//-------------------------------------------------------- // // This file contains all the scripted lessons used by // the game instructor. // // // PRIORITY LEVELS // 200 Bomb // 100 Buy // 1 Hints // // NOTE: Zero priority lessons are NOT affected by priority, but NEVER affect priority // 00 // // // // INSTANCE TYPES // // 0 = multiple lessons of same type can be open at once // 1 = only one of each lesson type can be open at once // 2 = replace lesson of the same type and "replace_key" at a fixed amount "fixed_instances_max" // 3 = only one instance will display at a time (but all instances will be open) // // // FLAGS (use these to build an integer) // //#define LOCATOR_ICON_FX_NONE 0x00000000 //#define LOCATOR_ICON_FX_PULSE_SLOW 0x00000001 //#define LOCATOR_ICON_FX_PULSE_FAST 0x00000002 //#define LOCATOR_ICON_FX_PULSE_URGENT 0x00000004 // // // CAPTION COLOR - supply a string in the format "rrr,ggg,bbb" ex. "255,255,255" for white // //WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN = -1 //WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE = 0 //WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL = 1 //WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN = 2 //WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE = 3 //WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN = 4 //WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE = 5 //WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN = 6 //WEAPONTYPE_C4 = 7 //WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE = 8 // // // TEAM 2 = TERRORIST // TEAM 3 = COUNTER-TERRORIST // *********************************************** // If you add / remove a lesson, you need to // mimic the change in inc_gameinstructor_lessons.inc // ************************************************ "instructor_lessons" { "version number" { "priority" "0" "success_limit" "1" // increase this number to force a reset counts for everyone } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player hurt! Hide lessons when player is being assaulted. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "playerhurt bumper" { "Priority" "999" "instance_type" "1" "timeout" "5" "no_icon_target" "1" "start_sound" "" "open" { "player_hurt" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player local_player" } } } "playershoot bumper" { "replace_key" "hint" "priority" "999" "instance_type" "1" "timeout" "2" "no_icon_target" "1" "start_sound" "" "open" { "weapon_fire" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player local_player" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Buymenu open bumper. Hide lessons when buymenu is open. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "buymenu bumper" { "priority" "999" "instance_type" "1" "timeout" "15" "no_icon_target" "1" "start_sound" "" "open" { "buymenu_open" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player local_player" } } "close" { "buymenu_close" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player local_player" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Press B to open the Buy Menu! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_buymenu" { "priority" "800" "instance_type" "1" "binding" "buymenu" "gamepad_binding" "+use;+use_or_reload" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_buymenu" "success_limit" "1" "timeout" "45" "open" { "enter_buyzone" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player local_player" "integer1 set" "bool canbuy" "integer1 is" "int 1" "void !round state is" "int 2" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "buytime_ended" { } "buymenu_open" { "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" } "exit_buyzone" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pro tip: Buy armor! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_buyarmor" { "priority" "800" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_buyarmor" "success_limit" "1" "prereq" "csgo_instr_explain_buymenu" "open" { "enter_buyzone" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player local_player" "void game mode is" "int 1" "integer1 set" "bool canbuy" "integer1 is" "int 1" "void !round state is" "int 2" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "buymenu_open" { "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" } "exit_buyzone" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // You're at the Bomb Site; Plant The Bomb! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_plant_bomb" { "priority" "500" "instance_type" "1" "binding" "+use" "gamepad_binding" "+use;+use_or_reload" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_plant_bomb" "success_limit" "1" "open" { "enter_bombzone" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "local_player team is" "int 2" "void round state is" "int 1" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all "visible set" "int 0" } "bomb_abortplant" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "local_player team is" "int 2" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all "visible set" "int 0" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_planted" { "void scope in" "void" "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" "void scope out" "void" } "bomb_beginplant" { "local_player is" "player userid" "visible set" "int 0" "integer1 set" "int 1" "integer1 is" "int 0" } "exit_bombzone" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } "update" { "-- not have bomb" { "local_player !weapon has" "string weapon_c4" "visible set" "int 0" } "-- have bomb" { "local_player weapon has" "string weapon_c4" "visible set" "int 1" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // You Have The Bomb! