends with the knife. The player who gets the first knife kill wins the match. You respawn instantly after being killed in this mode. Upon respawn, you’re invulnerable for five seconds or until you attack – whichever happens first.

Demolition mode is a fast-paced hybrid of the classic and arms race game rules. It consists of two matches, each of which runs for several rounds. At the end of the first match, you switch sides. There is no buying in this mode, nor is there instant respawn. Maps are small, so rounds tend to be short.
Win rounds in demolition mode by eliminating the enemy team or by detonating / defusing the bomb. Earn a credit towards a new weapon by killing an enemy. If you have at least two credits at the end of a round, you receive a new weapon at the beginning of the next round. You get various types of grenades in the next round if you have more than two credits at the end of round.
The team with the most rounds won wins the match.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnline" "遊戲選項" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnline" "Play Options" "SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnlineContents" "遊戲配對





" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnlineContents" "MATCHMAKING
You can play against other human players by selecting QUICK MATCH or FIND A GAME from the main menu.

If you want to jump into a game quickly, choose the QUICK MATCH option from the play menu.

If you have a preference for a specific map or mode, select FIND A GAME from the play menu. From here you can choose the game type, mode, and map you’d like to play. You can also make your match private so that only people you invite may join.

You can play all maps and modes against bots by selecting the CREATE A GAME option from the play menu.

Playing in casual mode is a great way to learn the game and sharpen your skills. Bot difficulty will adjust to your skill level and armor is given to you automatically. The team that has won the most rounds wins the match.

Competitive mode offers more of a challenge than casual mode. Bots are more difficult and you must purchase armor. The freeze time at the beginning of each round is longer than in casual mode. The team that wins the best of thirty rounds wins the match.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnlineContents" "遊戲配對





" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnlineContents" "MATCHMAKING
You can play against other human players by selecting FIND ANY or CUSTOM GAME from the main menu.

If you want to jump into a game quickly, choose the FIND ANY option from the play menu.

If you have a preference for a specific map or mode, select CUSTOM GAME from the play menu. From here you can choose the game type, mode, and map you’d like to play. You can also make your match private so that only people you invite may join.

You can play all maps and modes against bots by selecting the CREATE A GAME option from the play menu.

Playing in casual mode is a great way to learn the game and sharpen your skills. Bot difficulty will adjust to your skill level and armor is given to you automatically. The team that has won the most rounds wins the match.

Competitive mode offers more of a challenge than casual mode. Bots are more difficult and you must purchase armor. The freeze time at the beginning of each round is longer than in casual mode. The team that wins the best of thirty rounds wins the match.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_Controls" "遊戲控制" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Controls" "Controls" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" " 移動
《絕對武力》採用第一人稱視角進行遊戲。使用遊戲手把左類比 ${lstick} 控制前、後、左、右移動。按下 ${lstickbutton} 切換至走路模式。再按一次 ${lstickbutton} 切換回奔跑模式。

使用 ${rstick} 觀看四周。當有裝被狙擊槍時,按下 ${rstickbutton} 將會切換或離開狙擊鏡視角。

按下 ${rtrigger} 來發射武器或是投擲您攜帶的手榴彈。按住按鈕將持續進行全自動射擊或是三連發點放射擊的武器。扮演恐怖份子時,按住 ${rtrigger} 即可在炸彈安置地點設置炸彈。

按住 ${ltrigger} 蹲下。

按下 ${rshoulder} 切換您的主要武器(通常為步槍、手槍以及軍刀)。

按下 ${lshoulder} 切換手榴彈,如果在「炸彈設置」地圖扮演恐怖份子的話也可用來切換炸彈。

按下 ${confirm} 進行跳躍。

按下 ${west} 來更換目前武器的彈匣。

在購買區域按下 ${north} 顯示購買選單。遇到可通行的門時按下 ${north} 來開門。扮演反恐部隊時,面向炸彈並按住 ${north} 來拆除炸彈。在「人質救援地圖」中,面向人質按下 ${north} 來讓他跟隨您或是停止跟隨您。

按下 ${dpadleft} 顯示記分板畫面。

按下方向鍵向上 ${dpadup} 丟棄您手上目前的物品。

按下 ${start} 顯示遊戲內選單。

按下 ${confirm} 來跳躍。當跳躍至空中最高點時按下 ${ltrigger} 蹲下。此動作能讓您跳上平常上不去的物體。

某些武器可使用像是三連發點放射擊等功能,按下 ${cancel} 按鈕即可進行切換。
" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" " MOVEMENT
Counter-Strike is played from a first-person perspective. Forward, backward, left and right movement is controlled by the left stick ${lstick}. To walk, click down ${lstickbutton} to switch to walk mode then move in the desired direction. To switch back to a run, click ${lstickbutton} again.

Use ${rstick} to look around in all directions. Clicking down on ${rstickbutton} when equipped with a sniper rifle will enter and exit the sniper scope view.

Pressing ${rtrigger} fires the weapon or throws the grenade you are carrying. Hold down to continually fire automatic and burst-fire weapons. As a Terrorist, hold ${rtrigger} down when you have the bomb equipped to plant the bomb at the bomb site.

Press and hold ${ltrigger} to crouch.

Press ${rshoulder} to cycle through your primary weapons (usually a rifle, sidearm and knife).

Press ${lshoulder} to cycle through your grenades and the bomb object when on the Terrorist team in a Bomb map.

Press ${confirm} to jump.

Press ${west} to reload the currently equipped weapon.

Press ${north} while in the Buy Zone to access the Buy Menu. Press ${north} while facing a door to open it if it is accessible. As a Counter-Terrorist, press and hold ${north} while looking at the planted bomb to defuse it. In a hostage map, press ${north} while looking at a hostage to get him to follow you or stop following you.

Press ${altstart} to access the Scoreboard display.

Press the directional pad up ${dpadup} to drop the currently equipped item.

Press ${start} to access the ingame menu.

Press ${confirm} to jump. While in the air, press ${ltrigger} to crouch at the top of the jump. This move lets you jump on to objects not otherwise accessible.

Some weapons have special features, such as burst-fire mode. To trigger these alternate functions press the ${cancel} button.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" " 移動
《絕對武力》採用第一人稱視角進行遊戲。使用遊戲手把左類比 ${lstick} 控制前、後、左、右移動。直接控制類比便能奔跑。按下 ${lstickbutton} 切換至走路模式。再按一次 ${lstickbutton} 切換回奔跑模式。

使用 ${rstick} 觀看四周。當有裝被狙擊槍時,按下 ${rstickbutton} 將會切換或離開狙擊鏡視角。

按下 ${rtrigger} 來發射武器或是投擲您攜帶的手榴彈。按住按鈕將持續進行全自動射擊或是三連發點放射擊的武器。扮演持有炸彈的恐怖份子時,按住 ${rtrigger} 或是按下 ${north} 即可在炸彈安置地點設置炸彈。

按住 ${ltrigger} 蹲下。

按下 ${rshoulder} 切換您的主要武器(通常為步槍、手槍以及軍刀)。

按下 ${lshoulder} 切換手榴彈,如果在「炸彈設置」地圖扮演恐怖份子的話也可用來切換炸彈。

按下 ${confirm} 進行跳躍。

按下 ${west} 來更換目前武器的彈匣。

在購買區域按下 ${north} 顯示購買選單。遇到可通行的門時按下 ${north} 來開門。扮演反恐部隊時,面向炸彈並按住 ${north} 來拆除炸彈。在「人質救援地圖」中,面向人質按下 ${north} 來讓他跟隨您或是停止跟隨您。

按下 ${dpadleft} 顯示記分板畫面。

按下方向鍵向上 ${dpadup} 丟棄您手上目前的物品。

按下 ${start} 顯示遊戲內選單。

按下 ${confirm} 來跳躍。當跳躍至空中最高點時按下 ${ltrigger} 蹲下。此動作能讓您跳上平常上不去的物體。

某些武器可使用像是三連發點放射擊等功能,按下 ${cancel} 按鈕即可進行切換。
" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" " MOVEMENT
Counter-Strike is played from a first-person perspective. Forward, backward, left and right movement is controlled by the left stick ${lstick}. To run in a direction, push the stick in the desired direction. To walk, click down ${lstickbutton} to switch to walk mode then move in the desired direction. To switch back to a run, click ${lstickbutton} again.

Use ${rstick} to look around in all directions. Clicking down on ${rstickbutton} when equipped with a sniper rifle will enter and exit the sniper scope view.

Pressing ${rtrigger} fires the weapon or throws the grenade you are carrying. Hold down to continually fire automatic and burst-fire weapons. As a Terrorist with the bomb in hand, hold ${rtrigger} down to plant the bomb at the bomb site or press ${north}.

Press and hold ${ltrigger} to crouch.

Press ${rshoulder} to cycle through your primary weapons (usually a rifle, sidearm and knife).

Press ${lshoulder} to cycle through your grenades and the bomb object when on the Terrorist team in a Bomb map.

Press ${confirm} to jump.

Press ${west} to reload the currently equipped weapon.

Press ${north} while in the Buy Zone to access the Buy Menu. Press ${north} while facing a door to open it if it is accessible. As a Counter-Terrorist, press and hold ${north} while looking at the planted bomb to defuse it. In a hostage map, press ${north} while looking at a hostage to get him to follow you or stop following you.

Press ${dpadleft} to access the Scoreboard display.

Press the directional pad up ${dpadup} to drop the currently equipped item.

Press ${start} to access the ingame menu.

Press ${confirm} to jump. While in the air, press ${ltrigger} to crouch at the top of the jump. This move lets you jump on to objects not otherwise accessible.

