"lang" { "Language" "portuguese" "Tokens" { "SFUI_On" "Ligado" "[english]SFUI_On" "On" "SFUI_Off" "Desligado" "[english]SFUI_Off" "Off" "SFUI_FriendlyFireColon" "Fogo Amigável:" "[english]SFUI_FriendlyFireColon" "Friendly Fire:" "SFUI_ScenarioColon" "Cenário:" "[english]SFUI_ScenarioColon" "Scenario:" "SFUI_CashColon" "Dinheiro Inicial:" "[english]SFUI_CashColon" "Starting Cash:" "SFUI_GameTimeColon" "Tempo de Jogo:" "[english]SFUI_GameTimeColon" "Game Time:" "SFUI_TimePerRoundColon" "Tempo Por Ronda:" "[english]SFUI_TimePerRoundColon" "Time Per Round:" "SFUI_BuyTimeColon" "Tempo para Comprar:" "[english]SFUI_BuyTimeColon" "Buy Time:" "SFUI_WinMatchColon" "Duração da Partida:" "[english]SFUI_WinMatchColon" "Match Length:" "SFUI_SpectateColon" "Observar:" "[english]SFUI_SpectateColon" "Spectate:" "SFUI_BotsColon" "Bots:" "[english]SFUI_BotsColon" "Bots:" "SFUI_AutoBuyColon" "Compra Automática de Equipamento Básico:" "[english]SFUI_AutoBuyColon" "Auto Buy Basic Equipment:" "SFUI_Minutes" "minutos" "[english]SFUI_Minutes" "minutes" "SFUI_Seconds" "segundos" "[english]SFUI_Seconds" "seconds" "SFUI_Rounds" "rondas" "[english]SFUI_Rounds" "rounds" "SFUI_Legend_Cancel" "${cancel} Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_Legend_Cancel" "${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_Legend_Ok" "${confirm} OK" "[english]SFUI_Legend_Ok" "${confirm} OK" "SFUI_Legend_OkCancel" "${confirm} OK ${cancel} Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_Legend_OkCancel" "${confirm} OK ${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_Play" "JOGAR" "[english]SFUI_Play" "PLAY" "SFUI_Back" "ANTERIOR" "[english]SFUI_Back" "BACK" "SFUI_GameTypeClassic" "CLÁSSICO" "[english]SFUI_GameTypeClassic" "CLASSIC" "SFUI_GameTypeGungame" "ARSENAL" "[english]SFUI_GameTypeGungame" "ARSENAL" "SFUI_GameTypeFreestyle" "PRATICAR" "[english]SFUI_GameTypeFreestyle" "PRACTICE" "SFUI_GameTypeTraining" "PERCURSO DE TREINO" "[english]SFUI_GameTypeTraining" "WEAPONS COURSE" "SFUI_GameMode" "MODO" "[english]SFUI_GameMode" "MODE" "SFUI_GameModeCasual" "CASUAL" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCasual" "CASUAL" "SFUI_GameModeCompetitive" "COMPETITIVO" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCompetitive" "COMPETITIVE" "SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive" "CORRIDA ÀS ARMAS" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive" "ARMS RACE" "SFUI_GameModeGGBomb" "DEMOLIÇÃO" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGBomb" "DEMOLITION" "SFUI_HalftimePrompt" "INTERVALO" "[english]SFUI_HalftimePrompt" "HALFTIME" "SFUI_GameModeCasualDesc" "∙ A armadura é atribuída automaticamente\n∙ O fogo amigável está desligado\n∙ A colisão entre membros de equipa está desligada.\n∙ 50% de recompensa por abate" "[english]SFUI_GameModeCasualDesc" "Buy new weapons each round with money earned.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the other team or completing the objective.\n\n· Friendly fire is off\n· Team collision is off\n· 50% kill reward amounts\n· Best out of 10 rounds" "SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc" "∙ A armadura tem de ser comprada\n∙ O fogo amigável está ligado\n∙ A colisão entre membros de equipa está ligada." "[english]SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc" "Buy new weapons each round with money earned.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the other team or completing the objective.\n\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is on\n· Armor and defuse kits are purchasable\n· Best out of 30 rounds" "SFUI_GameModeFreestyleDesc" "∙ Mapas clássicos para um jogador\n∙ A dificuldade dos bots é personalizável." "[english]SFUI_GameModeFreestyleDesc" "· Single player classic maps\n· Customizable bot difficulty" "SFUI_GameModeGGProgressiveDesc" "∙ Obténs uma arma nova com cada inimigo abatido\n∙ O primeiro jogador a matar alguém com a faca ganha" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGProgressiveDesc" "New weapons are awarded by getting kills.\n\nWin the match by being the first player to get a kill with every weapon.\n\n· Weapons are awarded immediately\n· Instant Respawn\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is off" "SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc" "Completa objetivos ou mata inimigos para ganhares armas para a próxima ronda" "[english]SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc" "New weapons are awarded by getting kills.\n\nWin the round by eliminating the other team or completing the objective.\n\n· Weapons awarded on round start\n· Friendly fire is on\n· Team collision is off\n· Best out of 20 rounds" "SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "Sem registo de estatísticas." [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "No stats tracking." "SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "Sem registo de estatísticas." [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_GameModeProgressDisclaimer" "No stats tracking." "SFUI_TrialTimeRemaining" "Modo de demonstração (%s1:%s2 restante)" "[english]SFUI_TrialTimeRemaining" "Trial mode (%s1:%s2 remaining)" "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired" "Modo de demonstração expirado" "[english]SFUI_TrialTimeExpired" "Trial mode expired" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeTitle" "Modo de Demonstração" "[english]SFUI_TrialWelcomeTitle" "Trial Mode" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessage" "Bem-vindo à versão experimental do Counter Strike. Todas as funcionalidades do jogo estão desbloqueadas durante o período de demonstração" "[english]SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessage" "Welcome to the Counter Strike game trial. All game features are unlocked for the duration of the trial period" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessageExpired" "O período de demonstração do Counter Strike terminou" "[english]SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessageExpired" "The Counter Strike game trial period has expired" "SFUI_TrialHudTextMinutes" "Demonstração Ativa (%s1 minutos restantes)" "[english]SFUI_TrialHudTextMinutes" "Trial Active (%s1 minutes left)" "SFUI_TrialHudTextMinute" "Demonstração Ativa (1 minuto restante)" "[english]SFUI_TrialHudTextMinute" "Trial Active (1 minute left)" "SFUI_TrialSignOutTitle" "Demonstração Activada No Perfil" "[english]SFUI_TrialSignOutTitle" "Trial Signed In Profile" "SFUI_TrialSignOutMsg" "É necessária uma conta ligada para o modo de demonstração" "[english]SFUI_TrialSignOutMsg" "A signed in profile is required for trial mode" "SFUI_TrialMUPullTitle" "Armazenamento do Perfil de Demonstração" "[english]SFUI_TrialMUPullTitle" "Trial Profile Storage" "SFUI_TrialMUPullMsg" "O modo de demonstração requer acesso a um perfil com permissão de escrita" "[english]SFUI_TrialMUPullMsg" "Trial mode requires a writable signed in profile" "SFUI_BotDifficulty" "Dificuldade dos Bots" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty" "Bot Difficulty" "SFUI_BotDifficulty0" "Sem Bots" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty0" "No Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty1" "Bots Inofensivos" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty1" "Harmless Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty2" "Bots Fáceis" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty2" "Easy Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty3" "Bots Medianos" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty3" "Medium Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty4" "Bots Difíceis" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty4" "Hard Bots" "SFUI_BotDifficulty5" "Bots Peritos" "[english]SFUI_BotDifficulty5" "Expert Bots" "SFUI_SpectateAnyone" "Qualquer pessoa" "[english]SFUI_SpectateAnyone" "Anyone" "SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" "Apenas a equipa" "[english]SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" "Team only" "SFUI_HostageMap" "Refém" "[english]SFUI_HostageMap" "Hostage" "SFUI_BombMap" "Bomba" "[english]SFUI_BombMap" "Bomb" "SFUI_GunGameProgressiveMap" "Corrida às Armas" "[english]SFUI_GunGameProgressiveMap" "Arms Race" "SFUI_GunGameTRMap" "Demolição" "[english]SFUI_GunGameTRMap" "Demolition" "SFUI_Map_de_dust" "Dust" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_dust" "Dust" "SFUI_Map_de_dust2" "Dust II" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_dust2" "Dust II" "SFUI_Map_de_train" "Train" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_train" "Train" "SFUI_Map_de_inferno" "Inferno" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_inferno" "Inferno" "SFUI_Map_de_nuke" "Nuke" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_nuke" "Nuke" "SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain" "Shorttrain" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain" "Shorttrain" "SFUI_Map_random" "Mapa Aleatório" "[english]SFUI_Map_random" "Random" "SFUI_Map_ar_baggage" "Baggage" "[english]SFUI_Map_ar_baggage" "Baggage" "SFUI_Map_ar_shoots" "Shoots" "[english]SFUI_Map_ar_shoots" "Shoots" "SFUI_Map_de_bank" "Bank" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_bank" "Bank" "SFUI_Map_de_lake" "Lake" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_lake" "Lake" "SFUI_Map_de_safehouse" "Safehouse" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_safehouse" "Safehouse" "SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane" "Sugarcane" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane" "Sugarcane" "SFUI_Map_de_stmarc" "St. Marc" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_stmarc" "St. Marc" "SFUI_Map_training1" "Percurso de Treino" "[english]SFUI_Map_training1" "Weapons Course" "SFUI_CreateSinglePlayerTitle" "CRIAR PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_CreateSinglePlayerTitle" "SINGLE PLAYER" "SFUI_VariesByMap" "Varia por mapa" "[english]SFUI_VariesByMap" "Varies by map" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_ModeSelect" "${dpad} Navegar ${confirm} Selecionar ${cancel} Anterior" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_ModeSelect" "${dpad} Navigate ${cancel} Back ${confirm} Select" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_MapSelect" "${dpad} Navegar ${confirm} Jogar ${cancel} Cima" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_MapSelect" "${dpad} Navigate ${cancel} Back ${confirm} Go" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Bot_Difficulty" "Dificuldade dos Bots" "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Bot_Difficulty" "Bot Difficulty" "SFUI_SinglePlayer_Number_Maps" "Número de mapas: " "[english]SFUI_SinglePlayer_Number_Maps" "Number of maps: " "SFUI_CreateMultiplayerTitle" "MATCHMAKING" "[english]SFUI_CreateMultiplayerTitle" "MATCHMAKING" "SFUI_SessionVisibilityPublic" "Partida Pública Pressiona ${west} para Alterar" "[english]SFUI_SessionVisibilityPublic" "${north} MAKE PRIVATE" "SFUI_SessionVisibilityPrivate" "Partida Privada Pressiona ${west} para Alterar" "[english]SFUI_SessionVisibilityPrivate" "${north} MAKE PUBLIC" "SFUI_PublicMatch" "Partida Pública" "[english]SFUI_PublicMatch" "MAKE PRIVATE" "SFUI_PrivateMatch" "Partida Privada" "[english]SFUI_PrivateMatch" "MAKE PUBLIC" "SFUI_MMStatus_Title" "A procurar" "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Title" "Searching" "SFUI_MMStatus_Searching" "A procurar..." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Searching" "Searching..." "SFUI_MMStatus_Creating" "A criar jogo..." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Creating" "Creating game..." "SFUI_MMStatus_Joining" "A entrar no jogo..." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Joining" "Joining game..." "SFUI_MMStatus_Legend" "${cancel} Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_Legend" "${cancel} Cancel" "SFUI_MMStatus_JoinFailed" "Falha ao entrar no jogo." "[english]SFUI_MMStatus_JoinFailed" "Failed to join game." "SFUI_PressStartPrompt" "Pressiona ${start} para Iniciar" "[english]SFUI_PressStartPrompt" "Press ${start} to Start" "SFUI_MAINMENU" "MENU PRINCIPAL" "[english]SFUI_MAINMENU" "MAIN MENU" "SFUI_MainMenu_PlayButton" "JOGAR" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_PlayButton" "PLAY" "SFUI_MainMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "TABELAS DE LIDERANÇA" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "LEADERBOARDS" "SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "PROEZAS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "PROEZAS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "PROEZAS & ESTATÍSTICAS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "MEDALHAS & ESTATÍSTICAS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MedalButton" "AWARDS" "SFUI_MainMenu_HelpButton" "AJUDA & OPÇÕES" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_HelpButton" "OPTIONS & HELP" "SFUI_MainMenu_DownloadButton" "TRANSFERIR CONTEÚDO" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_DownloadButton" "DOWNLOAD CONTENT" "SFUI_MainMenu_SplitscreenWithBots" "ECRÃ DIVIDIDO COM BOTS" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_SplitscreenWithBots" "SPLITSCREEN WITH BOTS" "SFUI_MainMenu_QuitGameButton" "SAIR DO JOGO" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_QuitGameButton" "EXIT GAME" "SFUI_MainMenu_Training" "PERCURSO DE TREINO" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Training" "WEAPONS COURSE" "SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_CT" "CT" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_CT" "CT" "SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_T" "T" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_TeamIcon_T" "T" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "${confirm} SELECIONAR" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "${confirm} SELECT" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "${confirm} SELECIONAR ${cancel} ANTERIOR" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "${confirm} SELECT ${cancel} BACK" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" " " [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Root" "" "SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" " " [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Navigation_Submenu" "" "SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "SAIR DO JOGO" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "EXIT GAME" "SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "Desejas sair do jogo agora?" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "Do you wish to exit the game now?" "SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} Não ${confirm} Sim" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Join" "Jogador 2 pressiona ${start} para te juntares" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Join" "Player 2 press ${start} to join" "SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Leave" "%s1 pressiona ${start} para sair" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Player2Leave" "%s1 press ${start} to leave" "SFUI_PlayMenuTitle" "JOGAR" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenuTitle" "PLAY" "SFUI_PlayMenu_Online" "MATCHMAKING" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_Online" "MATCHMAKING" "SFUI_PlayMenu_Offline" "JOGO LOCAL" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_Offline" "LOCAL PLAY" "SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "PARTIDA RÁPIDA" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "QUICK MATCH" "SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "PARTIDA PERSONALIZADA" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "FIND A GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "ENCONTRAR QUALQUER JOGO" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_QuickMatchButton" "FIND ANY GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "JOGO PERSONALIZADO" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CustomMatchButton" "CUSTOM GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "ENTRAR NUM GRUPO DE JOGO XBOX LIVE" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "JOIN XBOX LIVE PARTY GAME" "SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "CONSTRÓI A TUA EQUIPA" [$WIN32||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "BUILD YOUR TEAM" "SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "CRIAR PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_WithBotsButton" "CREATE MATCH" "SFUI_ProfileMenu_PlayerControlsButton" "CONTROLOS DO JOGADOR & DEFINIÇÕES" "[english]SFUI_ProfileMenu_PlayerControlsButton" "PLAYER CONTROLS & SETTINGS" "SFUI_ProfileMenu_StatsButton" "ESTATÍSTICAS" "[english]SFUI_ProfileMenu_StatsButton" "STATS" "SFUI_HelpTitle" "AJUDA & OPÇÕES" "[english]SFUI_HelpTitle" "OPTIONS & HELP" "SFUI_HelpMenu_HowToPlayButton" "COMO JOGAR" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_HowToPlayButton" "HOW TO PLAY" "SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "CONTROLOS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "CONTROLS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "CONTROLADOR" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_ControlsButton" "CONTROLLER" "SFUI_HelpMenu_MouseKeyboardButton" "TECLADO / RATO" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_MouseKeyboardButton" "KEYBOARD / MOUSE" "SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionController" "CONTROLADOR DE MOVIMENTO" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_MotionController" "MOTION CONTROLLER" "SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "DEFINIÇÕES" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "DEFINIÇÕES DO JOGO" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_SettingsButton" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_VideoSettings" "DEFINIÇÕES DE VÍDEO" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_VideoSettings" "VIDEO SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_AudioSettings" "DEFINIÇÕES DE ÁUDIO" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_AudioSettings" "AUDIO SETTINGS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_CreditsButton" "CRÉDITOS" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_CreditsButton" "CREDITS" "SFUI_HelpMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "CONTROLOS DE PC & DEFINIÇÕES" "[english]SFUI_HelpMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "PC CONTROLS & SETTINGS" "SFUI_PAUSE" "MENU DE PAUSA" "[english]SFUI_PAUSE" "MENU" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ResumeGameButton" "RETOMAR JOGO" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ResumeGameButton" "RESUME GAME" "SFUI_PauseMenu_SwitchTeamsButton" "ESCOLHER EQUIPA" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_SwitchTeamsButton" "CHOOSE TEAM" "SFUI_PauseMenu_CallVoteButton" "INICIAR VOTAÇÃO..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_CallVoteButton" "CALL VOTE..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteButton" "CONVIDAR..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteButton" "INVITE..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "TABELAS DE LIDERANÇA" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_LeaderboardsButton" "LEADERBOARDS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "TROFÉUS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "CONQUISTAS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AchievementsButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "PROEZAS & ESTATÍSTICAS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "ACHIEVEMENTS & STATS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "MEDALHAS & ESTATÍSTICAS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_MedalButton" "AWARDS & STATS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpButton" "AJUDA & OPÇÕES..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpButton" "OPTIONS & HELP..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameButton" "SAIR PARA O MENU PRINCIPAL" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameButton" "EXIT TO MAIN MENU" "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteSubmenuTitle" "OPÇÕES DE CONVITE" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteSubmenuTitle" "INVITE OPTIONS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteXboxLiveButton" "CONVIDAR PARA UM GRUPO DE JOGO XBOX LIVE" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteXboxLiveButton" "INVITE XBOX LIVE PARTY" "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteFriendsButton" "CONVIDAR AMIGOS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteFriendsButton" "INVITE FRIENDS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_MakeGamePublicButton" "TORNAR O JOGO PÚBLICO" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_MakeGamePublicButton" "MAKE GAME PUBLIC" "SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpAndOptionsTitle" "AJUDA & OPÇÕES" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_HelpAndOptionsTitle" "OPTIONS & HELP" "SFUI_PauseMenu_HowToPlayButton" "COMO JOGAR" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_HowToPlayButton" "HOW TO PLAY" "SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "COMANDO" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "CONTROLLER" "SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "CONTROLOS" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_PlayerControlSettingsButton" "CONTROLS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "DEFINIÇÕES" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "SETTINGS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "DEFINIÇÕES DE JOGO" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "CONTROLOS DE PC & DEFINIÇÕES" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_PCControlsSettingsButton" "PC CONTROLS & SETTINGS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "SAIR DO JOGO" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Title" "QUIT GAME" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "Desejas parar de jogar agora?" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Message" "Do you wish to stop playing now?" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} Não ${confirm} Sim" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ExitGameConfirmation_Navigation" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_PauseMenu_VoteSubmenuTitle" "INICIAR VOTAÇÃO" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_VoteSubmenuTitle" "CALL VOTE" "SFUI_PauseMenu_KickPlayer" "EXPULSAR JOGADOR..." "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_KickPlayer" "KICK PLAYER..." "SFUI_PauseMenu_TeamSwitch" "TROCAR EQUIPAS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_TeamSwitch" "SWAP TEAMS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ScrambleTeams" "BARALHAR EQUIPAS" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ScrambleTeams" "SCRAMBLE TEAMS" "SFUI_PauseMenu_Surrender" "RENDER-SE" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_Surrender" "SURRENDER" "SFUI_PauseMenu_RestartMatch" "REINICIAR PARTIDA" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_RestartMatch" "RESTART MATCH" "SFUI_PauseMenu_ChangeMap" "MUDAR DE MAPA" "[english]SFUI_PauseMenu_ChangeMap" "CHANGE MAP" "SFUI_HOW TO PLAY" "COMO JOGAR" "[english]SFUI_HOW TO PLAY" "HOW TO PLAY" "SFUI_HOW_TO_PLAY" "Como Jogar" "[english]SFUI_HOW_TO_PLAY" "How to Play" "SFUI_Medals_Title" "PROEZAS & ESTATÍSTICAS" "[english]SFUI_Medals_Title" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "SFUI_MedalsAndStatsTitle" "MEDALHAS & ESTATÍSTICAS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_MedalsAndStatsTitle" "AWARDS & STATS" "SFUI_MedalsStats_OverallT" "Estatísticas Gerais" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_OverallT" "Overall Stats" "SFUI_MedalsStats_LastMatchT" "Estatísticas da Última Partida" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_LastMatchT" "Last Match Stats" "SFUI_MedalsStats_MedalT" "Medalhas" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_MedalT" "Awards" "SFUI_MedalsStats_Help" "${cancel} Anterior" "[english]SFUI_MedalsStats_Help" "${cancel} Back" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_Invalid" "-- Medalha Inválida --" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_Invalid" "-- Invalid Award --" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedName" "Medalha Bloqueada" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedName" "Award Locked" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDate" "Bloqueada" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDate" "Locked" "SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDesc" "Esta é uma medalha secreta. Tens de desbloqueá-la antes de a poderes ver." "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_LockedDesc" "This is a secret award. You must unlock it before you can see it." "SFUI_MedalsInfo_Unlocked" "Completo" "[english]SFUI_MedalsInfo_Unlocked" "Completed" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Recent" "Recentemente Desbloqueadas" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Recent" "Recently Unlocked" "SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective" "Equipa & Objetivos" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_TeamAndObjective" "Team Tactics" "SFUI_MedalCategory_DominationAndRevenge" "Domínio & Vingança" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_DominationAndRevenge" "Domination & Revenge" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat" "COMBATE" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Combat" "Combat Skills" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon" "Armas" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Weapon" "Weapon Specialist" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Special" "Especial" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Special" "Special" "SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame" "Modo Arsenal" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_GunGame" "Arsenal Mode" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Map" "Mapa" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_Map" "Global Expertise" "SFUI_MedalCategory_No_Medals" "Sem Medalhas Desbloqueadas" "[english]SFUI_MedalCategory_No_Medals" "No Awards Unlocked" "SFUI_TEAM" "Equipa" "[english]SFUI_TEAM" "Team" "SFUI_FAVORITEWEAPON" "Arma Favorita" "[english]SFUI_FAVORITEWEAPON" "Favorite Weapon" "SFUI_PERFORMANCE" "Desempenho" "[english]SFUI_PERFORMANCE" "Performance" "SFUI_MISCELLANEOUS" "Diversos" "[english]SFUI_MISCELLANEOUS" "Miscellaneous" "SFUI_FAVORITEMAP" "Mapa Favorito" "[english]SFUI_FAVORITEMAP" "Favorite Map" "SFUI_LastMatch_TeamDesc" "Vitórias dos Terroristas \nVitórias dos Contra-Terroristas \nVitórias da Tua Equipa \nMáx. de Jogadores" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_TeamDesc" "Terrorist Wins \nCounter-Terrorist Wins \nYour Team Wins \nMax Players" "SFUI_LastMatch_FaveWeapDesc" "Acertos \nAbates \nPontaria" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_FaveWeapDesc" "Hits \nKills \nAccuracy" "SFUI_LastMatch_PerfDesc" "Estrelas \nAbatidos \nMortes \nRácio Abatidos/Morte\nPont. Média da Equipa" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_PerfDesc" "Stars \nKills \nDeaths \nKill Death Ratio\nAvg. Squad Score" "SFUI_LastMatch_MiscDesc" "Danos \nCusto/Abate \nDomínios \nVinganças" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_MiscDesc" "Damage \nCost/Kill \nDominations \nRevenges" "SFUI_LastMatch_NoFaveWeapon" "Sem arma favorita" "[english]SFUI_LastMatch_NoFaveWeapon" "No favorite weapon" "SFUI_Overall_PlayerStats" "Rondas Jogadas \nRondas Ganhas \nRácio de Vitória \nDisparos \nAcertos \nRácio de Acerto \n\nAbates \nMortes \nRácio Abate/Morte" "[english]SFUI_Overall_PlayerStats" "Rounds Played \nRounds Won \nWin Ratio \nShots Fired \nShots Hit \nHit Ratio \n\nKills \nDeaths \nKill/Death Ratio" "SFUI_Overall_WeaponStats" "Tiros \nAcertos \nAbatidos \nAbatidos/Tiro" "[english]SFUI_Overall_WeaponStats" "Shots \nHits \nKills \nKills/Shot" "SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%s \nJogou: %d \nVitórias: %d \nRácio de Vitória: %.3f" "[english]SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%s \nPlayed: %d \nWins: %d \nWin Ratio: %.3f" "SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%ls \nJogou: %d \nVitórias: %d \nRácio de Vitória: %.3f" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Overall_MapStats" "%ls \nPlayed: %d \nWins: %d \nWin Ratio: %.3f" "SFUI_Overall_Stars" "Estrelas MVP: %d" "[english]SFUI_Overall_Stars" "MVP Stars: %d" "SFUI_Overall_NoFavorite" "Sem favorito" "[english]SFUI_Overall_NoFavorite" "No favorite" "SFUI_MBox_OKButton" "OK" "[english]SFUI_MBox_OKButton" "OK" "SFUI_MBox_CancelButton" "Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_MBox_CancelButton" "Cancel" "SFUI_LOADING" "A Carregar..." "[english]SFUI_LOADING" "Loading..." "SFUI_StartCT" "Início CT" "[english]SFUI_StartCT" "CT Start" "SFUI_StartT" "Início T" "[english]SFUI_StartT" "T Start" "SFUI_BuyZoneCT" "Zona de Compra CT" "[english]SFUI_BuyZoneCT" "CT Buy Zone" "SFUI_BuyZoneT" "Zona de Compra T" "[english]SFUI_BuyZoneT" "T Buy Zone" "SFUI_HostageZone" "Zona de Reféns" "[english]SFUI_HostageZone" "Hostage Zone" "SFUI_HostageRescueZone" "Zona de Resgate de Reféns" "[english]SFUI_HostageRescueZone" "Hostage Rescue Zone" "SFUI_BombZoneA" "Local da Bomba A" "[english]SFUI_BombZoneA" "Bomb Site A" "SFUI_BombZoneB" "Local da Bomba B" "[english]SFUI_BombZoneB" "Bomb Site B" "SFUI_ScoreboardTitle" "Pontuações" "[english]SFUI_ScoreboardTitle" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_Scoreboard_MapName" "Mapa: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_MapName" "Map: %s1" "SFUI_CT_Label" "CONTRA-TERRORISTAS" "[english]SFUI_CT_Label" "COUNTER-TERRORISTS" "SFUI_CT_Player_Text" "JOGADOR" "[english]SFUI_CT_Player_Text" "PLAYER" "SFUI_CT_Clan_Text" "CLÃ" "[english]SFUI_CT_Clan_Text" "CLAN" "SFUI_CT_Score_Text" "PONTUAÇÃO" "[english]SFUI_CT_Score_Text" "SCORE" "SFUI_CT_Death_Text" "MORTES" "[english]SFUI_CT_Death_Text" "DEATHS" "SFUI_CT_Kills_Text" "ABATIDOS" "[english]SFUI_CT_Kills_Text" "KILLS" "SFUI_CT_KillPoints_Text" "PONTOS POR MATAR" "[english]SFUI_CT_KillPoints_Text" "KILL POINTS" "SFUI_CT_Money_Text" "DINHEIRO" "[english]SFUI_CT_Money_Text" "MONEY" "SFUI_CT_Status_Text" "ESTADO" "[english]SFUI_CT_Status_Text" "STATUS" "SFUI_CT_Vote_Text" "VOTAR" "[english]SFUI_CT_Vote_Text" "VOTE" "SFUI_CT_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "[english]SFUI_CT_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "SFUI_T_Label" "Terroristas" "[english]SFUI_T_Label" "TERRORISTS" "SFUI_T_Player_Text" "Jogador" "[english]SFUI_T_Player_Text" "PLAYER" "SFUI_T_Clan_Text" "Clã" "[english]SFUI_T_Clan_Text" "CLAN" "SFUI_T_Score_Text" "Pontuação" "[english]SFUI_T_Score_Text" "SCORE" "SFUI_T_Death_Text" "Mortes" "[english]SFUI_T_Death_Text" "DEATHS" "SFUI_T_Kills_Text" "Abates" "[english]SFUI_T_Kills_Text" "KILLS" "SFUI_T_KillPoints_Text" "PONTOS POR MATAR" "[english]SFUI_T_KillPoints_Text" "KILL POINTS" "SFUI_T_Money_Text" "Dinheiro" "[english]SFUI_T_Money_Text" "MONEY" "SFUI_T_Status_Text" "Estado" "[english]SFUI_T_Status_Text" "STATUS" "SFUI_T_Vote_Text" "Votar" "[english]SFUI_T_Vote_Text" "VOTE" "SFUI_T_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "[english]SFUI_T_Elo_Change_Text" "+/- Elo" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectator" "%s1 Espectador" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectator" "%s1 SPECTATOR" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectators" "%s1 Espectadores" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Spectators" "%s1 SPECTATORS" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Player" "%s1 Jogador" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Player" "%s1 Player" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Players" "%s1 Jogadores" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Players" "%s1 Players" "SFUI_Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Tempo Restante: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Time Left: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_FightTime" "Tempo de Combate: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_FightTime" "Fight Time: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_RoundsLeft" "Rondas Restantes: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_RoundsLeft" "Rounds Left: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${dpad} Navegar ${altstart} Fechar ${cancel} Anterior" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${dpad} Navigate ${altstart} Close ${cancel} Back" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${dpad} Navegar ${cancel} Anterior" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Common" "${dpad} Navigate ${cancel} Back" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Ver Cartão de Jogador" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} View Gamer Card " "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Left" "${lshoulder} Sim " "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Left" "${lshoulder} Yes " "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Kick" "${lshoulder} Votar para Expulsar" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Kick" "${lshoulder} Vote to Kick " "SFUI_Player_Wants_Restart" "%s1 quer recomeçar a partida." "[english]SFUI_Player_Wants_Restart" "%s1 wants to restart the match." "SFUI_bot_controlled_by" "BOT (%s1)" "[english]SFUI_bot_controlled_by" "BOT (%s1)" "SFUI_bot_decorated_name" "BOT %s1" "[english]SFUI_bot_decorated_name" "BOT %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_1st" "1º" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_1st" "1st" "SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd" "2º" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd" "2nd" "SFUI_Scoreboard_1st_Half" "1ª Parte" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_1st_Half" "1st Half" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Halftime" "Intervalo" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Halftime" "Halftime" "SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd_Half" "2ª Parte" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_2nd_Half" "2nd Half" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Final" "Final" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Final" "Final" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_One" "Equipa Um" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_One" "Team One" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_Two" "Equipa Dois" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Team_Two" "Team Two" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Switch_In" "Troca de Equipa Em: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Switch_In" "Team Switch In: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Next_In" "A Próxima Partida Começa Em: %s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Next_In" "Next Match Starts In: %s1" "SFUI_Scoreboard_VoteStatus" "Votos A Favor %s1/%s2 : %s3" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_VoteStatus" "Yes Votes %s1/%s2 : %s3" "SFUI_Scoreboard_NormalPlayer" "%s1" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_NormalPlayer" "%s1" "SFUI_Vote_None" " " "[english]SFUI_Vote_None" "" "SFUI_Vote_KickPlayer" "Expulsar %s1" "[english]SFUI_Vote_KickPlayer" "Kick Player..." "SFUI_Vote_TeamSwitch" "Trocar Equipas" "[english]SFUI_Vote_TeamSwitch" "Swap Teams" "SFUI_Vote_ScrambleTeams" "Baralhar Equipas" "[english]SFUI_Vote_ScrambleTeams" "Scramble Teams" "SFUI_Vote_Surrender" "Render-se" "[english]SFUI_Vote_Surrender" "Surrender" "SFUI_Vote_RestartMatch" "Recomeçar Partida" "[english]SFUI_Vote_RestartMatch" "Restart Match" "SFUI_Vote_ChangeMap" "Mudar de Mapa" "[english]SFUI_Vote_ChangeMap" "Change Map..." "SFUI_Vote_VoteStatus" "%s4 votos para %s3. Votos a favor: %s1/%s2" "[english]SFUI_Vote_VoteStatus" "%s4 votes to %s3. Yes votes: %s1/%s2" "SFUI_Vote_PressToVote" "Abre as pontuações para votares." "[english]SFUI_Vote_PressToVote" "Open scoreboard to vote." "SFUI_Choose_Team" "ESCOLHER EQUIPA" "[english]SFUI_Choose_Team" "CHOOSE TEAM" "SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Aceitar ${cancel} Cancelar ${dpad} Selecionar ${west} Auto-selecionar ${altstart} Pontuações" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${cancel} Cancel ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${altstart} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Aceitar ${cancel} Cancelar ${dpad} Selecionar ${west} Auto-selecionar ${lshoulder} Observar ${altstart} Pontuações" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${cancel} Cancel ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${lshoulder} Spectate ${altstart} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Aceitar ${cancel} Cancelar ${dpad} Selecionar ${west} Auto-selecionar ${dpaddown} Pontuações" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavNoSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${cancel} Cancel ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${north} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Aceitar ${cancel} Cancelar ${dpad} Selecionar ${west} Auto-selecionar ${lshoulder} Observar ${dpaddown} Pontuações" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_TeamNavWithSpectate" "${confirm} Accept ${cancel} Cancel ${dpad} Select ${west} Auto select ${lshoulder} Spectate ${north} Scoreboard" "SFUI_TeamButtonAuto" "Selecionar automaticamente" "[english]SFUI_TeamButtonAuto" "Auto select" "SFUI_TeamButtonCancel" "Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_TeamButtonCancel" "Cancel " "SFUI_TeamButtonSpectate" "Observar" "[english]SFUI_TeamButtonSpectate" "Spectate" "SFUI_TeamConfirmTitle" "Confirmar Cancelamento" "[english]SFUI_TeamConfirmTitle" "Confirm Cancel" "SFUI_TeamConfirmMsg" "Cancelar agora irá levar-te de volta para o menu principal. Tens a certeza de que queres cancelar?" "[english]SFUI_TeamConfirmMsg" "Cancelling now will return you to the main menu. Are you sure you want to cancel?" "SFUI_TeamConfirmNav" "${cancel} Não ${confirm} Sim" "[english]SFUI_TeamConfirmNav" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_TeamHumans" "Humanos: " "[english]SFUI_TeamHumans" "Humans: " "SFUI_TeamBots" "Bots:" "[english]SFUI_TeamBots" "Bots: " "SFUI_TeamFull" "Equipa Cheia" "[english]SFUI_TeamFull" "Team Full" "SFUI_TeamTimer" "Auto-escolher em:" "[english]SFUI_TeamTimer" "Auto pick in:" "SFUIHUD_playerid_sameteam" "Amigo: %s1 Vida: %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_sameteam" "Friend: %s1 Health: %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_diffteam" "Inimigo: %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_diffteam" "Enemy: %s1" "SFUIHUD_playerid_specteam" "%s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_specteam" "%s1" "SFUIHUD_playerid_noteam" "%s1 Vida:%s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_noteam" "%s1 Health:%s2" "SFUIHUD_hostageid" "Refém %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid" "Hostage %s1" "SFUIHUD_weaponid_pickup" "${use} trocar por %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_weaponid_pickup" "${use} swap for %s1" "SFUIHUD_weaponid_c4defuse" "${use} desarmar o C4" "[english]SFUIHUD_weaponid_c4defuse" "${use} defuse the C4" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_HelpTitle" " " "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_HelpTitle" "" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_PriorityMsgTitle" "Alerta" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_PriorityMsgTitle" "Alert" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseTitle" "Tempo de Desarme:" "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseTitle" "Defuse Time:" "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText" "Estás neste momento a desarmar a bomba." "[english]SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText" "You are defusing the bomb." "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Mostrar Cartão de Jogador" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Show Gamer Card " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Camera" "${confirm} Câmara" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Camera" "${confirm} Camera " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "${use} Controlar Bot " "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Control_Bot" "${use} Control Bot " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${altstart} Pontuações" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${altstart} Scoreboard " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${dpaddown} Pontuações" [$PS3] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Scoreboard" "${dpaddown} Scoreboard " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_You_Are_Dead" "A seguir %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_You_Are_Dead" "Following %s2" "Choose_Class_Navigation" "${confirm} Selecionar ${cancel} Anterior ${dpad} Navegar ${west} Auto-Selecionar ${north} Pontuações" "[english]Choose_Class_Navigation" "${confirm} Select ${cancel} Back ${dpad} Navigation ${west} Auto-Select ${north} Scoreboard" "ChooseClassHeader" "Escolher Unidade" "[english]ChooseClassHeader" "Choose Unit" "SFUI_Urban_Name" "EQUIPA SEAL 6" "[english]SFUI_Urban_Name" "SEAL TEAM 6" "SFUI_Urban_Label" "A ST-6 (a ser conhecida mais tarde como DEVGRU) foi fundada em 1980 sob o comando do Tenente-Comandante Richard Marcincko. A ST-6 foi posta em alerta permanente para responder aos ataques terroristas contra alvos Americanos no mundo inteiro." "[english]SFUI_Urban_Label" "ST-6 (to be known later as DEVGRU) was founded in 1980 under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Richard Marcincko. ST-6 was placed on permanent alert to respond to terrorist attacks against American targets worldwide." "SFUI_ST6_Male_Name" "Equipa de Intervenção Especial" "[english]SFUI_ST6_Male_Name" "Special Response Team" "SFUI_ST6_Male_Label" "A SRT ou SWAT é uma unidade tática paramilitar de operações especiais Americana que opera dentro das forças de segurança internas." "[english]SFUI_ST6_Male_Label" "SRT or SWAT is an American special operations paramilitary tactical unit operating within domestic law enforcement agencies." "SFUI_SAS_Male_Name" "Serviço Aéreo Especial Britânico" "[english]SFUI_SAS_Male_Name" "British Special Air Service" "SFUI_SAS_Male_Label" "O mundialmente famoso SAS Britânico foi fundado na Segunda Guerra Mundial por um homem chamado David Stirling. O seu papel durante a Segunda Grande Guerra envolveu a recolha de informações de para lá das linhas do inimigo e a execução de sabotagens e assassínios em alvos chave." "[english]SFUI_SAS_Male_Label" "The world-renowned British SAS was founded in the Second World War by a man named David Stirling. Their role during WW2 involved gathering intelligence behind enemy lines and executing sabotage strikes and assassinations against key targets." "SFUI_GSG9_Male_Name" "Grenzschutzgruppe-9" "[english]SFUI_GSG9_Male_Name" "Grenzschutzgruppe-9" "SFUI_GSG9_Male_Label" "O GSG-9 teve as suas origens nos acontecimentos trágicos que levaram à morte de vários atletas Israelitas nos Jogos Olímpicos de 1972 em Munique, na Alemanha." "[english]SFUI_GSG9_Male_Label" "GSG-9 was born out of the tragic events that led to the death of several Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympic games in Munich, Germany." "SFUI_Phoenix_Name" "A Phoenix Connexion" "[english]SFUI_Phoenix_Name" "The Phoenix Connexion" "SFUI_Phoenix_Label" "Tendo estabelecido a sua reputação de matar qualquer um que se meta no seu caminho, a Fação Phoenix é um dos grupos terroristas mais temidos da Europa Oriental. O grupo formou-se pouco depois da ruptura da URSS." "[english]SFUI_Phoenix_Label" "Having established a reputation for killing anyone that gets in their way, the Phoenix Faction is one of the most feared terrorist groups in Eastern Europe. Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR." "SFUI_Separatist_Male_Name" "Separatista" "[english]SFUI_Separatist_Male_Name" "Separatist" "SFUI_Separatist_Male_Label" "Alegando um imenso desejo de autodeterminação, esta fação minoritária Europeia recorre a atos abomináveis de terror para atingir a sua visão nacionalista." "[english]SFUI_Separatist_Male_Label" "Claiming an overwhelming desire for self determination, this European minority faction has stooped to heinous acts of terror in order to achieve their nationalistic vision." "SFUI_Pirate_Male_Name" "PIRATA" "[english]SFUI_Pirate_Male_Name" "PIRATE" "SFUI_Pirate_Male_Label" "Os piratas modernos do Corno de África alegam que as suas ações denotam a legítima defesa das suas águas territoriais, embora a extorsão e os assassinatos cometidos pelos autodenominados \"guardas costeiros\" contradigam essas afirmações." "[english]SFUI_Pirate_Male_Label" "The modern pirates of the Horn of Africa claim their actions denote self defense of their territorial waters although the extortion and murder committed by the self-proclaimed “coast guard” belie these claims." "SFUI_Professional_Male_Name" "Profissional" "[english]SFUI_Professional_Male_Name" "Professional" "SFUI_Professional_Male_Label" "Os Profissionais são ladrões com acesso a alta tecnologia e bem equipados, sem agenda política ou religiosa." "[english]SFUI_Professional_Male_Label" "The Professionals are high tech, well equipped thieves with no political or religious agenda." "SFUI_WinPanel_CT_Win" "Contra-Terroristas" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_CT_Win" "Counter-Terrorists Win" "SFUI_WinPanel_T_Win" "Terroristas" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_T_Win" "Terrorists Win" "SFUI_WinPanel_Round_Draw" "Ronda Empatada" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Round_Draw" "Round Draw" "SFUI_WinPanel_Win" "VITÓRIA" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Win" "WIN" "SFUI_WinPanel_Draw" "EMPATE" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Draw" "DRAW" "SFUI_WinPanel_Nav" "${confirm} Fechar" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_Nav" "${confirm} Close" "SFUI_Notice_Got_Bomb" "Apanhaste a bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Got_Bomb" "You picked up the bomb." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "Precisas de estar no chão para desarmares a bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Defuse_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be on the ground to defuse the bomb." "SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Already_Being_Defused" "A bomba já está a ser desarmada." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Already_Being_Defused" "The bomb is already being defused." "SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "A desarmar a bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_With_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing the bomb." "SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "A desarmar SEM um kit de desarmamento." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Defusing_Bomb_Without_Defuse_Kit" "Defusing WITHOUT a defuse kit." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "O C4 tem de ser plantado num local de bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be planted at a bomb site." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "Precisas de estar no chão para armares o C4." "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Plant_Must_Be_On_Ground" "You must be standing on the ground to plant the C4." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "Sequência de armamento cancelada. O C4 só pode ser colocado num alvo de bomba." "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Arming_Cancelled" "Arming sequence canceled. C4 can only be placed at a bomb target." "SFUI_Notice_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "O C4 tem de ser ativado num alvo de bomba" "[english]SFUI_Notice_C4_Activated_At_Bomb_Spot" "C4 must be activated at a bomb target" "SFUI_Notice_Killed_Teammate" "Mataste um companheiro de equipa!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Killed_Teammate" "You killed a teammate!" "SFUI_Notice_Game_teammate_kills" "Abatidos p/ colegas de equipa: %s1 de 3" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_teammate_kills" "Teammate kills: %s1 of 3" "SFUI_Notice_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "Estás a ser banido do servidor por matares demasiados companheiros de equipa." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Banned_For_Killing_Teammates" "You are being banned from the server for killing too many teammates." "SFUI_Notice_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "Cuidado! Disparar contra os teus companheiros de equipa irá baixar a tua pontuação." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_careful_around_teammates" "Careful! Shooting at teammates will lower your score." "SFUI_Notice_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "Foste recompensado com $2500 por teres morto o VIP!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "You have been rewarded $2500 for killing the VIP!" "SFUI_Notice_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "Mataste um inimigo! Vence a ronda eliminando a força inimiga." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hint_win_round_by_killing_enemy" "You killed an enemy! Work with your team to eliminate them all!" "SFUI_Notice_Game_scoring" "A contagem da pontuação não terá início até que ambas as equipas tenham jogadores." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_scoring" "Scoring will not start until both teams have players." "SFUI_Notice_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "*** Equilíbrio Automático das Equipas na próxima ronda ***" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Auto_Team_Balance_Next_Round" "*** Auto-Team Balance next round ***" "SFUI_Notice_Game_will_restart_in" "O jogo será reiniciado em %s1 %s2" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_will_restart_in" "The game will restart in %s1 %s2" "SFUI_Notice_Player_Balanced" "Foste movido para a outra equipa para equilíbrio do jogo." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Player_Balanced" "You have been moved to the other team for game balance." "SFUI_Notice_Teams_Balanced" "As equipas foram equilibradas." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Teams_Balanced" "The teams have been balanced." "SFUI_Notice_Target_Bombed" "Alvo destruído com sucesso!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Target_Bombed" "Target successfully bombed!" "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Assassinated" "O VIP foi assassinado!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_VIP_Assassinated" "VIP has been assassinated!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Escaped" "Os terroristas escaparam!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Escaped" "The terrorists have escaped!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Win" "Vitória dos Terroristas!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Win" "Terrorists Win!" "SFUI_Notice_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "Os reféns não foram resgatados!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Hostages_Not_Rescued" "Hostages have not been rescued!" "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Not_Escaped" "O VIP não escapou." "[english]SFUI_Notice_VIP_Not_Escaped" "VIP has not escaped." "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Escaped" "O VIP escapou!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_VIP_Escaped" "The VIP has escaped!" "SFUI_Notice_CTs_PreventEscape" "Os CTs impediram a maioria dos terroristas de escapar." "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_PreventEscape" "The CTs have prevented most of the terrorists from escaping." "SFUI_Notice_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "Os terroristas em fuga foram todos neutralizados." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized" "Escaping terrorists have all been neutralized." "SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Defused" "A bomba foi desarmada." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Bomb_Defused" "The bomb has been defused." "SFUI_Notice_CTs_Win" "Vitória dos Contra-Terroristas!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_Win" "Counter-Terrorists Win!" "SFUI_Notice_All_Hostages_Rescued" "Todos os reféns foram resgatados!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_All_Hostages_Rescued" "All hostages have been rescued!" "SFUI_Notice_Target_Saved" "O alvo foi salvo!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Target_Saved" "Target has been saved!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "Os Terroristas não escaparam." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Not_Escaped" "Terrorists have not escaped." "SFUI_Notice_Game_Commencing" "Jogo a Começar." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Game_Commencing" "Game Commencing." "SFUI_Notice_Round_Draw" "Ronda Empatada!" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Round_Draw" "Round Draw!" "SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Surrender" "Os Terroristas Rendem-se" "[english]SFUI_Notice_Terrorists_Surrender" "Terrorists Surrender" "SFUI_Notice_CTs_Surrender" "Os CTs Rendem-se" "[english]SFUI_Notice_CTs_Surrender" "CTs Surrender" "SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level" "Um jogador atingiu o nível da faca." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Knife_Level" "%s1 has reached gold knife level!" "SFUI_Notice_Gun_Game_Leader" "És o novo líder." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Gun_Game_Leader" "You are the new leader." "Hint_you_have_the_defuser" "Tens o kit de desarmamento." "[english]Hint_you_have_the_defuser" "You have the defuse kit." "SFUI_Notice_Have_Bomb" "Tens a bomba. Encontra a zona alvo ou LARGA a bomba para outro Terrorista." "[english]SFUI_Notice_Have_Bomb" "You have the bomb. Find the target zone or DROP the bomb for another Terrorist." "SFUI_Voice_Dead_Location" "MORTO" "[english]SFUI_Voice_Dead_Location" "DEAD" "SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "COMANDO" "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "CONTROLLER" "SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "CONTROLOS" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_CONTROLS" "CONTROLS" "SFUI_CONTROLLS_MOUSE_KEYBOARD" "TECLADO / RATO" "[english]SFUI_CONTROLLS_MOUSE_KEYBOARD" "KEYBOARD / MOUSE" "SFUI_Controls_Nav" "${cancel} Fechar ${north} Restaurar Predefinições ${west} Limpar ${confirm} Modificar ${dpad} Alternar/Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Nav" "${west} Clear ${confirm} Modify ${cancel} Close ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Toggle/Modify" "SFUI_Controls_Nav_Limit" "${cancel} Fechar ${north} Restaurar Predefinições ${dpad} Alternar/Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Nav_Limit" "${cancel} Close ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Toggle/Modify" "SFUI_Controls_Cancel" "${start} Cancelar" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Cancel" "${start} Cancel" "SFUI_Controls_Cancel" " " [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Cancel" "" "SFUI_Controls_Title" "%s1" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Title" "%s1" "SFUI_Controls_Modify" "Pressiona um botão..." "[english]SFUI_Controls_Modify" "Press a button..." "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Title" "RESTAURAR PREDEFINIÇÕES" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Title" "RESTORE DEFAULTS" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reiniciar todas as opções do comando Xbox 360 para as suas predefinições?" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all Xbox 360 controller options to their defaults?" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reiniciar todas as opções do comando para as suas predefinições?" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all controller options to their defaults?" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reiniciar todas as opções do comando sem fios para as suas predefinições?" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all wireless controller options to their defaults?" "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} Não ${confirm} Sim" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_Controls_Clear" "LIMPAR" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Clear" "CLEAR" "SFUI_Controls_Edit" "EDITAR" "[english]SFUI_Controls_Edit" "EDIT" "SFUI_ReverseMouse" "Inverter Rato" "[english]SFUI_ReverseMouse" "Reverse Mouse" "SFUI_MouseSensitivity" "Sensibilidade do Rato" "[english]SFUI_MouseSensitivity" "Mouse Sensitivity" "SFUI_RawInput" "Entrada Não-Processada" "[english]SFUI_RawInput" "Raw Input" "SFUI_MouseAcceleration" "Aceleração do Rato" "[english]SFUI_MouseAcceleration" "Mouse Acceleration" "SFUI_AccelerationAmount" "Quantidade de Aceleração" "[english]SFUI_AccelerationAmount" "Acceleration Amount" "SFUI_Toggle_Always_Show_Inv" "Alternar Mostrar o Inventário" "[english]SFUI_Toggle_Always_Show_Inv" "Toggle Inventory Display" "SFUI_Forward" "Avançar" "[english]SFUI_Forward" "Move Forward" "SFUI_Backward" "Recuar" "[english]SFUI_Backward" "Move Backward" "SFUI_MoveRight" "Ir para a Direita (andar de lado)" "[english]SFUI_MoveRight" "Move Right (strafe)" "SFUI_MoveLeft" "Ir para a Esquerda (andar de lado)" "[english]SFUI_MoveLeft" "Move Left (strafe)" "SFUI_Previous" "Última Arma Utilizada" "[english]SFUI_Previous" "Last Weapon Used" "SFUI_Voice" "Usar Micro" "[english]SFUI_Voice" "Use Mic" "SFUI_Buy" "Menu de Compra" "[english]SFUI_Buy" "Buy Menu" "SFUI_StandardRadio" "Mensagem de Rádio Padrão" "[english]SFUI_StandardRadio" "Standard Radio Message" "SFUI_GroupRadio" "Mensagem de Rádio - Grupo" "[english]SFUI_GroupRadio" "Group Radio Message" "SFUI_ReportRadio" "Mensagem de Rádio - Relatório" "[english]SFUI_ReportRadio" "Report Radio Message" "SFUI_ChatMessage" "Mensagem de Conversação" "[english]SFUI_ChatMessage" "Chat Message" "SFUI_TeamMessage" "Mensagem de Equipa" "[english]SFUI_TeamMessage" "Team Message" "SFUI_PreviousWeapon" "Arma Anterior" "[english]SFUI_PreviousWeapon" "Previous Weapon" "SFUI_NextWeapon" "Arma Seguinte" "[english]SFUI_NextWeapon" "Next Weapon" "SFUI_Autobuy" "Comprar Automaticamente" "[english]SFUI_Autobuy" "Autobuy" "SFUI_Rebuy" "Comprar Novamente" "[english]SFUI_Rebuy" "Rebuy" "SFUI_JoystickSpeedMode" "Modo de Andar" "[english]SFUI_JoystickSpeedMode" "Walk Mode" "SFUI_MouseZoomSensitivity" "Sensibilidade do Zoom" "[english]SFUI_MouseZoomSensitivity" "Zoom Sensitivity" "SFUI_ControllerZoomSensitivity" "Sensibilidade do Zoom" "[english]SFUI_ControllerZoomSensitivity" "Zoom Sensitivity" "SFUI_TaserSlot" "Zeus x27" "[english]SFUI_TaserSlot" "Zeus x27" "SFUI_MolotovSlot" "Cocktail Molotov" "[english]SFUI_MolotovSlot" "Molotov Cocktail" "SFUI_DecoySlot" "Granada de Embuste" "[english]SFUI_DecoySlot" "Decoy Grenade" "SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Alternar Armas" "[english]SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Select Weapon" "SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Alternar Granadas" "[english]SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Cycle Grenades" "SFUI_PrimaryWeapon" "Arma Principal" "[english]SFUI_PrimaryWeapon" "Primary Weapon" "SFUI_SecondaryWeapon" "Arma Secundária" "[english]SFUI_SecondaryWeapon" "Secondary Weapon" "SFUI_WeaponSpecial" "Função Especial da Arma" "[english]SFUI_WeaponSpecial" "Weapon Special Function" "SFUI_Silencer_Burst" "Silenciador / Rajada" "[english]SFUI_Silencer_Burst" "Silencer / Burst" "SFUI_Zoom_Slash" "Aproximar / Recuar" "[english]SFUI_Zoom_Slash" "Zoom / Slash" "SFUI_KnifeSlot" "Faca" "[english]SFUI_KnifeSlot" "Knife" "SFUI_BombSlot" "Bomba" "[english]SFUI_BombSlot" "Bomb" "SFUI_Left_Handed" "Canhoto" "[english]SFUI_Left_Handed" "Left-Handed" "SFUI_Right_Handed" "Destro" "[english]SFUI_Right_Handed" "Right-Handed" "SFUI_JoystickLookType" "Tipo de Vista" "[english]SFUI_JoystickLookType" "Look Type" "SFUI_JoystickNormal" "Normal" "[english]SFUI_JoystickNormal" "Normal" "SFUI_JoystickInverted" "Invertido" "[english]SFUI_JoystickInverted" "Inverted" "SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Joysticks para Mover/Olhar" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Move/Look Sticks" "SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Manípulos analógicos" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Sticks" "SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Joystick Esquerdo / Joystick Direito" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Left Stick / Right Stick" "SFUI_JoystickDuckMode" "Modo de Abaixar" "[english]SFUI_JoystickDuckMode" "Duck Mode" "SFUI_Toggle" "Alternar" "[english]SFUI_Toggle" "Toggle" "SFUI_Hold" "Segurar" "[english]SFUI_Hold" "Hold" "SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedPitch" "Sensibilidade Vertical" "[english]SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedPitch" "Vertical Sensitivity" "SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedYaw" "Sensibilidade Horizontal" "[english]SFUI_JoystickLookSpeedYaw" "Horizontal Sensitivity" "SFUI_Rumble" "Vibração" "[english]SFUI_Rumble" "Rumble" "SFUI_Fire" "Disparar" "[english]SFUI_Fire" "Fire" "SFUI_Reload_Weapon" "Recarregar" "[english]SFUI_Reload_Weapon" "Reload" "SFUI_Jump" "Saltar" "[english]SFUI_Jump" "Jump" "SFUI_Duck" "Abaixar" "[english]SFUI_Duck" "Duck" "SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Alternar Armas" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_CycleWeapons" "Cycle Weapons" "SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Alternar Granadas" [$X360||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_CycleGrenades" "Cycle Grenades" "SFUI_Pickup_Use_Objects" "Usar" "[english]SFUI_Pickup_Use_Objects" "Use" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Menu_Scoreboard" "Pontuações" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Menu_Scoreboard" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_Walk" "Andar" "[english]SFUI_Walk" "Walk" "SFUI_Drop_Weapon" "Largar Arma" "[english]SFUI_Drop_Weapon" "Drop Weapon" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "Granada HE" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_HE_Grenade" "HE Grenade" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "Flashbang" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang" "Flashbang" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_Grenade" "Granada de Fumo" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_Grenade" "Smoke Grenade" "SFUI_Screenshot" "Tirar Captura de Ecrã" "[english]SFUI_Screenshot" "Take Screenshot" "SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "DEFINIÇÕES" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "SETTINGS" "SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "DEFINIÇÕES DE JOGO" [$WIN32||$OSX||$PS3] "[english]SFUI_PLAYER_SETTINGS" "GAME SETTINGS" "SFUI_Settings_General_nav" "${cancel} Fechar ${north} Restaurar Predefinições" "[english]SFUI_Settings_General_nav" "${cancel} Close ${north} Restore Defaults" "SFUI_Settings_mic_nav" "${west} Configurar Microfone" "[english]SFUI_Settings_mic_nav" "${west} Setup Microphone " "SFUI_Settings_push_to_talk_nav" "${confirm} Editar Tecla de Uso do Micro" "[english]SFUI_Settings_push_to_talk_nav" "${confirm} Edit Use Mic Key " "SFUI_Settings_Nav" "${cancel} Fechar ${west} Tamanho do Ecrã ${north} Restaurar Predefinições ${dpad} Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Nav" "${cancel} Close ${west} Screen Size ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video" "${cancel} Fechar ${west} Avançado ${north} Restaurar Predefinições ${dpad} Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video" "${cancel} Close ${west} Advanced ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video_Advanced" "${cancel} Fechar ${west} Tamanho do Ecrã ${north} Restaurar Predefinições ${dpad} Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Nav_Video_Advanced" "${cancel} Close ${west} Screen Size ${north} Restore Defaults ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Resize" "${cancel} Anterior ${dpad} Modificar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Resize" "${cancel} Back ${dpad} Modify" "SFUI_Settings_Screen_Resize" "ECRÃ:TAMANHO" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Screen_Resize" "SCREEN SIZE" "SFUI_Settings_Title" "Jogador: %s1 Definições" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Title" "Player: %s1 Settings" "SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Title" "RESTAURAR PREDEFINIÇÕES" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Title" "RESTORE DEFAULTS" "SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reiniciar todas as definições para as predefinições recomendadas para o teu sistema?" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all settings to your system's recommended defaults?" "SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} Não ${confirm} Sim" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Confirm_Default_Nav" "${cancel} No ${confirm} Yes" "SFUI_Weapon_Name_VO" "Anúncio do Nome da Arma" "[english]SFUI_Weapon_Name_VO" "Weapon Name Announcement" "SFUI_Settings_Advanced" "AVANÇADAS" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Advanced" "ADVANCED" "SFUI_Settings_Video_Advanced" "VÍDEO - AVANÇADO" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Video_Advanced" "VIDEO - ADVANCED" "SFUI_Settings_Model_Texture_Detail" "Detalhes dos Modelos/Texturas" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Model_Texture_Detail" "Model / Texture Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Effect_Detail" "Detalhe dos Efeitos" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Effect_Detail" "Effect Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Shader_Detail" "Detalhe do Shader" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Shader_Detail" "Shader Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Shadow_Detail" "Detalhe das Sombras" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Shadow_Detail" "Shadow Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Multicore" "Renderização Multinúcleo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Multicore" "Multicore Rendering" "SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool" "Memória Paginada Disponível" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool" "Paged Pool Memory Available" "SFUI_Settings_Water_Detail" "Detalhe da Água" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Water_Detail" "Water Detail" "SFUI_Settings_Color_Correction" "Correção de Cor" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Color_Correction" "Color Correction" "SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Mode" "Modo de Anti-Aliasing" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Mode" "Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode" "SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Mode" "Modo de Filtragem" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Mode" "Texture Filtering Mode" "SFUI_Settings_Aspect_Ratio" "Proporção da Imagem" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Aspect_Ratio" "Aspect Ratio" "SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_10" "Ecrã Panorâmico 16:10" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_10" "Widescreen 16:10" "SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_9" "Ecrã Panorâmico 16:9" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Widescreen_16_9" "Widescreen 16:9" "SFUI_Settings_Normal" "Normal 4:3" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Normal" "Normal 4:3" "SFUI_Settings_Resolution" "Resolução" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Resolution" "Resolution" "SFUI_Settings_Display_Mode" "Modo de Imagem" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Display_Mode" "Display Mode" "SFUI_Settings_Fullscreen" "Ecrã Completo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Fullscreen" "Fullscreen" "SFUI_Settings_Windowed" "Em Janela" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Windowed" "Windowed" "SFUI_Settings_Laptop_Power" "Poupança de Energia do Portátil" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Laptop_Power" "Laptop Power Savings" "SFUI_Settings_Vertical_Sync" "Aguardar por Sinc. Vertical" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Vertical_Sync" "Wait for Vertical Sync" "SFUI_Settings_Motion_Blur" "Desfocagem em Movimento" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Motion_Blur" "Motion Blur" "SFUI_Settings_High_Dynamic_Range" "High Dynamic Range" "[english]SFUI_Settings_High_Dynamic_Range" "High Dynamic Range" "SFUI_Settings_Very_High" "Muito Alto" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Very_High" "Very High" "SFUI_Settings_High" "Alto" "[english]SFUI_Settings_High" "High" "SFUI_Settings_Medium" "Médio" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Medium" "Medium" "SFUI_Settings_Low" "Baixo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Low" "Low" "SFUI_Settings_Master_Volume" "Volume Global" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Master_Volume" "Master Volume" "SFUI_Settings_Music_Volume" "Volume da Música" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Music_Volume" "Music Volume" "SFUI_Settings_Speaker_Config" "Configuração das Colunas" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Speaker_Config" "Speaker Configuration" "SFUI_Settings_Headphones" "Auscultadores" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Headphones" "Headphones" "SFUI_Settings_2_Speakers" "2 Colunas" "[english]SFUI_Settings_2_Speakers" "2 Speakers" "SFUI_Settings_4_Speakers" "4 Colunas" "[english]SFUI_Settings_4_Speakers" "4 Speakers" "SFUI_Settings_51_Speakers" "Colunas 5.1" "[english]SFUI_Settings_51_Speakers" "5.1 Speakers" "SFUI_Settings_Sound_Quality" "Qualidade do Som" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Sound_Quality" "Sound Quality" "SFUI_Settings_Enable_Voice" "Ativar Voz" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enable_Voice" "Enable Voice" "SFUI_Settings_Open_Mic" "Ativar Microfone" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Open_Mic" "Open Microphone" "SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk" "Pressiona para Usar o Micro" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk" "Press to Use Mic" "SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk_Key" "EDITAR TECLA DE USAR O MICRO" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Push_To_Talk_Key" "EDIT USE MIC KEY" "SFUI_Settings_Setup_Microphone" "CONFIGURAÇÃO DO MICRO" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Setup_Microphone" "MIC SETUP" "SFUI_Settings_Simple_Refl" "Reflexos Simples" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Simple_Refl" "Simple Reflections" "SFUI_Settings_Reflect_World" "Refletir Mundo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Reflect_World" "Reflect World" "SFUI_Settings_Reflect_All" "Refletir Tudo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Reflect_All" "Reflect All" "SFUI_Settings_Enabled" "Ativado" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enabled" "Enabled" "SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Double" "Buffer Duplo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Double" "Double Buffered" "SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Triple" "Buffer Triplo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Triple" "Triple Buffered" "SFUI_Settings_Disabled" "Desativado" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Disabled" "Disabled" "SFUI_Settings_None" "Nenhum" "[english]SFUI_Settings_None" "None" "SFUI_Settings_2X_MSAA" "2x MSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_2X_MSAA" "2x MSAA" "SFUI_Settings_4X_MSAA" "4x MSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_4X_MSAA" "4x MSAA" "SFUI_Settings_8X_MSAA" "8x MSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_8X_MSAA" "8x MSAA" "SFUI_Settings_8X_CSAA" "8x CSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_8X_CSAA" "8x CSAA" "SFUI_Settings_16X_CSAA" "16x CSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_16X_CSAA" "16x CSAA" "SFUI_Settings_16XQ_CSAA" "16xQ CSAA" "[english]SFUI_Settings_16XQ_CSAA" "16xQ CSAA" "SFUI_Settings_Bilinear" "Bilinear" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Bilinear" "Bilinear" "SFUI_Settings_Trilinear" "Trilinear" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Trilinear" "Trilinear" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_2X" "Anisotrópico 2X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_2X" "Anisotropic 2X" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_4X" "Anisotrópico 4X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_4X" "Anisotropic 4X" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_8X" "Anisotrópico 8X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_8X" "Anisotropic 8X" "SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_16X" "Anisotrópico 16X" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Anisotropic_16X" "Anisotropic 16X" "SFUI_Settings_Bloom" "Bloom" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Bloom" "Bloom" "SFUI_Settings_Full" "Cheio" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Full" "Full" "SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart_Title" "Aviso" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart_Title" "Notice" "SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart" "As alterações serão aplicadas quando o jogo reiniciar." "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changes_On_Restart" "Changes will be applied at restart." "SFUI_Settings_Changes_Notice_Nav" "${confirm} OK" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changes_Notice_Nav" "${confirm} OK" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode" "Modo de Ecrã Dividido" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode" "Splitscreen Mode" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Auto" "Automático" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Auto" "Auto" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Vert" "Lado a Lado" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Vert" "Side by Side" "SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Horz" "Por Cima / Por Baixo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_SplitMode_Horz" "Over / Under" "SFUI_Settings_Always_Show_Inventory" "Mostrar Sempre o Inventário" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Always_Show_Inventory" "Always Show Inventory" "SFUI_Settings_Enable_Console" "Ativar consola de programador (\\)" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Enable_Console" "Enable Developer Console (~)" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaling" "Distância de Jogo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaling" "Play Distance" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleSmall" "Desktop - Texto Pequeno" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleSmall" "Desktop Small Text" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleMed" "Área de Trabalho" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleMed" "Desktop" "SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleLarge" "Sofá" "[english]SFUI_Settings_HUDScaleLarge" "Couch" "SFUI_Settings_Apply" "APLICAR" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Apply" "APPLY" "SFUI_Settings_Changed_Discard" "Foram efetuadas alterações. Descartar estas alterações?" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Changed_Discard" "Changes have been made. Discard current changes?" "SFUI_Settings_Video" "Vídeo" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Video" "Video" "SFUI_Settings_Discard_Nav" "${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Descartar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Discard_Nav" "${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Discard" "SFUI_Settings_PowerSavings_Info" "No Modo de Poupança de Energia, o jogo é intencionalmente executado a uma baixa taxa de fotogramas a fim de preservar a energia da bateria, prolongando assim o tempo de jogo em bateria." "[english]SFUI_Settings_PowerSavings_Info" "In Power Savings Mode, the game intentionally runs at a low frame rate in order to preserve battery power, extending the amount of time that you can play on battery power." "SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Info" "O Anti-aliasing proporciona uma aparência suave nos contornos das formas, eliminando contornos denteados. Aumentar a qualidade do anti-aliasing pode diminuir o desempenho dos gráficos." "[english]SFUI_Settings_Antialiasing_Info" "Anti-aliasing provides a smooth appearance at the edges of geometry, eliminating jagged edges. Increasing anti-aliasing quality can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Info" "Aumentar as definições de filtragem de texturas melhora o aparência das texturas no jogo. Aumentar a qualidade da filtragem pode diminuir o desempenho gráfico." "[english]SFUI_Settings_Filtering_Info" "Increasing the texture filtering setting improves the appearance of textures in the game. Increasing filtering quality can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_WaitForVSync_Info" "As opções de Sincronização Vertical afetam o equilíbrio entre a qualidade visual e o tempo de resposta do rato. O Buffering Triplo é recomendado para uma experiência mais suave. A definição Desativada pode minimizar o tempo de resposta do rato à custa de cortes na imagem." "[english]SFUI_Settings_WaitForVSync_Info" "Vertical sync options affect the tradeoff between visual quality and mouse lag. Triple Buffering is recommended for the smoothest experience. The Disabled setting may minimize mouse lag at the cost of visual tearing." "SFUI_Settings_QueuedMode_Info" "A renderização multinúcleo permite que o CS:GO utilize os múltiplos CPUs presentes no teu sistema. A definição Desativada pode fornecer uma maior taxa de fotogramas mas com menor qualidade visual." "[english]SFUI_Settings_QueuedMode_Info" "Multicore rendering allows CS:GO to utilize the multiple CPUs present in your system. The Disabled setting may provide a higher framerate but with lower visual quality." "SFUI_Settings_ShaderDetail_Info" "O detalhe do shader controla a sofisticação dos efeitos de luz e sombras aplicados nas superfícies no jogo. Definições altas aumentam a qualidade visual, mas podem diminuir o desempenho dos gráficos." "[english]SFUI_Settings_ShaderDetail_Info" "Shader detail controls the sophistication of the lighting and shading effects applied to surfaces in the game. Higher settings increase visual quality but can degrade graphics performance." "SFUI_Settings_CPUDetail_Info" "O detalhe dos efeitos controla a complexidade de certos efeitos visuais no jogo, assim como a distância de renderização. A diminuição do detalhe dos efeitos poderá melhorar o desempenho, mas também poderá aumentar o aparecimento repentino dos modelos." "[english]SFUI_Settings_CPUDetail_Info" "Effect detail controls the complexity of certain visual effects in the game as well as the draw-distance. Decreasing the effect detail may improve performance but will also increase model pop-in artifacts." "SFUI_Settings_ModelDetail_Info" "A definição do detalhe de modelo / textura controla a resolução das texturas e a complexidade geométrica dos modelos no jogo. Diminuir esta definição poderá melhorar o desempenho em sistemas com menos capacidade, mas diminuirá a qualidade da imagem." "[english]SFUI_Settings_ModelDetail_Info" "The model / texture detail setting controls the resolution of textures and geometric complexity of models in the game. Decreasing this setting may improve performance on low-end systems, but will degrade image quality." "SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool_Mem_Info" "A memória disponível para a CPU pode ser afetada por outros programas, tais como antivírus a correr em segundo plano." "[english]SFUI_Settings_Paged_Pool_Mem_Info" "Available CPU memory may be affected by other programs, such as anti-virus programs running in the background." "SFUI_Settings_Chat_ButtonLabel" "Enviar" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Chat_ButtonLabel" "Send" "SFUI_Settings_Chat_Say" "Dizer a todos" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Chat_Say" "Say to all" "SFUI_Settings_Chat_SayTeam" "Dizer à equipa" "[english]SFUI_Settings_Chat_SayTeam" "Say to team" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Title" "Selecionar Arma" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Title" "Select Weapon" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Autobuy" "Comprar Automaticamente" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Autobuy" "Auto Buy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Buyprev" "Comprar de novo anterior" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Buyprev" "Re-Buy Previous" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Done" "Fechar" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Done" "Close" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Pistols" "PISTOLAS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Pistols" "PISTOLS" "SFUI_BuyMenu_HeavyWeapons" "PESADAS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_HeavyWeapons" "HEAVY" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Rifles" "ESPINGARDAS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Rifles" "RIFLES" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Equipment" "EQUIPAMENTO" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Equipment" "GEAR" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Loadouts" "PREDEFINIÇÕES" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Loadouts" "LOADOUTS" "SFUI_BuyMenu_SMGs" "SMGs" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_SMGs" "SMGs" "SFUI_BuyMenu_SelectWeapon" "Selecionar\nArma" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_SelectWeapon" "Select\nWeapon" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CurrentInventory" "Inventário Atual" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CurrentInventory" "Current Inventory" "SFUI_BuyMenu_LoadoutNumber" "Predefinição %s1" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_LoadoutNumber" "Loadout %s1" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Firepower" "POTÊNCIA DE FOGO" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Firepower" "FIREPOWER" "SFUI_BuyMenu_FireRate" "FREQUÊNCIA DE DISPARO" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_FireRate" "FIRERATE" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Accuracy" "PRECISÃO" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Accuracy" "ACCURACY" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Movement" "VELOCIDADE DE MOVIMENTO" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Movement" "MOVEMENT RATE" "SFUI_BuyMenu_AmmoLabel" "MUNIÇÃO:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_AmmoLabel" "AMMO:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_SpecialLabel" "ESPECIAL:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_SpecialLabel" "SPECIAL:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CountryLabel" "PAÍS DE ORIGEM:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CountryLabel" "COUNTRY:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_TimerText" "Tempo de Compra Restante:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_TimerText" "Buy Time Left :" "SFUI_BuyMenu_OutOfTime" "O período de compra de %s1 segundos terminou" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_OutOfTime" "The %s1 second buy period has expired" "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotInBuyZone" "Saíste da zona de compra" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotInBuyZone" "You have left the buy zone" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Select" "${lshoulder} Comprar Automaticamente ${rshoulder} Comprar Anterior ${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Selecionar" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Select" "${lshoulder} Autobuy ${rshoulder} Buy Previous ${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Select" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Buy" "${lshoulder} Comprar Automaticamente ${rshoulder} Comprar Anterior ${cancel} Cancelar ${confirm} Comprar" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Help_Buy" "${lshoulder} Autobuy ${rshoulder} Buy Previous ${cancel} Cancel ${confirm} Buy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_glock" "Áustria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_glock" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_glock" "3x Disparo de Rajada" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_glock" "3x Burst-Fire" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_usp" "Alemanha" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_usp" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_usp" "Silenciador" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_usp" "Silencer" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p228" "Suiça/Alemanha" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p228" "Switz/Ger" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p228" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p228" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_deagle" "Israel" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_deagle" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_deagle" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_deagle" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_fiveseven" "Bélgica" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_fiveseven" "Belgium" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_fiveseven" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_fiveseven" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_elite" "Itália" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_elite" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_elite" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_elite" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p250" "Suíça/Alemanha/E.U.A." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p250" "Switzerland/Ger/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p250" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p250" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_hkp2000" "Suiça/Alemanha/E.U.A." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_hkp2000" "Switzerland/Ger/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_hkp2000" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_hkp2000" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m3" "Itália" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m3" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m3" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m3" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_xm1014" "Itália" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_xm1014" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_xm1014" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_xm1014" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tmp" "Áustria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tmp" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tmp" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tmp" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp5navy" "Alemanha" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp5navy" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp5navy" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp5navy" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mac10" "E.U.A." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mac10" "U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mac10" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mac10" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ump45" "Alemanha" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ump45" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ump45" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ump45" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p90" "Bélgica" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_p90" "Belgium" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p90" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_p90" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_famas" "França" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_famas" "France" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_famas" "3x Disparo de Rajada" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_famas" "3x Burst-Fire" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scout" "Áustria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scout" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scout" "Zoom 2x" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scout" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ak47" "Rússia" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ak47" "Russia" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ak47" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ak47" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galil" "Israel" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galil" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galil" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galil" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galilar" "Israel" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_galilar" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galilar" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_galilar" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m4a1" "E.U.A." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m4a1" "U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m4a1" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m4a1" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_aug" "Áustria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_aug" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_aug" "Zoom" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_aug" "Zoom" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg550" "Suíça" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg550" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSG550Special_sg550" "Zoom 2x" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSG550Special_sg550" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg552" "Suíça" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg552" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg552" "Zoom" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg552" "Zoom" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg556" "Suíça" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sg556" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg556" "Zoom" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sg556" "Zoom" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_awp" "Reino Unido" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_awp" "U.K." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_awp" "Zoom 2x" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_awp" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_g3sg1" "Alemanha" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_g3sg1" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_g3sg1" "Zoom 2x" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_g3sg1" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m249" "Bélgica" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_m249" "Belgium" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m249" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_m249" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_negev" "Israel" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_negev" "Israel" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_negev" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_negev" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_nova" "Itália" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_nova" "Italy" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_nova" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_nova" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sawedoff" "E.U.A." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_sawedoff" "U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sawedoff" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_sawedoff" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mag7" "África do Sul" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mag7" "South Africa" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mag7" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mag7" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tec9" "Suécia/E.U.A." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_tec9" "Sweden/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tec9" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_tec9" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar17" "Bélgica/E.U.A." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar17" "Belgium/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar17" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar17" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar20" "Bélgica/E.U.A." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_scar20" "Belgium/U.S.A." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar20" "Zoom 2x" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_scar20" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ssg08" "Áustria" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_ssg08" "Austria" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ssg08" "Zoom 2x" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_ssg08" "Zoom 2x" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp7" "Alemanha" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp7" "Germany" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp7" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp7" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_bizon" "Rússia" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_bizon" "Russia" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_bizon" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_bizon" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp9" "Suíça" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoOrigin_mp9" "Switzerland" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp9" "N/D" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoSpecial_mp9" "N/A" "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_taser" "Uma arma de curto alcance, de um único disparo, que entrega uma dose letal de eletricidade ao alvo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_taser" "A close range, one shot weapon that delivers a lethal dose of electricity to the target." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_decoy" "Um aparelho de distração que pode ser usado para simular a descarga de armas." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_decoy" "A diversionary device that can be used to simulate weapons discharge." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_assaultsuit" "Proteção para o corpo e cabeça contra projéteis e explosivos." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_assaultsuit" "Body and head protection against projectiles and explosives." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_molotov" "Um aparelho explosivo e incendiário que cobre o ponto de impacto com chamas por pouco tempo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_molotov" "An explosive, incendiary device that covers the point of impact in flames for a short time." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_smokegrenade" "Um aparelho de diversão que pode ser usado para fornecer cobertura temporária e assim permitir o movimento de um lado para o outro." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_smokegrenade" "A diversionary device that can be used to provide temporary cover for moving from place to place." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_flashbang" "Faz um grande barulho e cria um flash cegante quando atirado ao inimigo (puxar cavilha primeiro). Útil para causar distrações antes de entrar numa área." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_flashbang" "Makes a loud noise and blinding flash when thrown at enemy (pull pin first). Useful for causing distractions before entering an area." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_hegrenade" "Um aparelho altamente explosivo. Puxa a cavilha, larga o gatilho e atira." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_hegrenade" "A high-explosive device. Pull the pin, release the spoon and throw." "SFUI_Freeze_Skip" "${confirm}Saltar" "[english]SFUI_Freeze_Skip" "${confirm}Skip" "SFUI_Freeze_Snapshot" "[%s1]Guardar este momento" "[english]SFUI_Freeze_Snapshot" "[%s1] Save this moment" "SFUI_CONNWARNING_HEADER" "AVISO: Problema de ligação" "[english]SFUI_CONNWARNING_HEADER" "WARNING: Connection problem" "SFUI_CONNWARNING_BODY" "Desligar automaticamente em:" "[english]SFUI_CONNWARNING_BODY" "Auto-disconnect in: " "SFUI_LEADERBOARD" "TABELAS DE LIDERANÇA" "[english]SFUI_LEADERBOARD" "LEADERBOARDS" "SFUI_LBoard_Mode" "MODO" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Mode" "MODE" "SFUI_LBoard_Filter" "FILTROS" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Filter" "FILTER" "SFUI_LBoard_Entries" "TOTAL DE ENTRADAS: 0" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Entries" "TOTAL ENTRIES: 0" "SFUI_LBoard_Updating" "A ATUALIZAR DO SERVIDOR..." "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Updating" "UPDATING FROM SERVER..." "SFUI_LBRank" "CLASSIFICAÇÃO:" "[english]SFUI_LBRank" "RANK:" "SFUI_LBCat_Lt" "${ltrigger}" "[english]SFUI_LBCat_Lt" "${ltrigger}" "SFUI_LBCat_Rt" "${rtrigger}" "[english]SFUI_LBCat_Rt" "${rtrigger}" "SFUI_LBMode_X" "${west}" "[english]SFUI_LBMode_X" "${west}" "SFUI_LBFilter_Y" "${north}" "[english]SFUI_LBFilter_Y" "${north}" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Fechar ${confirm} Mostrar Cartão de Jogador ${dpad} Navegar na Lista" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Close ${confirm} Show Gamer Card ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation_PS3" "${cancel} Fechar ${dpad} Navegar na Lista" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation_PS3" "${cancel} Close ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_LB_Status" "A ler os dados da tabela de liderança..." "[english]SFUI_LB_Status" "Reading leaderboard data..." "SFUI_LB_NoResults" "Nenhum resultado encontrado." "[english]SFUI_LB_NoResults" "No results found." "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_KillDeath" "Rácio Atual de Abatidos / Morte" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_KillDeath" "Current Kill / Death Ratio" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Wins" "Total de Vitórias" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Wins" "Total Wins" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Stars" "Total de Estrelas" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_Stars" "Total Stars" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_GamesPlayed" "Total de Jogos" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_GamesPlayed" "Total Games Played" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Overall" "Geral" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Overall" "Overall" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Friends" "Amigos" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Friends" "Friends" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Me" "Eu" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Me" "Me" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_All" "Todos" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_All" "All" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCasual" "Casual Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCasual" "Online Casual" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCompetitive" "Competitivo Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineCompetitive" "Online Competitive" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePro" "Profissional Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePro" "Online Pro" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePrivate" "Privado Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlinePrivate" "Online Private" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCasual" "Casual Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCasual" "Local Casual" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCompetitive" "Competitivo Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineCompetitive" "Local Competitive" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflinePro" "Profissional Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflinePro" "Local Pro" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameProgressive" "Corrida às Armas Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameProgressive" "Online Arms Race" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameBomb" "Demolição Online" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OnlineGunGameBomb" "Online Demolition" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameProgressive" "Corrida às Armas Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameProgressive" "Local Arms Race" "SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameBomb" "Demolição Local" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardMode_OfflineGunGameBomb" "Local Demolition" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Rank" "Classificação" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Rank" "Rank" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "Gamertag" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamerTag" "Gamertag" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_KD" "A/M" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_KD" "K/D" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HeadShots" "Tiros na Cabeça" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HeadShots" "Head Shots" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Hits" "Acertos" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Hits" "Hits" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Kills" "Abatidos" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Kills" "Kills" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WinPercent" "% de Vitórias" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WinPercent" "Win %" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Wins" "Vitórias" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Wins" "Wins" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Losses" "Derrotas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Losses" "Losses" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsCT" "Vitórias como CT" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsCT" "Wins as CT" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsT" "Vitórias como T" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_WonAsT" "Wins as T" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Stars" "Estrelas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Stars" "Stars" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsSet" "Bombas Armadas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsSet" "Bomb Set" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDetonated" "Bombas Detonadas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDetonated" "Bombs Detonated" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDefused" "Bombas Desarmadas" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_BombsDefused" "Bombs Defused" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HostagesRescued" "Reféns Resgatados" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_HostagesRescued" "Hostages Rescued" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Total" "Total" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Total" "Total" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageScore" "Pontuação" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageScore" "Score" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageKillsRound" "Abatidos Por Ronda" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageKillsRound" "Kills Per Round" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDeathsRound" "Mortes Por Ronda" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDeathsRound" "Deaths Per Round" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDmgRound" "Danos Por Ronda" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AverageDmgRound" "Damage Per Round" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TotalMVP" "Total de MVP" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TotalMVP" "MVP Total" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamesTotal" "Total" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_GamesTotal" "Total" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TimePlayed" "Tempo Jogado" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_TimePlayed" "Time Played" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsCT" "Jogado como CT" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsCT" "Played as CT" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsT" "Jogado como T" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_PlayedAsT" "Played as T" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Medals" "Total de Prémios" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_Medals" "Awards Total" "SFUI_GameUI_OnlineErrorMessageTitle" "Erro de Multijogador" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_OnlineErrorMessageTitle" "Multiplayer Error" "SFUI_GameUI_ErrorDismiss" "${confirm} Ok" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ErrorDismiss" "${confirm} Dismiss" "SFUI_GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "Deves estar ligado a um perfil de jogador com privilégios de multijogador para jogares online." "[english]SFUI_GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "You must be signed in to a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to play online." "SFUI_GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "Precisas de iniciar sessão em Xbox LIVE para aceder a esta funcionalidade. Gostarias de iniciar sessão agora?" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "You need to sign in to Xbox LIVE to access this feature. Would you like to sign in now?" "SFUI_GameUI_LostServerXLSP" "O servidor %s não está disponível neste momento. Por favor, tenta novamente mais tarde." "[english]SFUI_GameUI_LostServerXLSP" "The %s server is not available at this time. Please try again later." "SFUI_GameUI_DedicatedSearchFailed" "Falha ao encontrar um servidor dedicado." "[english]SFUI_GameUI_DedicatedSearchFailed" "Failed to find a dedicated server." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_Unknown" "Ocorreu um erro com a tua ligação. Por favor, tenta novamente." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_Unknown" "An error occurred with your connection. Please try again." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "A ligação a Xbox LIVE foi perdida." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "The connection to Xbox LIVE was lost." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession" "O cliente foi removido da sessão de anfitrião." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession" "Client was removed from host session." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_Idle" "Foste expulso devido a inatividade." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_Idle" "You have been kicked due to inactivity." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedFromServer" "A tua ligação ao servidor expirou." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedFromServer" "Your connection to the server has timed out." "SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamKilling" "Foste expulso por matar demasiados companheiros de equipa." "[english]SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamKilling" "You have been kicked for killing too many teammates." "SFUI_Disconnect_Title" "Desconectado" "[english]SFUI_Disconnect_Title" "Disconnected" "SFUI_SessionError_Unknown" "Ocorreu um erro com a tua ligação à sessão. Por favor, tenta novamente dentro de momentos." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Unknown" "An error occurred with your connection to session. Please try again in a few moments." "SFUI_SessionError_NotAvailable" "A sessão já não está disponível." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_NotAvailable" "The session is no longer available." "SFUI_SessionError_Create" "Falha ao criar a sessão. Verifica a ligação e tenta novamente." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Create" "Failed to create session. Please check your connection and try again." "SFUI_SessionError_Connect" "Falha ao ligar ao servidor de jogo." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Connect" "Failed to connect to the game server." "SFUI_SessionError_Full" "Não foi possível entrar na sessão porque não havia posições disponíveis suficientes." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Full" "Failed to join session because the session did not have enough open slots." "SFUI_SessionError_Kicked" "Foste expulso da sessão." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Kicked" "You have been kicked from the session." "SFUI_SessionError_Migrate" "O líder do lobby abandonou o jogo." "[english]SFUI_SessionError_Migrate" "Lobby leader has left the game." "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTitle" "Falha ao carregar os dados do título" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTitle" "Gamer profile load fail" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedMsg" "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar os dados do título. Gostarias de tentar reiniciar os dados do título perdendo todo o progresso e definições de jogo?" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedMsg" "There was an error loading the gamer profile. Would you like to attempt to reset the gamer profile losing all game progress and settings?" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTrialMsg" "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar os dados do título. O modo de demonstração requer dados do título válidos" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataLoadFailedTrialMsg" "There was an error loading the gamer profile. Trial mode requires valid gamer profile" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedTitle" "Falha ao escrever dados do título" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedTitle" "Gamer profile write fail" "SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedMsg" "Ocorreu um erro ao escrever os dados do título. Não foi guardado qualquer progresso de jogo" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ProfileDataWriteFailedMsg" "There was an error writing the gamer profile. No game progress has been saved" "SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlockedTitle" "Compra o Jogo Completo!" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlockedTitle" "Purchase the Full Game!" "SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlocked" "Precisas de comprar o jogo completo para teres acesso a esta funcionalidade!" "[english]SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlocked" "You must purchase the full game in order to access this feature!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "Vai rebentar!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Fire_in_the_hole" "Fire in the hole!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Molotov_in_the_hole" "Molotov a caminho!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Molotov_in_the_hole" "FireBomb on the way!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang_in_the_hole" "Atirei uma Flash!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Flashbang_in_the_hole" "Flashbang Out!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_in_the_hole" "Atirei uma Granada de Fumo!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Smoke_in_the_hole" "Smoke Out!" "SFUI_TitlesTXT_Decoy_in_the_hole" "Atirei um Embuste!" "[english]SFUI_TitlesTXT_Decoy_in_the_hole" "Decoy Out!" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_NAME" "Alguém Pôs Bomba Em Nós" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_NAME" "Someone Set Up Us The Bomb" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_DESC" "Vence a ronda armando a bomba" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_DESC" "Win a round by planting a bomb" "BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "Boomala Boomala" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "Boomala Boomala" "BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Arma 100 bombas" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Plant 100 bombs" "BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "O Bloqueador de Dor" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "The Hurt Blocker" "BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Desarma 100 bombas com sucesso" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Defuse 100 bombs successfully" "TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "Corte Rápido" "[english]TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_NAME" "Quick Cut" "TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Desarma cinco bombas no modo Demolição" "[english]TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "Defuse five bombs in Demolition mode" "TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "Rastilho Curto" "[english]TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_NAME" "Short Fuse" "TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Arma cinco bombas no Modo Demolição" "[english]TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "Plant five bombs in Demolition Mode" "KILL_ENEMY_LOW_NAME" "Recolhedor de Corpos" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LOW_NAME" "Body Bagger" "KILL_ENEMY_LOW_DESC" "Mata 25 inimigos" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LOW_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies" "KILL_ENEMY_MED_NAME" "Homem dos Cadáveres" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MED_NAME" "Corpseman" "KILL_ENEMY_MED_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MED_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies" "KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_NAME" "Deus da Guerra" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_NAME" "God of War" "KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_DESC" "Mata 10.000 inimigos" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HIGH_DESC" "Kill 10,000 enemies" "BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_NAME" "Foi por Pouco" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_NAME" "Second to None" "BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_DESC" "Desarma uma bomba com sucesso, restando menos de um segundo" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_CLOSE_CALL_DESC" "Successfully defuse a bomb with less than one second remaining" "BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_NAME" "Preparado para o Combate" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_NAME" "Combat Ready" "BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_DESC" "Desarma uma bomba com um kit quando terias falhado sem um" "[english]BOMB_DEFUSE_NEEDED_KIT_DESC" "Defuse a bomb with a kit when it would have failed without one" "KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_NAME" "Contra-Contra-Terrorista" "[english]KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_NAME" "Counter-Counter-Terrorist" "KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_DESC" "Mata um Contra-Terrorista enquanto ele está a desarmar a bomba" "[english]KILL_BOMB_DEFUSER_DESC" "Kill a Counter-Terrorist while he is defusing the bomb" "WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_NAME" "Ritual do Primeiro Desarmamento" "[english]WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_NAME" "Rite of First Defusal" "WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_DESC" "Vence a ronda desarmando a bomba" "[english]WIN_BOMB_DEFUSE_DESC" "Win a round by defusing a bomb" "BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_NAME" "Rastilho Curto" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_NAME" "Short Fuse" "BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_DESC" "Planta uma bomba em 25 segundos (excluindo o modo Demolição)" "[english]BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_DESC" "Plant a bomb within 25 seconds (excluding Demolition mode)" "WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Ordem Mundial do Amador" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Newb World Order" "WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Vence dez rondas" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Win ten rounds" "WIN_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Pro-movido" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Pro-moted" "WIN_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Vence 200 rondas" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Win 200 rounds" "WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "O Maior Leet" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Leet-er of Men" "WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Vence 5000 rondas" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 5,000 rounds" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Traz uma Faca para um Tiroteio" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Bring a Knife to a Gunfight" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Vence uma ronda no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Win one match in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Continua a Apunhalar" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Keep on Stabbin" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Vence 25 rondas no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Win 25 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Abate do Século" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Kill of the Century" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 100 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_NAME" "O Profissional" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_NAME" "The Professional" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_DESC" "Vence 500 rondas no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_EXTREME_DESC" "Win 500 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_NAME" "Comedor de Pizza Fria" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_NAME" "Cold Pizza Eater" "WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_DESC" "Vence 1000 rondas no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]WIN_GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_ULTIMATE_DESC" "Win 1,000 matches in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Praticar Praticar Praticar" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Practice Practice Practice" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Joga 100 partidas no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Play 100 matches of Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Colecionador de Armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Gun Collector" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Joga 500 partidas no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Play 500 matches of Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Rei da Matança" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "King of the Kill" "GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Joga 5000 partidas no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_ROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Play 5,000 matches of Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_NAME" "Pontos a Teu Favor" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_NAME" "Points in Your Favor" "GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_DESC" "Inflige um total de 2500 pontos de dano a inimigos" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW_DESC" "Inflict 2,500 total points of damage to enemies" "GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_NAME" "Fizeste os Teus Pontos" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_NAME" "You've Made Your Points" "GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_DESC" "Inflige um total de 50.000 pontos de dano a inimigos" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_MED_DESC" "Inflict 50,000 total points of damage to enemies" "GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_NAME" "Um Milhão de Pontos de Ferrugem" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_NAME" "A Million Points of Blight" "GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_DESC" "Inflige um total de 1.000.000 de pontos de dano a inimigos" "[english]GIVE_DAMAGE_HIGH_DESC" "Inflict 1,000,000 total points of damage to enemies" "KILLING_SPREE_NAME" "Balístico" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_NAME" "Ballistic" "KILLING_SPREE_DESC" "Mata quatro jogadores inimigos em quinze segundos" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_DESC" "Kill four enemy players within fifteen seconds" "KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_NAME" "Perdido e Enc0wntrado" "[english]KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_NAME" "Lost and F0wnd" "KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_DESC" "Mata um inimigo com uma arma que ele tenha largado durante a ronda atual" "[english]KILL_WITH_OWN_GUN_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a gun they dropped during the current round" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_NAME" "Diplomacia de Cowboys" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_NAME" "Cowboy Diplomacy" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_DESC" "Resgata 100 reféns" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_LOW_DESC" "Rescue 100 hostages" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_NAME" "SAR Czar" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_NAME" "SAR Czar" "RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_DESC" "Resgata 500 reféns" "[english]RESCUE_HOSTAGES_MED_DESC" "Rescue 500 hostages" "RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_NAME" "Bom Pastor" "[english]RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_NAME" "Good Shepherd" "RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_DESC" "Resgata todos os reféns numa única ronda" "[english]RESCUE_ALL_HOSTAGES_DESC" "Rescue all hostages in a single round" "FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_NAME" "Libertos Com Velocidade" "[english]FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_NAME" "Freed With Speed" "FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_DESC" "Resgata todos os reféns em 90 segundos" "[english]FAST_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_DESC" "Rescue all hostages within 90 seconds" "KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_NAME" "Poupança de Munição" "[english]KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_NAME" "Ammo Conservation" "KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_DESC" "Mata dois jogadores inimigos com uma única bala" "[english]KILL_TWO_WITH_ONE_SHOT_DESC" "Kill two enemy players with a single bullet" "EARN_MONEY_LOW_NAME" "Títulos de Guerra" "[english]EARN_MONEY_LOW_NAME" "War Bonds" "EARN_MONEY_LOW_DESC" "Ganha $125.000 de dinheiro no total" "[english]EARN_MONEY_LOW_DESC" "Earn $125,000 total cash" "EARN_MONEY_MED_NAME" "Despojos de Guerra" "[english]EARN_MONEY_MED_NAME" "Spoils of War" "EARN_MONEY_MED_DESC" "Ganha $2.500.000 de dinheiro no total" "[english]EARN_MONEY_MED_DESC" "Earn $2,500,000 total cash" "EARN_MONEY_HIGH_NAME" "Dinheiro Sangrento" "[english]EARN_MONEY_HIGH_NAME" "Blood Money" "EARN_MONEY_HIGH_DESC" "Ganha $50.000.000 de dinheiro no total" "[english]EARN_MONEY_HIGH_DESC" "Earn $50,000,000 total cash" "DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_NAME" "Enterro Prematuro" "[english]DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_NAME" "Premature Burial" "DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_DESC" "Mata um inimigo com uma granada depois de morreres" "[english]DEAD_GRENADE_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a grenade after dying" "KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_NAME" "Especialista Desert Eagle" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_NAME" "Desert Eagle Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a Desert Eagle" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_DEAGLE_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the Desert Eagle" "KILL_ENEMY_USP_NAME" "Especialista USP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_USP_NAME" "USP Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_USP_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a USP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_USP_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the USP" "KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_NAME" "Especialista Glock-18" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_NAME" "Glock-18 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a Glock-18" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GLOCK_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the Glock-18" "KILL_ENEMY_P228_NAME" "Especialista P228" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P228_NAME" "P228 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_P228_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a P228" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P228_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the P228" "KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_NAME" "Especialista Dual Berettas" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_NAME" "Dual Berettas Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_DESC" "Mata 100 inimigos com as Dual Berettas" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_ELITE_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Dual Berettas" "KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_NAME" "Especialista Five-SeveN" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_NAME" "Five-SeveN Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_DESC" "Mata 100 inimigos com a Five-SeveN" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FIVESEVEN_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Five-SeveN" "KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_NAME" "Especialista PP-Bizon" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_NAME" "PP-Bizon Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a PP-Bizon" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BIZON_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the PP-Bizon" "KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_NAME" "Especialista Tec-9" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_NAME" "Tec-9 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a Tec-9" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEC9_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Tec-9" "KILL_ENEMY_TASER_NAME" "Especialista Zeus x27" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TASER_NAME" "Zeus x27 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_TASER_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a Zeus x27" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TASER_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the Zeus x27" "KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_NAME" "Especialista P2000 Tactical" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_NAME" "P2000 Tactical Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a P2000" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HKP2000_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the P2000" "KILL_ENEMY_P250_NAME" "Especialista P250" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P250_NAME" "P250 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_P250_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a P250" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P250_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the P250" "META_PISTOL_NAME" "Mestre das Pistolas" "[english]META_PISTOL_NAME" "Pistol Master" "META_PISTOL_DESC" "Desbloqueia todas as proezas de abates com Pistola" "[english]META_PISTOL_DESC" "Unlock all Pistol kill achievements" "KILL_ENEMY_AWP_NAME" "Especialista AWP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AWP_NAME" "AWP Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_AWP_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a AWP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AWP_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the AWP" "KILL_ENEMY_AK47_NAME" "Especialista AK-47" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AK47_NAME" "AK-47 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_AK47_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a AK-47" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AK47_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the AK-47" "KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_NAME" "Especialista M4A4" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_NAME" "M4A4 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a M4A4" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M4A1_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the M4A4" "KILL_ENEMY_AUG_NAME" "Especialista AUG" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AUG_NAME" "AUG Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_AUG_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a AUG" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_AUG_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the AUG" "KILL_ENEMY_SG552_NAME" "Especialista SG 552" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG552_NAME" "SG 552 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SG552_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a SG 552" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG552_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SG 552" "KILL_ENEMY_SG550_NAME" "Especialista SG 550" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG550_NAME" "SG 550 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SG550_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a SG 550" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG550_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SG 550" "KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_NAME" "Especialista Galil" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_NAME" "Galil Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a Galil" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALIL_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the Galil" "KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_NAME" "Especialista Galil AR" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_NAME" "Galil AR Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a Galil AR" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_GALILAR_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the Galil AR" "KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_NAME" "Especialista FAMAS" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_NAME" "FAMAS Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a FAMAS" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_FAMAS_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the FAMAS" "KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_NAME" "Especialista Scout" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_NAME" "Scout Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a Scout" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCOUT_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the Scout" "KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_NAME" "Especialista G3SG1" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_NAME" "G3SG1 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a G3SG1" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_G3SG1_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the G3SG1" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_NAME" "Especialista SCAR-17" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_NAME" "SCAR-17 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a SCAR-17" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR17_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the SCAR-17" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_NAME" "Especialista SCAR-20" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_NAME" "SCAR-20 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a SCAR-20" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SCAR20_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SCAR-20" "KILL_ENEMY_SG556_NAME" "Especialista SG553" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG556_NAME" "SG553 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SG556_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a SG553" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SG556_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the SG553" "KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_NAME" "Especialista SSG 08" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_NAME" "SSG 08 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a SSG 08" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SSG08_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the SSG 08" "META_RIFLE_NAME" "Mestre da Espingarda" "[english]META_RIFLE_NAME" "Rifle Master" "META_RIFLE_DESC" "Desbloqueia todas as proezas de abates com espingarda" "[english]META_RIFLE_DESC" "Unlock all rifle kill achievements" "KILL_ENEMY_P90_NAME" "Especialista P90" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P90_NAME" "P90 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_P90_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a P90" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_P90_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the P90" "KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_NAME" "Especialista MP5" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_NAME" "MP5 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a MP5" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP5NAVY_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the MP5" "KILL_ENEMY_TMP_NAME" "Especialista TMP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TMP_NAME" "TMP Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_TMP_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a TMP" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TMP_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the TMP" "KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_NAME" "Especialista MAC-10" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_NAME" "MAC-10 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a MAC-10" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAC10_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the MAC-10" "KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_NAME" "Especialista UMP-45" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_NAME" "UMP-45 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a UMP-45" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_UMP45_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the UMP-45" "KILL_ENEMY_MP7_NAME" "Especialista MP7" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP7_NAME" "MP7 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MP7_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a MP7" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP7_DESC" "Kill 1,000 enemies with the MP7" "KILL_ENEMY_MP9_NAME" "Especialista MP9" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP9_NAME" "MP9 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MP9_DESC" "Mata 1000 inimigos com a MP9" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MP9_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the MP9" "META_SMG_NAME" "Mestre da Pistola-metralhadora" "[english]META_SMG_NAME" "Sub-Machine Gun Master" "META_SMG_DESC" "Desbloqueia todas as proezas de abates com pistolas-metralhadora" "[english]META_SMG_DESC" "Unlock all sub-machine gun kill achievements" "KILL_ENEMY_M3_NAME" "Especialista Caçadeira M3" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M3_NAME" "M3 Shotgun Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_M3_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a Caçadeira M3" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M3_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the M3 Shotgun" "KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_NAME" "Especialista XM1014" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_NAME" "XM1014 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a XM1014" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_XM1014_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the XM1014" "KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_NAME" "Especialista MAG-7" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_NAME" "MAG-7 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a MAG-7" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MAG7_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the MAG-7" "KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_NAME" "Especialista da Caçadeira Curta" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_NAME" "Sawed-Off Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a Caçadeira Curta" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_SAWEDOFF_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the Sawed-Off" "KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_NAME" "Especialista Nova" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_NAME" "Nova Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_DESC" "Mata 200 inimigos com a Nova" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NOVA_DESC" "Kill 200 enemies with the Nova" "META_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Mestre das Caçadeiras" "[english]META_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Shotgun Master" "META_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Desbloqueia todas as proezas de abates com caçadeira" "[english]META_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Unlock all shotgun kill achievements" "KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_NAME" "Especialista Granada HE" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_NAME" "HE Grenade Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a Granada HE" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_HEGRENADE_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the HE grenade" "KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_NAME" "Especialista Molotov" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_NAME" "Flame Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com o Molotov" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_MOLOTOV_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the Molotov or Incendiary grenade" "KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_NAME" "Perito em Facas" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_NAME" "Knife Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_DESC" "Mata 100 inimigos com a faca" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with the knife" "KILL_ENEMY_M249_NAME" "Perito em M249" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M249_NAME" "M249 Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_M249_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a M249" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_M249_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the M249" "KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_NAME" "Especialista Negev" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_NAME" "Negev Expert" "KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_DESC" "Mata 500 inimigos com a Negev" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_NEGEV_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies with the Negev" "META_WEAPONMASTER_NAME" "Mestre De Armas" "[english]META_WEAPONMASTER_NAME" "Master At Arms" "META_WEAPONMASTER_DESC" "Desbloqueia todas as proezas de abates com armas" "[english]META_WEAPONMASTER_DESC" "Unlock every weapon kill achievement" "KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_NAME" "O Exterminador" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_NAME" "The Cleaner" "KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_DESC" "Mata cinco inimigos numa só ronda" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_TEAM_DESC" "Kill five enemies in a single round" "KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_NAME" "Hora da Variedade" "[english]KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_NAME" "Variety Hour" "KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_DESC" "Mata inimigos com cinco armas diferentes numa única ronda" "[english]KILLS_WITH_MULTIPLE_GUNS_DESC" "Get kills with five different guns in a single round" "KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_NAME" "Pastor Morto" "[english]KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_NAME" "Dead Shepherd" "KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_DESC" "Mata um inimigo que esteja a guiar os reféns sem ferir qualquer refém" "[english]KILL_HOSTAGE_RESCUER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is leading the hostages without injuring the hostages" "LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_NAME" "Guerra de Atrito" "[english]LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_NAME" "War of Attrition" "LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_DESC" "Sê o último jogador vivo numa ronda com cinco jogadores na tua equipa" "[english]LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE_DESC" "Be the last player alive in a round with five players on your team" "KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_NAME" "Bala Mágica" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_NAME" "Magic Bullet" "KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_DESC" "Mata um inimigo com a última bala do carregador (excluindo espingardas sniper e Zeus x27)" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_LAST_BULLET_DESC" "Kill an enemy with the last bullet in your magazine (excluding sniper rifles and Zeus x27)" "KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_NAME" "Mata Um, Chacina Dois" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_NAME" "Kill One, Get One Spree" "KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_DESC" "Mata um jogador inimigo que tenha acabado de matar quatro dos teus companheiros de equipa num espaço de 15 segundos" "[english]KILLING_SPREE_ENDER_DESC" "Kill an enemy player who has just killed four of your teammates within 15 seconds" "BREAK_WINDOWS_NAME" "Vândalo das Janelas" "[english]BREAK_WINDOWS_NAME" "A World of Pane" "BREAK_WINDOWS_DESC" "No Office, dispara contra 14 janelas numa única ronda" "[english]BREAK_WINDOWS_DESC" "Shoot out 14 windows in a single round on Office" "HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Sem Visão da Batalha" "[english]HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Battle Sight Zero" "HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Mata 250 inimigos com tiros na cabeça" "[english]HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Kill 250 enemies with headshots" "DAMAGE_NO_KILL_NAME" "O Amaciador" "[english]DAMAGE_NO_KILL_NAME" "Primer" "DAMAGE_NO_KILL_DESC" "Causa pelo menos 95% de danos num inimigo que é depois morto por outro jogador" "[english]DAMAGE_NO_KILL_DESC" "Do at least 95% damage to an enemy who is then killed by a another player" "KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_NAME" "Acabar Com os Educados" "[english]KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_NAME" "Finishing Schooled" "KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_DESC" "Mata um inimigo cuja vida tenha sido reduzida para menos de 5% por outros jogadores" "[english]KILL_LOW_DAMAGE_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has been reduced to less than 5% health by other players" "KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_NAME" "Alvejado Com As Calças Em Baixo" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_NAME" "Shot With Their Pants Down" "KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_DESC" "Mata um inimigo quando este estiver a recarregar a arma" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING_DESC" "Kill an enemy while they are reloading" "KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_NAME" "Ambição Cega" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_NAME" "Blind Ambition" "KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_DESC" "Mata 25 inimigos cegados por granadas \"flashbang\"" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_BLINDED_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies blinded by flashbangs" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_NAME" "Fúria Cega" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_NAME" "Blind Fury" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_DESC" "Mata um inimigo enquanto estiveres cegado por causa de uma granada \"flashbang\"" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_DESC" "Kill an enemy while you are blinded from a flashbang" "KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_NAME" "Armas Amigáveis" "[english]KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_NAME" "Friendly Firearms" "KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_DESC" "Mata 100 inimigos com armas inimigas" "[english]KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies with enemy weapons" "KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_NAME" "Atirador Exímio" "[english]KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_NAME" "Expert Marksman" "KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_DESC" "Mata um inimigo com cada uma das armas no jogo" "[english]KILL_WITH_EVERY_WEAPON_DESC" "Get a kill with every weapon" "WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Atirador" "[english]WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Marksman" "WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Ganha uma partida em cada mapa do Modo Arsenal" "[english]WIN_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Win a match on each Arsenal Mode map" "PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Turista" "[english]PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_NAME" "Tourist" "PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Joga uma ronda em todos os mapas do Modo Arsenal" "[english]PLAY_EVERY_GUNGAME_MAP_DESC" "Play a round on every Arsenal Mode map" "GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Negado!" "[english]GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Denied!" "GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Mata um jogador que está no nível da faca no modo Corrida às Armas ou Demolição" "[english]GUN_GAME_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Kill a player who is on gold knife level in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Vivendo no Limite" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Living on the Edge" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Mata um inimigo com a faca no Modo de Busca" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Get a knife kill in Scavenger Mode" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Seppuku" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Seppuku" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Suicida-te enquanto estiveres no nível da faca no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill yourself while on gold knife level in Arms Race Mode" "GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Faca com Faca" "[english]GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Knife on Knife" "GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Mata um inimigo que esteja no nível da faca com a tua própria faca no modo Corrida às Armas ou Demolição" "[english]GUN_GAME_KNIFE_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is on gold knife level with your own knife in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Igualdade de Condições" "[english]GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_NAME" "Level Playing Field" "GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Mata um inimigo que esteja no nível da faca com uma pistola-metralhadora no Modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_SMG_KILL_KNIFER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is on gold knife level with a sub-machine gun in Arms Race Mode" "GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_NAME" "Loucura!" "[english]GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_NAME" "Rampage!" "GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_DESC" "Vence uma partida de Corrida às Armas sem morrer" "[english]GUN_GAME_RAMPAGE_DESC" "Win an Arms Race match without dying" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_NAME" "PRIMEIRO!" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_NAME" "FIRST!" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_DESC" "Sê o primeiro jogador a abater um inimigo numa partida de Corrida às Armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_KILL_DESC" "Be the first player to get a kill in an Arsenal Mode match" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_NAME" "Primeiro de Tudo" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_NAME" "First Thing First" "GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_DESC" "Derrota toda a equipa Terrorista antes da bomba ser plantada no Modo Demolição" "[english]GUN_GAME_FIRST_THING_FIRST_DESC" "Defeat the entire Terrorist squad before the bomb is planted in Demolition Mode" "GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_NAME" "Alvo Seguro" "[english]GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_NAME" "Target Secured" "GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_DESC" "Derrota toda a equipa Contra-Terrorista antes da bomba ser plantada no Modo Demolição" "[english]GUN_GAME_TARGET_SECURED_DESC" "Defeat the entire Counter-Terrorist squad before the bomb is planted in Demolition Mode" "IM_STILL_STANDING_NAME" "Ainda Estou de Pé" "[english]IM_STILL_STANDING_NAME" "I'm Still Standing" "IM_STILL_STANDING_DESC" "Vence a ronda sendo o último homem vivo no Modo Busca" "[english]IM_STILL_STANDING_DESC" "Win the round as the last man standing in Scavenger Mode" "ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_NAME" "Um Tiro Uma Morte" "[english]ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_NAME" "One Shot One Kill" "ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_DESC" "Mata três jogadores consecutivos com a primeira bala da tua arma no modo Corrida às Armas" "[english]ONE_SHOT_ONE_KILL_DESC" "Kill three consecutive players using the first bullet of your gun in Arms Race mode" "GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_NAME" "Conservacionista" "[english]GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_NAME" "Conservationist" "GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_DESC" "Vence uma partida no modo de Corrida às Armas sem recarregar nenhuma das tuas armas" "[english]GUN_GAME_CONSERVATIONIST_DESC" "Win an Arms Race match without reloading any of your weapons" "BASE_SCAMPER_NAME" "Invasor da Base" "[english]BASE_SCAMPER_NAME" "Base Scamper" "BASE_SCAMPER_DESC" "Mata um inimigo assim que a proteção de reentrada acabar no modo Corrida ás Armas" "[english]BASE_SCAMPER_DESC" "Kill an enemy just as their respawn protection ends in Arms Race mode" "BORN_READY_NAME" "Já Nasci Pronto" "[english]BORN_READY_NAME" "Born Ready" "BORN_READY_DESC" "Mata um inimigo com a primeira bala depois de acabar a proteção de reentrada no modo Corrida ás Armas" "[english]BORN_READY_DESC" "Kill an enemy with the first bullet after your respawn protection ends in Arms Race mode" "STILL_ALIVE_NAME" "Ainda Vivo" "[english]STILL_ALIVE_NAME" "Still Alive" "STILL_ALIVE_DESC" "Sobrevive mais de 30 segundos com menos de 10 de vida no modo Corrida às Armas ou no modo de Demolição" "[english]STILL_ALIVE_DESC" "Survive more than 30 seconds with less than ten health in Arms Race or Demolition mode" "SMORGASBOARD_NAME" "De Tudo um Pouco" "[english]SMORGASBOARD_NAME" "Smorgasbord" "SMORGASBOARD_DESC" "Usa todo o tipo de armas disponíveis numa única ronda no Modo Busca" "[english]SMORGASBOARD_DESC" "Use every available weapon type in a single round in Scavenger Mode" "MEDALIST_NAME" "Premiado" "[english]MEDALIST_NAME" "Awardist" "MEDALIST_DESC" "Ganha todos os outros prémios" "[english]MEDALIST_DESC" "Earn all other awards" "SURVIVE_GRENADE_NAME" "À prova de estilhaços" "[english]SURVIVE_GRENADE_NAME" "Shrapnelproof" "SURVIVE_GRENADE_DESC" "Recebe 80 pontos de dano de granadas inimigas e mesmo assim sobrevive a essa ronda" "[english]SURVIVE_GRENADE_DESC" "Take 80 points of damage from enemy grenades and still survive the round" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_NAME" "Fazer o Corte" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_NAME" "Make the Cut" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_DESC" "Vence uma luta de facas" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_LOW_DESC" "Win a knife fight" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_NAME" "A Ponta Sangrenta" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_NAME" "The Bleeding Edge" "WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_DESC" "Vence 100 lutas de faca" "[english]WIN_KNIFE_FIGHTS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 100 knife fights" "KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Desarma Isto!" "[english]KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Defuse This!" "KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Mata com uma granada HE alguém que esteja a desativar uma bomba" "[english]KILLED_DEFUSER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Kill the defuser with an HE grenade" "SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_NAME" "Segurança Em Primeiro Lugar" "[english]SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_NAME" "Safety First" "SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_DESC" "Sobrevive a um tiro na cabeça porque tiveste o bom senso de usar um capacete (Unicamente no modo competitivo)" "[english]SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_DESC" "Survive a shot to the head because you had the good sense to wear a helmet (Competitive mode only)" "HIP_SHOT_NAME" "Tiro às Cegas" "[english]HIP_SHOT_NAME" "Hip Shot" "HIP_SHOT_DESC" "Mata um inimigo com uma espingarda sniper sem usares zoom" "[english]HIP_SHOT_DESC" "Kill an enemy with an un-zoomed sniper rifle" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_NAME" "Olho por Olho" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_NAME" "Eye to Eye" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_DESC" "Mata um sniper inimigo com uma espingarda sniper tua, enquanto ele estiver a fazer zoom." "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER_DESC" "Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a sniper rifle of your own" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Snisfaqueado" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Sknifed" "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Mata um sniper inimigo com a faca enquanto ele estiver a fazer zoom" "[english]KILL_SNIPER_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a knife" "KILL_SNIPERS_NAME" "Caçador de Snipers" "[english]KILL_SNIPERS_NAME" "Snipe Hunter" "KILL_SNIPERS_DESC" "Mata 100 snipers inimigos enquanto estiverem a fazer zoom" "[english]KILL_SNIPERS_DESC" "Kill 100 zoomed-in enemy snipers" "KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_NAME" "A Última Balada" "[english]KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_NAME" "Dead Man Stalking" "KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_DESC" "Mata um inimigo enquanto tens 1 de vida" "[english]KILL_WHEN_AT_LOW_HEALTH_DESC" "Kill an enemy while at one health" "GRENADE_MULTIKILL_NAME" "Três pela Pior Maneira" "[english]GRENADE_MULTIKILL_NAME" "Three the Hard Way" "GRENADE_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Mata três inimigos com uma única granada HE" "[english]GRENADE_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Kill three enemies with a single HE grenade" "PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Lutador de Rua" "[english]PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Street Fighter" "PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Mata um adversário com uma faca durante a Ronda de Pistolas no modo Competitivo" "[english]PISTOL_ROUND_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a knife during the Pistol Round in Competitive mode" "FAST_ROUND_WIN_NAME" "Guerra Relâmpago" "[english]FAST_ROUND_WIN_NAME" "Blitzkrieg" "FAST_ROUND_WIN_DESC" "Vence uma ronda contra cinco inimigos em menos de trinta segundos" "[english]FAST_ROUND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round against five enemies in less than thirty seconds" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Iniciativa de \"Peça\"" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_NAME" "Piece Initiative" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Vence 5 Rondas de Pistola no Modo Competitivo" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_LOW_DESC" "Win 5 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Dar uma Oportunidade à \"Peça\"" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_NAME" "Give Piece a Chance" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Vence 25 Rondas de Pistola no Modo Competitivo" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_MED_DESC" "Win 25 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Tratado de \"Peça\"" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_NAME" "Piece Treaty" "WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Vence 250 Rondas de Pistola no Modo Competitivo" "[english]WIN_PISTOLROUNDS_HIGH_DESC" "Win 250 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode" "BOMB_MULTIKILL_NAME" "A-bom-b-inável" "[english]BOMB_MULTIKILL_NAME" "Clusterstruck" "BOMB_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Mata cinco inimigos com uma bomba que plantaste" "[english]BOMB_MULTIKILL_DESC" "Kill five enemies with a bomb you have planted" "GOOSE_CHASE_NAME" "Caça aos Gambozinos" "[english]GOOSE_CHASE_NAME" "Wild Gooseman Chase" "GOOSE_CHASE_DESC" "Enquanto último Terrorista vivo, distrai o desativador durante tempo suficiente para que a bomba expluda" "[english]GOOSE_CHASE_DESC" "As the last living Terrorist, distract a defuser long enough for the bomb to explode" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_NAME" "Último Desejo e Testamento... Explosivos!" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_NAME" "Blast Will and Testament" "WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_DESC" "Vence uma ronda apanhando a bomba de um camarada de armas tombado e plantando-a com sucesso" "[english]WIN_BOMB_PLANT_AFTER_RECOVERY_DESC" "Win a round by picking up the bomb from a fallen comrade and successfully planting it" "SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_NAME" "Alvo Resistente" "[english]SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_NAME" "Target-Hardened" "SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_DESC" "Sobrevive a danos de 5 inimigos diferentes numa ronda" "[english]SURVIVE_MANY_ATTACKS_DESC" "Survive damage from five different enemies within a round" "LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_NAME" "Regra de Misericórdia" "[english]LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_NAME" "Mercy Rule" "LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_DESC" "Mata toda a equipa adversária sem que morra qualquer membro da tua equipa" "[english]LOSSLESS_EXTERMINATION_DESC" "Kill the entire opposing team without any members of your team dying" "FLAWLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Limpeza Geral" "[english]FLAWLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Clean Sweep" "FLAWLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Mata toda a equipa adversária sem que nenhum membro da tua equipa receba qualquer dano" "[english]FLAWLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Kill the entire opposing team without any members of your team taking any damage" "BREAK_PROPS_NAME" "Adereços Extremos" "[english]BREAK_PROPS_NAME" "Mad Props" "BREAK_PROPS_DESC" "Destrói 15 objetos numa única ronda" "[english]BREAK_PROPS_DESC" "Break 15 props in a single round" "WIN_DUAL_DUEL_NAME" "Rei das Dual Elites" "[english]WIN_DUAL_DUEL_NAME" "Akimbo King" "WIN_DUAL_DUEL_DESC" "Usa Dual Berettas para matar um jogador inimigo que também esteja a empunhar Dual Berettas" "[english]WIN_DUAL_DUEL_DESC" "Use Dual Berettas to kill an enemy player that is also wielding Dual Berettas" "DECAL_SPRAYS_NAME" "A Arte da Guerra" "[english]DECAL_SPRAYS_NAME" "The Art of War" "DECAL_SPRAYS_DESC" "Pinta 100 sprays" "[english]DECAL_SPRAYS_DESC" "Spray 100 decals" "NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_NAME" "Mortos à Noite" "[english]NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_NAME" "Dead of Night" "NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_DESC" "Faz 5000 de danos com visão noturna ativada" "[english]NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_DESC" "Do 5,000 damage with nightvision active" "UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_NAME" "A Força Imparável" "[english]UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_NAME" "The Unstoppable Force" "UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_DESC" "Mata quatro inimigos numa só ronda" "[english]UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE_DESC" "Kill four enemies within a single round" "IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_NAME" "O Objeto Imóvel" "[english]IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_NAME" "The Immovable Object" "IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_DESC" "Mata um inimigo que matou quatro dos teus colegas de equipa na ronda atual" "[english]IMMOVABLE_OBJECT_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has killed four of your teammates within the current round" "HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_NAME" "Redenção por Cabeças Estilhaçadas" "[english]HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_NAME" "Head Shred Redemption" "HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_DESC" "Mata cinco inimigos com tiros na cabeça numa única ronda" "[english]HEADSHOTS_IN_ROUND_DESC" "Kill five enemy players with headshots in a single round" "WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Assault" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Assault Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Assault" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Assault" "WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Compound" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_NAME" "Compound Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Compound" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Compound" "WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Havana" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_NAME" "Havana Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Havana" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_HAVANA_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Havana" "WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Italy" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_NAME" "Italy Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Italy" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_ITALY_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Italy" "WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Militia" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_NAME" "Militia Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Militia" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_MILITIA_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Militia" "WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Office" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_NAME" "Office Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Office" "[english]WIN_MAP_CS_OFFICE_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Office" "WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Aztec" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_NAME" "Aztec Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Aztec" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_AZTEC_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Aztec" "WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Cobblestone" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_NAME" "Cobblestone Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Cobblestone" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CBBLE_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Cobblestone" "WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Chateau" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_NAME" "Chateau Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Chateau" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_CHATEAU_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Chateau" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Dust" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_NAME" "Dust Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Dust" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Dust" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Dust2" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_NAME" "Dust2 Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Dust2" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DUST2_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Dust2" "WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Inferno" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_NAME" "Inferno Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Inferno" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_INFERNO_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Inferno" "WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Nuke" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_NAME" "Nuke Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Nuke" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_NUKE_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Nuke" "WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Piranesi" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_NAME" "Piranesi Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Piranesi" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PIRANESI_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Piranesi" "WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Port" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_NAME" "Port Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Port" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PORT_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Port" "WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Prodigy" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_NAME" "Prodigy Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Prodigy" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_PRODIGY_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Prodigy" "WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Tides" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_NAME" "Tides Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Tides" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TIDES_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Tides" "WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Train" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_NAME" "Train Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_DESC" "Vence 100 rondas no mapa Train" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_TRAIN_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Train" "WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_NAME" "De Férias" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_NAME" "Vacation" "WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no mapa Lake" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_LAKE_DESC" "Win five matches on Lake" "WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_NAME" "Lar Doce Lar" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_NAME" "My House" "WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no mapa Safehouse" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SAFEHOUSE_DESC" "Win five matches on Safehouse" "WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_NAME" "Funcionamento do Moinho" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_NAME" "Run of the Mill" "WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no mapa Sugarcane" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SUGARCANE_DESC" "Win five matches on Sugarcane" "WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_NAME" "Ataque ao Barraco" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_NAME" "Shack Attack" "WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no mapa St. Marc" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_STMARC_DESC" "Win five matches on St. Marc" "WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_NAME" "Banca!" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_NAME" "Bank On It" "WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no mapa Bank" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_BANK_DESC" "Win five matches on Bank" "WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSYY_NAME" "Guerra Urbana" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSYY_NAME" "Urban Warfare" "WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSY_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no mapa Embassy" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSY_DESC" "Win five matches on Embassy" "WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_NAME" "Déspota do Depósito" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_NAME" "Depot Despot" "WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no mapa Depot" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_DESC" "Win five matches on Depot" "WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_NAME" "Veterano do Mapa Shorttrain" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_NAME" "Shorttrain Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no mapa Shorttrain" "[english]WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN_DESC" "Win five matches on Shorttrain" "WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_NAME" "Veterano dos Disparos" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_NAME" "Shoots Vet" "WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no modo Corrida às Armas em Shoots" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_SHOOTS_DESC" "Win five matches in Arms Race mode on Shoots" "WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_NAME" "Reivindicador de Bagagem" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_NAME" "Baggage Claimer" "WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_DESC" "Vence cinco partidas no modo Corrida às Armas em Baggage" "[english]WIN_MAP_AR_BAGGAGE_DESC" "Win five matches in Arms Race mode on Baggage" "KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_NAME" "Morte Vinda dos Céus" "[english]KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_NAME" "Death From Above" "KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_DESC" "Mata um inimigo enquanto estiveres no ar" "[english]KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR_DESC" "Kill an enemy while you are airborne" "KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Caça ao Coelho" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Bunny Hunt" "KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Mata um inimigo quando este estiver no ar" "[english]KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Kill an airborne enemy" "KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Necrobacias Aéreas" "[english]KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_NAME" "Aerial Necrobatics" "KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Mata um inimigo estando ambos no ar" "[english]KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR_DESC" "Kill an airborne enemy while you are also airborne" "SILENT_WIN_NAME" "Operação Saco Preto" "[english]SILENT_WIN_NAME" "Black Bag Operation" "SILENT_WIN_DESC" "Vence uma ronda sem fazer barulho ao andar, matando pelo menos 1 inimigo" "[english]SILENT_WIN_DESC" "Win a round without making any footstep noise, killing at least one enemy" "BLOODLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Guerra Fria" "[english]BLOODLESS_VICTORY_NAME" "Cold War" "BLOODLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Vence uma ronda em que nenhum dos jogadores inimigos morra" "[english]BLOODLESS_VICTORY_DESC" "Win a round in which no enemy players die" "DONATE_WEAPONS_NAME" "Armantropista" "[english]DONATE_WEAPONS_NAME" "Killanthropist" "DONATE_WEAPONS_DESC" "Doa 100 armas aos teus companheiros de equipa" "[english]DONATE_WEAPONS_DESC" "Donate 100 weapons to your teammates" "WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_NAME" "A Boina Frugal" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_NAME" "The Frugal Beret" "WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_DESC" "Vence dez rondas sem morrer ou gastar dinheiro" "[english]WIN_ROUNDS_WITHOUT_BUYING_DESC" "Win ten rounds without dying or spending any cash" "DEFUSE_DEFENSE_NAME" "Desarmus Interrompidus" "[english]DEFUSE_DEFENSE_NAME" "Defusus Interruptus" "DEFUSE_DEFENSE_DESC" "Cancela o desarmamento da bomba para matares um inimigo e depois desarma-a com sucesso" "[english]DEFUSE_DEFENSE_DESC" "Stop defusing the bomb long enough to kill an enemy, then successfully finish defusing it" "KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_NAME" "Prémio de Participação" "[english]KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_NAME" "Participation Award" "KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_DESC" "Mata um inimigo dentro de três segundos após ele ter recuperado uma bomba largada" "[english]KILL_BOMB_PICKUP_DESC" "Kill an enemy within three seconds after they recover a dropped bomb" "DOMINATIONS_LOW_NAME" "Ofensor Repetente" "[english]DOMINATIONS_LOW_NAME" "Repeat Offender" "DOMINATIONS_LOW_DESC" "Domina um inimigo" "[english]DOMINATIONS_LOW_DESC" "Dominate an enemy" "DOMINATIONS_HIGH_NAME" "Dizimador" "[english]DOMINATIONS_HIGH_NAME" "Decimator" "DOMINATIONS_HIGH_DESC" "Domina dez inimigos" "[english]DOMINATIONS_HIGH_DESC" "Dominate ten enemies" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_NAME" "Matança" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_NAME" "Overkill" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_DESC" "Mata um inimigo que já estejas a dominar" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_LOW_DESC" "Kill an enemy whom you are already dominating" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_NAME" "Comandar e Controlar" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_NAME" "Command and Control" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_DESC" "Mata 100 inimigos que já estejas a dominar" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_HIGH_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies whom you are already dominating" "REVENGES_LOW_NAME" "Insurgente" "[english]REVENGES_LOW_NAME" "Insurgent" "REVENGES_LOW_DESC" "Mata um inimigo que te esteja a dominar" "[english]REVENGES_LOW_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is dominating you" "REVENGES_HIGH_NAME" "Não é Fácil Manter um Bom Homem no Chão" "[english]REVENGES_HIGH_NAME" "Can't Keep a Good Man Down" "REVENGES_HIGH_DESC" "Mata 20 inimigos que te estejam a dominar" "[english]REVENGES_HIGH_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies who are dominating you" "SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Vestido para Matar" "[english]SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Dressed to Kill" "SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Inicia uma ronda com todos os jogadores da tua equipa a usarem o mesmo uniforme (pelo menos 5 jogadores)" "[english]SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Start a round with all players on your team wearing the same uniform (at least 5 players)" "CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "Hat Trick" "[english]CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "Hat Trick" "CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "Domina três inimigos simultaneamente" "[english]CONCURRENT_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "Dominate three enemies simultaneously" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_NAME" "Dez Homens Furiosos" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_NAME" "Ten Angry Men" "DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_DESC" "Mata 10 inimigos que já estejas a dominar durante uma única partida" "[english]DOMINATION_OVERKILLS_MATCH_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies you are already dominating during a single match" "EXTENDED_DOMINATION_NAME" "Brutalidade Excessiva" "[english]EXTENDED_DOMINATION_NAME" "Excessive Brutality" "EXTENDED_DOMINATION_DESC" "Mata mais quatro vezes um inimigo que estejas a dominar" "[english]EXTENDED_DOMINATION_DESC" "Kill an enemy whom you are dominating four additional times" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_NAME" "Estrondo Divinal" "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_NAME" "Spray and Pray" "KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_DESC" "Mata dois inimigos enquanto estás cegado por uma granada \"flashbang\"." "[english]KILL_ENEMIES_WHILE_BLIND_HARD_DESC" "Kill two enemies while you are blinded from a flashbang" "FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Farda Aliada" "[english]FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Friendly Attire" "FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Inicia uma ronda na mesma equipa com 4 dos teus amigos, todos vestindo o mesmo uniforme" "[english]FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Start a round on the same team as 4 of your friends, with all of you wearing the same outfit" "CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_NAME" "O Caminho para o Inferno" "[english]CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_NAME" "The Road to Hell" "CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_DESC" "Cega um inimigo que de seguida mate um companheiro de equipa" "[english]CAUSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE_WITH_FLASHBANG_DESC" "Blind an enemy player who then kills a teammate" "AVENGE_FRIEND_NAME" "Anjo Vingador" "[english]AVENGE_FRIEND_NAME" "Avenging Angel" "AVENGE_FRIEND_DESC" "Mata um inimigo que tenha morto um jogador da tua lista de amigos na mesma ronda" "[english]AVENGE_FRIEND_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has killed a player on your friends list in the same round" "KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Bombardeado" "[english]KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Bomboozled" "KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Mata um terrorista com uma granada, enquanto ele estiver a plantar uma bomba." "[english]KILLED_BOMBPLANTER_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Kill a bomb-planting terrorist with a grenade." "SFUI_Rules_GunGame_Progressive" "Adquire uma nova arma com cada inimigo que mates. \n\nSê o primeiro jogador a matar com a faca para ganhares a partida." "[english]SFUI_Rules_GunGame_Progressive" "New weapons are awarded by \neliminating enemies.\n\nWin the match by being the first \nplayer to get a kill with every weapon.\n\n· Weapons are awarded \n immediately\n· Instant Respawn\n· Friendly fire is ON\n· Team collision is OFF" "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_T" "Missão Plantar Bomba: \nMapa compacto com pouco tempo por ronda\ne sem compra de armas.\nGanha uma nova arma a cada ronda por matar inimigos ou completar objetivos.\nVence a partida ganhando na maioria das onze rondas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_T" "Bomb Planting Mission: \nCompact map with short round times\nand no weapon buying.\nEarn a new weapon each round by killing enemies or completing objectives.\nWin the match by winning the best of twenty rounds." "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_CT" "Missão Desarmar Bomba: \nMapa compacto com pouco tempo por ronda\ne sem compra de armas.\nGanha uma nova arma a cada ronda por matar inimigos ou completar objetivos.\nVence a partida ganhando na maioria das onze rondas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_CT" "Bomb Defuse Mission: \nCompact map with short round times\nand no weapon buying.\nEarn a new weapon each round by killing enemies or completing objectives.\nWin the match by winning the best of twenty rounds." "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_T" "Missão Plantar Bomba:\nA tua Equipa tem de detonar a bomba num dos locais de bomba deste mapa. Para ganhar, detona a bomba ou elimina todos os Contra-Terroristas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_T" "Bomb Planting Mission:\nYour Team must detonate a bomb at one of the bomb sites on this map. To win, detonate the bomb or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_CT" "Missão Desarmar Bomba:\nA tua Equipa tem de prevenir que os Terroristas detonem a sua bomba num dos locais de bomba. Para ganhar, desarma a bomba ou elimina todos os Terroristas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_CT" "Bomb Defuse Mission:\nYour Team must prevent the Terrorists from detonating their bomb at one of the bomb sites. To win, defuse the bomb or eliminate all of the Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_T" "Missão Prevenção do Salvamento dos Reféns:\nA tua Equipa tem vários reféns. Para ganhar, retém os reféns durante toda a ronda ou elimina todos os Contra-Terroristas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_T" "Hostage Rescue Prevention Mission:\nYour Team has several hostages. To win, retain the hostages for the entire round or eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_CT" "Missão Salvamento dos Reféns:\nSalva os reféns guiando-os para a zona de salvamento de reféns. Para ganhar, salva todos os reféns ou elimina todos os Terroristas." "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_CT" "Hostage Rescue Mission:\nRescue hostages by leading them to a hostage rescue point. To win, rescue all of the hostages or eliminate all of the Terrorists." "SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Header" "Salvamento dos Reféns" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Hostage_Header" "Hostage Rescue" "SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Header" "Desarmamento da Bomba" "[english]SFUI_Rules_Bomb_Header" "Bomb Defuse" "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Header" "Demolição" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Header" "Demolition" "SFUI_Rules_General_Header" " " "[english]SFUI_Rules_General_Header" "" "SFUI_Rules_CTInstructions_Header" "Objetivo dos CTs" "[english]SFUI_Rules_CTInstructions_Header" "CT Goal" "SFUI_Rules_TInstructions_Header" "Objetivo dos Terroristas" "[english]SFUI_Rules_TInstructions_Header" "Terrorist Goal" "SFUI_RetrievingDataNotification" "A Obter Dados..." "[english]SFUI_RetrievingDataNotification" "Retrieving Data..." "SFUI_MainMenu_Message" "Bem-vindo/a!\n\nEsta é uma versão limitada.\n\nNão contém o conjunto completo de armas, itens, mapas, modos de jogo, funcionalidades, ou experiência.\n\nPara mais informação visita\nhttp://counter-strike.net\n\nObrigado pela ajuda,\n A equipa do CS:GO." "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_Message" "Welcome!\n\nThis is a limited build.\n\nIt does not contain the full set of weapons, items, maps, game modes, functionality, or experience.\n\nFor more information visit\nhttp://counter-strike.net\n\nThanks for helping out,\n The CS:GO team." "SFUI_MapSelect" "SELECIONAR MAPA" "[english]SFUI_MapSelect" "SELECT A MAP" "SFUI_Map_de_aztec" "Aztec" "[english]SFUI_Map_de_aztec" "Aztec" "SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Title" "Migração de Anfitrião" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Title" "Host Migrating" "SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Message" "O servidor desligou-se. Aguarda enquanto migramos para um novo servidor." "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Message" "The server disconnected. Please wait while we migrate to a new server." "SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancelar Migração" "[english]SFUI_MainMenu_MigrateHost_Navigation" "${cancel} Cancel Migration" "SFUI_PlayMenu_BrowseServersButton" "PROCURAR SERVIDORES" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_BrowseServersButton" "BROWSE SERVERS" "SFUI_PlayMenu_CreateLobbyButton" "CRIAR UM GRUPO" "[english]SFUI_PlayMenu_CreateLobbyButton" "BUILD YOUR TEAM" "SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionLabel" "Introdução" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionLabel" "Introduction" "SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "COUNTER-STRIKE
O Counter-Strike é um \"jogo de tiros na primeira pessoa\" onde uma equipa de Contra-Terroristas enfrenta uma equipa de Terroristas. Cada missão passa-se num mapa fechado, com diferentes pontos de partida para cada equipa. Está disponível um número variado de armas, cada uma com características únicas. O modo de jogo escolhido determina os objetivos da tua missão e os requisitos para a vitória.