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_bomb_carrier" { "priority" "200" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_bomb_carrier" "timeout" "3" "display_limit" "1" "open" { "round_freeze_end" { "icon_target set" "player local_player" "local_player team is" "int 2" "visible set" "int 0" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_beginplant" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } "update" { "bomb dropped" { "local_player !weapon has" "string weapon_c4" "visible set" "int 0" } "buymenu open" { "void is buymenu open" "int 1" "visible set" "integer 0" } "buymenu not open" { "void is buymenu open" "int 0" "visible set" "integer 1" } "bomb pickup" { "local_player weapon has" "string weapon_c4" "visible set" "integer 1" } } } //////////////// // NAV TO BOMBSITE ///////////////// "bomb_sites_A" { "priority" "11" "instance_type" "0" "onscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "offscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "caption" "#csgo_instr_nav_bomb_siteA" "range" "900.0" "show_when_occluded" "1" "allow_nodraw_target" "1" "force_caption" "1" "timeout" "8" "display_limit" "1" "open" { "entity_visible" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity subject" "string1 set" "string classname" "string1 is" "string info_bomb_target_hint_A" "local_player weapon has" "string weapon_c4" "void !round state is" "int 2" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_defused" { } "bomb_planted" { } "bomb_dropped" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } "update" { "-- default" { "visible set" "integer 0" } "-- near" { "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 900.00" "visible set" "integer 1" } } } "bomb_sites_B" { "priority" "11" "instance_type" "0" "onscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "offscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "caption" "#csgo_instr_nav_bomb_siteB" "range" "900.0" "show_when_occluded" "1" "allow_nodraw_target" "1" "force_caption" "1" "timeout" "8" "display_limit" "1" "open" { "entity_visible" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity subject" "string1 set" "string classname" "string1 is" "string info_bomb_target_hint_B" "local_player weapon has" "string weapon_c4" "void !round state is" "int 2" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_defused" { } "bomb_planted" { } "bomb_dropped" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } "update" { "-- default" { "visible set" "integer 0" } "-- near" { "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 900.00" "visible set" "integer 1" } } } //-------------------------------------------------------- // explain how to defuse bomb //-------------------------------------------------------- "defuse_planted_bomb" { "priority" "500" "instance_type" "1" "display_limit" "1" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "offscreen_icon" "icon_alert_red" "caption" "#csgo_instr_defuse_planted_bomb" "allow_nodraw_target" "1" "show_when_occluded" "1" "force_caption" "1" "binding" "+use" "gamepad_binding" "+use;+use_or_reload" "open" { "bomb_beep" { "local_player team is" "int 3" "void !game type is" "int 2" //not training "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all "entity1 set" "entity entindex" "icon_target set" "entity entity1" "void !round state is" "int 2" "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 700.00" //"visible set" "integer 0" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_defused" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "bomb_begindefuse" { "visible set" "int 0" "integer1 set" "int 0" "integer1 is" "int 1" } "bomb_abortdefuse" { "visible set" "int 1" "integer1 set" "int 0" "integer1 is" "int 1" } } "update" { "-- default" { "visible set" "integer 0" } "-- near" { "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 700.00" "output !less than" "float 200.00" "onscreen_icon set" "string icon_alert_red" "visible set" "integer 1" } "-- near enough to use" { "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 200.00" "onscreen_icon set" "string use_binding" "visible set" "integer 1" } } } //-------------------------------------------------------- // a bomb has been planted. find it. //-------------------------------------------------------- "find_planted_bomb" { "priority" "499" "instance_type" "1" "display_limit" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert_red" "offscreen_icon" "icon_alert_red" "caption" "#csgo_instr_find_planted_bomb" "allow_nodraw_target" "1" "show_when_occluded" "1" "force_caption" "1" "open" { "bomb_beep" { "local_player