Some weapons have special features, such as burst-fire mode. To trigger these alternate functions press the ${cancel} button.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_HUD" "抬頭顯示器(HUD)" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_HUD" "HUD" "SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents" "準星
在螢幕左下方的生命值用來顯是您目前的血量。您一開始的生命值為 100 點,如果歸零的話便代表死亡。在生命值旁邊的護甲值用來顯示您防禦力的多寡。護甲值愈高,您承受的傷害就越少。當您遭受攻擊時,護甲值便會降低。
通訊訊息會顯示玩家的位置與提供的訊息。另外特殊物品的提示警告也會顯示在這裡,像是 C4 炸彈掉落、拆彈包掉落、手榴彈投擲警告以及玩家通訊狀態。
" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents" "CROSSHAIRS
The Crosshairs in the center of the screen represent your point of aim and your accuracy. You will see the crosshairs expand while firing your weapon; reducing your accuracy. The crosshairs will gradually return to their original state when you stop firing the weapon.
The health meter in the lower left corner of the screen displays your current health. You start at 100 health and die when the counter reaches zero. The armor meter next to the health meter shows how much armor you have left. The more armor you have, the less damage you take. Your armor is reduced every time you take damage.
The Money display in the upper left corner below the Mini Map shows your current amount of money. When equipment is purchased, this number will be reduced.
The shopping cart buy zone icon displays when you are inside the buy zone and there is still time left to buy equipment.
Equipment in your inventory is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. An image and the name of the weapon is displayed. The ammo indicator beneath the inventory display shows how much ammo you currently have in your clip on the left and the amount of ammo you are carrying for the equipped weapon on the right.
Your Mini Map in the upper left shows the location of teammates, rescue zones, and bomb sites. It also shows enemies that are visible by at least one teammate.
The notification area displays a list of recent kills, including the killer, the victim, and the weapon used.
The Communication Display shows the identity and location of speaking players. Special item alerts for dropped C4 Bomb and defuse Kit will display here along with thrown grenade alerts and player connection status.
The bomb indicator appears when you are carrying the bomb. It animates when you enter a bomb site.
The defuse kit icon indicates that you are carrying the defuse kit.
The rescue zone indicator is present when you are inside a rescue zone. As a Counter-Terrorist, you can bring hostages to this area to rescue them.
The Mini Scoreboard contains player avatars, the round timer, and the current team scores. The player avatars show the alive or dead status of players and your teammate health bars. The round timer shows the amount of time left in the round.
The hostage icons show hostage status. Bright green with a dollar sign indicates a rescued hostage. The green running figure indicates a hostage in transit. The green standing figure indicates a hostage waiting to be rescued. An orange outline indicates a dead hostage.BOMB PLANTED ICON
The Bomb Planted icon appears when the Terrorists have planted the bomb.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents2" " " "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents2" " " "SFUI_HowToPlay_Equipment" "武器裝備" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Equipment" "Equipment" "SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "升級您的裝備

您在每回合會出現在所謂的「購買區域」。在回合開始前,您可以在這個區域按下 ${north} 購買裝備。當您可以購物時在抬頭顯示器(HUD)會出現一個購物車圖示。

如要購買一項物品,使用 ${lstick} 選擇您想瀏覽的物品目錄並按下 ${confirm},再用 ${lstick} 選擇您要購買的物品,然後按下 ${confirm} 即可完成購物。物品價格如果大於您的金額會以紅色呈現。按下 ${cancel} 即可在不購物的情況下離開目錄。

當您進入購買選單後,這裡有三種方式可以讓您快速購買武器及裝備。按下 ${lshoulder} 選擇「自動購買」,這項選擇將會依據您的金額為您購買最佳的武器。按下 ${rshoulder} 選擇「購買先前裝備」,如果您的金額充足的話,這項選擇會購買您在前一回合所擁有的所有裝備。

每個人身上一定會有一把軍刀。另外,您還可以攜帶一把主要武器、一把手槍以及三顆不同類型的手榴彈,同一種手榴彈每回合只能持有一顆。如果您在炸彈拆除地圖中扮演恐怖份子的話,您也可能會攜帶炸彈。按下 ${rshoulder} 切換您擁有的武器,${lshoulder} 切換手榴彈及炸彈。
" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "UPGRADING YOUR EQUIPMENT
You may buy new equipment at the beginning of each round while you are in the Buy Zone. The amount of starting money you have depends on the game mode. You earn more money each round for achieving goals such as completing the mission objectives, eliminating enemies and winning the round.

You begin each round in an area called the Buy Zone. For a short period at the beginning of each round you can purchase equipment in this area by pressing ${north}. A shopping cart icon appears on your HUD whenever you can buy items.

To purchase an item, highlight the item category you want to browse using the ${lstick} and press ${confirm}. Use ${lstick} again to highlight the item you want to buy, and then press ${confirm} to make the purchase. Prices of items you can’t currently afford display in red. To leave a category without purchasing an item, press ${cancel}.

Once you are in the buy menu, there are three ways to buy weapons and equipment quickly. Press ${lshoulder} to select AUTOBUY. This selection will attempt to buy the best weaponry you can afford. Press ${rshoulder} to select BUY PREVIOUS. This will buy whatever equipment you had in the previous round, if you have sufficient funds to do so.

You always carry a knife. In addition, you may carry one primary weapon, one pistol, and up to three grenades of different types. You can only buy a specific grenade type once per round. If you are on the Terrorist team and playing a bomb map, you may also be carrying the bomb. Press ${rshoulder} to cycle through weapons in your possession. Press ${lshoulder} to cycle through grenades and the bomb in your possession.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_Tactics" "戰術選擇" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Tactics" "Tactics" "SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "準確度

遭到擊殺的玩家會掉落他們的武器。要用您目前的武器更話地上掉落的話,瞄準地上的武器然後按下 ${north} ,或是按下 ${dpadup} 丟棄目前的武器然後走到地面上的武器位置即可。










暗中移動在《絕對武力》中十分重要。當玩家奔跑時會發出的腳步聲。要防止腳步聲被別人聽見,按下 ${lstickbutton} 切換成行走模式來避免察覺。門和梯子也要注意,它們也會製造聲響,使您或敵人的行跡曝光。

" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "ACCURACY
Like real weapons, Counter-Strike weapons recoil when they are fired. The longer a fully automatic weapon is fired, the more inaccurate it will become. It will return to its normal accuracy shortly after you stop firing. Your shots are more accurate when you are not moving. Moving while firing decreases your accuracy, and jumping reduces the accuracy significantly more.

Killed players drop their weapons. To swap your weapon for one on the ground, aim at the other weapon on the ground and press ${north} or drop your current weapon by pressing ${dpadup} then simply walk over the weapon on the ground.

Shots that hit your target in the head do much more damage than those that hit the body. You can often kill an enemy with one well-placed shot to the head.

These kits allow you to defuse the bomb much faster, which could make the difference between winning the round and an explosive finish. The players with the defuse kit should be your designated defusers.

Teams that work well together as a unit win more. When you are playing with other people, use headsets to communicate and coordinate with your team members. Assign roles and duties. You can monitor player status in the Scoreboard screen and ingame mini-scoreboard. Pay attention to the Notification Area in the upper right corner and the Mini Map in the upper left corner of your screen. The Notification Area will display \\a dead player’s name and who killed them. The Mini Map will briefly display where a teammate was killed.

Explore maps in single player mode. Get to know the map, all of the routes and ambush spots. Take advantage of the Spectate mode to see how other players navigate the area.

All types of grenades are useful. HE grenades can flush out enemies. Smoke grenades create cover from sniper fire and allow your teammates to move past snipers without being easy targets. Flashbangs temporarily blind and deafen an enemy so you can kill him without them shooting back accurately. Molotov Cocktails and Incendiary grenades can produce a flaming barrier to entry or exit points. Decoy Grenades produce team specific noise to confuse your opponents even affecting the enemy Mini Map display.

Constant movement will make you a difficult target. Movement while in crouch and walking states is useful when attempting to ambush an enemy or assuming a sniper role.

Do not go back to the well too often. If you continue to follow your same course of action because it worked great once assume that your earlier victims will catch on and be waiting for you the on the next round.

When defusing or planting the bomb or approaching the hostages check to make sure the enemy isn’t waiting nearby to ambush you.

Reload often. If you run out of ammo in the middle of a firefight switch to your other weapons instead of trying to reload exposed and under fire.

Stealth is vitally important in Counter-Strike. When a player runs at full tilt their footsteps can be heard. To prevent this, switch to walk mode by pressing ${lstickbutton} when trying to avoid detection. Also be wary of doors and ladders. These will often emit a sound that may give you or your enemies’ position away.