As partidas clássicas são jogadas em mapas de resgate de reféns ou de desarmamento da bomba. Nos dois tipos de mapas, uma única partida é dividida em rondas cronometradas. A tua equipa ganha uma ronda ao eliminar todos os membros da equipa oposta ou ao completar os objetivos específicos do mapa. Em mapas de reféns, os Contra-Terroristas têm de procurar quatro reféns e levá-los para uma zona de resgate. Os Terroristas têm de impedir os reféns de serem resgatados. Matar os reféns reduz a quantia de dinheiro disponível que podes usar para comprar armas e equipamento na próxima ronda e afeta negativamente a tua pontuação. Em mapas de bomba, os Terroristas tentam armar e detonar uma bomba em um de dois locais de bomba disponíveis. Os Contra-Terroristas devem impedir a bomba de ser armada ou devem desarmá-la após ter sido ativada num local de bomba.

\"Arsenal\" inclui os modos de jogo Corrida às Armas e Demolição. Não se podem comprar armas nem equipamento no modo Arsenal - tens de os adquirir de outros modos. O modo Corrida às Armas é uma única ronda prolongada e com \"reentrada em jogo\" (respawn) automática. Recebes uma arma nova por cada inimigo que matares. A última arma que recebes é a faca. O primeiro jogador a matar alguém com a faca ganha o jogo. O modo Demolição consiste em duas partidas, cada uma durando várias rondas. Não há reentrada em jogo instantânea. No fim da primeira partida, as equipas trocam de lados. Ganhas rondas no modo Demolição ao eliminar a equipa inimiga ou ao detonar / desarmar a bomba. Ganhas um crédito para uma arma nova matando um inimigo. Se ganhares dois créditos numa ronda, recebes uma arma nova no início da próxima ronda. Ganhas vários tipos de granadas na próxima ronda se ganhaste mais de dois créditos numa única ronda. Em Demolição, a última arma que ganhas é a faca. Quando alguém for morto pela faca, a partida termina imediatamente, senão a partida termina quando a última ronda acabar. A equipa com mais vitórias por ronda ganha a partida.