team is" "int 3" "void !game type is" "int 2" //not training "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all "entity1 set" "player local_player" "icon_target set" "entity entity1" "void !round state is" "int 2" "entity2 set" "entity entindex" "local_player get distance" "entity entity2" "output !less than" "float 700.00" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_defused" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "bomb_begindefuse" { "visible set" "int 0" "integer1 set" "int 0" "integer1 is" "int 1" } "bomb_abortdefuse" { "visible set" "int 1" "integer1 set" "int 0" "integer1 is" "int 1" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Defend the Bomb Carrier! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_follow_bomber" { "priority" "200" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "offscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_follow_bomber" //"allow_nodraw_target" "0" "range" "900" "timeout" "5" "display_limit" "1" "open" { "exit_buyzone" { "local_player !is" "player userid" "local_player team is" "int 2" "entity1 set" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity entity1" "icon_target weapon has" "string weapon_c4" "void !round state is" "int 2" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } "bomb_pickup" { "local_player !is" "player userid" "local_player team is" "int 2" "entity1 set" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity entity1" "void !round state is" "int 2" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } "bomb_beginplant" { "local_player !is" "player userid" "local_player team is" "int 2" "entity1 set" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity entity1" "void !round state is" "int 2" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_planted" { } "bomb_dropped" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "player_team" // player change his team { } } "update" { "buymenu open" { "void is buymenu open" "int 1" "visible set" "integer 0" } "buymenu not open" { "void is buymenu open" "int 0" "visible set" "integer 1" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pick Up the Bomb ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_pickup_bomb" { "priority" "200" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "offscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_pickup_bomb" //"allow_nodraw_target" "1" //"range" "1500" "show_when_occluded" "0" // "timeout" "5" "display_limit" "1" "icon_offset" "0" "open" { "bomb_dropped" { "local_player team is" "int 2" "entity1 set" "entity entindex" "icon_target set" "entity entity1" "void !round state is" "int 2" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_pickup" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } "update" { "-- default" { "visible set" "integer 0" } "-- near" { "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 1500.00" "visible set" "integer 1" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Defend the Bomb as a CT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_prevent_bomb_pickup" { "priority" "200" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "offscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_prevent_bomb_pickup" //"allow_nodraw_target" "1" "range" "1000" "timeout" "5" "show_when_occluded" "0" "display_limit" "1" "icon_offset" "0" "open" { "bomb_dropped" { "local_player team is" "int 3" "entity1 set" "entity entindex" "icon_target set" "entity entity1" "void !round state is" "int 2" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_pickup" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Defend the Planted Bomb ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_defend_bomb" { "priority" "201" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "offscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_defend_bomb" "allow_nodraw_target" "1" "range" "2000" "timeout" "10" "display_limit" "1" "open" { "bomb_planted" { "local_player team is" "int 2" "entity1 set" "entity entindex" "icon_target set" "entity entity1" "void !round state is" "int 2" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "bomb_defused" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // You Have The Defuse Kit! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "Csgo_instr_explain_defuse_kit_carrier" { "Priority" "100" "Instance_type" "1" "Onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "Caption" "#Csgo_instr_explain_defuse_kit_carrier" "timeout" "8" "display_limit" "1" "//open" { "round_freeze_end" { "local_player team is" "int 3" "local_player has defuser" "int 1" "icon_target set" "player local_player" } } "Close" { "Bomb_begindefuse" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "Player_death" { "Local_player Is" "Player userid" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // How to cycle weapons ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "Csgo_cycle_weapons_kb" { "Priority" "30" "Instance_type" "1" "Onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "Only_keyboard" "1" "binding" "invnext;invprev" "gamepad_binding" "invnextgun;invnext;invprev" "Caption" "#csgo_cycle_weapons_kb" "timeout" "5" "success_limit" "1" "Open" { "round_freeze_end" { "Icon_target