Running into a firefight all gung-ho will generally get you killed. Savvy players will take cover as often as possible and use their surroundings to their advantage. Work with your teammates to defeat the enemy.
" "SFUI_Medal_RankName_1" "銅牌" "[english]SFUI_Medal_RankName_1" "Bronze" "SFUI_Medal_RankName_2" "銀牌" "[english]SFUI_Medal_RankName_2" "Silver" "SFUI_Medal_RankName_3" "金牌" "[english]SFUI_Medal_RankName_3" "Gold" "SFUI_CT_Medals_Header" "獎項" "[english]SFUI_CT_Medals_Header" "AWARDS" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Title_Spectators" "觀察者" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Title_Spectators" "SPECTATORS" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${dpadright} 靜音" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${dpadright} Mute" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${mute} 靜音" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${mute} Mute" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${dpadright} 解除靜音" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${dpadright} Unmute" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${mute} 解除靜音" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${mute} Unmute" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_dropshadow" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_dropshadow" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_lead" "${use} 帶領人質 %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_lead" "${use} Lead Hostage %s1" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_leave" "${use} 停止人質 %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_leave" "${use} Stop Hostage %s1" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_following" "人質(跟隨 %s1 中) %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid_following" "Hostage (Following %s1) %s2" "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} 顯示玩家名片" [$X360] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Show Gamer Card " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} 顯示 Steam 個人檔案" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Show Steam Profile " "SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded" "您已達到一個新排名!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded" "You've achieved a new rank!" "SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded_multi" "你已達到 %s1 個新排名!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded_multi" "You've achieved %s1 new ranks!" "SFUI_WinPanel_rank_name_string" "%s1 (%s2)" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_rank_name_string" "%s1 (%s2)" "SFUI_WinPanel_medal_awarded" "您在此回合贏得了獎項!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_medal_awarded" "You've earned awards this round!" "SFUI_WinPanelProg_need_in_catagory" "%s1 項獎項再取得來晉升至下一階級" "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_need_in_catagory" "%s1 awards needed for next rank" "SFUI_Medals_Earned_Count" "%d / %d" "[english]SFUI_Medals_Earned_Count" "%d / %d" "SFUI_MuteBind" "靜音玩家(記分板)" "[english]SFUI_MuteBind" "Mute Player (Scoreboard)" "SFUI_ToggleConsole" "切換命令列" "[english]SFUI_ToggleConsole" "Toggle Console" "SFUI_Close_Buy_menu_on_purchase" "購買完成後關閉購買選單" "[english]SFUI_Close_Buy_menu_on_purchase" "Close Buy Menu After Purchase" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CQB" "CQB" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CQB" "CQB" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Grenades" "手榴彈" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Grenades" "GRENADES" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Inventory" "物品欄" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Inventory" "Inventory" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration" "穿透程度:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration" "PENETRATION:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration_None" "無" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration_None" "None" "SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward" "擊殺獎勵:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward" "KILL AWARD:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_Default" "預設" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_Default" "Default" "SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_None" "無" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_None" "None" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Cost" "價格:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Cost" "COST:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Header" "購買選單" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Header" "BUY MENU" "SFUI_BuyMenu_WeaponClass" "選擇武器選單" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_WeaponClass" "SELECT WEAPON MENU" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CanOnlyCarryXGrenades" "您只能攜帶 %s1 顆手榴彈。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CanOnlyCarryXGrenades" "You can only carry %s1 grenades." "SFUI_BuyMenu_MaxItemsOfType" "此類型的物品只能攜帶 %s1 個。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_MaxItemsOfType" "You can only carry %s1 of this type." "SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyCarrying" "目前在物品欄內。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyCarrying" "In current inventory." "SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyPurchased" "您已在此回合購買過此物品。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyPurchased" "You already purchased one this round." "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMap" "不允許在此地圖類型使用。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMap" "Not allowed on this map type." "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMode" "不允許在此遊戲模式使用。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMode" "Not allowed in this game mode." "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByTeam" "不允許在您目前隊伍中使用。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByTeam" "Not allowed on your current team." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_kevlar" "保護身體抵擋子彈和爆炸傷害的基本裝備。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_kevlar" "Body protection against projectiles and explosives." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_incgrenade" "一種能瞬間以火焰覆蓋一整片區域的爆炸性燃燒汽油彈。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_incgrenade" "An explosive, incendiary device that covers the point of impact in flames for a short time." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_defuser" "炸彈拆解包用來加速拆彈程序。" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_defuser" "A bomb defusal kit used to speed up the bomb defusal process." "SFUI_WS_GG_NextWep" "下一項武器" "[english]SFUI_WS_GG_NextWep" "NEXT WEAPON" "SFUI_WS_GG_AwardNextRound" "下一回合獎勵" "[english]SFUI_WS_GG_AwardNextRound" "AWARDED NEXT ROUND" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleClient" "加入大廳中" "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleClient" "Joining Lobby" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleHost" "建立大廳中" "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleHost" "Creating Lobby" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_SteamFailed" "必須使用 Steam 才能加入隊伍大廳。請檢查您的 Steam 連線並且再試一次。" "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_SteamFailed" "Steam is required to join a team lobby. Please check your connection to Steam and try again." "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_Text" "請稍候..." "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_Text" "Please wait..." "SFUI_Lobby_NewConnectionMessage" "已連線至大廳。" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_NewConnectionMessage" "Connected to lobby." "SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriendMessage" "邀請 %s1 至大廳。" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriendMessage" "Invited %s1 to lobby." "SFUI_ClansTotalLabel" " 總計" "[english]SFUI_ClansTotalLabel" " Total" "SFUI_UsersCountLabel" " 線上" "[english]SFUI_UsersCountLabel" " Online" "SFUI_LobbyQuit_Title" "離開大廳" "[english]SFUI_LobbyQuit_Title" "Exit Lobby" "SFUI_LobbyQuit_Text" "您確定要離開大廳嗎?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyQuit_Text" "Are you sure you want to exit this online lobby?" "SFUI_CreateTeamMultiplayerTitle" "多人連線隊伍" "[english]SFUI_CreateTeamMultiplayerTitle" "Team Multiplayer" "SFUI_BYT_TITLE" "建立您的隊伍" "[english]SFUI_BYT_TITLE" "BUILD YOUR TEAM" "SFUI_LOBBYTITLE" "大廳" "[english]SFUI_LOBBYTITLE" "LOBBY" "SFUI_STEAM" "STEAM" "[english]SFUI_STEAM" "STEAM" "SFUI_CLAN" "戰隊" "[english]SFUI_CLAN" "CLANS" "SFUI_STEAMFRIENDS" "邀請好友" "[english]SFUI_STEAMFRIENDS" "INVITE FRIENDS" "SFUI_STEAMFRIENDS" "好友" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_STEAMFRIENDS" "FRIENDS" "SFUI_LOBBYLEADER" "%s1(廳主)" "[english]SFUI_LOBBYLEADER" "%s1 (Leader)" "SFUI_Invite" "邀請" "[english]SFUI_Invite" "Invite" "SFUI_Lobby_ShowChat" "聊天" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ShowChat" "Chat" "SFUI_Lobby_HideChat" "隱藏" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HideChat" "Hide" "SFUI_ClanList" "戰隊列表" "[english]SFUI_ClanList" "Clan List" "SFUI_CallToArms" "召集隊員" "[english]SFUI_CallToArms" "Call To Arms" "SFUI_ExpandClan" "擴展戰隊" "[english]SFUI_ExpandClan" "Expand Clan" "SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "踢出" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "Kick" "SFUI_Lobby_QuickMatchButton" "快速配對" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_QuickMatchButton" "Quick Match" "SFUI_Lobby_CustomMatchButton" "自訂配對" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_CustomMatchButton" "Custom Match" "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_NoMap" "讀取大廳所選擇的地圖時發生錯誤。您已經斷線。" "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_NoMap" "There was a problem loading the selected map for this lobby. You have been disconnected." "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_ListenServerDisabled" "大廳已經關閉而且您已經斷線。" "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_ListenServerDisabled" "The lobby has been shut down and you have been disconnected." "SFUI_Lobby_Quickmatch" "預設(快速配對)" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_Quickmatch" "Default (Quick Match)" "SFUI_Lobby_NoFriendsOnline" "沒有好友在線上" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_NoFriendsOnline" "No Friends Online" "SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriends" "邀請好友..." "[english]SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriends" "Invite Friends..." "SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatch" "公開遊戲" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatch" "Public Match" "SFUI_Lobby_ClanPreferredMatch" "戰隊優先" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClanPreferredMatch" "Clan-Preferred" "SFUI_Lobby_ClanOnlyMatch" "僅限戰隊" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClanOnlyMatch" "Clan-Only" "SFUI_Lobby_X360InviteMsg" "您已被邀請進行《絕對武力:全球攻勢》隊伍配對遊戲。" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_X360InviteMsg" "You have been invited to a team match in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive." "SFUI_Lobby_StatusInvited" "已邀請" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusInvited" "Invited" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusInGame" "遊戲中" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusInGame" "In-Game" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusPlayingCSGO" "正在玩 CS:GO" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusPlayingCSGO" "Playing CS:GO" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusOnline" "線上" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusOnline" "Online" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusSnooze" "打瞌睡" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusSnooze" "Snooze" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusBusy" "忙碌" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusBusy" "Busy" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusAway" "離開" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusAway" "Away" "SFUI_LBoard_Device" "輸入裝置類型" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Device" "INPUT TYPE" "SFUI_LBDevice_LS" "${lshoulder}" "[english]SFUI_LBDevice_LS" "${lshoulder}" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} 關閉 ${confirm} 顯示玩家名片 ${dpad} 瀏覽列表" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Close ${confirm} Show Gamer Card ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} 關閉 ${confirm} 顯示 Steam 個人檔案 ${dpad} 瀏覽列表" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Close ${confirm} Show Steam Profile ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_WorldRanking" "目前世界排名" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_WorldRanking" "Current World Rankings" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AVERAGE_PER_ROUND" "每回合平均" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AVERAGE_PER_ROUND" "Average Per Round" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Title" "記分板" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Title" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_KeyboardMouse" "鍵盤 + 滑鼠" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_KeyboardMouse" "Keyboard + Mouse" "SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_Gamepad" "控制器" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_Gamepad" "Controller" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_PSMove" "PlayStation Move" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_PSMove" "PlayStation Move" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Hydra" "Hydra" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Hydra" "Hydra" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Sharpshooter" "SharpShooter" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Sharpshooter" "SharpShooter" "SFUI_GameUI_LostConnectionToLIVE" "您已從 Xbox LIVE 斷線。請登入並再試一次。" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_LostConnectionToLIVE" "You have been disconnected from Xbox LIVE. Please sign in and try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_NotAllowedToJoinLobby" "無法連線至遊戲伺服器。您必須至少有一位好友在指定的伺服器才能加入。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_NotAllowedToJoinLobby" "Failed to connect to game server. You must have one friend present in order to join the specified server." "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Incendiary_in_the_hole" "前方小心燃燒彈!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Incendiary_in_the_hole" "FireBomb on the way!" "SFUI_GO" "GO" "[english]SFUI_GO" "GO" "SFUI_MapGroupSelect" "選擇地圖類型" "[english]SFUI_MapGroupSelect" "SELECT A MAP GROUP" "SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb" "經典炸彈拆除地圖" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb" "Classic Bomb" "SFUI_Mapgroup_hostage" "經典人質救援地圖" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_hostage" "Classic Hostage" "SFUI_Mapgroup_allclassic" "所有經典地圖" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_allclassic" "All Classic Maps" "SFUI_Mapgroup_armsrace" "軍備競賽地圖" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_armsrace" "Arms Race" "SFUI_Mapgroup_demolition" "爆破模式地圖" "[english]SFUI_Mapgroup_demolition" "Demolition" "SFUI_Map_cs_assault" "Assault" "[english]SFUI_Map_cs_assault" "Assault" "SFUI_Map_cs_italy" "Italy" "[english]SFUI_Map_cs_italy" "Italy" "SFUI_Map_cs_office" "Office" "[english]SFUI_Map_cs_office" "Office" "SFUI_Map_de_vertigo" "Vertigo" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_vertigo" "Vertigo" "SFUI_Map_de_balkan" "Balkan" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_balkan" "Balkan" "SFUI_Map_ar_monastery" "Monastery" "[english]SFUI_Map_ar_monastery" "Monastery" "SFUI_Map_de_embassy" "Embassy" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_embassy" "Embassy" "SFUI_Map_de_depot" "Depot" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_depot" "Depot" "SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "勳章" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "MEDALS" "SFUI_MainMenu_StatsButton" "統計資料" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_StatsButton" "STATS" "SFUI_MainMenu_UnlockFullGame" "解鎖完整遊戲" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_UnlockFullGame" "UNLOCK FULL GAME" "SFUI_MainMenu_Loadouts" "武器裝備" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Loadouts" "LOADOUTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_My_Awards" "個人戰績" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_My_Awards" "MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS" "SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "建立遊戲" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "CREATE A GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "離線遊戲" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "OFFLINE WITH BOTS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_SubPanelNav" "${cancel} 返回" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_SubPanelNav" "${cancel} Back" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicContents" "獲得勝利

在遊戲一開始時,您會獲得基本配備與一些金錢。每一回合都會從「購買區域」開始,您有約莫幾秒的時間可以待在這裡購買您的裝備。購買時間因遊戲模式而有所不同,不過基本上可以持續 45 秒;過了這段時間後,除非進行到下一回合,不然沒有人可以再購買物品。而在休閒模式中您可以在任何時候回到購買區域自動補充彈藥。



如果您是反恐部隊的一員,您在人質救援地圖的目標就是要救援四名人質。要帶領他們的話,只要面對著每一位人質按下 ${north} 就能讓他們跟隨您,接著在引領他們至救援區域。救援區域在小地圖中會以「H」符號來標識。而且當您位在救援區域時,抬頭顯示器(HUD)的左上角會出現人質救援區域的圖示 。當所有人質都被護送至救援區域,或當所有恐怖份子都死亡的話,就代表反恐部隊贏的回合勝利。雙方隊伍都可以靠殲滅所有敵人來贏得勝利。如果所有人質都死亡的話,該回合就只能靠殲滅敵隊來贏得勝利。雙方玩家傷害或擊殺人質的話都失去金錢以及扣分。

在炸彈拆除地圖中恐怖份子必須設置並引爆炸彈。而反恐部隊則需要拆除之。每回合會隨機選取一位反恐部隊玩家攜帶拆彈包。如果您擁有炸彈的話,您會在抬頭顯示器(HUD)和記分板上您的名稱旁邊看到炸彈攜帶圖示 。運送炸彈至兩處炸彈安置地點其中之一並設置之。炸彈安置地點分為 A 和 B 兩處。地圖上會有記號痕跡幫助您前往該處。而小地圖雷達上也有「A」和「B」符號做為標識。當您位於炸彈安置地點時,您的抬頭顯示器(HUD)會出現炸彈閃爍圖示 。按下使用鍵 ${+use} 設置炸彈並竭力阻止反恐部隊拆除。反恐部隊可以在炸彈設置前殲滅所有恐怖份子或是直接拆除炸彈來贏得勝利。拆彈包可以加速拆除炸彈的時間。如果您擁有拆彈包,您會在抬頭顯示器(HUD)及記分板您的名稱旁邊看到拆彈包圖示 。要拆除炸彈的話,站在炸彈正上方並面向炸彈按住 ${+use} 直到您看到炸彈已被拆除的訊息。不過拆彈包只是能節省時間,任何一位反恐部隊都可以嘗試拆除炸彈
" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicContents" "WINNING
A classic match is made up of timed rounds. There are two ways to win a round: complete your team’s map objective or eliminate all enemy players. Win the match by winning the most rounds.