Existe um modo para Praticar que te permite explorar o jogo conforme o teu próprio ritmo. As estatísticas, o progresso para medalhas e proezas, assim como registos na tabela de lideranças, são desativados. Este modo é jogado em mapas clássicos e usa o conjunto de regras padrão do Counter-Strike. Podes decidir se queres bots ou não no jogo, ou podes escolher se queres \"bots inofensivos\" que não atacam. Estas opções são boas para ficar familiarizado com os mapas, experimentar equipamentos diferentes e para praticar \"tiro ao alvo\". Se gostas de desafios, também podes definir o nível de dificuldade dos bots: fácil, médio ou difícil.
" [$WIN32||$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "COUNTER-STRIKE
Counter-Strike is a first person shooter that pits a team of Counter-Terrorists against a team of Terrorists. Every mission takes place in an enclosed map with separate starting locations for each team. A variety of weapons is available, each with unique attributes. The game type you play determines your mission objectives and win conditions.

Classic games are played on hostage and bomb maps. In both types of maps, a single match is divided into timed rounds. Your team wins a round by eliminating all members of the opposing team or by completing map objectives. In hostage maps, Counter-Terrorists try to find four hostages and lead them to a rescue zone. Terrorists must prevent the hostages from being rescued. Killing hostages reduces the money available to you to purchase weapons and equipment in the next round and impacts your score negatively. In bomb maps, Terrorists try to plant and detonate a bomb at one of two bomb sites. The Counter-Terrorists must prevent the bomb from being planted or defuse it once it is planted at a bomb site.