Set" "Player local_player" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "Close" { "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" } } } "Csgo_cycle_weapons_gp" { "Priority" "30" "Instance_type" "1" "Onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "Only_gamepad" "1" "binding" "invnextnongrenade" "gamepad_binding" "invnextgun;invnext;invprev" "Caption" "#csgo_cycle_weapons_gp" "timeout" "5" "success_limit" "1" "Open" { "round_freeze_end" { "Icon_target Set" "Player local_player" "void has multiple weapons" "void" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "Close" { "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" "integer1 set" "short weptype" "integer1 less than" "int 7" "void success" "void" } } } "Csgo_switch_to_items_gp" { "Priority" "28" "Instance_type" "1" "Onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "Only_gamepad" "1" "Binding" "invnextitem;invnextgun" "gamepad_binding" "invnextitem;invnextgun" "Caption" "#csgo_switch_to_items_gp" "timeout" "5" "success_limit" "1" "integer2" "0" "Open" { "round_freeze_end" { "void has any items" "void" "local_player !weapon is" "int 0" // knife "local_player !weapon is" "int 7" // c4 "local_player !weapon is" "int 8" // grenade "Icon_target set" "Player local_player" } } "Close" // on knife { "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" "integer1 set" "short weptype" "integer1 is" "int 0" //WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN = -1 //WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE = 0 //WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL = 1 //WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN = 2 //WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE = 3 //WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN = 4 //WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE = 5 //WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN = 6 //WEAPONTYPE_C4 = 7 //WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE = 8 "void success" "void" } } "Close" // on items other than knife { "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" "integer1 set" "short weptype" "integer1 !less than" "int 7" "void success" "void" } } } "Csgo_cycle_items_gp" { "Priority" "28" "Instance_type" "1" "Onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "Only_gamepad" "1" "Binding" "invnextitem;invnextgun" "gamepad_binding" "invnextitem;invnextgun" "Caption" "#csgo_cycle_items_gp" "timeout" "5" "success_limit" "1" "integer1" "-2" "integer2" "0" "visible" "0" "Open" { "round_freeze_end" { "void has multiple items" "void" "Icon_target set" "Player local_player" "visible set" "int 0" } } "Close" // psych! Really an 'open' aka 'visible set 1.' { "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" "integer1 set" "short weptype" "integer1 !less than" "int 7" //WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN = -1 //WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE = 0 //WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL = 1 //WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN = 2 //WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE = 3 //WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN = 4 //WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE = 5 //WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN = 6 //WEAPONTYPE_C4 = 7 //WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE = 8 "visible set" "int 1" "integer2 is" "int 1" } "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" "integer1 set" "short weptype" "integer1 is" "int 0" "visible set" "int 1" "integer2 is" "int 1" } "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" "integer1 !is" "int -2" "integer1 set" "short weptype" "integer1 !less than" "int 7" "void success" "void" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Hold F to inspect your weapon! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_inspect" { "instance_type" "1" "replace_key" "hint" "priority" "5" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_inspect" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "binding" "+lookatweapon" "gamepad_binding" "+lookatweapon" "success_limit" "2" "integer2" "1" "open" { "item_equip" { "integer2 is" "int 1" "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "integer1 set" "bool ispainted" "integer1 is" "int 1" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "close" { "inspect_weapon" { "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" "visible set" "int 0" "integer2 set" "int 0" "integer2 is" "int 1" } "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" "integer2 is" "int 1" "integer1 set" "bool ispainted" "integer1 !is" "int 1" "visible set" "int 0" } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Press Attack2 to detach or attach silencer! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "csgo_instr_explain_silencer" // { // "instance_type" "1" // "replace_key" "hint" // "priority" "10" // "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_silencer" // "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" // "binding" "+attack2" // "gamepad_binding" "+attack2;+firingmodetoggle" // "success_limit" "1" // "integer2" "1" // // "open" // { // "item_equip" // { // "integer2 is" "int 1" // "local_player is" "player userid" // "icon_target set" "player userid" // "integer1 set" "bool hassilencer" // "integer1 is" "int 1" // } // } // // "close" // { // "silencer_detach" // { // "local_player is" "player userid" // "void success" "void" // "visible set" "int 0" // "integer2 set" "int 0" // "integer2 is" "int 1" // } // // "item_equip" // { // "local_player is" "player userid" // "integer2 is" "int 1" // "integer1 set" "bool hassilencer" // "integer1 !is" "int 1" // "visible set" "int 0" // } // // "player_death" // { // "local_player is" "player userid" // } // } // } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Press Attack2 to zoom! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_zoom" { "instance_type" "1" "replace_key" "hint" "replace_only_when_stopped" "1" "priority" "10" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_zoom" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "binding" "+attack2" "gamepad_binding" "+attack2;+zoom" "success_limit" "1" "integer2" "1" "open" { "item_equip" { "integer2 is" "int 1" "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "integer1 set" "bool canzoom" "integer1 is" "int 1" } } "close" { "weapon_zoom" { "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" "visible set" "int 0" "integer2 set" "int 0" "integer2 is" "int 1" } "weapon_zoom_rifle" { "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" "visible set" "int 0" "integer2 set" "int 0" "integer2 is" "int 1" } "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" "integer2 is" "int 1" "integer1 set" "bool canzoom" "integer1 !is" "int 1" "visible set" "int 0" } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Press R to reload! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_reload" { "instance_type" "1" "priority" "999" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_reload" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "binding" "+reload" "gamepad_binding" "+reload;+use_or_reload" "integer2" "10" "display_limit" "1" "success_limit" "1" "open" { "weapon_fire" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "void !game type is" "int 2" // NOT training "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all "local_player clip percentage less than" "float 50" "local_player !clip percentage less than" "float 1" } } "close" { "weapon_reload" { "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" } "weapon_fire" { "local_player is" "player userid" "local_player clip percentage less than" "float 10" } "item_pickup" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "item_equip" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } // "update" // { // "-- timer" // { // "integer2 subtract" "int 1" // "integer2 is" "int 0" // "visible set" "int 0" // } // } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HOSTAGE RESCUE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTs "csgo_use_hostage_follow" { "priority" "20" "instance_type" "3" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "offscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_use_hostage_follow" "range" "400.0" "force_caption" "1" "icon_offset" "-10" "allow_nodraw_target" "1" "display_limit" "1" "success_limit" "1" "integer2" "0" // var to test against to keep lesson open "integer1" "int 0" "timeout" "5" "open" { "entity_visible" { "local_player is" "player userid" "local_player team is" "int 3" //CT "icon_target set" "entity subject" "string1 set" "string classname" "string1 is" "string info_hostage_spawn" "entity1 set" "entity subject" "void !round state is" "int 2" "visible set" "int 0" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } "hostage_follows" { "icon_target set" "entity hostage" // hostage entity index "integer1 set" "int 1" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "hostage_follows" { "icon_target is" "entity hostage" // hostage entity index "integer1 set" "int 1" } "hostage_killed" { "icon_target is" "entity hostage" // hostage entity index } "hostage_rescued" { "icon_target is" "entity hostage" // hostage entity index } } "update" { "-- default" { "visible set" "int 0" } "-- near, not following" { "icon_target is" "entity entity1" // hostage entity index "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 400.00" "integer1 is" "int 0" "visible set" "int 1" } } } "csgo_hostage_lead_to_hrz" { "priority" "15" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "offscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_hostage_lead_to_hrz" "range" "400.0" "force_caption" "1" "timeout" "5" "success_limit" "1" "display_limit" "1" "open" { "hostage_follows" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "hostage_rescued" { "icon_target is" "entity hostage" // hostage entity index "void