At the beginning of the game, you get basic equipment and a set amount of money. Each round starts in a buy zone, where you’re frozen in place for a few seconds to give you time to buy gear. The buy time varies by game mode but typically lasts 45 seconds; after that time, no one may buy items until the next round. In casual mode you can return to the buy zone any time to replenish ammo automatically.

Players earn money by killing enemies, achieving mission objectives, and winning rounds. Shooting teammates and hostages reduces your payout. Spend your earnings on new gear at the beginning of the next round.

There is no way to gain additional health. Once your health indicator reaches zero, you die. When you die, you lose any gear you have purchased in the round. You don’t respawn until the start of the next round. While you are waiting for the next round to start, spectator mode lets you watch the game from the point of view of other players. If there are any bots left on your team, you can take control of them while in spectator mode. You don’t gain or lose any individual bonus money while playing as a bot.

If you’re a Counter-Terrorist, your goal in the hostage maps is to rescue the four hostages. To do this, move close to each hostage and press ${+use} to make them follow you, then lead them to a rescue zone. Rescue zones are marked with an H on the Mini Map. They’re also identified by the hostage rescue zone icon that appears in the upper left corner of the HUD when you’re inside of the zone. When all hostages have been escorted to a rescue zone, or when all Terrorists are dead, the Counter-Terrorists win the round. Either team can win by eliminating all enemies. If all hostages have been killed, the round can only be won through team elimination. Players on either team lose money and score for injuring or killing hostages.

Bomb maps require the Terrorist team to plant and detonate a bomb. The Counter-Terrorist team must stop them. A randomly chosen Terrorist is assigned to carry the device. If you have the bomb, you will see the bomb carrier icon in your HUD and on the scoreboard next to your name. Deliver it to either of two bomb sites and plant it. Bomb sites are labeled A and B. Signs scattered throughout the map will help you find them. A and B markers also appear in the Mini Map Radar. A flashing bomb icon appears on the HUD when you’re in a bomb site. Press the Use ${+use} button to plant the bomb, and then prevent the Counter-Terrorists from defusing it. Counter-Terrorists win by eliminating all Terrorists or by defusing the bomb. The defuse kit speeds up defusing time. If you have the kit, you’ll see the defuse kit icon in your HUD and in the scoreboard next to your name. To defuse a bomb, stand near it and hold ${+use} until you see a message saying that the bomb has been defused. Although the defuse kit saves time, any Counter-Terrorist may defuse the bomb.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicContents" "獲得勝利

在遊戲一開始時,您會獲得基本配備與一些金錢。每一回合都會從「購買區域」開始,您有約莫幾秒的時間可以待在這裡購買您的裝備。購買時間因遊戲模式而有所不同,不過基本上可以持續 45 秒;過了這段時間後,除非進行到下一回合,不然沒有人可以再購買物品。而在休閒模式中您可以在任何時候回到購買區域自動補充彈藥。



如果您是反恐部隊的一員,您在人質救援地圖的目標就是要救援四名人質。要帶領他們的話,只要面對著每一位人質按下 ${north} 就能讓他們跟隨您,接著在引領他們至救援區域。救援區域在小地圖中會以「H」符號來標識。而且當您位在救援區域時,抬頭顯示器(HUD)的左上角會出現人質救援區域的圖示 。當所有人質都被護送至救援區域,或當所有恐怖份子都死亡的話,就代表反恐部隊贏的回合勝利。雙方隊伍都可以靠殲滅所有敵人來贏得勝利。如果所有人質都死亡的話,該回合就只能靠殲滅敵隊來贏得勝利。雙方玩家傷害或擊殺人質的話都失去金錢以及扣分。

在炸彈拆除地圖中恐怖份子必須設置並引爆炸彈。而反恐部隊則需要拆除之。每回合會隨機選取一位反恐部隊玩家攜帶拆彈包。如果您擁有炸彈的話,您會在抬頭顯示器(HUD)和記分板上您的名稱旁邊看到炸彈攜帶圖示 。運送炸彈至兩處炸彈安置地點其中之一並設置之。炸彈安置地點分為 A 和 B 兩處。地圖上會有記號痕跡幫助您前往該處。而小地圖雷達上也有「A」和「B」符號做為標識。當您位於炸彈安置地點時,您的抬頭顯示器(HUD)會出現炸彈閃爍圖示 。按下使用鍵 ${north} 設置炸彈並竭力阻止反恐部隊拆除。反恐部隊可以在炸彈設置前殲滅所有恐怖份子或是直接拆除炸彈來贏得勝利。拆彈包可以加速拆除炸彈的時間。如果您擁有拆彈包,您會在抬頭顯示器(HUD)及記分板您的名稱旁邊看到拆彈包圖示 。要拆除炸彈的話,站在炸彈正上方並面向炸彈按住 ${north} 直到您看到炸彈已被拆除的訊息。不過拆彈包只是能節省時間,任何一位反恐部隊都可以嘗試拆除炸彈
" [$PS3||$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicContents" "WINNING
A classic match is made up of timed rounds. There are two ways to win a round: complete your team’s map objective or eliminate all enemy players. Win the match by winning the most rounds.

At the beginning of the game, you get basic equipment and a set amount of money. Each round starts in a buy zone, where you’re frozen in place for a few seconds to give you time to buy gear. The buy time varies by game mode but typically lasts 45 seconds; after that time, no one may buy items until the next round. In casual mode you can return to the buy zone any time to replenish ammo automatically.

Players earn money by killing enemies, achieving mission objectives, and winning rounds. Shooting teammates and hostages reduces your payout. Spend your earnings on new gear at the beginning of the next round.

There is no way to gain additional health. Once your health indicator reaches zero, you die. When you die, you lose any gear you have purchased in the round. You don’t respawn until the start of the next round. While you are waiting for the next round to start, spectator mode lets you watch the game from the point of view of other players. If there are any bots left on your team, you can take control of them while in spectator mode. You don’t gain or lose any individual bonus money while playing as a bot.

If you’re a Counter-Terrorist, your goal in the hostage maps is to rescue the four hostages. To do this, move close to each hostage and press ${north} to make them follow you, then lead them to a rescue zone. Rescue zones are marked with an H on the Mini Map. They’re also identified by the hostage rescue zone icon that appears in the upper left corner of the HUD when you’re inside of the zone. When all hostages have been escorted to a rescue zone, or when all Terrorists are dead, the Counter-Terrorists win the round. Either team can win by eliminating all enemies. If all hostages have been killed, the round can only be won through team elimination. Players on either team lose money and score for injuring or killing hostages.

Bomb maps require the Terrorist team to plant and detonate a bomb. The Counter-Terrorist team must stop them. A randomly chosen Terrorist is assigned to carry the device. If you have the bomb, you will see the bomb carrier icon in your HUD and on the scoreboard next to your name. Deliver it to either of two bomb sites and plant it. Bomb sites are labeled A and B. Signs scattered throughout the map will help you find them. A and B markers also appear in the Mini Map Radar. A flashing bomb icon appears on the HUD when you’re in a bomb site. Press the Use ${north} button to plant the bomb, and then prevent the Counter-Terrorists from defusing it. Counter-Terrorists win by eliminating all Terrorists or by defusing the bomb. The defuse kit speeds up defusing time. If you have the kit, you’ll see the defuse kit icon in your HUD and in the scoreboard next to your name. To defuse a bomb, stand near it and hold ${north} until you see a message saying that the bomb has been defused. Although the defuse kit saves time, any Counter-Terrorist may defuse the bomb.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" " 移動
《絕對武力》採用第一人稱視角進行遊戲。使用 ${lstick} 控制前、後、左、右移動。按下 ${lstickbutton} 切換至走路模式。

使用 ${rstick} 觀看四周。當有裝被狙擊槍時,按下 ${rstickbutton} 將會切換或離開狙擊鏡視角。

按下 ${rtrigger} 來發射武器或是投擲您攜帶的手榴彈。按住按鈕將持續進行全自動射擊或是三連發點放射擊的武器。扮演持有炸彈的恐怖份子時,按住 ${rtrigger} 或是按下 ${north} 即可在炸彈安置地點設置炸彈。

按住 ${ltrigger} 蹲下。

使用 ${rshoulder} 切換您的主要武器(通常為步槍、手槍以及軍刀)。

使用 ${lshoulder} 切換手榴彈,如果在「炸彈設置」地圖扮演恐怖份子的話也可用來切換炸彈。

按下 ${confirm} 進行跳躍。

按下 ${west} 來更換目前武器的彈匣。

在購買區域按下 ${north} 顯示購買選單。遇到可通行的門時按下 ${north} 來開門。扮演反恐部隊時,面向炸彈並按住 ${north} 來拆除炸彈。在「人質救援地圖」中,面向人質按下 ${north} 來讓他跟隨您或是停止跟隨您。

按下 ${dpadleft} 顯示記分板畫面。

按下 ${dpadup} 丟棄您手上目前的物品。

按下 ${start} 顯示遊戲內選單。

按下 ${confirm} 來跳躍。當跳躍至空中最高點時按下 ${ltrigger} 蹲下。此動作能讓您跳上平常上不去的物體。

某些武器可使用像是三連發點放射擊等功能,按下 ${cancel} 按鈕即可進行切換。
" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" " MOVEMENT
Counter-Strike is played from a first-person perspective. Forward, backward, left and right movement is controlled by ${lstick}. To walk, press ${lstickbutton} to switch to walk mode then move in the desired direction.

Use ${rstick} to look around in all directions. Pressing ${rstickbutton} when equipped with a sniper rifle will enter and exit the sniper scope view.

Pressing ${rtrigger} fires the weapon or throws the grenade you are carrying. Hold down to continually fire automatic and burst-fire weapons. As a Terrorist with the bomb in hand, hold ${rtrigger} down to plant the bomb at the bomb site or press ${north}.

Press and hold ${ltrigger} to crouch.

Use ${rshoulder} to cycle through your primary weapons (usually a rifle, sidearm and knife).

Use ${lshoulder} to cycle through your grenades and the bomb object when on the Terrorist team in a Bomb map.

Press ${confirm} to jump.

Press ${west} to reload the currently equipped weapon.

Press ${north} while in the Buy Zone to access the Buy Menu. Press ${north} while facing a door to open it if it is accessible. As a Counter-Terrorist, press and hold ${north} while looking at the planted bomb to defuse it. In a hostage map, press ${north} while looking at a hostage to get him to follow you or stop following you.

Press ${altstart} to access the Scoreboard display.

Press ${dpadup} to drop the currently equipped item.

Press ${start} to access the ingame menu.

