// "prop data name" // { // "property" "value" // ... // } // // // "base" : Specify a base propdata class to derive from (base types can be found in propdata.txt) // // "blockLOS" : Override whether this prop should block NPC's Line-Of-Sight. // "AIWalkable" : Override whether AI should consider this prop as walkable on. // "dmg.bullets" : Mod damage done by bullets to this prop. // "dmg.club" : Mod damage done by clubs to this prop. // "dmg.explosive" : Mod damage done by explosives to this prop. // NOTE: Use damage modifiers to reflect differences between the amount of // damage that an object takes from different damage types. Don't // use them to reflect overall damage strength. i.e. Stone is resilient // to everything. To reflect this, increase the health of all stone // objects, don't set the damage modifiers lower. // // "damage_table" : Specify a custom physics impact damage table for this prop. // "health" : Amount of damage this prop should take before breaking. // // "explosive_damage" : Explosive damage done by this prop. // "explosive_radius" : Radius of the explosion caused by this prop when it breaks. // NOTE: If these two fields are specified for a prop, then the prop will automatically // create an explosion with the specified values when the prop is broken. // // "breakable_model" : The type of breakable gibs this prop should break into. This list is at the bottom of this file. // "breakable_count" : The number of breakable gibs to break into. // "allowstatic" : Allow this prop to be static as well as physically simulated. // "physicsmode" : Set multiplayer physics behaviour (1=full, 2=non-solid,3=clientside) // "multiplayer_break" : Set multiplayer breakable spawn behavior (default/server/client/both) // NOTE: if multiplayer_break is "both", each piece is spawned by the default dll unless its // "break" section has a "multiplayer_break" key with a value of "client" or "server". // "PropData.txt" { //================================================================================= // CLOTH //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for cloth objects // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Cloth.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "0.5" "dmg.club" "0.75" "dmg.explosive" "1.5" } // Small / thin cloth objects // i.e. shorts, shirts, pants. "Cloth.Small" { "base" "Cloth.Base" "health" "30" } // Heavier cloth / leather objects // i.e. briefcases "Cloth.Medium" { "base" "Cloth.Base" "health" "50" } // Large / thick cloth objects // i.e. armchairs, mattresses "Cloth.Large" { "base" "Cloth.Base" "health" "100" "physicsmode" "1" } // Misc cloth objects // i.e. stuffed animals, hats, etc. "Cloth.Object" { "base" "Cloth.Base" "physicsmode" "3" } //================================================================================= // DOORS //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for doors // All doors have the same propdata - metal/wood/etc is handled in the door QC! "Door.Standard" { "dmg.bullets" "1.0" "dmg.club" "1.25" "dmg.explosive" "1.5" "health" "1000" } //================================================================================= // FLESH //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for flesh objects // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Flesh.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "1.25" "dmg.club" "1.0" "dmg.explosive" "1.5" } // Flesh blocks that should die in a single hit // i.e. fruit, food items, gibs. "Flesh.Tiny" { "base" "Flesh.Base" "health" "3" } // Flesh blocks, less than 1 foot cubed // i.e. fruit, food items, gibs. "Flesh.Small" { "base" "Flesh.Base" "health" "10" } //================================================================================= // GLASS //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for glass objects // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Glass.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "1.0" "dmg.club" "1.0" "dmg.explosive" "0.1" // Trial: Get knocked around more than destroyed? } // Glass blocks, less than 1 foot cubed // i.e. bottles, jugs, glasses. "Glass.Small" { "base" "Glass.Base" "health" "5" "physicsmode" "3" "damage_table" "glass" } "Glass.Window" { "base" "Glass.Base" "dmg.explosive" "1.0" // Override base glass explosive behavior "dmg.bullets" "0.5" "health" "1" "physicsmode" "1" "damage_table" "glass" } "Glass.CSWindow" { "base" "Glass.Window" "health" "1" // Shatter immediately, even from grenades. } "Glass.picture" { "base" "Glass.Base" "physicsmode" "1" } "Glass.CSWindow2" { "base" "Glass.Window" "health" "1" // Shatter immediately, even from grenades. "physicsmode" "1" } "Glass.WindowStrong" { "base" "Glass.Base" "dmg.explosive" "1.0" // Override base glass explosive behavior "dmg.bullets" "0.5" "health" "100" "physicsmode" "3" "damage_table" "glass" } //================================================================================= // ITEMS //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for items // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Item.