success" "void" } } } "csgo_instr_rescue_zone" { "priority" "1" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "offscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_instr_rescue_zone" "range" "600.0" "show_when_occluded" "1" "allow_nodraw_target" "1" "force_caption" "1" "display_limit" "1" "open" { "entity_visible" { "local_player is" "player userid" "local_player team is" "int 3" //CT "icon_target set" "entity subject" "string1 set" "string classname" "string1 is" "string info_hostage_rescue_zone_hint" "void !round state is" "int 2" "integer1 set" "int 0" "integer2 set" "int 0" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "close" { "hostage_follows" { "local_player is" "player userid" // player who touched the hostage "integer1 set" "int 1" "integer2 is" "int 1" // always false } "hostage_stops_following" { "local_player is" "player userid" // player who touched the hostage "integer1 set" "int 0" "integer2 is" "int 1" // always false } "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } "update" { "-- default" { "visible set" "integer 0" } "-- near, hostages following" { "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 600.00" "integer1 is" "int 1" "visible set" "int 1" } "-- near, hostages not following" { "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 600.00" "integer1 is" "int 0" "visible set" "int 0" } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ts "csgo_prevent_hostage_rescue" { "priority" "11" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "offscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "caption" "#csgo_prevent_hostage_rescue" "range" "400.0" "force_caption" "1" "timeout" "5" "display_limit" "1" "open" { "entity_visible" { "local_player is" "player userid" "local_player team is" "int 2" //T "icon_target set" "entity subject" "string1 set" "string classname" "string1 is" "string info_hostage_spawn" "void !round state is" "int 2" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "hostage_killed" { "icon_target is" "entity hostage" // hostage entity index } "hostage_rescued" { "icon_target is" "entity hostage" // hostage entity index } } } ////// TRAINING MAP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // You're at the Bomb Site; Plant The Bomb! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "tr_explain_plant_bomb" { "priority" "999" "instance_type" "1" "binding" "+use" "gamepad_binding" "+use;+use_or_reload" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_plant_bomb" "success_limit" "1" "open" { "enter_bombzone" { "void game type is" "int 2" //training "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "visible set" "int 0" } "bomb_abortplant" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "local_player team is" "int 2" "visible set" "int 0" "void !game type is" "int 6" //not free for all } } "close" { "bomb_planted" { "void scope in" "void" "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" "void scope out" "void" } "bomb_beginplant" { "local_player is" "player userid" "visible set" "int 0" "integer1 set" "int 1" "integer1 is" "int 0" } "exit_bombzone" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } "update" { "-- have bomb" { "void game type is" "int 2" "local_player weapon has" "string weapon_c4" "visible set" "int 1" } "-- not have bomb" { "void game type is" "int 2" "local_player !weapon has" "string weapon_c4" "visible set" "int 0" } } } //////////////////////////////////////// // ARSENAL MODE ///////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_notify_level" { "priority" "999" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "caption" "#csgo_instr_notify_level" "success_limit" "1" "timeout" "1" "//open" { "ggprogressive_player_levelup" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "visible set" "int 1" } } } "csgo_instr_notify_level_dem" { "priority" "999" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "caption" "#csgo_instr_notify_level" "success_limit" "1" "timeout" "1" "open" { "ggtr_player_levelup" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "visible set" "int 1" } } } "csgo_instr_notify_earned_nade" { "priority" "999" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "caption" "#csgo_instr_notify_earned_nade" "success_limit" "1" "timeout" "1" "open" { "gg_bonus_grenade_achieved" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "visible set" "int 1" } } } "csgo_instr_notify_amar_knife" { "priority" "999" "instance_type" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "caption" "#csgo_instr_notify_amar_knife" "success_limit" "1" "timeout" "5" "open" { "gg_final_weapon_achieved" { "void game type is" "int 1" "void game mode is" "int 0" "local_player is" "player playerid" "icon_target set" "player playerid" "visible set" "int 1" } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SURVIVAL MODE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_ammo_refill" { "priority" "500" "instance_type" "0" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "binding" "+use" "gamepad_binding" "+use;+use_or_reload" "range" "600" "force_caption" "1" "success_limit" "1" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "entity_visible" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity subject" "string1 set" "string classname" "string1 is" "string prop_ammo_box_generic" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "ammo_refill" { "local_player is" "player userid" "integer1 set" "bool success" "integer1 is" "int 1" "void success" "void" } } "update" { "-- default" { "visible set" "int 0" } "-- near with valid active weapon" { // check distance "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 600" // check weapon type "local_player get active weapon" "int 1" // store handle in entity1 "entity1 get weapon type" "void" // store type int output // WeaponIsBallistic "output !less than" "int 1" // >= 1 "output less than" "int 7" // < 7 "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_explain_ammo_refill" "visible set" "int 1" } "-- near with invalid active weapon" { // check distance "local_player get distance" "entity icon_target" "output less than" "float 600" // check weapon type "local_player get active weapon" "int 1" // store handle in entity1 "entity1 get weapon type" "void" // store type int output // !WeaponIsBallistic "integer1 set" "int 0" // existing crappy way of doing OR "void scope in" "void" "output less than" "int 1" // < 1 "integer1 set" "int 1" "void scope out" "void" "void scope in" "void" "output !less than" "int 7" // >= 7 "integer1 set" "int 1" "void scope out" "void" // check result "integer1 is" "int 1" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_explain_ammo_refill_select_gun" "visible set" "int 1" "void scope in" "void" "local_player !has weapon in slot" "int 0" // primary "local_player !has weapon in slot" "int 1" // secondary "visible set" "int 0" "void scope out" "void" } } } "csgo_instr_explain_ammo_refill_failed" { "priority" "500" "instance_type" "1" "force_caption" "1" "timeout" "3" "onscreen_icon" "icon_alert" "caption" "#csgo_instr_explain_ammo_refill_failed" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "ammo_refill" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "integer1 set" "bool success" "integer1 is" "int 0" } } } //"csgo_instr_use_tablet_to_track_enemy" //{ // "priority" "500" // "instance_type" "1" // // "caption" "#csgo_instr_use_tablet_to_track_enemy" // // "display_limit" "1" // "timeout" "5" // "usable_in_midair" "1" // // "no_icon_target" "1" // // "open" // { // "item_equip" // { // "local_player is" "player userid" // "icon_target set" "player userid" // // "string1 set" "string item" // "string1 is" "string tablet" // the event passes item name without "weapon_" // } // } // // "close" // { // "round_end" // { // } // // "player_death" // { // "local_player is" "player userid" // } // } //} "csgo_instr_parachute" { "priority" "500" "instance_type" "1" "caption" "#csgo_instr_parachute" "onscreen_icon" "use_binding" "binding" "+jump" "success_limit" "1" "timeout" "5" "usable_in_midair" "1" "no_icon_target" "1" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "parachute_pickup" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "parachute_deploy" { "local_player is" "player userid" "void success" "void" } } } "csgo_instr_avoid_or_destroy_dronegun" { "priority" "500" "instance_type" "1" "caption" "#csgo_instr_avoid_or_destroy_dronegun" "display_limit" "1" "timeout" "5" "usable_in_midair" "1" "no_icon_target" "1" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "dronegun_attack" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } "csgo_instr_drone_delivery" { "priority" "500" "instance_type" "1" // "display_limit" "1" "timeout" "5" "usable_in_midair" "1" "no_icon_target" "1" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "drone_dispatched" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "integer1 set" "int drone_dispatched" "integer1 !less than" "int 1" // not instant upgrade // set caption base on how the item is delivered "void scope in" "void" "integer1 is" "int 2" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_airdropbeacon_delivery" "void scope out" "void" "void scope in" "void" "integer1 is" "int 1" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_drone_delivery" "void scope out" "void" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } "csgo_instr_view_spply_crate" { "priority" "0" "instance_type" "0" "caption" "#csgo_instr_view_spply_crate" "force_caption" "1" "timeout" "5" "success_limit" "1" "usable_in_midair" "1" "onscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "offscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "loot_crate_visible" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity subject" "string1 set" "string type" "string1 is" "string wood" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "loot_crate_opened" { "local_player is" "player userid" "string2 set" "string type" "string2 is" "string wood" "void success" "void" } } } "csgo_instr_open_crate" { "priority" "0" "instance_type" "2" "force_caption" "1" "timeout" "3" "no_icon_target" "1" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "open_crate_instr" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity subject" "string1 