Press ${confirm} to jump. While in the air, press ${ltrigger} to crouch at the top of the jump. This move lets you jump on to objects not otherwise accessible.

Some weapons have special features, such as burst-fire mode. To trigger these alternate functions press the ${cancel} button.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" " 移動
《絕對武力》採用第一人稱視角進行遊戲。使用遊戲手把左類比 ${xmove} 控制前、後、左、右移動。按下 ${+speed} 切換至走路模式。再按一次 ${+speed} 切換回奔跑模式。

使用 ${xlook} 觀看四周。當有裝被狙擊槍時,按下 ${+zoom} 將會切換或離開狙擊鏡視角。

按下 ${+attack} 來發射武器或是投擲您攜帶的手榴彈。按住按鈕將持續進行全自動射擊或是三連發點放射擊的武器。扮演持有炸彈的恐怖份子時,按住 ${+attack} 或是按下 ${+use} 即可在炸彈安置地點設置炸彈。

按住 ${+duck} 蹲下。

按下 ${invnextnongrenade} 切換您的主要武器(通常為步槍、手槍以及軍刀)。

按下 ${invnextgrenade} 切換手榴彈,如果在「炸彈設置」地圖扮演恐怖份子的話也可用來切換炸彈。

按下 ${+jump} 進行跳躍。

按下 ${+reload} 來更換目前武器的彈匣。

在購買區域按下 ${+use} 顯示購買選單。遇到可通行的門時按下 ${north} 來開門。扮演反恐部隊時,面向炸彈並按住 ${+use} 來拆除炸彈。在「人質救援地圖」中,面向人質按下 ${+use} 來讓他跟隨您或是停止跟隨您。

按下 ${togglescores} 顯示記分板畫面。

按下方向鍵向上 ${drop} 丟棄您手上目前的物品。

按下 ${start} 顯示遊戲內選單。

按下 ${+jump} 來跳躍。當跳躍至空中最高點時按下 ${+duck} 蹲下。此動作能讓您跳上平常上不去的物體。

某些武器可使用像是三連發點放射擊等功能,按下 ${+attack2} 按鈕即可進行切換。
" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ControlsContents" " MOVEMENT
Counter-Strike is played from a first-person perspective. Forward, backward, left and right movement is controlled by the left stick ${xmove}. To walk, click down ${+speed} to switch to walk mode then move in the desired direction. To switch back to a run, click ${+speed} again.

Use ${xlook} to look around in all directions. Clicking down on ${+zoom} when equipped with a sniper rifle will enter and exit the sniper scope view.

Pressing ${+attack} fires the weapon or throws the grenade you are carrying. Hold down to continually fire automatic and burst-fire weapons. As a Terrorist with the bomb in hand, hold ${+attack} down to plant the bomb at the bomb site or press ${+use}.

Press and hold ${+duck} to crouch.

Use ${invnextnongrenade} to cycle through your primary weapons (usually a rifle, sidearm and knife).

Use ${invnextgrenade} to cycle through your grenades and the bomb object when on the Terrorist team in a Bomb map.

Press ${+jump} to jump.

Press ${+reload} to reload the currently equipped weapon.

Press ${+use} while in the Buy Zone to access the Buy Menu. Press ${+use} while facing a door to open it if it is accessible. As a Counter-Terrorist, press and hold ${+use} while looking at the planted bomb to defuse it. In a hostage map, press ${+use} while looking at a hostage to get him to follow you or stop following you.

Press ${togglescores} to access the Scoreboard display.

Press the directional pad up ${drop} to drop the currently equipped item.

Press ${start} to access the ingame menu.

Press ${+jump} to jump. While in the air, press ${+duck} to crouch at the top of the jump. This move lets you jump on to objects not otherwise accessible.

Some weapons have special features, such as burst-fire mode. To trigger these alternate functions press the ${+attack2} button.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "升級您的裝備

您在每回合會出現在所謂的「購買區域」。在回合開始前,您可以在這個區域按下 ${north} 購買裝備。當您可以購物時在抬頭顯示器(HUD)會出現一個購物車圖示。

如要購買一項物品,選擇您想瀏覽的物品目錄並按下 ${confirm},再選擇您要購買的物品,然後按下 ${confirm} 即可完成購物。物品價格如果大於您的金額會以紅色呈現。按下 ${cancel} 即可在不購物的情況下離開目錄。


每個人身上一定會有一把軍刀。另外,您還可以攜帶一把主要武器、一把手槍以及三顆不同類型的手榴彈,同一種手榴彈每回合只能持有一顆。如果您在炸彈拆除地圖中扮演恐怖份子的話,您也可能會攜帶炸彈。按下 ${rshoulder} 切換您擁有的武器,${lshoulder} 切換手榴彈及炸彈。
" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "UPGRADING YOUR EQUIPMENT
You may buy new equipment at the beginning of each round while you are in the Buy Zone. The amount of starting money you have depends on the game mode. You earn more money each round for achieving goals such as completing the mission objectives, eliminating enemies and winning the round.

You begin each round in an area called the Buy Zone. For a short period at the beginning of each round you can purchase equipment in this area by pressing ${north}. A shopping cart icon appears on your HUD whenever you can buy items.

To purchase an item, highlight the item category you want to browse and press ${confirm}. Highlight the individual item you want to buy, and then press ${confirm} to make the purchase. Prices of items you can’t currently afford display in red. To leave a category without purchasing an item, press ${cancel}.

Once you are in the buy menu, there are three ways to buy weapons and equipment quickly. Select AUTOBUY to attempt to buy the best weaponry you can afford. Select BUY PREVIOUS to buy whatever equipment you had in the previous round, if you have sufficient funds to do so.

You always carry a knife. In addition, you may carry one primary weapon, one pistol, and up to three grenades of different types. You can only buy one specific grenade type once per round. If you are on the Terrorist team and playing a bomb map, you may also be carrying the bomb. Press ${rshoulder} to cycle through weapons in your possession. Press ${lshoulder} to cycle through grenades and the bomb in your possession.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "升級您的裝備

您在每回合會出現在所謂的「購買區域」。在回合開始前,您可以在這個區域按下 ${confirm} 購買裝備。當您可以購物時在抬頭顯示器(HUD)會出現一個購物車圖示。

如要購買一項物品,使用 ${lstick} 選擇您想瀏覽的物品目錄並按下 ${confirm},再用 ${lstick} 選擇您要購買的物品,然後按下 ${confirm} 即可完成購物。物品價格如果大於您的金額會以紅色呈現。按下 ${cancel} 即可在不購物的情況下離開目錄。

當您進入購買選單後,這裡有三種方式可以讓您快速購買武器及裝備。按下 ${lshoulder} 選擇「自動購買」,這項選擇將會依據您的金額為您購買最佳的武器。按下 ${rshoulder} 選擇「購買先前裝備」,如果您的金額充足的話,這項選擇會購買您在前一回合所擁有的所有裝備。

每個人身上一定會有一把軍刀。另外,您還可以攜帶一把主要武器、一把手槍以及三顆不同類型的手榴彈,同一種手榴彈每回合只能持有一顆。如果您在炸彈拆除地圖中扮演恐怖份子的話,您也可能會攜帶炸彈。按下 ${rshoulder} 切換您擁有的武器,${lshoulder} 切換手榴彈及炸彈。
" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_EquipmentContents" "UPGRADING YOUR EQUIPMENT
You may buy new equipment at the beginning of each round while you are in the Buy Zone. The amount of starting money you have depends on the game mode. You earn more money each round for achieving goals such as completing the mission objectives, eliminating enemies and winning the round.

You begin each round in an area called the Buy Zone. For a short period at the beginning of each round you can purchase equipment in this area by pressing ${confirm}. A shopping cart icon appears on your HUD whenever you can buy items.

To purchase an item, highlight the item category you want to browse using the ${lstick} and press ${confirm}. Use ${lstick} again to highlight the item you want to buy, and then press ${confirm} to make the purchase. Prices of items you can’t currently afford display in red. To leave a category without purchasing an item, press ${cancel}.

Once you are in the buy menu, there are three ways to buy weapons and equipment quickly. Press ${lshoulder} to select AUTOBUY. This selection will attempt to buy the best weaponry you can afford. Press ${rshoulder} to select BUY PREVIOUS. This will buy whatever equipment you had in the previous round, if you have sufficient funds to do so.

You always carry a knife. In addition, you may carry one primary weapon, one pistol, and up to three grenades of different types. You can only buy a specific grenade type once per round. If you are on the Terrorist team and playing a bomb map, you may also be carrying the bomb. Press ${rshoulder} to cycle through weapons in your possession. Press ${lshoulder} to cycle through grenades and the bomb in your possession.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "準確度

遭到擊殺的玩家會掉落他們的武器。要用您目前的武器更話地上掉落的話,瞄準地上的武器然後按下 ${+use} ,或是按下 ${drop} 丟棄目前的武器然後走到地面上的武器位置即可。










暗中移動在《絕對武力》中十分重要。當玩家奔跑時會發出的腳步聲。要防止腳步聲被別人聽見,按下 ${+speed} 切換成行走模式來避免察覺。門和梯子也要注意,它們也會製造聲響,使您或敵人的行跡曝光。

" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "ACCURACY
Like real weapons, Counter-Strike weapons recoil when they are fired. The longer a fully automatic weapon is fired, the more inaccurate it will become. It will return to its normal accuracy shortly after you stop firing. Your shots are more accurate when you are not moving. Moving while firing decreases your accuracy, and jumping reduces the accuracy significantly more.

Killed players drop their weapons. To swap your weapon for one on the ground, aim at the other weapon on the ground and press ${+use} or drop your current weapon by pressing ${drop} then simply walk over the weapon on the ground.

Shots that hit your target in the head do much more damage than those that hit the body. You can often kill an enemy with one well-placed shot to the head.

These kits allow you to defuse the bomb much faster, which could make the difference between winning the round and an explosive finish. The players with the defuse kit should be your designated defusers.

Teams that work well together as a unit win more. When you are playing with other people, use headsets to communicate and coordinate with your team members. Assign roles and duties. You can monitor player status in the Scoreboard screen and ingame mini-scoreboard. Pay attention to the Notification Area in the upper right corner and the Mini Map in the upper left corner of your screen. The Notification Area will display \\a dead player’s name and who killed them. The Mini Map will briefly display where a teammate was killed.

Explore maps in single player mode. Get to know the map, all of the routes and ambush spots. Take advantage of the Spectate mode to see how other players navigate the area.

All types of grenades are useful. HE grenades can flush out enemies. Smoke grenades create cover from sniper fire and allow your teammates to move past snipers without being easy targets. Flashbangs temporarily blind and deafen an enemy so you can kill him without them shooting back accurately. Molotov Cocktails and Incendiary grenades can produce a flaming barrier to entry or exit points. Decoy Grenades produce team specific noise to confuse your opponents even affecting the enemy Mini Map display.

Constant movement will make you a difficult target. Movement while in crouch and walking states is useful when attempting to ambush an enemy or assuming a sniper role.

Do not go back to the well too often. If you continue to follow your same course of action because it worked great once assume that your earlier victims will catch on and be waiting for you the on the next round.

When defusing or planting the bomb or approaching the hostages check to make sure the enemy isn’t waiting nearby to ambush you.

