"options" { // // BASIC OPTIONS // //********************************************************* // PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE CHANGING VALUES!! // [sbodenbender] Make sure any convar_defaults match the // convar values in config.360.cfg //********************************************************* "Brightness" { "name" "#GameUI_Brightness" "convar" "mat_monitorgamma" "priority" "0100" "type" "slider" "minvalue" "1.8" "maxvalue" "2.6" "incvalue" "-1.0" "leftmin" "0" "sliderhome" "prev" "systemvalue" "1" } "TV Mode" { "name" "#GameUI_DisplayMode" "convar" "mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled" "priority" "0200" "type" "choice" "choices" { "#GameUI_DisplayTV" "1" "#GameUI_DisplayMonitor" "0" } "systemvalue" "1" } "Game Volume" { "name" "#SFUI_Settings_Master_Volume" "convar" "volume" "priority" "0400" "type" "slider" "minvalue" "0.0" "maxvalue" "1.0" "sliderhome" "max" "systemvalue" "1" } "Music Volume" { "name" "#SFUI_Settings_Music_Volume" "convar" "snd_musicvolume_fixed" "priority" "0450" "type" "slider" "minvalue" "0.0" "maxvalue" "1.0" "sliderhome" "max" "systemvalue" "1" } "Hud Scale" { "name" "#SFUI_Settings_HUDScaling" "convar" "play_distance" "priority" "0475" "type" "choice" "choices" { "#SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleMed" "1" "#SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleLarge" "2" } "systemvalue" "1" } "Crosshair Color" { "name" "#GameUI_CrosshairColor" "convar" "cl_crosshaircolor" "priority" "0510" "type" "choice" "choices" { // These values are bound to the names of the various crosshairs in sfhudreticle.fla. // For example: // "#GameUI_ColorYellow" "2" // Would be associated with // Crosshair2 in sfhudreticle.fla "#GameUI_ColorGreen" "1" "#GameUI_ColorYellow" "2" "#GameUI_ColorBlue" "3" "#GameUI_ColorLtBlue" "4" } } "Crosshair Behavior" { "name" "#GameUI_CrosshairBehavior" "convar" "cl_dynamiccrosshair" "priority" "0520" "type" "choice" "choices" { "#GameUI_CrosshairBehaviorStatic" "0" "#GameUI_CrosshairBehaviorDynamic" "1" } } "Switch Weapon on Pick Up" { "name" "#Cstrike_Switch_Weapon_on_Pick_Up" "convar" "cl_autowepswitch" "priority" "0700" "type" "choice" "choices" { "#GameUI_Yes" "1" "#GameUI_No" "0" } } "Always Show Inventory" { "name" "#SFUI_Settings_Always_Show_Inventory" "convar" "cl_showloadout" "priority" "0800" "type" "choice" "choices" { "#GameUI_Yes" "1" "#GameUI_No" "0" } } }