Arsenal includes arms race and demolition game modes. Weapons and equipment aren’t purchasable in arsenal – you have to earn them by other means. Arms race mode is a single extended round with instant respawn. You receive a new weapon for every enemy you kill. The last weapon you get is the knife. The first player to get a knife kill wins the game. Demolition mode consists of two matches, each of which runs for several rounds. There is no instant respawn. At the end of the first match, you switch sides. Win rounds in demolition mode by eliminating the enemy team or by detonating / defusing the bomb. Earn a credit towards a new weapon by killing an enemy. If you earn two credits within a round, you receive a new weapon at the beginning of the next round. You get various types of grenades in the next round if you earn more than two credits in a single round. The team with the most rounds won wins the match.

Practice mode lets you explore the game at your own pace. Statistics, progress towards awards and achievements, and leaderboard posting are all disabled. Practice mode is played in classic maps using the standard Counter-Strike rule set. You may choose to have no bots in the game, or you may want ‘harmless bots’ that won’t shoot back. These options are good for getting to know the maps, trying out different gear, and doing a little target practice. If you prefer a challenge, you may also opt for easy, medium, or hard difficulty level bots.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "COUNTER-STRIKE
O Counter-Strike é um \"jogo de tiros na primeira pessoa\" onde uma equipa de Contra-Terroristas enfrenta uma equipa de Terroristas. Cada missão passa-se num mapa fechado, com diferentes pontos de partida para cada equipa. Está disponível um número variado de armas, cada uma com características únicas. O modo de jogo escolhido determina os objetivos da tua missão e os requisitos para a vitória.

As partidas clássicas são jogadas em mapas de resgate de reféns ou de desarmamento da bomba. Nos dois tipos de mapas, uma única partida é dividida em rondas cronometradas. A tua equipa ganha uma ronda ao eliminar todos os membros da equipa oposta ou ao completar os objetivos específicos do mapa. Em mapas de reféns, os Contra-Terroristas têm de procurar quatro reféns e levá-los para uma zona de resgate. Os Terroristas têm de impedir os reféns de serem resgatados. Matar os reféns reduz a quantia de dinheiro disponível que podes usar para comprar armas e equipamento na próxima ronda e afeta negativamente a tua pontuação. Em mapas de bomba, os Terroristas tentam armar e detonar uma bomba em um de dois locais de bomba disponíveis. Os Contra-Terroristas devem impedir a bomba de ser armada ou devem desarmá-la após ter sido ativada num local de bomba.