Reload often. If you run out of ammo in the middle of a firefight switch to your other weapons instead of trying to reload exposed and under fire.

Stealth is vitally important in Counter-Strike. When a player runs at full tilt their footsteps can be heard. To prevent this, switch to walk mode by pressing ${+speed} when trying to avoid detection. Also be wary of doors and ladders. These will often emit a sound that may give you or your enemies’ position away.

Running into a firefight all gung-ho will generally get you killed. Savvy players will take cover as often as possible and use their surroundings to their advantage. Work with your teammates to defeat the enemy.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "準確度

遭到擊殺的玩家會掉落他們的武器。要用您目前的武器更話地上掉落的話,瞄準地上的武器然後按下 ${north} ,或是按下 ${dpadup} 丟棄目前的武器然後走到地面上的武器位置即可。










暗中移動在《絕對武力》中十分重要。當玩家奔跑時會發出的腳步聲。要防止腳步聲被別人聽見,按下 ${lstickbutton} 切換成行走模式來避免察覺。門和梯子也要注意,它們也會製造聲響,使您或敵人的行跡曝光。

" [$PS3||$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents" "ACCURACY
Like real weapons, Counter-Strike weapons recoil when they are fired. The longer a fully automatic weapon is fired, the more inaccurate it will become. It will return to its normal accuracy shortly after you stop firing. Your shots are more accurate when you are not moving. Moving while firing decreases your accuracy, and jumping reduces the accuracy significantly more.

Killed players drop their weapons. To swap your weapon for one on the ground, aim at the other weapon on the ground and press ${north} or drop your current weapon by pressing ${dpadup} then simply walk over the weapon on the ground.

Shots that hit your target in the head do much more damage than those that hit the body. You can often kill an enemy with one well-placed shot to the head.

These kits allow you to defuse the bomb much faster, which could make the difference between winning the round and an explosive finish. The players with the defuse kit should be your designated defusers.

Teams that work well together as a unit win more. When you are playing with other people, use headsets to communicate and coordinate with your team members. Assign roles and duties. You can monitor player status in the Scoreboard screen and ingame mini-scoreboard. Pay attention to the Notification Area in the upper right corner and the Mini Map in the upper left corner of your screen. The Notification Area will display \\a dead player’s name and who killed them. The Mini Map will briefly display where a teammate was killed.

Explore maps in single player mode. Get to know the map, all of the routes and ambush spots. Take advantage of the Spectate mode to see how other players navigate the area.

All types of grenades are useful. HE grenades can flush out enemies. Smoke grenades create cover from sniper fire and allow your teammates to move past snipers without being easy targets. Flashbangs temporarily blind and deafen an enemy so you can kill him without them shooting back accurately. Molotov Cocktails and Incendiary grenades can produce a flaming barrier to entry or exit points. Decoy Grenades produce team specific noise to confuse your opponents even affecting the enemy Mini Map display.

Constant movement will make you a difficult target. Movement while in crouch and walking states is useful when attempting to ambush an enemy or assuming a sniper role.

Do not go back to the well too often. If you continue to follow your same course of action because it worked great once assume that your earlier victims will catch on and be waiting for you the on the next round.

When defusing or planting the bomb or approaching the hostages check to make sure the enemy isn’t waiting nearby to ambush you.

Reload often. If you run out of ammo in the middle of a firefight switch to your other weapons instead of trying to reload exposed and under fire.

Stealth is vitally important in Counter-Strike. When a player runs at full tilt their footsteps can be heard. To prevent this, switch to walk mode by pressing ${lstickbutton} when trying to avoid detection. Also be wary of doors and ladders. These will often emit a sound that may give you or your enemies’ position away.