set" "string type" // set caption base on type string "void scope in" "void" "string1 is" "string metal" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_open_metal_crate" "void scope out" "void" "void scope in" "void" "string1 is" "string paradrop" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_open_paradrop_crate" "void scope out" "void" "void scope in" "void" "string1 is" "string wood" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_open_spply_crate" "void scope out" "void" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } "csgo_instr_smoke_beacon_paradrop" { "priority" "0" "instance_type" "0" "caption" "#csgo_instr_smoke_beacon_paradrop" "onscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "offscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "timeout" "30" "force_caption" "1" // this will ignore the max distance away from player "display_limit" "3" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "smoke_beacon_paradrop" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity paradrop" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } "csgo_instr_use_healthshot" { "priority" "0" "instance_type" "1" "caption" "#csgo_instr_use_healthshot" "no_icon_target" "1" "success_limit" "3" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "player_hurt" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" "integer1 set" "string health" "integer1 less than" "int 41" // <= 40 "visible set" "int 0" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } "weapon_fire" { "local_player is" "player userid" "string1 set" "string weapon" "string1 is" "string weapon_healthshot" "void success" "void" } } "update" { "default" { "visible set" "int 0" } "-- save to heal now" { "local_player weapon has" "string weapon_healthshot" "local_player health less than" "int 41" // <= 40 // it's been 5 secs since last injury, save to heal now "local_player get time since last injury" "void" "output !less than" "int 5" "visible set" "int 1" } } } "csgo_instr_pickup_item" { "priority" "500" "instance_type" "1" "no_icon_target" "1" "timeout" "3" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "item_pickup_failed" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" // should we display any of these cases "integer1 set" "short reason" "string1 set" "string item" // set to 1 if valid "integer2 set" "int 0" "void scope in" "void" "integer1 is" "int 4" // ReachedGrenadeTypeLimit // set caption per type "void scope in" "void" "string1 is" "string weapon_healthshot" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_pickup_healthshot" "void scope out" "void" // assume if not healthshot, it's a grenade "void scope in" "void" "string1 !is" "string weapon_healthshot" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_pickup_grenade" "void scope out" "void" "integer2 set" "int 1" "void scope out" "void" // assume only grenade would be valid here "void scope in" "void" "integer1 is" "int 5" // ReachedGrenadeTotalLimit "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_pickup_grenade" "integer2 set" "int 1" "void scope out" "void" // check result, if failed, the instr won't open "integer2 is" "int 1" "caption_param set" "string limit" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } "csgo_instr_drone_cargo_detached" { "priority" "0" "instance_type" "0" "onscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "offscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "show_when_occluded" "1" "force_caption" "1" // this will ignore the max distance away from player "timeout" "5" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "drone_cargo_detached" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity cargo" "integer1 set" "bool delivered" // set caption base on delievered/killed "void scope in" "void" "integer1 is" "int 1" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_drone_delivered" "void scope out" "void" "void scope in" "void" "integer1 is" "int 0" "caption set" "string #csgo_instr_drone_killed" "void scope out" "void" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } "csgo_instr_drone_above_roof" { "priority" "0" "instance_type" "0" "onscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "offscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "show_when_occluded" "1" "force_caption" "1" // this will ignore the max distance away from player "timeout" "5" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "caption" "#csgo_instr_drone_above_roof" "open" { "drone_above_roof" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "entity cargo" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } "csgo_instr_teammate_respawn" { "priority" "500" "instance_type" "1" "caption" "#csgo_instr_teammate_respawn" "onscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "offscreen_icon" "icon_tip" "success_limit" "2" "timeout" "12" "usable_in_midair" "1" "no_icon_target" "1" "start_sound" "Survival.InfoTips" "open" { "survival_teammate_respawn" { "local_player is" "player userid" "icon_target set" "player userid" } } "close" { "round_end" { } "player_death" { "local_player is" "player userid" } } } }