\"Arsenal\" inclui os modos de jogo Corrida às Armas e Demolição. Não se podem comprar armas nem equipamento no modo Arsenal - tens de os adquirir de outros modos. O modo Corrida às Armas é uma única ronda prolongada e com \"reentrada em jogo\" (respawn) automática. Recebes uma arma nova por cada inimigo que matares. A última arma que recebes é a faca. O primeiro jogador a matar alguém com a faca ganha o jogo. O modo Demolição consiste em duas partidas, cada uma durando várias rondas. Não há reentrada em jogo instantânea. No fim da primeira partida, as equipas trocam de lados. Ganhas rondas no modo Demolição ao eliminar a equipa inimiga ou ao detonar / desarmar a bomba. Ganhas um crédito para uma arma nova matando um inimigo. Se ganhares dois créditos numa ronda, recebes uma arma nova no início da próxima ronda. Ganhas vários tipos de granadas na próxima ronda se ganhaste mais de dois créditos numa única ronda. Em Demolição, a última arma que ganhas é a faca. Quando alguém for morto pela faca, a partida termina imediatamente, senão a partida termina quando a última ronda acabar. A equipa com mais vitórias por ronda ganha a partida.

Existe um modo para Praticar que te permite explorar o jogo conforme o teu próprio ritmo. As estatísticas, o progresso para medalhas e proezas, assim como registos na tabela de lideranças, são desativados. Este modo é jogado em mapas clássicos e usa o conjunto de regras padrão do Counter-Strike. Podes decidir se queres bots ou não no jogo, ou podes escolher se queres \"bots inofensivos\" que não atacam. Estas opções são boas para ficar familiarizado com os mapas, experimentar equipamentos diferentes e para praticar \"tiro ao alvo\". Se gostas de desafios, também podes definir o nível de dificuldade dos bots: fácil, médio ou difícil.
" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_IntroductionContents" "COUNTER-STRIKE
Counter-Strike is a first person shooter that pits a team of Counter-Terrorists against a team of Terrorists. Every mission takes place in an enclosed map with separate starting locations for each team. A variety of weapons is available, each with unique attributes. The game type you play determines your mission objectives and win conditions.

Classic games are played on hostage and bomb maps. In both types of maps, a single match is divided into timed rounds. Your team wins a round by eliminating all members of the opposing team or by completing map objectives. In hostage maps, Counter-Terrorists try to find four hostages and lead them to a rescue zone. Terrorists must prevent the hostages from being rescued. Killing hostages reduces the money available to you to purchase weapons and equipment in the next round and impacts your score negatively. In bomb maps, Terrorists try to plant and detonate a bomb at one of two bomb sites. The Counter-Terrorists must prevent the bomb from being planted or defuse it once it is planted at a bomb site.

Arsenal includes arms race and demolition game modes. Weapons and equipment aren’t purchasable in arsenal – you have to earn them by other means. Arms race mode is a single extended round with instant respawn. You receive a new weapon for every enemy you kill. The last weapon you get is the knife. The first player to get a knife kill wins the game. Demolition mode consists of two matches, each of which runs for several rounds. There is no instant respawn. At the end of the first match, you switch sides. Win rounds in demolition mode by eliminating the enemy team or by detonating / defusing the bomb. Earn a credit towards a new weapon by killing an enemy. If you earn two credits within a round, you receive a new weapon at the beginning of the next round. You get various types of grenades in the next round if you earn more than two credits in a single round. The team with the most rounds won wins the match.

Practice mode lets you explore the game at your own pace. Statistics, progress towards awards and trophies, and leaderboard posting are all disabled. Practice mode is played in classic maps using the standard Counter-Strike rule set. You may choose to have no bots in the game, or you may want ‘harmless bots’ that won’t shoot back. These options are good for getting to know the maps, trying out different gear, and doing a little target practice. If you prefer a challenge, you may also opt for easy, medium, or hard difficulty level bots.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedLabel" "Primeiros Passos" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedLabel" "Getting Started" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "ESCOLHER UMA EQUIPA
Antes de começares a jogar, tens de escolher a tua equipa: Contra-Terrorista ou Terrorista. A opção \"Auto-Selecionar\" coloca-te aleatoriamente numa das equipas. Não foste parar na equipa que escolheste? Se uma equipa tem mais membros que a outra, o balanceamento automático de equipas irá por vezes mover os jogadores de uma equipa para a outra, de forma a manter o jogo competitivo.

Podes sempre seguir o teu estado e o da tua equipa na tabela de pontuações. Ativa-a ou desativa-a ao premir ${altstart}. O número de jogadores em cada equipa e o de rondas ganha é mostrado no topo. O nome dos jogadores é mostrado por baixo das equipas respetivas. Um ícone de uma caveira indica os jogadores mortes na coluna de estado. Podes também seguir os pontos, os abates e as mortes aqui.

A tua pontuação é baseada nas tuas capacidades individuais e de trabalho de equipa. Ficar com a tua equipa, dar fogo de cobertura ou ajudar na realização de objetivos concede pontuação. Disparar contra companheiros de equipa ou reféns reduz a mesma.

Proezas, estatísticas, medalhas e rankings ajudam-te a medir a tua performance pessoal. Deves estar ligado ao teu perfil da XBOX LIVE para alcançar proezas e medalhas, guardar as tuas estatísticas ou registar-te nas tabelas de liderança.
" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "CHOOSING A TEAM
Before you jump into the game, you must choose your team: Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist. Hitting auto-select places you randomly on one of the teams. Didn’t end up on the team you chose? If one team has more members than the other, the auto-balance feature will sometimes move players from team to team to keep the game competitive.

You can track your status and that of your team in the scoreboard. Toggle it on and off by pressing ${togglescores}. The number of players on each team and rounds won are displayed at the top. Player names are listed under their teams. A skull icon marks dead players in the status column. You can also track score, kills, and deaths here.

Your score is based on your individual and team-oriented skills. Staying with your team, providing cover fire, and aiding in the completion of mission objectives awards score. Shooting teammates or hostages deducts it.

Achievements, stats, awards and leaderboard rankings help you gauge your personal performance. You must be signed into your Xbox LIVE profile to earn achievements and awards, save your stats, or post to the leaderboards.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "ESCOLHER UMA EQUIPA
Antes de saltares para o jogo, deves escolher a tua equipa: Contra-Terrorista ou Terrorista. Se carregares em Auto-Selecionar colocas-te aleatoriamente numa das equipas. Não acabaste na equipa que escolheste? Se uma equipa tem mais membros do que a outra, a funcionalidade de equilíbrio automático irá, por vezes, mover jogadores de equipa para manter o jogo competitivo.

Podes acompanhar o teu estado e o da tua equipa na tabela de classificação. Alternando ligar e desligar ao carregar em ${altstart}. O número de jogadores em cada equipa e rondas ganhas são apresentados na parte superior. Os nomes dos jogadores são listados por baixo das suas equipas. Um ícone de caveira marca os jogadores mortos na coluna de estado. Também podes acompanhar a pontuação, os abates e as mortes aqui.

A tua pontuação é baseada nas tuas capacidades individuais e em equipa. Ao ficares com a tua equipa, ao forneceres fogo de cobertura, e ao contribuíres na conclusão dos objetivos da missão, marcas pontos. Ao disparares contra companheiros de equipa ou reféns, perdes pontos.

As proezas Steam, as estatísticas, as medalhas e a tabela de liderança ajuda-te a avaliar o teu desempenho pessoal.
" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "CHOOSING A TEAM
Before you jump into the game, you must choose your team: Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist. Hitting auto-select places you randomly on one of the teams. Didn’t end up on the team you chose? If one team has more members than the other, the auto-balance feature will sometimes move players from team to team to keep the game competitive.

You can track your status and that of your team in the scoreboard. Toggle it on and off by pressing ${altstart}. The number of players on each team and rounds won are displayed at the top. Player names are listed under their teams. A skull icon marks dead players in the status column. You can also track score, kills, and deaths here.

Your score is based on your individual and team-oriented skills. Staying with your team, providing cover fire, and aiding in the completion of mission objectives awards score. Shooting teammates or hostages deducts it.

Steam achievements, stats, awards and leaderboard rankings help you gauge your personal performance.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "ESCOLHER UMA EQUIPA
Antes de começares a jogar, tens de escolher a tua equipa: Contra-Terrorista ou Terrorista. A opção \"Auto-Selecionar\" coloca-te aleatoriamente numa das equipas. Não foste parar na equipa que escolheste? Se uma equipa tem mais membros que a outra, o balanceamento automático de equipas irá por vezes mover os jogadores de uma equipa para a outra, de forma a manter o jogo competitivo.

Podes sempre seguir o teu estado e o da tua equipa na tabela de pontuações. Ativa-a ou desativa-a ao premir ${altstart}. O número de jogadores em cada equipa e o de rondas ganha é mostrado no topo. O nome dos jogadores é mostrado por baixo das equipas respetivas. Um ícone de uma caveira indica os jogadores mortes na coluna de estado. Podes também seguir os pontos, os abates e as mortes aqui.

A tua pontuação é baseada nas tuas capacidades individuais e de trabalho de equipa. Ficar com a tua equipa, dar fogo de cobertura ou ajudar na realização de objetivos concede pontuação. Disparar contra companheiros de equipa ou reféns reduz a mesma.

Proezas, estatísticas, medalhas e rankings ajudam-te a medir a tua performance pessoal. Deves estar ligado ao teu perfil de jogador da Playstation Network para alcançar proezas e medalhas, guardar as tuas estatísticas ou registar-te nas tabelas de liderança.
" [$PS3] "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_GettingStartedContents" "CHOOSING A TEAM
Before you jump into the game, you must choose your team: Counter-Terrorist or Terrorist. Hitting auto-select places you randomly on one of the teams. Didn’t end up on the team you chose? If one team has more members than the other, the auto-balance feature will sometimes move players from team to team to keep the game competitive.

You can track your status and that of your team in the scoreboard. Toggle it on and off by pressing ${dpadleft}. The number of players on each team and rounds won are displayed at the top. Player names are listed under their teams. A skull icon marks dead players in the status column. You can also track score, kills, and deaths here.

Your score is based on your individual and team-oriented skills. Staying with your team, providing cover fire, and aiding in the completion of mission objectives awards score. Shooting teammates or hostages deducts it.

Trophies, stats, awards and leaderboard rankings help you gauge your personal performance. You must be signed into your Playstation Network player profile to earn trophies and medals, save your stats, or post to the leaderboards.
" "SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicLabel" "Regras para Jogo Clássico" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_ClassicLabel" "Rules for Classic Game" "SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnline" "Opções de Jogo" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_PlayOnline" "Play Options" "SFUI_HowToPlay_Controls" "Controlos" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Controls" "Controls" "SFUI_HowToPlay_HUD" "HUD" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_HUD" "HUD" "SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents2" " " "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_HUDContents2" " " "SFUI_HowToPlay_Equipment" "Equipamento" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Equipment" "Equipment" "SFUI_HowToPlay_Tactics" "Táticas" "[english]SFUI_HowToPlay_Tactics" "Tactics" "SFUI_CT_Medals_Header" "PRÉMIOS" "[english]SFUI_CT_Medals_Header" "AWARDS" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${dpadright} Tirar o som" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${dpadright} Mute" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${mute} Tirar o som" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Mute" "${mute} Mute" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${dpadright} Repor o som" [$PS3||$X360] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${dpadright} Unmute" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${mute} Repor o som" [$WIN32] "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Navigation_Unmute" "${mute} Unmute" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_dropshadow" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_dropshadow" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_ct_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_playerid_overhead_t_lowhealth" "%s1 %s2" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_lead" "${use} Guiar Refém %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_lead" "${use} Lead Hostage %s1" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_leave" "${use} Parar Refém %s1" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid_use_leave" "${use} Stop Hostage %s1" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_following" "Refém (A seguir %s1) %s2" "[english]SFUIHUD_hostageid_following" "Hostage (Following %s1) %s2" "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Mostrar Gamer Card " [$X360] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Show Gamer Card " "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Mostrar Perfil do Steam" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card" "${north} Show Steam Profile " "SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded" "Alcançaste uma nova classificação!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded" "You've achieved a new rank!" "SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded_multi" "Alcançaste %s1 novas classificações!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_rank_awarded_multi" "You've achieved %s1 new ranks!" "SFUI_WinPanel_rank_name_string" "%s1 (%s2)" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_rank_name_string" "%s1 (%s2)" "SFUI_WinPanel_medal_awarded" "Foste premiado esta ronda!" "[english]SFUI_WinPanel_medal_awarded" "You've earned awards this round!" "SFUI_WinPanelProg_need_in_catagory" "%s1 prémios necessários para a próxima classificação" "[english]SFUI_WinPanelProg_need_in_catagory" "%s1 awards needed for next rank" "SFUI_Medals_Earned_Count" "%d / %d" "[english]SFUI_Medals_Earned_Count" "%d / %d" "SFUI_ToggleConsole" "Alternar Consola" "[english]SFUI_ToggleConsole" "Toggle Console" "SFUI_Close_Buy_menu_on_purchase" "Fechar o Menu de Compra Após a Compra" "[english]SFUI_Close_Buy_menu_on_purchase" "Close Buy Menu After Purchase" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Grenades" "GRANADAS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Grenades" "GRENADES" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Inventory" "Inventário" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Inventory" "Inventory" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration" "PENETRAÇÃO:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration" "PENETRATION:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration_None" "Nenhuma" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Penetration_None" "None" "SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward" "PRÉMIO POR MATAR:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward" "KILL AWARD:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_Default" "Predefinição" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_Default" "Default" "SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_None" "Nenhum" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_KillAward_None" "None" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Cost" "CUSTO:" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Cost" "COST:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Header" "MENU DE COMPRA" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_Header" "BUY MENU" "SFUI_BuyMenu_WeaponClass" "MENU DE SELEÇÃO DE ARMAS" "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_WeaponClass" "SELECT WEAPON MENU" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CanOnlyCarryXGrenades" "Só podes transportar %s1 granadas." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_CanOnlyCarryXGrenades" "You can only carry %s1 grenades." "SFUI_BuyMenu_MaxItemsOfType" "Só podes transportar %s1 deste tipo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_MaxItemsOfType" "You can only carry %s1 of this type." "SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyCarrying" "No inventário atual." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyCarrying" "In current inventory." "SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyPurchased" "Já compraste um nesta ronda." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_AlreadyPurchased" "You already purchased one this round." "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMap" "Não permitido neste tipo de mapa." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMap" "Not allowed on this map type." "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMode" "Não permitido neste modo de jogo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByMode" "Not allowed in this game mode." "SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByTeam" "Não permitido na tua equipa atual." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_NotAllowedByTeam" "Not allowed on your current team." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_kevlar" "Proteção para o corpo contra projéteis e explosivos." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_kevlar" "Body protection against projectiles and explosives." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_incgrenade" "Um dispositivo explosivo e incendiário que cobre o ponto de impacto em chamas durante um curto espaço de tempo." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_incgrenade" "An explosive, incendiary device that covers the point of impact in flames for a short time." "SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_defuser" "Um kit de desativação utilizado para acelerar o processo de desarmamento de bombas." "[english]SFUI_BuyMenu_InfoDescription_defuser" "A bomb defusal kit used to speed up the bomb defusal process." "SFUI_WS_GG_NextWep" "PRÓXIMA ARMA" "[english]SFUI_WS_GG_NextWep" "NEXT WEAPON" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleClient" "A Entrar no Lobby" "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleClient" "Joining Lobby" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleHost" "A Criar Lobby" "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_TitleHost" "Creating Lobby" "SFUI_LobbyPrompt_Text" "Por favor, aguarda..." "[english]SFUI_LobbyPrompt_Text" "Please wait..." "SFUI_Lobby_NewConnectionMessage" "Ligado ao lobby." "[english]SFUI_Lobby_NewConnectionMessage" "Connected to lobby." "SFUI_ClansTotalLabel" " Total" "[english]SFUI_ClansTotalLabel" " Total" "SFUI_LobbyQuit_Title" "Sair do Lobby" "[english]SFUI_LobbyQuit_Title" "Exit Lobby" "SFUI_LobbyQuit_Text" "Tens a certeza que pretendes sair deste lobby online?" "[english]SFUI_LobbyQuit_Text" "Are you sure you want to exit this online lobby?" "SFUI_CreateTeamMultiplayerTitle" "Multi-Jogador em Equipa" "[english]SFUI_CreateTeamMultiplayerTitle" "Team Multiplayer" "SFUI_BYT_TITLE" "CRIAR A TUA EQUIPA" "[english]SFUI_BYT_TITLE" "BUILD YOUR TEAM" "SFUI_LOBBYTITLE" "LOBBY" "[english]SFUI_LOBBYTITLE" "LOBBY" "SFUI_CLAN" "CLÃS" "[english]SFUI_CLAN" "CLANS" "SFUI_LOBBYLEADER" "%s1 (Líder)" "[english]SFUI_LOBBYLEADER" "%s1 (Leader)" "SFUI_Invite" "Convidar" "[english]SFUI_Invite" "Invite" "SFUI_Lobby_ShowChat" "Chat" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ShowChat" "Chat" "SFUI_Lobby_HideChat" "Ocultar" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_HideChat" "Hide" "SFUI_ClanList" "Lista de Clãs" "[english]SFUI_ClanList" "Clan List" "SFUI_CallToArms" "Chamada Às Armas" "[english]SFUI_CallToArms" "Call To Arms" "SFUI_ExpandClan" "Expandir Clã" "[english]SFUI_ExpandClan" "Expand Clan" "SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "Expulsar" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_KickButton" "Kick" "SFUI_Lobby_QuickMatchButton" "Partida Rápida" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_QuickMatchButton" "Quick Match" "SFUI_Lobby_CustomMatchButton" "Partida Personalizada" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_CustomMatchButton" "Custom Match" "SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_ListenServerDisabled" "O lobby foi encerrado e tu foste desligado." "[english]SFUI_LobbyDisconnectError_ListenServerDisabled" "The lobby has been shut down and you have been disconnected." "SFUI_Lobby_Quickmatch" "Padrão (Partida Rápida)" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_Quickmatch" "Default (Quick Match)" "SFUI_Lobby_NoFriendsOnline" "Nenhum Amigo Online" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_NoFriendsOnline" "No Friends Online" "SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriends" "Convidar Amigos..." "[english]SFUI_Lobby_InviteFriends" "Invite Friends..." "SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatch" "Público" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_PublicMatch" "Public Match" "SFUI_Lobby_ClanPreferredMatch" "Preferência: Clã" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClanPreferredMatch" "Clan-Preferred" "SFUI_Lobby_ClanOnlyMatch" "Apenas Clã" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_ClanOnlyMatch" "Clan-Only" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusInvited" "Convidado" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusInvited" "Invited" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusInGame" "A Jogar" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusInGame" "In-Game" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusPlayingCSGO" "A Jogar CS:GO" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusPlayingCSGO" "Playing CS:GO" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusOnline" "Online" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusOnline" "Online" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusSnooze" "A Dormir" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusSnooze" "Snooze" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusBusy" "Ocupado" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusBusy" "Busy" "SFUI_Lobby_StatusAway" "Ausente" "[english]SFUI_Lobby_StatusAway" "Away" "SFUI_LBoard_Device" "CONTROLOS" "[english]SFUI_LBoard_Device" "INPUT TYPE" "SFUI_LBDevice_LS" "${lshoulder}" "[english]SFUI_LBDevice_LS" "${lshoulder}" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Fechar ${confirm} Mostrar Gamercard ${dpad} Navegar na Lista" [$X360] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Close ${confirm} Show Gamer Card ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Fechar ${confirm} Mostrar Perfil Steam ${dpad} Navegar na Lista" [$WIN32||$OSX] "[english]SFUI_Leaderboards_Navigation" "${cancel} Close ${confirm} Show Steam Profile ${dpad} Navigate List" "SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_WorldRanking" "Ranking Mundial Atual" "[english]SFUI_Leaderboard_LB_WorldRanking" "Current World Rankings" "SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AVERAGE_PER_ROUND" "Média Por Ronda" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardHeading_AVERAGE_PER_ROUND" "Average Per Round" "SFUI_Scoreboard_Title" "Pontuações" "[english]SFUI_Scoreboard_Title" "Scoreboard" "SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_KeyboardMouse" "Teclado + Rato" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_KeyboardMouse" "Keyboard + Mouse" "SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_Gamepad" "Controlador" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardDevice_Gamepad" "Controller" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_PSMove" "PlayStation Move" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_PSMove" "PlayStation Move" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Hydra" "Hydra" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Hydra" "Hydra" "SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Sharpshooter" "SharpShooter" "[english]SFUI_LeaderboardFilter_Sharpshooter" "SharpShooter" } }