Running into a firefight all gung-ho will generally get you killed. Savvy players will take cover as often as possible and use their surroundings to their advantage. Work with your teammates to defeat the enemy.
" "SFUI_Medals_Title" "獎項" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Medals_Title" "AWARDS" "SFUI_Stats_Title" "統計資料" "[english]SFUI_Stats_Title" "STATS" "SFUI_MedalCategory_CatTitle" "類型" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_CatTitle" "Category" "SFUI_MedalCategory_AwardTitle" "獎項" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_AwardTitle" "Awards" "SFUI_MedalCategory_StatusBar" "勳章所需獎項數" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_StatusBar" "Awards Required for Medals" "SFUI_MedalELo_Title" "您的 ELO 排名" "[english]SFUI_MedalELo_Title" "Your ELO Rank" "SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective_HTML" "隊伍戰略" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective_HTML" "Team Tactics" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat_HTML" "戰鬥技巧" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat_HTML" "Combat Skills" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon_HTML" "武器專家" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon_HTML" "Weapon Specialist" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Map_HTML" "全球鑑定" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Map_HTML" "Global Expertise" "SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame_HTML" "軍械庫模式" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame_HTML" "Arsenal Mode" "SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective_CAPHTML" "隊伍戰略" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective_CAPHTML" "TEAM TACTICS" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat_CAPHTML" "戰鬥技巧" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat_CAPHTML" "COMBAT SKILLS" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon_CAPHTML" "武器專家" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon_CAPHTML" "WEAPON SPECIALIST" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Map_CAPHTML" "全球鑑定" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Map_CAPHTML" "GLOBAL EXPERTISE" "SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame_CAPHTML" "軍械庫模式" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame_CAPHTML" "ARSENAL MODE" "SFUI_Medal_RankName_0" "無" "[english]SFUI_Medal_RankName_0" "None" "SFUI_CT_Elo_Rank" "您的 ELO 排名" "[english]SFUI_CT_Elo_Rank" "YOUR ELO RANK" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Won" "您的隊伍獲勝!" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Won" "Your Team Won!" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Lost" "您的隊伍敗北!" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Lost" "Your Team Lost!" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Tie" "比賽平手!" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Final_Tie" "The Match Tied!" "SFUI_Scoreboard_GG_The_Winner" "獲勝者:%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_GG_The_Winner" "THE WINNER : %s1" "SFUI_Vote_CancelSubselection" "${cancel}取消" "[english]SFUI_Vote_CancelSubselection" "${cancel}Cancel" "SFUI_VOTING_CALL_VOTE" "投票表決" "[english]SFUI_VOTING_CALL_VOTE" "CALL VOTE" "SFUI_VOTING_VOTE_TARGET" "進行選擇" "[english]SFUI_VOTING_VOTE_TARGET" "MAKE SELECTION" "SFUI_vote_header" "%s1 想要投票表決:" "[english]SFUI_vote_header" "%s1 wants to call a vote:" "SFUI_vote_yes_pc_instruction" "按下 F1 投贊成票" "[english]SFUI_vote_yes_pc_instruction" "Press F1 to vote YES" "SFUI_vote_no_pc_instruction" "按下 F2 投反對票" "[english]SFUI_vote_no_pc_instruction" "Press F2 to vote NO" "SFUI_vote_yes_console_instruction" "按下 ${dpadleft} 投贊成票" "[english]SFUI_vote_yes_console_instruction" "Press ${dpadleft} to vote YES" "SFUI_vote_no_console_instruction" "按下 ${dpadright} 投反對票" "[english]SFUI_vote_no_console_instruction" "Press ${dpadright} to vote NO" "SFUI_vote_passed" "投票通過!" "[english]SFUI_vote_passed" "Vote Passed!" "SFUI_vote_failed" "投票失敗。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed" "Vote Failed." "SFUI_vote_failed_quorum" "投票人數不足。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_quorum" "Not enough players voted." "SFUI_vote_failed_yesno" "贊成票必須超過反對票。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_yesno" "Yes votes must exceed No votes." "SFUI_vote_failed_vote_spam" "您剛才已發起一個投票,必須在 %s1 秒後才能發起新的投票。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_vote_spam" "You called a vote recently and can not call another for %s1 seconds." "SFUI_vote_failed_transition_vote" "當其他玩家還在讀取時,您無法發起新的投票。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_transition_vote" "You cannot call a new vote while other players are still loading." "SFUI_vote_failed_disabled_issue" "伺服器已停用此功能。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_disabled_issue" "Server has disabled that issue." "SFUI_vote_failed_map_not_found" "該地圖不存在。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_map_not_found" "That map does not exist." "SFUI_vote_failed_map_name_required" "您必須指定一個地圖名稱。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_map_name_required" "You must specify a map name." "SFUI_vote_failed_recently" "該投票已失敗,必須在 %s1 秒後才能發起同樣的投票。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_recently" "This vote failed recently and can not be called again for %s1 seconds." "SFUI_vote_failed_team_cant_call" "您的隊伍無法發起這個投票。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_team_cant_call" "Your team cannot call this vote." "SFUI_vote_failed_waitingforplayers" "無法在等待玩家時發起投票。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_waitingforplayers" "Voting not allowed while Waiting For Players." "SFUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_admin" "您無法使用投票踢掉伺服器管理員。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_admin" "You may not vote to kick the server admin." "SFUI_vote_failed_scramble_in_prog" "正在隨機組隊中。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_scramble_in_prog" "A Team Scramble is in progress." "SFUI_vote_failed_swap_in_prog" "正在替換隊伍中。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_swap_in_prog" "A Team Swap is in progress." "SFUI_vote_failed_spectator" "此伺服器並不允許旁觀玩家投票。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_spectator" "This server has disabled voting for Spectators." "SFUI_vote_failed_nextlevel_set" "下一張地圖已設定。" "[english]SFUI_vote_failed_nextlevel_set" "The next level has already been set." "SFUI_vote_kick_player_other" "踢出玩家:%s1?\n(沒有原因)" "[english]SFUI_vote_kick_player_other" "Kick player: %s1?\n(no reason given)" "SFUI_vote_kick_player_cheating" "踢出玩家:%s1?\n(被指控作弊)" "[english]SFUI_vote_kick_player_cheating" "Kick player: %s1?\n(accused of cheating)" "SFUI_vote_kick_player_idle" "踢出玩家:%s1?\n(被指控掛網)" "[english]SFUI_vote_kick_player_idle" "Kick player: %s1?\n(accused of being idle)" "SFUI_vote_kick_player_scamming" "踢除玩家:%s1?\n(被指控詐騙)" "[english]SFUI_vote_kick_player_scamming" "Kick player: %s1?\n(accused of scamming)" "SFUI_vote_passed_kick_player" "踢出玩家中:%s1..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_kick_player" "Kicking player: %s1..." "SFUI_vote_restart_game" "要重新啟動地圖嗎?" "[english]SFUI_vote_restart_game" "Restart the map?" "SFUI_vote_passed_restart_game" "重新啟動地圖中..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_restart_game" "Restarting the map..." "SFUI_vote_changelevel" "將目前的地圖變更為 %s1 嗎?" "[english]SFUI_vote_changelevel" "Change current level to %s1?" "SFUI_vote_nextlevel" "將下一張地圖設定為 %s1 嗎?" "[english]SFUI_vote_nextlevel" "Set the next level to %s1?" "SFUI_vote_passed_changelevel" "變更地圖為 %s1..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_changelevel" "Changing level to %s1..." "SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel" "設定下一張地圖為 %s1..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel" "Next level set to %s1..." "SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend" "延長目前地圖的時間" "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend" "Extending the current level" "SFUI_vote_nextlevel_choices" "為下一張地圖投票!" "[english]SFUI_vote_nextlevel_choices" "Vote for the next map!" "SFUI_vote_scramble_teams" "隨機組隊?" "[english]SFUI_vote_scramble_teams" "Scramble the teams?" "SFUI_vote_passed_scramble_teams" "隊伍將隨機組隊。" "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_scramble_teams" "Teams will be scrambled." "SFUI_vote_swap_teams" "替換隊伍?" "[english]SFUI_vote_swap_teams" "Swap the teams?" "SFUI_vote_passed_swap_teams" "隊伍將互相替換。" "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_swap_teams" "Teams will be swapped." "SFUI_vote_td_start_round" "開始目前的回合?" "[english]SFUI_vote_td_start_round" "Start the current round?" "SFUI_vote_passed_td_start_round" "開始目前的回合..." "[english]SFUI_vote_passed_td_start_round" "Starting the round..." "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText_NoKit" "您正在拆除炸彈\n沒有使用拆彈包。" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText_NoKit" "You are defusing the bomb\nwithout a kit." "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText" "%s1 正在拆除炸彈。" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText" "%s1 is defusing the bomb." "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText_NoKit" "%s1 正在拆除炸彈\n沒有使用拆彈包。" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText_NoKit" "%s1 is defusing the bomb\nwithout a kit." "SFUI_ST6_Female_Name" "特種應變部隊" "[english]SFUI_ST6_Female_Name" "Special Response Team" "SFUI_ST6_Female_Label" "特種應變部隊(SRT)或稱作特種武器戰術部隊(SWAT),隸屬於美國國內警察執法機構的特種軍事作戰部隊專門執行危險任務。" "[english]SFUI_ST6_Female_Label" "SRT or SWAT is an American special operations paramilitary tactical unit operating within domestic law enforcement agencies." "SFUI_MPSSC_Male_Team" "憲兵特勤隊" "[english]SFUI_MPSSC_Male_Team" "MPSSC" "SFUI_MPSSC_Male_Label" "憲兵特勤隊(MPSSC)亦稱作「夜鷹」,為直屬於中華民國國防部的台灣機密特種作戰部隊。謠傳曾受訓於喬治亞州本寧堡的美國陸軍特種部隊學校。" "[english]SFUI_MPSSC_Male_Label" "Military Police Special Service Company aka “Yeh-ying” (Nighthawk). A classified Taiwanese special operations force under the Ministry of National Defense. Rumored to receive training at the Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia." "SFUI_Georgian_Male_Name" "喬治亞共和國鎮暴警察" "[english]SFUI_Georgian_Male_Name" "Republic of Georgia Riot Polis" "SFUI_Professional_Female_Name" "專業人士" "[english]SFUI_Professional_Female_Name" "Professional" "SFUI_Professional_Female_Label" "這些「專業人士」是一群身著完善高科技裝備的竊賊。他們沒有任何政治或宗教意圖,但只要是有利可圖的差事,他們都來者不拒。" "[english]SFUI_Professional_Female_Label" "The Professionals are high tech, well equipped thieves with no political or religious agenda." "SFUI_WinPanel_elo_up_string" "您已提升 Elo 排名!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_elo_up_string" "You've gained an Elo rank!" "SFUI_WinPanel_elo_down_string" "您已降低 Elo 排名!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_elo_down_string" "You've lost an Elo rank!" "SFUI_Notice_Hint_Bot_Takeover" "您正在操控電腦玩家 %s1。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_Bot_Takeover" "You are playing as BOT %s1." "SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level_You" "您已到達金刀等級!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level_You" "You've reached gold knife level!" "SFUI_Notice_CTs_Clinched_Match" "反恐部隊獲得最多勝場所以贏得最終勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_Clinched_Match" "CTs clinched the match with the most wins." "SFUI_Notice_Ts_Clinched_Match" "恐怖份子獲得最多勝場所以贏得最終勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Ts_Clinched_Match" "Terrorists clinched the match with the most wins." "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Point" "決勝點" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Match_Point" "MATCH POINT" "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Final_Round" "最後回合" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Final_Round" "FINAL ROUND" "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Last_Round_Half" "上半場最後回合" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Alert_Last_Round_Half" "LAST ROUND OF FIRST HALF" "SFUI_Upsell_Title" "加入全世界第一的線上動作遊戲" "[english]SFUI_Upsell_Title" "PLAY THE WORLD'S NUMBER ONE ONLINE ACTION GAME" "SFUI_Upsell_Upsell_Bullets" "" "[english]SFUI_Upsell_Upsell_Bullets" "" "SFUI_Upsell_Nav" "${west} 解鎖完整遊戲 ${confirm} 退出 ${cancel} 返回遊戲" "[english]SFUI_Upsell_Nav" "${west} Unlock Full Game ${confirm} Quit ${cancel} Back to Game" "SFUI_Upsell_Nav" " " [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Upsell_Nav" "" "SFUI_Medals_Earned_Text" "購買後解鎖的成就: " "[english]SFUI_Medals_Earned_Text" "Achievements unlocked with purchase: " "SFUI_CycleNextGrenade" "選擇物品" "[english]SFUI_CycleNextGrenade" "Select Item" "SFUI_AlternateFire" "特殊攻擊" "[english]SFUI_AlternateFire" "Alternate Fire" "SFUI_180Spin" "旋轉 180 度" "[english]SFUI_180Spin" "Spin 180" "SFUI_Calibrate_Calibration_Motion" "校準體感控制器" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Calibration_Motion" "Calibrate Motion Controller" "SFUI_Calibrate_Calibrate" "校準" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Calibrate" "CALIBRATE" "SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Cancel" "${cancel} 取消校準" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Cancel" "${cancel} Cancel Calibration" "SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Accept" "${confirm} 完成校準 ${cancel} 重新校準" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Nav_Accept" "${confirm} Accept the calibration ${cancel} Recalibrate" "SFUI_Calibrate_Eye_Disconnected" "PlayStation Eye 攝影機已斷線。請重新連線以繼續。" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Eye_Disconnected" "The PlayStation Eye camera was disconnected. Please reconnect to continue." "SFUI_Calibrate_Activate_Move" "調整 PlayStation Eye 攝影機到廣角設定(藍色)然後按下 Move 鍵。" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Activate_Move" "Set the PlayStation Eye camera to the wide angle (blue) setting and press the Move button." "SFUI_Calibrate_Hold_the_Motion" "握住體感控制器,然後對準 Playstation Eye 攝影機並按下 Move 鍵。" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Hold_the_Motion" "Hold the Motion Controller still, point at the Playstation Eye camera and press the Move button." "SFUI_Calibrate_Calibrating" "校準體感控制器中。" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Calibrating" "Calibrating Motion Controller." "SFUI_Calibrate_Aim_at_icon" "瞄準圖示並按下 T 鍵" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Aim_at_icon" "Aim at the icon and press the T Button" "SFUI_Calibrate_Change_Sensitivity" "準星靈敏度" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Change_Sensitivity" "Crosshair Sensitivity" "SFUI_Calibrate_DeadZone_Radius" "死角範圍" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_DeadZone_Radius" "Deadzone Radius" "SFUI_Calibrate_Turn_Speed" "轉動速度" "[english]SFUI_Calibrate_Turn_Speed" "Turn Speed" "SFUI_Radio_Exit" "0. 