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "1.0" "dmg.club" "1.0" "dmg.explosive" "1.0" "health" "0" // By default, metal objects aren't breakable } // Plastic blocks, less than 2 foot cubed // i.e. plastic cups, plastic milk crates, phones "Item.Small" { "base" "Item.Base" } // Plastic blocks, less than 4 foot cubed // i.e. plastic chairs, tables, barrels "Item.Medium" { "base" "Item.Base" } // Large Plastic objects, or medium objects with mixes of plastic & metal that you still want destructable // i.e. computer equipment "Item.Large" { "base" "Item.Base" "physicsmode" "1" } //================================================================================= // METAL //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for metal objects // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Metal.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "1.0" "dmg.club" "1.0" "dmg.explosive" "1.0" "health" "0" // By default, metal objects aren't breakable } // Small metal blocks, less than 1 foot cubed // i.e. tin cans, paint tins, metal buckets. "Metal.Small" { "base" "Metal.Base" } // Medium metal objects. // i.e. wheelbarrows, metal boxes, bicycles, barrels, ladders, filing cabinets. "Metal.Medium" { "base" "Metal.Base" "physicsmode" "1" } // Large metal objects. // i.e. ibeams, dumpsters, car bodies, refridgerators "Metal.Large" { "base" "Metal.Base" "physicsmode" "1" } // Breakable Medium Metal objects "Metal.break" { "base" "Metal.Base" "physicsmode" "1" "health" "10" } // Breakable Medium Metal objects "Metal.break2" { "base" "Metal.Base" "physicsmode" "1" "health" "100" } // Medium metal objects (Client Side). // i.e. wheelbarrows, metal boxes, bicycles, barrels, ladders, filing cabinets. "Metal.MediumClient" { "base" "Metal.Base" "physicsmode" "3" } //================================================================================= // PAPER //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for paper objects // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Cardboard.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "0.5" "dmg.club" "1.25" "dmg.explosive" "1.5" } // Cardboard / Paper blocks, less than 1 foot cubed. // i.e. small cardboard boxes, notepads, newspapers, thin books. "Cardboard.Small" { "base" "Cardboard.Base" "health" "10" } // Cardboard trash from props_junk still uses this. "Cardboard.physics" { "base" "Cardboard.Base" "health" "15" } // Cardboard / Paper blocks, less than 3 foot cubed. // i.e. cardboard boxes. thick books "Cardboard.Medium" { "base" "Cardboard.Base" "health" "20" } // Large Cardboard / Paper blocks // i.e. solid cardboard boxes "Cardboard.Large" { "base" "Cardboard.Base" "health" "40" "physicsmode" "1" } // Cardboard Boxes full of paper // i.e. fileboxes, boxes of paper "Cardboard.break" { "base" "Cardboard.Base" "health" "10" "physicsmode" "1" } // Cardboard / Paper blocks, less than 1 foot cubed. // i.e. small cardboard boxes, notepads, newspapers, thin books. "Cardboard.Indestructable" { "base" "Cardboard.Base" } // Cardboard Boxes full of paper // i.e. fileboxes, boxes of paper "Cardboard.breakclient" { "base" "Cardboard.Base" "health" "10" "physicsmode" "3" } //================================================================================= // PLASTIC //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for plastic objects // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Plastic.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "1.0" "dmg.club" "1.0" "dmg.explosive" "1.0" "health" "0" } // Plastic blocks, less than 2 foot cubed // i.e. plastic cups, plastic milk crates, phones "Plastic.Small" { "base" "Plastic.Base" } // Plastic blocks, less than 4 foot cubed // i.e. plastic chairs, tables, barrels "Plastic.Medium" { "base" "Plastic.Base" } // Large Plastic objects, or medium objects with mixes of plastic & metal that you still want destructable // i.e. computer equipment "Plastic.Large" { "base" "Plastic.Base" "physicsmode" "1" } // Breakable medium plastic objects "Plastic.break" { "base" "Plastic.Base" "physicsmode" "1" "health" "10" } // Breakable small plastic objects "PlasticSmall.break" { "base" "Plastic.Base" "physicsmode" "3" "health" "10" } "PlasticSmall.NoBreak" { "base" "Plastic.Base" "physicsmode" "3" } // Breakable small plastic objects "Plastic.Small2" { "base" "Plastic.Base" "physicsmode" "1" } // Plastic blocks, less than 2 foot cubed // i.e. plastic cups, plastic milk crates, phones "Plastic.SmallClient" { "base" "Plastic.Base" "physicsmode" "3" } //================================================================================= // POTTERY //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for pottery objects // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Pottery.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "1.0" "dmg.club" "1.25" "dmg.explosive" "1.5" } // Pottery blocks, less than 2 foot cubed // i.e. flowerpots. "Pottery.Small" { "base" "Pottery.Base" "health" "5" "damage_table" "glass" } // Medium pottery objects // i.e. large flowerpots. "Pottery.Medium" { "base" "Pottery.Base" "health" "40" } // Large pottery objects // i.e. big chunks of wall plaster "Pottery.Large" { "base" "Pottery.Base" "health" "70" "physicsmode" "1" } // Huge pottery objects. // i.e. big ornate pottery vessels. "Pottery.Huge" { "base" "Pottery.Base" "health" "100" "physicsmode" "1" } // Breakable small pottery "Pottery.break" { "base" "Pottery.Base" "physicsmode" "3" "health" "20" } // small potted plants "Pottery.Plant" { "base" "Pottery.Base" "physicsmode" "3" } // Breakable small pottery (Server Side) "Pottery.break2" { "base" "Pottery.Base" "physicsmode" "1" "health" "20" } // small potted plants (Breakable) "Pottery.PlantBreak" { "base" "Pottery.Base" "physicsmode" "3" "health" "20" } //================================================================================= // STONE //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for stone objects // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Stone.