離開" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Exit" "0. Exit" "SFUI_Radio_Cover_Me" "掩護我" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Cover_Me" "Cover Me" "SFUI_Radio_Take_Point" "你守住這個據點" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Take_Point" "You Take the Point" "SFUI_Radio_Hold_Pos" "守住這個地點" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Hold_Pos" "Hold This Position" "SFUI_Radio_Regroup" "重整隊形" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Regroup" "Regroup Team" "SFUI_Radio_Follow" "跟著我" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Follow" "Follow Me" "SFUI_Radio_Need_Assist" "遭受攻擊,需要火力支援" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Need_Assist" "Taking Fire, Need Assistance" "SFUI_Radio_Go" "Go" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Go" "Go" "SFUI_Radio_Fall_Back" "撤退" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Fall_Back" "Fall Back" "SFUI_Radio_Stick_Together" "集體行動" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Stick_Together" "Stick Together Team" "SFUI_Radio_Get_In" "定點就位" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Get_In" "Get in Position" "SFUI_Radio_Storm_Front" "向前方猛力開火" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Storm_Front" "Storm the Front" "SFUI_Radio_Report_In" "回報狀況" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Report_In" "Report In" "SFUI_Radio_Roger" "了解/收到" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Roger" "Affirmative/Roger" "SFUI_Radio_Spotted" "發現敵蹤" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Spotted" "Enemy Spotted" "SFUI_Radio_Need_Backup" "需要後援" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Need_Backup" "Need Backup" "SFUI_Radio_Sector_Clear" "區域安全" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Sector_Clear" "Sector Clear" "SFUI_Radio_In_Position" "我就定位了" "[english]SFUI_Radio_In_Position" "I'm in Position" "SFUI_Radio_Reporting_Int" "回報狀況" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Reporting_Int" "Reporting In" "SFUI_Radio_Shes_Gonna_Blow" "要爆炸了!" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Shes_Gonna_Blow" "She's gonna Blow!" "SFUI_Radio_Negative" "否決" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Negative" "Negative" "SFUI_Radio_Enemy_Down" "敵人倒下" "[english]SFUI_Radio_Enemy_Down" "Enemy Down" "SFUI_Settings_Calibrate_Nav" "${west} 校準 ${cancel} 關閉 ${north} 還原為預設值 ${dpad} 切換/修改" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Calibrate_Nav" "${west} Calibrate ${cancel} Close ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Toggle/Modify" "SFUI_Settings_MotionBlur" "動態模糊" "[english]SFUI_Settings_MotionBlur" "Motion Blur" "SFUI_Horizontal_Screen_Resize" "水平調整" "[english]SFUI_Horizontal_Screen_Resize" "Horizontal Adjustment" "SFUI_Vertical_Screen_Resize" "垂直調整" "[english]SFUI_Vertical_Screen_Resize" "Vertical Adjustment" "SFUI_CSM_Low" "最低" "[english]SFUI_CSM_Low" "Very Low" "SFUI_CSM_Med" "低" "[english]SFUI_CSM_Med" "Low" "SFUI_CSM_High" "中" "[english]SFUI_CSM_High" "Medium" "SFUI_CSM_VeryHigh" "高" "[english]SFUI_CSM_VeryHigh" "High" "SFUI_FXAA_Enabled" "已啟用" "[english]SFUI_FXAA_Enabled" "Enabled" "SFUI_FXAA_Disabled" "已停用" "[english]SFUI_FXAA_Disabled" "Disabled" "SFUI_MotionBlur_Enabled" "已啟用" "[english]SFUI_MotionBlur_Enabled" "Enabled" "SFUI_MotionBlur_Disabled" "已停用" "[english]SFUI_MotionBlur_Disabled" "Disabled" "SFUI_NowPlaying_T" "以恐怖份子進行遊戲中" "[english]SFUI_NowPlaying_T" "PLAYING ON TEAM TERRORIST" "SFUI_NowPlaying_CT" "以反恐部隊進行遊戲中" "[english]SFUI_NowPlaying_CT" "PLAYING ON TEAM COUNTER-TERRORIST" "SFUI_NowPlaying_Bot" "以電腦玩家進行遊戲中" "[english]SFUI_NowPlaying_Bot" "PLAYING AS A BOT" "SFUI_WS_GG_YourNextWeaponIs" "您的下一項武器是" "[english]SFUI_WS_GG_YourNextWeaponIs" "YOUR NEXT WEAPON IS" "SFUI_LobbyKick_Title" "踢出玩家" "[english]SFUI_LobbyKick_Title" "Kick Player" "SFUI_LobbyKick_Text" "您卻要要從大廳踢出 %s1 嗎?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyKick_Text" "Are you sure you want to kick %s1 from the lobby?" "SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Title" "設定遊戲選項?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Title" "Set Game Options?" "SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Text" "您想要設定遊戲選項還是直接快速配隊進行隨機模式和地圖?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Text" "Would you like to set game options or quickmatch into any mode/map?" "SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_QMButton" "快速配對" "[english]SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_QMButton" "Quickmatch" "SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Help" "${north} 快速配對 ${confirm} Go ${cancel} 取消" "[english]SFUI_LobbyLaunchPrompt_Help" "${north} Quickmatch ${confirm} Go ${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_Lobby_QuitButton" "退出" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_QuitButton" "Quit" "SFUI_Lobby_StartMatchButton" "Go" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StartMatchButton" "Go" "SFUI_Lobby_Help" "${dpad} 瀏覽 ${start} 開始配對 ${cancel} 離開大廳" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_Help" "${dpad} Navigate ${start} Start Match ${cancel} Quit Lobby" "SFUI_Lobby_HelpNoStart" "${cancel} 離開大廳" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HelpNoStart" "${cancel} Quit Lobby" "SFUI_Lobby_ShowGamercard" "${lshoulder} Steam 個人檔案" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ShowGamercard" "${lshoulder} Steam Profile" "SFUI_Lobby_ShowGamercard" "${lshoulder} 顯示玩家名片" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ShowGamercard" "${lshoulder} Show Gamercard" "SFUI_BYT_TITLECLIENT" "多人遊戲大廳" "[english]SFUI_BYT_TITLECLIENT" "MULTIPLAYER LOBBY" "SFUI_Invite" "${confirm} 邀請" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Invite" "${confirm} Invite" "SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "${west} 踢出" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "${west} Kick" "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_CreationFailed" "您的網路連線發生問題,所以大廳沒有成功建立。" "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_CreationFailed" "There was a problem with your network connection, and the lobby was not created." "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_Kicked" "您被廳主從大廳踢出。" "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_Kicked" "You have been kicked from the lobby by the host." "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_CreateLobbyFailed" "大廳連線至伺服器逾時。請檢查您的網路連線並再試一次。" "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_CreateLobbyFailed" "The lobby timed out connecting to the servers. Please check your network connection and try again." "SFUI_LobbyClient_StandbyTitle" "請稍候" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_StandbyTitle" "Please Wait" "SFUI_LobbyClient_StandbyText" "廳主正在選擇遊戲模式和地圖。請稍候。" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_StandbyText" "The lobby leader is selecting the game mode and map. Please stand by." "SFUI_LobbyClient_ModeWaitOnHost" "模式:尚未選擇" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_ModeWaitOnHost" "MODE: NOT SELECTED" "SFUI_LobbyClient_MapWaitOnHost" "地圖:尚未選擇" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_MapWaitOnHost" "MAP: NOT SELECTED" "SFUI_LobbyClient_ModeQuickMatch" "模式:快速配對" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_ModeQuickMatch" "MODE: QUICKMATCH" "SFUI_LobbyClient_MapQuickMatch" "地圖:隨機" "[english]SFUI_LobbyClient_MapQuickMatch" "MAP: ANY" "SFUI_Lobby_PrivateMatch" "私人遊戲" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PrivateMatch" "Private Match" "SFUI_Lobby_PToggle" " " "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PToggle" "" "SFUI_Lobby_PToggle" "${north}" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PToggle" "${north}" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} 關閉 ${dpad} 瀏覽列表" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Close ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_DisconnectReason_FriendReqd" "連線至遊戲伺服器失敗。您必須要有一位好友在該指定伺服器才能加入。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_FriendReqd" "Failed to connect to game server. You must have one friend present in order to join the specified server." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableGetSessionData" "取得階段資料時發生錯誤。請再試一次。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableGetSessionData" "Failed to get session data. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableGetServerAddress" "取額伺服器位置時發生錯誤。請再試一次。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableGetServerAddress" "Failed to get server address. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableValidateServer" "驗證階段資料時發生錯誤。請再試一次," "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnableValidateServer" "Failed to validate session data. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnablePingServer" "偵測伺服器時發生錯誤。請再試一次。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_UnablePingServer" "Failed to ping server. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyFull" "無法加入大廳,因為大廳已額滿。請再試一次," "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyFull" "Failed to join session because the session is full. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyNotWanted" "您已被此大廳封鎖。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyNotWanted" "You are banned from joining this session." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyBlockedYou" "加入大廳失敗,因為您被該大廳內一名或以上的玩家列入封鎖名單。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyBlockedYou" "Failed to join session because you have been blocked by one or more players in this session." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyYouBlocked" "加入大廳失敗因為您將該大廳內一名以上的玩家列入封鎖名單。" "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LobbyYouBlocked" "Failed to join session because you have blocked one or more players in this session." "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Loading" "擊殺敵人來\n獲得新武器。\n\n殲滅敵隊或是\n完成任務目標\n來贏得回合\n\n設定:\n· 獎勵武器會在下回合獲得\n· 開啟友方傷害\n· 關閉隊友碰撞\n·20 回合內贏得最多的隊伍獲勝" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Loading" "New weapons are awarded by \neliminating enemies.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the \nother team or completing the \nobjective.\n\nSettings:\n· Weapons awarded on round start\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is off\n· Best out of 20 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Loading_Classic" "每回合利用賺取的金錢\n購買新武器。\n\n獲勝條件:\n· 殲滅敵方隊伍\n· 恐怖份子設置並守護\n炸彈直到引爆\n· 反恐部隊阻止\n炸彈引爆\n\n設定:\n· 關閉友方傷害\n· 關閉隊友碰撞\n· 50% 擊殺獎勵數\n· 10 回合內贏得最多的隊伍獲勝" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Loading_Classic" "Buy new weapons each round with\nmoney earned.\n\nWin the round by: \n· Eliminating the other team\n· As a Terrorist, plant and defend\n the bomb\n· As a Counter-Terrorist, prevent\n the detonation of the bomb\n \nSettings:\n· Friendly fire is OFF\n· Team collision is OFF\n· 50% kill reward amounts\n· Best out of 10 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Loading_Competetive" "每回合利用賺取的金錢\n購買新武器。\n\n獲勝條件:\n· 殲滅敵方隊伍\n· 恐怖份子設置並守護\n炸彈直到引爆\n· 反恐部隊阻止\n炸彈引爆\n\n設定:\n· 開啟友方傷害\n· 開啟隊友碰撞\n· 護甲與拆彈包必須購買才能取得\n· 30 回合內贏得最多的隊伍獲勝" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Loading_Competetive" "Buy new weapons each round with\nmoney earned.\n\nWin the round by: \n· Eliminating the other team\n· As a Terrorist, plant and defend\n the bomb\n· As a Counter-Terrorist, prevent\n the detonation of the bomb\n \nSettings:\n· Friendly fire is ON\n· Team collision is ON\n· Armor and defuse kits are\n purchasable\n· Best out of 30 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Loading_Classic" "每回合利用賺取的金錢\n購買新武器。\n\n獲勝條件:\n· 殲滅敵方隊伍\n· 恐怖份子阻止人質\n前往救援區域\n· 反恐部隊解救\n人質並帶領到救援區域\n\n設定:\n· 關閉友方傷害\n· 關閉隊友碰撞\n· 50% 擊殺獎勵數\n· 10 回合內贏得最多的隊伍獲勝" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Loading_Classic" "Buy new weapons each round with\nmoney earned.\n\nWin the round by: \n· Eliminating the other team\n· As a Terrorist, prevent the hostages\n from being rescued\n· As a Counter-Terrorist, rescue the \n hostages and lead them to safety\n\nSettings:\n· Friendly fire is OFF\n· Team collision is OFF\n· 50% kill reward amounts\n· Best out of 10 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Loading_Competetive" "每回合利用賺取的金錢\n購買新武器。\n\n獲勝條件:\n· 殲滅敵方隊伍\n· 恐怖份子阻止人質\n前往救援區域\n· 反恐部隊解救\n人質並帶領到救援區域\n\n設定:\n· 開啟友方傷害\n· 開啟隊友碰撞\n· 護甲與拆彈包必須購買才能取得\n· 30 回合內贏得最多的隊伍獲勝" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Loading_Competetive" "Buy new weapons each round with\nmoney earned.\n\nWin the round by: \n· Eliminating the other team\n· As a Terrorist, prevent the hostages\n from being rescued\n· As a Counter-Terrorist, rescue the \n hostages and lead them to safety\n\nSettings:\n· Friendly fire is ON\n· Team collision is ON\n· Armor and defuse kits are \n purchasable\n· Best out of 30 rounds" "SFUI_Rules_TS_GunGame_Progressive" "殲滅敵人並成為第一位輪替完所有武器的玩家" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_GunGame_Progressive" "Eliminate enemies and be the first player to get a kill with every weapon." "SFUI_Rules_TS_TRBomb_T" "在炸彈安置地點引爆炸彈或是殲滅所有反恐部隊來贏得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_TRBomb_T" "Detonate a bomb at the bomb site or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_TRBomb_CT" "阻止恐怖份子引爆炸彈或是殲滅所有恐怖份子來贏得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_TRBomb_CT" "Prevent the Terrorists from detonating their bomb or eliminate all of the Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Bomb_T" "在炸彈安置地點引爆炸彈或是殲滅所有反恐部隊來贏得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Bomb_T" "Detonate a bomb at one of the bomb sites or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Bomb_CT" "阻止恐怖份子引爆炸彈或是殲滅所有恐怖份子來贏得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Bomb_CT" "Prevent the Terrorists from detonating their bomb by defusing it or eliminating them all to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Hostage_T" "阻止人質前往救援區域或是殲滅所有反恐部隊來贏得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Hostage_T" "Keep the hostages from being rescued or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Hostage_CT" "解救人質並帶領到救援區域或是殲滅所有恐怖份子來贏得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Hostage_CT" "Rescue all of the hostages and lead them to the exit or eliminate all of the Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Generic_T" "殲滅所有反恐部隊來贏得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Generic_T" "Eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_TS_Generic_CT" "殲滅所有恐怖份子來贏得勝利。" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TS_Generic_CT" "Eliminate all of the Terrorists to win." "SFUI_Rules_Demolition_Progression" "擊殺敵人來晉升至下一項新武器" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Demolition_Progression" "PROGRESS TO A NEW WEAPON BY ELIMINATING AN ENEMY" } }