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "1.0" "dmg.club" "1.0" "dmg.explosive" "1.0" } // Stone blocks, less than 1 foot cubed // i.e. cinderblocks, small rocks. "Stone.Small" { "base" "Stone.Base" "health" "50" "physicsmode" "3" } // Medium stone blocks, less than 3 foot cubed // i.e. rubble chunks "Stone.Medium" { "base" "Stone.Base" "health" "100" } // Large stone blocks, less than 5 foot cubed // i.e. big rubble chunks "Stone.Large" { "base" "Stone.Base" "health" "200" "physicsmode" "1" } // Huge stone blocks, less than 5 foot cubed // i.e. enormous rubble chunks "Stone.Huge" { "base" "Stone.Base" "health" "400" "physicsmode" "1" } // Gigantic stone blocks, more than 5 foot cubed // i.e. only damaged by the bomb "Stone.Gigantic" { "base" "Stone.Base" "health" "600" "physicsmode" "1" } //================================================================================= // WOOD //================================================================================= // Base damage modifiers for wooden objects // DON'T USE THIS FOR A PROP. USE THE NON.BASE ONES. "Wooden.Base" { "dmg.bullets" "0.75" "dmg.club" "2.0" "dmg.explosive" "1.5" "breakable_model" "WoodChunks" "breakable_skin" "0" } // Tiny Wooden pieces that should die in one hit // i.e splinters "Wooden.Tiny" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "health" "6" "physicsmode" "3" "breakable_count" "0" } // Wooden blocks, less than 1 foot cubed. // i.e pieces of board, branches. "Wooden.Small" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "health" "20" "breakable_count" "2" } // Wooden chairs from c17 still use this entity "Wooden.chair" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "health" "25" "breakable_count" "4" } // Wooden blocks, less than 3 foot cubed. // i.e boards, small crates, pallettes, ladders, chairs. "Wooden.Medium" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "health" "30" "breakable_count" "4" } // Wooden blocks, less than 3 foot cubed. // Client side, No break "Wooden.MediumNobreak" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "physicsmode" "3" } // Large wooden blocks, less than 5 foot cubed. // i.e Crates, benches. "Wooden.Large" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "health" "50" "physicsmode" "1" "breakable_count" "6" } // Huge wooden objects. // i.e Big Wardrobes, bookcases "Wooden.Huge" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "health" "130" "physicsmode" "1" "breakable_count" "10" } // small wooden objects // i.e sticks "Wooden.sticks" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "physicsmode" "1" "breakable_count" "0" } // Breakable Barrels // i.e Wine Barrel in de_Inferno "Wooden.Barrel" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "health" "50" "physicsmode" "1" "breakable_count" "0" } // Wooden blocks, less than 1 foot cubed. // i.e pieces of board, branches. (Server side version) "Wooden.Small2" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "health" "1" "physicsmode" "1" "breakable_count" "2" } // Breakable Barrels // i.e Wine Barrel in de_Inferno "Wooden.Barrel2" { "base" "Wooden.Base" "health" "201" "physicsmode" "1" "breakable_count" "0" } //================================================================================= // BREAKABLE DATA. NOT PROPDATA TYPES. //================================================================================= "BreakableModels" { // Sorted in order of smallest to largest "WoodChunks" { "models\Gibs\wood_gib01e.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\wood_gib01d.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\wood_gib01c.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\wood_gib01b.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\wood_gib01a.mdl" "1" } "GlassChunks" { "models\Gibs\Glass_shard01.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\Glass_shard02.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\Glass_shard03.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\Glass_shard04.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\Glass_shard05.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\Glass_shard06.mdl" "1" } "ConcreteChunks" { "models\props_debris\concrete_chunk08a.mdl" "1" "models\props_debris\concrete_chunk09a.mdl" "1" "models\props_debris\concrete_chunk03a.mdl" "1" "models\props_debris\concrete_chunk07a.mdl" "1" "models\props_debris\concrete_chunk09a.mdl" "1" "models\props_debris\concrete_chunk02a.mdl" "1" } "MetalChunks" { "models\Gibs\metal_gib1.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\metal_gib2.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\metal_gib3.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\metal_gib4.mdl" "1" "models\Gibs\metal_gib5.mdl" "1" } } }